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1、商务英语翻译Parts of Teaching Materials of Translation for International Business ContentsChapter A Brief Introduction to TranslationChapter Business English and Its Language FeaturesChapter . Criteria of Translation Part A brief Introducyion to Translation Standards Both at Home and Abroad Part Yan Fu an

2、d His Three-point Theory Part Standard for Business English TranslationChapter The Process of Translation Part Process Part Comprehension Part Expression Part . Multi-expressionsChapter Translation Techniques and Methods Part 1 Diction Part Extexsion Part Conversion Part . Amplification Part Omissio

3、n Part Division Part Translation of English Attributive Clauses Part Translation Techniques of English Passive Voice Part Translation of English Long Sentences Part English Business Abbreviations and Their Translation into Chinese Part Translation of Figures Part Translation of Practical Writing (Ap

4、plied Translation) Part Translation of Organizations and Company Introduction Part Translation of products descriptions Part Translation of Advertisements Part Translation of Business Letters Part Translation of PR Documents and Business Reports Part Translation of ContractsChapter A Brief Introduct

5、ion to Translation I What Is TranslationTranslation is,essentially,the faithful representation,in one language,of what is written or said in another language.By faithful representation ,it is meant that translating must aim primarily at reproducing the message rather than the keeping of the form of

6、the orginal text.As English and Chinese belong to entirely different language families,there is a great discrepancy between them in cultural setting ,way of thinking,expressions,diction,sentence sructures ,sentence order,etc. For achieving achieving functional equivalence ,that is ,equality of meani

7、ngs,it often requires adjustment of the orginal form.e.g.公司简介,公司结构,业务范围,公司历程 Coporate Profile/About Us; Organization Chart; Major Businesses/Business Line; HistoryDifferent languages have different ways of saying things.For achieving genuine equivalence,sometimes we have to transfer from one form in

8、to another.The above serves as a ready instance. There is an hourly (1)shift from London to Paris (2)known as the Airbus (3)capable of seating 521 people. 从伦敦到巴黎的航线上(2)有一种称之为“空中公汽车”的客机,(3)能够乘坐521名乘客,(1)每小时一航班。 A simple sentence as it is,the original is a bit complicated in structure,containing a par

9、ticipial phrase and an adjective phrase carrying much information.As a Chinese sentence tends to be short and laconic,in translation it is impossible to keep the original structure but necessary to separate it into several parts.Besides, as emphasis falls on action(shift) in the original sentence wh

10、ich goes contrary to the usage of Chinese,so there should be a rearrangement of sentence order in the verion.Matter can be turned into energy and energy , matter.物质能够转换成能量,能量能够转换成物质。You can find out the wave length if you know the frequency.知道频率,就可以求出波长。我今天准备吃食堂。Im going to have my meals in the dini

11、ng hall. In the above three examples, to reproduce the closest natural equivalent ,some adjustments ,including amplification,omission and conversion ,are needed.Types of translation:1) according to scope full partial translation2) according to basic methodsfree literal word-for-word translation ( fo

12、reignization、domestication )3) according to way of worktranslation translatorinterpretation interpreter4) according to materialscientific literary documentary translationtranslation of practical writing(including Business English, Tourism English etc.)5) linguistic elements the original (source) tar

13、get (receptor) languageII . Translation is the combination of science and art Translation,on one hand,has much to do with linguistics,rhetorics,psychology,sociology,semiotics,etc,and should be governed by their rules.For instance,in doing translation we have to follow the principles and way of work

14、of linguistics to study words and analyse structures.On another hand ,it seeks the help of persons inspiration,appreciation and artistic accomplishment.As a result of the above two factors,it can be seen that translation is no easy thing to do, requring painstaking efforts,even if what we translate

15、is a simple sentence. e.g. He sent me a note of welcome, as sunny as his face. 他送给我一封短信,对我表示欢迎;那信写得热情洋溢,一如其人。 A simple sentence as it is,it is not easy to understand it, including the real or deep meaning of “note”and “sunny”,as the former is a polysemous word and the later is a figurative one.We ha

16、ve to make sure the exact meaning of “note”(a short letter) according to the context and to dig out the extended meaning of “sunny”(warm) here.Besides,we have also to comprehend the function of “of” in this sentence. c.f. a book of mine; the city of New York; the overthrow of that reactionary govern

