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1、学年高中英语Unit17LaughterSectionWarmupMaking time to laugh can boost (促进) your health. Some researchers believe laughing is good.Burns Calories:Laughing for 10 to 15 minutes raises energy expenditure (花费;消耗), increases heart rate, and can burn up to 40 calories.Causes “Runners High”:Laughing increases en

2、dorphins (内啡肽), reduces stress and strengthens the immune system.Protects Against Heart Disease:Research suggests that a good sense of humour wards off heart attacks. Laughter widens blood vessels so blood flows more freely.Strengthens the Immune System:Stress hormones (荷尔蒙) are reduced during laugh

3、ter, allowing the immune cells to function better. Laughing also promotes an oxygen & carbon dioxide exchange.Helps Kids Tolerate Pain:Cartoons can help children cope with painful procedures, such as needles or to the dentist. Humour helps kids tolerate pain longer.Increases Job Satisfaction:Humour

4、improves communication, creativity and overall performance in the workplace.Improves Counseling Sessions (咨询会):Laughter is thought to be one of the easiest ways that humans signal support and “it is safe to relax here”Improves Classroom Interactions: Humour encourages students discussions and increa

5、ses course enjoyment.Increases Hope and Selfworth (自我价值感):Watching just 15 minutes of a comedy show can relieve worries about health or career. Laughter can replace negative thoughts with positive ones and help formulate (规划,构想) a “plan of attack” for problems. This in turn increases feelings of sel

6、fworth, which makes overcoming obstacles (障碍) even easier.Eliminates (消除) “Us Versus Them” Thinking:Comedy makes us more inclusive (包括的) of others and helps us see the big picture.Unit 17 LaughterSection_Warmup_&_Lesson_1_PrereadingACheck your spelling“Have you ever had trouble trying to spell a wor

7、d?” I asked my husband one day. “Yes, sometimes. Why, what happened?” he asked. “This afternoon, I was in the town centre, where I had been doing some shopping. I suddenly realised I didnt have any money left so I quickly went to the bank to cash a cheque. I wanted to withdraw40 from our bank accoun

8、t, but Im so forgetful that I couldnt remember if 40 was spelled fourty or forty” “What did you do?” my husband asked. “I took out fifty dollars instead.” I said.have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth.做某事有困难where引导定语从句。left adj.剩下的,只作后置定语。remaining adj.剩下的,作前置定语。to cash a cheque为目的状语。cash a cheque兑现

9、支票withdraw/wIdr/vt.提取;撤退account n账户forgetful/fetfl/adj.健忘的instead adv.代替;反而;却instead of代替以上部分译文A检查你的拼写一天,我问丈夫,“你有没有拼写不出单词的时候?”“是的,有时会。呦,怎么了?”他问道。“今天下午我在市中心,我常去那里购物。我突然发现身上没钱了,于是我马上去银行,把支票兑换成现金。我想从我们的银行账户中取出40美元,可是我太健忘了,以至于记不起来40是拼作fourty还是forty了。”丈夫问:“那你是怎么做的?”我答道:“我取了50美元。”BFamily harmonyThe Wang f

10、amily was planning to go on a holiday soon. Mr Wang wanted to know which place would be the most enjoyable for the whole family. He felt his daughter was mature enough and he didnt want to overlook her opinion so he asked her, “If I was going to Hainan Island and your mum was going to Thailand, wher

11、e would you like to go?” She replied, “Hmm . Id like to go to Thailand.” He wondered about her response, and just to clarify, he asked her another question. “Well, if I was going to Thailand and your mum was going to Hainan Island, where would you like to go then?” This time she didnt hesitate, “The

12、n Id like to go to Hainan Island.” Now Mr Wang was puzzled. “But why?” he asked. “Because I went to Thailand on the last trip,” she said.harmony/hmni/n.协调,和谐in harmony with与协调一致/和睦相处go on a holiday去度假on holiday在休假中take a holiday休假mature/mt/adj.成熟的overlook/vlk/vt.忽视wonder v琢磨,想知道wander v漫游,闲逛clarify/

13、klrIfaI/vt.澄清,讲清楚hesitate v犹豫hesitate to do sth.对做某事犹豫不决puzzled adj.困惑的puzzling adj.令人困惑的puzzlement n困惑,迷惘以上部分译文B家庭和睦王先生一家打算不久后去度假。他想知道哪个地方对全家人来说最好玩。他觉得他女儿很成熟了,他不想忽视她的意见,于是问她:“如果我要去海南岛而你妈妈要去泰国,那么你想去哪里?”她回答说:“嗯我想去泰国。”他对她的回答感到奇怪,为了弄清楚,他问了她另外一个问题:“哦,如果我要去泰国而你妈妈要去海南岛,那么你想去哪里呢?”这次她没有犹豫:“我想去海南岛。”王先生当时感到很迷

14、惑。“但是为什么呢?”他问道。“因为我在上次的旅行中去过泰国了。”她回答道。C Memory lossHeavy snow last winter caused long delays at Heathrow airport. One afternoon, hundreds of unlucky passengers who had been expecting to board a flight to New York were told it had been cancelled. One unfortunate counter agent was dealing with all the

15、 passengers when an angry man, who had been queuing for some time, pushed his way to the front. “I want a first class seat on this flight, now!” demanded the man angrily. The young agent replied politely, “Im sorry sir, but I cant ignore these people. They were here first. If you could wait your tur

16、n, Ill see what I can do.” This did not please the man. He yelled at the young girl, so that the passengers waiting in line behind him could hear, “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?” The girl smiled, stood up and spoke loudly, “Attention please! We have a passenger here WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS. If anyone ca

