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1、最新高中英语语法全英详解无水印体现市民生活质量状况的指标-恩格尔系数,上海也从1995年的53.4%下降到了2003年的37.2%,虽然与恩格尔系数多在20%以下的发达国家相比仍有差距,但按照联合国粮农组织的划分,表明上海消费已开始进入富裕状态(联合国粮农组织曾依据恩格尔系数,将恩格尔系数在40%-50%定为小康水平的消费,20%-40%定为富裕状态的消费)。图1-1大学生月生活费分布10元以下 1050元 50100元 100元以上十几年的学校教育让我们大学生掌握了足够的科学文化知识,深韵的文化底子为我们创业奠定了一定的基础。特别是在大学期间,我们学到的不单单是书本知识,假期的打工经验也帮了

2、大忙。新材料手工艺品。目前,国际上传统的金银、仿金银制成饰品的销售在逐步下降,与此形成鲜明对比的是,数年以前兴起的崇尚然风格、追求个性的自制饰品-即根据自己的创意将各种材质的饰珠,用皮、布、金属等线材串出的品,正在各国的女性中大行其道。经常光顾 偶尔会去 不会去(一)大学生的消费购买能力分析1、你一个月的零用钱大约是多少?在大学生对DIY手工艺品价位调查中,发现有46% 的女生认为在十元以下的价位是可以接受;48% 的认为在10-15元;6% 的则认为50-100元能接受。如图1-2所示5、你认为一件DIY手工艺制品在什么价位可以接受?必修一语法点一:Be+v.ing表将来 use the p

3、resent continuous tense for future plansIn English, we have lots of ways of talking about the future. The most common ways of talking about the future we encounter use will or be going to followed by an infinitive(动词原形), and we tend to use be going to most often for talking about future plans. Somet

4、imes, we also use the present continuous tense to talk about future plans. Ex. we are going to Mexico next Sunday. Are you coming to the cinema? He is leaving for London in two hours. We are spending next winter in Australia.Only some verbs can be used in this situation, such as: go, arrive, come, l

5、eave, start, stay, return, play, have, work, wear, spend, see, meet, etc.扩展:Whats the difference between using be going to and the present continuous to talk about future plans? Lets look at some more examples:“Im going to play football on Saturday”You have made a plan in your head but possibly not

6、taken any real action to confirm it. Also, playing football on Saturday is probably not a regular event for you.“Im playing football on Saturday”You have made a plan and taken some real action to confirm it (e.g. called your friends or booked a place to play). In this case, its likely that playing f

7、ootball on Saturdays is a common activity for you.语法点二:Direct speech and indirect speech(直接引语和间接引语)Lets first define the terms, then look at how to talk about what someone said, and how to convert speech from direct to indirect or vice-versa.You can answer the question What did he say? in two ways:b

8、y repeating the words spoken (direct speech)by reporting the words spoken (indirect or reported speech).Direct speech repeats, or quotes, the exact words spoken. When we use direct speech in writing, we place the words spoken between quotation marks ( ) and there is no change in these words.Reported

9、 or indirect speech is usually used to talk about the past, so we normally change the tense of the words spoken. We use reporting verbs like say, tell, ask, and we may use the word that to introduce the reported words. Quotation marks are not used.1、declarative sentence陈述句Change in pronoun: The pron

10、oun (subject) of the reported speech is changed according to the pronoun of reporting verb or object (person) of reporting verb (first part of sentence). Sometimes the pronoun may not change.In following example the pronoun of reported speech is “I” which will be changed in indirect speech into the

11、pronoun (Subject) of reporting verb that is “he”.He said, “I like it very much.”He said that he liked it very much.Change in tense: If the first part of sentence (reporting verb part) belongs to past tense the tense of reported speech will change. If the first part of sentence (reporting verb part)

12、belongs to present or future tense, the tense of reported speech will not change.Change in demonstrative pronoun指示代词, temporal adverbial时间状语, adverbial of place地点状语 and verbs.Ps:(1)if the direct speech indicates objective truth, then there is no change in tense when its converted to indirect speech.