17、ment.)Effective (Meaningful) translation is possible becauseA.human experience is much alike throughout the world .Everyone eats,sleeps,works,is related to families,experiences love,hatred,jealousy,etc,is capable of loyalty and friendship and employs many facial gestures which are almost universal (

18、laughing,smiling,frowning,etc.) In fact,what people of different cultures have in common is far greater than what separates them from one another. That is,there is normal or standard behavior between languages.B.people tend to think much the same way though they have different cultures.They follow t

19、he same train of thought and try to be reasonable in writing or talk.They have the capacity to imagine what other people think and act, andC.different Languages have different forms,but they enjoy the same effect.In other words,different forms can be used to suggest the same object,ideas,etc.For exa

20、mple,the English word “school” and its Chinese equivalent “学校”are different in form but are used for expressing the same idea,namely,“a place for people,usually children,to learn. Chapter Business English and Its Language Features.What Is Business English?The English concrened with various fields of

21、 commercial activities such as the technology transfer, foreign trade, the introduction of foreign investment, international financing, transnational tourism, international transportation, is as a whole called business English. Business English letters, contracts, telexes and telegrams, documents, a

22、dvertisements all belong to this category. Business English is a branch of special English in use and an application of English in business occasion. It is classified by many linguists into English for Special Purposes (ESP).Language Features of Business English).Business English mainly belongs to e

23、xpository writing,giving explanation,illustration,classification,instruction definition,etc.and presenting information,facts,figures,numbers,terms,being objective and impersonale.g.”Delivery date” means the second day of the deadlineof the operation period. “转让日期”指运行期最后一天的第二天.(definition)A contract

24、shall be an agreement whereby the parties establish ,change or terminate their civil relationship.合同是当事人之间设立、变更、终止民事关系的协议。(definition)Business is a combination of all these activities:productiondistribution and sale,through which profit or economic surplus will be created.商务是指生产、配送、销售等一切活动的组合,通过这些活动

25、,创造利润和经济盈余。(definition)The resulting General Ledger subsystem has four parts: entry processing, financial reporting , account detail inquiry and period end processing.因而总帐的子系统包括四部分:记录处理、财务报告、帐户详细查询、期末处理。(classification)Generally speaking,telegrams can be divided into two kinds:Plain Language Telegra

26、ms and Code Language Telegrams.一般而言,电报可分为两种:明语电报和电码电报。(classification)This contract is made out in duplicate in Chinese and in English Language ,one Chinese original copy and one English original copy for each party,both text being equally authentic.本合同用中文和英文书就,一式二份,双方各执一份中文正本和一份英文正本。两种文本具有同等效力。(ill

27、ustration)In language ,there is the wide use of simple present tense,passive voice,“it”structuree.g. It is held/suggested/admitted/acknowledgedIt is expected that the Franchisee should understand and support all corporate goals. 期待特许加盟人理解、支持公司所有的目标 It is suggested that this years annual meeting of o

28、ur company be put off till next month.建议敝公司本年度年会延期至下月举行。).Being specialized Business English is the combination of English and the knowledge of many branches of learning, such as marketing, economics, finance, accountancy and management,as a result of which there is a heavy use of related technical

29、terms(including conversion of common words).an outstanding cheque未兑现支票 “Outstanding” in common English means “excellent” or “remarkable” ,but in financial English it suggests “unpaid”.The followings are similar examples.futures /drugs/buy期货、滞销货、便宜货e.g. Force Majeure(不可抗力),draft at sight(即期汇票),Letter

30、 of credit(信用证),Bill of lading(提单),documents against acceptance(承兑交单),Bill of exchange(汇票)fixed capital(固定资本) offer(发盘) ;a firm offer(实盘);counter offer(还盘)Quotation,price list, proforma invoice and so forth all be be used in an “offer”.报价单,价格单,形式发票等都可以用作“发盘”。offer(要约);offerer(要约人);offeree(受要约人);acce

31、pt(承诺);acceptor(承诺人);acceptee(接受承诺人)Being the best means ensuring that our owner/operators, employees, and suppliers reflect and represent the diverse populations McDonalds serves around the world.(成为最佳)还意味着确保我们的业主/经营者、雇员、供应商能折射出并代表麦当劳全球服务各式各样的人群状况。).Formal and standard in styleA.Being complete,long

32、 and complicated in sentence structuree.g.With a view to expanding international economiccooperation and technological exchange, the People Republic of China permits foreign companies,enterprices,and other economic organizations or individuals to establish equity joint ventures together with Chinese companies , enterprises,or other economic organization

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