17、n help him find his identification, please come to the gate.”,cause vt.引起,导致delay/dIleI/n.延误,延期delay v推迟delay/put off doing sth.推迟做某事expect vt.预料,期望;等待unfortunate adj.不幸的,倒霉的counter/kant/n.柜台agent/eIdnt/n.代理人,经销商deal with处理,对付queue/kju/vi.排队demand v要求please v使满意;使愉快yell/jel/vi.叫喊,叫嚷wait in line排队so

18、that引导目的状语从句;waiting .为现在分词短语作定语。三个并列谓语。identification/aIdentIfIkeIn/n.身份identity card身份证以上部分译文C失忆去年冬天的大雪导致希思罗机场的航班长时间延误。一天下午,几百名运气不佳的乘客被告知,他们一直等候的飞往纽约的航班被取消了。一名倒霉的柜台工作人员正忙着应付所有乘客。这时一位排队等了一段时间的怒气冲冲的男士挤上前来。他气急败坏地要求:“我要一张这个航班的头等舱票,现在就要!”那名年轻的工作人员礼貌地答道:“对不起,先生,我不能忽略这些人。他们先到这儿的。如果您能等到轮到您时,我会帮您的。”这并没有让那位

19、男士高兴。他大声冲这个年轻女孩叫喊以便让在后面排队的人都能听到:“你知道我是谁吗?”女孩微笑着站起来,大声说:“请注意!这里有位乘客不知道自己是谁。如果有人能帮他识别他的身份,请到登机口。” PrereadingPlease match the words with their proper meanings.1delayAto make sb. laugh or smile2amuse Bto make sth. clearer or easier to understand3overlook Cnot to do sth. until a later time4ridiculous Dve

20、ry silly or unreasonable5agent Eto fail to see or notice6withdraw Fa person whose job is to manage the affairs of other people in business, politics, etc.7response Gto move back or away from a place or situation8queue Hthe line that divides two countries or areas9clarify Ia spoken or written answer1

21、0border Jto wait in a line of people in order to do sth.15_610_答案:15CAEDF610GIJBHLeadin Please look at the following comedians and write down their names. Who do you think is the funniest and why?参考答案:Deng_Chao_Rowan_Atkinson_Charlie_Chaplin_Xu_ZhengI_think_Mr_Bean/Rowan_Atkinson_is_the_funniest,_be

22、cause_he_can_make_us_laugh_and_feel_relaxed_at_any_time.WhilereadingFastreadingScan the stories and choose the proper titles for them.Story A1.Family harmonyStory B 2.Memory lossStory C 3.Check your spelling答案:Story A3Story B1Story C2Carefulreading()Read the anecdotes carefully and choose the best a

23、nswer.1Why did the woman write a cheque for fifty dollars?AShe forgot how to spell 40 in English.BShe often withdraws $50 from the bank.CHer husband wanted to cash a cheque for her.DHer husband couldnt remember if 40 was spelled “fourty” or “forty”2What happened at last in anecdote A?AHer husband to

24、ok out $50.BHer husband made a joke with her.CShe withdrew fifty dollars instead.DShe had to go home to get some help.3Why did Mr Wang ask his daughter about her opinions of going on a holiday?AHe wanted to get his daughter to go with him, not his wife.BHe thought that his daughter was a mature girl

25、, and wanted to hear her own opinion.CHe had gone to Hainan Island.DHe had gone to Thailand.4Why did the man say “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?”AHe wanted to persuade the counter to give him back the money.BHe wanted to get the counter to realize that he was a very important person, and she could take care

26、of him first.CThe man came here first.DThe man was not the first to come.答案:14ACBB()Fill in the chart with the information in the text.Funny story (A)How to (1)withdraw money while you cant spell the word of “money number”When I went to the bank to cash a cheque, Im so (2) forgetful that I couldnt r

27、emember how to spell the word.So I took out another number of money.Funny story (B)Where to spend holidayMr Wang felt his daughter was (3) mature enough and he didnt want to (4) overlook her opinion.Mr Wang wondered about his daughters (5) response,and just to (6) clarify,_he asked her another quest

28、ion.Funny story (C)Do you know who I am?Heavy snow last winter caused long (7) delays at Heathrow airport.One agent was angrily demanded by a man who had been (8) queuing for some time.The young agent smiled and asked the passengers (9) waiting in line who could help the man to find his (10) identif

29、ication.StudyreadingAnalyze the following difficult sentences in the text.1I suddenly realised I didnt have any money left so I quickly went to the bank to cash a cheque.句式分析尝试翻译我突然发现身上没钱了,于是我马上去银行,把支票兑换成现金。2I wanted to withdraw 40 from our bank account, but Im so forgetful that I couldnt remember i

30、f 40 was spelled fourty or forty句式分析尝试翻译我想从我们的银行账户中取出40美元,可是我太健忘了,以至于记不起来40是拼作“fourty”还是“forty”。3One unfortunate counter agent was dealing with all the passengers when an angry man, who had been queuing for some time, pushed his way to the front.句式分析be doing . when .表示“正在做这时(突然)”。when为并列连词。who had b

31、een queuing for some time 是定语从句修饰an angry man。尝试翻译一名倒霉的柜台工作人员正忙着应付所有乘客,这时一位排队等了一段时间的怒气冲冲的男士挤上前来。4He yelled at the young girl, so that the passengers waiting in line behind him could hear,“DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?”句式分析so that意为“以便,为了”,引导目的状语从句。现在分词短语waiting in line .作定语,修饰passengers。尝试翻译他大声冲这个年轻女孩叫喊以便让后面排队的人都能听到,“你知道我是谁吗

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