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1、最新上海版牛津英语五年级下Unit1教案课题:Unit1 Tidy up! 班级:姓名:小组:时间:学习目标1.知识与技能:帮助学生学习新词和句型。2.过程与方法:能正确书本课所学有关月份及日期的四会词和四会句。3.情感态度与价值观:通过情景学习,使学生体会到过生日的意义。学法指导独立完成导学案。利用教材配套磁带或光盘来听书上的单词和句子,反复练习,并在课堂的小组活动中和小组成员对比发音,练习使用本课功能语言。对于仍不能解决的疑惑,向全班同学和老师请教。自学导航教学流程 专题一 Make a new chant 专题二 Think and match专题三 Read and match 教学重

2、点:特殊疑问句的提问及回答Whose .is this/are these? Its mine./yours./his./hers 教学难点:名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词易混淆 教学策略:引导学生小组交流合作探索。教学准备:导学案 课件课时安排:1课时基础题:新课标同步演练探究题:新课标拓展延伸板书设计:Unit1 Tidy upWhose .is this/are these? Its mine./yours./his./hers教学流程:Greeting:1.Introduce myself to all2.Ask students to introduce themselves an

3、d say hello to everyonePre:3.Revision to the words(cap; umbrella, crayon;socks)4.Do some comprehension for the part-listen and say by the game -drawing lots.5.Intensive learning on the part-listen and say sentence by sentence(1)Introduce the background of the picture(2)Listen and answer my question(

4、3)Listen and answer my question(4)Listen sentence by sentence(5)Practice: true or false(6)Listen again and fill in blankPractice: 6.Sing a song (whose box is this?) 7.Do some exercises 我的收获及困惑 小组评价独立思考 认真完成字迹工整 书写美观善于倾听 乐于表达及时纠错 补充归纳课题:Unit1 Tidy up!班级:姓名:小组:时间:学习目标1.知识与技能:学会重点词汇crayon,umbrella,hers

5、,theirs用法与不同的区别。 2.过程与方法:会用情景对话,小组合作学习的方式,巩固和运用核心句型。3.情感态度与价值观:综合运用本单元所学的知识和技能。学法指导独立完成导学案。利用教材配套磁带或光盘来听书上的单词和句子,反复练习,并在课堂的小组活动中和小组成员对比发音,练习使用本课功能语言。对于仍不能解决的疑惑,向全班同学和老师请教。自学导航教学流程专题一 Read a chant专题二 Make a new chant 专题三 Think and read专题四 Think and say 教学重点:词汇:词汇crayon,umbrella,hers,theirs教学难点:句型:Who

6、se is this/are those?Its/Theyre教学策略:引导学生通过对话,学生小组内对话,引导学生通过阅读抓住关键信息,能够通过本单元的问句,来询问对方的生日信息。教学准备:导学案 课件课时安排:1课时作业设计:基础题:新课标同步演练探究题:新课标拓展延伸板书设计:Unit1 Tidy upcrayon,umbrella,hers,theirsWhose is this/are those?Its/Theyre 教学流程:Pre-task preparationSay the chant “Whose puppy is this?” and have the students

7、listen, follow and chant together.Collect some stationery items from the students. Then ask and answer: -Whose -is this? Is it your -?-Yes, its my -.While-task procedureLook and learn 1.Point to objects in the classroom and have the students name them. Then ask them to repeat and spell the words sch

8、ool bag, brush, glue, paints, crayon, notebook and tape one by one after me.2.Flash the cards for the words in “Look and learn” on P.3. Have the students identify the objects. Then ask them to write the words down as fast as they can.3.Write some possessive pronouns such as my, your, his, her, our a

9、nd their on the blackboard. Have the students sat the chant together. Then have the students point to the objects on their desks and make a new chant in groups of four. 我的收获及困惑 小组评价独立思考 认真完成字迹工整 书写美观善于倾听 乐于表达及时纠错 补充归纳课题:Unit1 Tidy up!班级:姓名:小组:时间:学习目标1.知识与技能:通过开展听录音朗读、连线、快速应答帮助巩固词汇。并能应用到生活实际中去。2.过程与方

10、法:能利用新学词汇,解决生活中的问题。3.情感态度与价值观:通过本课学习,让学生知道询问对方生日的表达方法。学法指导独立完成导学案。利用教材配套磁带或光盘来听书上的单词和句子,反复练习,并在课堂的小组活动中和小组成员对比发音,练习使用本课功能语言。对于仍不能解决的疑惑,向全班同学和老师请教。自学导航教学流程专题一 Read and enjoy. 专题二 Read and answer 专题三 Look and say专题四 Look and say教学重点:词汇:词汇crayon,umbrella,hers,theirs教学难点:句型:Whose is this/are those?Its/T

11、heyre教学策略:引导学生通过对话,学生小组内对话,引导学生通过阅读抓住关键信息,能够通过本单元的问句,来询问对方的生日信息。教学准备:导学案 课件课时安排:1课时作业设计:基础题:新课标同步演练探究题:新课标拓展延伸板书设计:Unit1 Tidy upcrayon,umbrella,hers,theirsWhose is this/are those?Its/Theyre教学流程:While-task procedureLook and sayAsk and answer1.Invite four students to come to the front. Put their books

12、 as well as mine on my desk. Then have the students look at the five books and find out my book by asking and answering some questions.2.Write the key patterns Whose-? and I ts/Theyremine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs. On the blackboard. Ask the students to repeat them. Then collect some objects from t

13、he students and ask them to identify the owner of each object. Then have the students ask and answer questions in groups of boys and girls according to the given words mine, yours, his, hers, ours and theirs.1.have the students look at the picture for ”Look and say” on P.2 and listen to the recordin

14、g. Then ask them some questions to check their understanding.2.Play the recording again and have the students repeat after the recording. Then have them role-play the dialogue in pairs. Finally invite several pairs to role-play it in front of the class.Post-task activityMake a dialoguePlay a game1.D

15、ivide the students into groups of four. Give each group a picture of a messy classroom. Have the students discuss how to tide up the classroom. Then ask them to make a dialogue about it and also ask them to draw pictures by themselves and then make dialogues. Finally invite some groups to act out th

16、eir dialogues in front of the class.1.Invite some students to introduce some things that belong to them one by one.2.Collect the things from them and play a guessing game with the class. Put the objects together and ask the students to say whose they are. 我的收获及困惑 小组评价独立思考 认真完成字迹工整 书写美观善于倾听 乐于表达及时纠错


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