13、Ex. He said, “Light travels much faster than sound.”He said that light travels much faster than sound.(2) 如果在当地转述,here不必改成there,come不必改为go,如果在当天转述,yesterday, tomorrow等时间状语也不必改变。2、imperative sentence祈使句Imperative sentences do not normally have an expressed subject. In order to change an imperative se

14、ntence into the indirect speech, we use a to-infinitive. Note that instead of said we use one of the following reporting verbs:Ask, Tell, Advise, command, request, order, forbid, decree, propose etc.If the imperative sentence is in negative form, then add not in front of to-infinitive when convert t

15、he speech.Ex. The hostess said to us, “Please sit down.”The hostess asked us to sit down. He said, “Dont make so much noise, boys.”He told the boys to not to make so much noise. 3、interrogative sentence疑问句Turn word order in interrogative sentence into that in declarative sentence, and use a full sto

16、p in the end. The subject, tense, adverbial etc have to change accordingly.(1)general question一般疑问句General questions are changed into the indirect speech by using the connective if or whether. The reporting verb say or said changes to ask or asked.Ex. He said, “Are you interested in English?”He aske

17、d (me) if I was interested in English.(2)special questionSpecial questions are changed into the indirect speech by using the same interrogative.Ex. “What do you want?” he asked me.He asked me what I wanted.语法点三:The Attributive Clause定语从句Attributive clause is a sentence that is used to modify a noun

18、or a pronoun to make clear which person or thing we are talking about.Ex. The man who lives next to us sells vegetable. You must do everything that I do.In the two examples above, man and everything are called antecedents先行词. Who lives next to us and that I do are attributive clauses. Who and that a

19、re relative pronoun关系代词. The words to connect main clause and attributive clause are divided into two groups, they are relative pronouns, namely that, which, who, whom, whose, and relative adverbs, namely where, when, why. Relative pronouns: We use who and whom for people, and which for things. We u

20、se that for people or things.1.That, which, who2.WhoseWhose replaces a genitive noun名词所有格 in an attributive clause. The antecedent can be thing or person. Ex. This is the scientist whose name is known all over the world.The room whose window faces south is mine.3.When, where, whyFirst, when the ante

21、cedent is about reason, and it acts as an adv in the attributive clause, we will use “why”. Second, when the antecedent is about time, and it plays the role of an adv,“when” will be used. Third, when the antecedent is about place, playing the role of an adv of place, we will consider adopting where.

22、必修二语法点一:(接定从讲)4.The restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clause.限制性和非限制性(1)Restrictive clauses limit the possible meaning of a preceding subject. They are usually not marked by pauses in speech, and they are not set off by commas in writing. Sometimes the relative pronoun which serves as an o

23、bject in clause can be omitted.Ex. What is the name of the tall man who just came in?Beijing is a city (that) Ive always wanted to visit.He has found the book (that) he was looking for.(2)Nonrestrictive clauses tell you something about a preceding subject, but they do not limit, or restrict, the mea

24、ning of that subject. They are usually marked by brief pauses in speech and are usually set off by commas in writing. Relative cannot be omitted.Ex. Beijing, which is the capital of China, has a very long history.Yesterday I met Li Ping, who seemed to be very busy.Ps: In restrictive attributive clau

25、se, relative adverbs behind time or place sometimes can be omitted in spoken English.Ex. That was the year (when) I first went abroad.We need a place (where) we can stay for a few days.Why clause can only modified reason and it can be converted to for which. In spoken English, we can also use that o

26、r just omit the relative.Ex. The reason (why/for which/that) I bought the roses is that Mary likes them.How cannot be used as relative adverbs. We use in which, that, or no relative to modify way.Ex. This is the way (how) I did it. (wrong)This is the way(in which/that) I did it. (correct)the attribu

27、tive clause can also be called as relative clause.语法点二:The passive voiceWe have learned the passive voice of the simple present tense and simple past tense.1.The simple future tense (use ask as an example)Ps: affirmative form; negative form; interrogative form2.The present perfect tense3.The present

28、 continuous tense4.Phrasal verb短语动词Normally, only transitive verbs can be used in passive voice, but with the addition of preposition or adverb to intransitive verbs, some phrasal verbs serve as transitive verbs, so they have passive voice too. Pay attention, we cant miss any part of phrasal verb wh

29、en we change it into passive voice.At last they put out the fire. At last the fire was put out.They will put up a notice on the wall. A notice will be put up on the wall.Have you sent for a doctor? Has the doctor been sent for?Ps: 必修三语法点一:modal verbs情态动词A modal verb is a type of verb that is used to

30、 indicate modality that is: likelihood, ability, permission, and obligation. They have to be used with infinitive.Can-could may-might shall-should will-would have to-had to must1.Can & couldThey can be used to indicate ability, permission, possibility, etc.Ps: Possibility:We use the modal can to mak

31、e general statements about what is possible:It can be very cold in winter. (= It is sometimes very cold in winter)We use could as the past tense of can:It could be very cold in winter. (=Sometimes it was very cold in winter.)We use could to show that something is possible in the future, but not cert

32、ain:If we dont hurry we could be late. (=Perhaps/Maybe we will be late)We use could have to show that something is/was possible now or at some time in the past:Its ten oclock. They could have arrived now.Permission:We usecanto ask for permission to do something or give permission; could is more formal and polite than can.2.May & mightPs: Th

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