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1、大学英语视听说第二册Unit 2词汇1. promising adj. showing signs of being successful in the future He is a promising writer22. amusing adj. causing you laugh or smileHe is a very amusing person and he makes me laugh a lot. Do you have any amusing experience? 同根词amused; amusement3 anniversary n. Today marks the 100

2、th anniversary of the foundation of this university.4gratitude n. 4 the feelings of being grateful or thankfulId like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the local government for your nice arrangement.借此机会,我想感谢当地政府,感谢你们的精心安排。5 fatigue v. What often makes you feel fatigued?too much ho

3、mework; traveling; 6indifferent adj. How can you remain indifferent when children are suffering? 7 pack into v. put in a very small place About 250 students were packed into the classroom and I found it hard to breathe. They packed a lot of things into their three days in Rome. 8assert v. to say sth

4、. clearly and firmly He asserted that the girl had stolen his wallet他坚持说那个女孩偷了他的钱包Insert 插入 附着9 swear (swore, sworn) v. to use rude or bad language; curse 咒骂He hit his thumb with the hammer and swore loudly. to make a serious promise When or where do people need to swear?TipsWhen people get married/

5、join a party / In court/At the Olympic Games 10 outburst n. a sudden expression of a strong feeling, especially angerThis remark brought an outburst of laughter引发了一阵笑声. 11 persist v.If you persist in being late for work, youwill be fired. Insist 坚持,坚持主张,强调词组 I could think of little to say in the pre

6、sence of so many people . Dont mention it in her presenceRomantic and otherwise, Nikolai knew love.(p9) 另外的 2 I have no opinion, good or otherwise, on this subject. 这件事上我没意见,好或不好都 没有 Im afraid I cant see you next weekend because Im otherwise engaged. 恐怕下周末没办法见你,我有别的事 3 He does not do it, nor does he

7、 try. 他没有做,也没有尝试一下 4I never saw him again, nor did I hear from him. When coaching, he would sing out his instructions keeping rhythm with our stride. Though knowing English, she was afraid to speak to the foreigner. A dear lady friend of my grandfather, after viewing a copy of a video of me training

8、 with Nikolai, asked5 Missing the Olympic Team the previous year had made me pause and reflect on what I had gainednot the least of which was a quiet, indissoluble bond with a short man in a tropical shirt. not the least of which = the most important of which6 He taught me to be thankful in advance

9、for a century of life on earth, and to remind myself every day that despite the challenges at hand, by no means in no way; not at allmore than to a greater degree than is necessary or than average count on rely ondamn (informal) used for expressing anger or annoyance 1. Im by no means sure that this

10、 is the right thing to do.2. The country produces more than enough这个国家的粮食超过自 food to feed itself.3. You cant count on a good weather in May.4. Some damn fool has parked too close to me. 5. 前苏联 ex-Soviet 6 放低嗓门 lower his voice 7溺爱 baby、 spoil6. 皱着眉头 frown 7 我说过无数次I ha ve-told-you-a-billion-timesSetio

11、n B1 for the sake of Stop smoking for the sake of your health. 为了你的健康 Your sister is trying to read. Please be quiet for her sake. 为了她好2exploit vt. 剥削 第三世界的国家常被富裕国家剥削。Third World countries are often exploited bythe richer nations. 3 determination 决心In your opinion, what kind of person is the one of

12、determination? 4defy vt. to make sth. impossible or very difficult to tell sb. to do sth. impossible; challenge His strange behaviour defies understanding. 他古怪的举止使人难以理解。 They defied him to jump off the bridge. 他们激他跳下桥去。5 pursue vt. to follow sb./sth. in order to catch him/her/itThe goal that he is p

13、ursuing is completely unrealistic. 他追求的目标不切实际Pursuit、 in pursuit of6 set ones mind on Once you set your mind on something, how will you do to achieve it?7 set the stage for make preparations to make sth. take place This meeting will set the stage for the school sports meeting.这个会议将为校运会做好准备8 We all h

14、eld our breath as we waited for her reply.9 strip sb. of sth. take property, rights, or titles away from sb The President has been stripped of most of her power. They stripped the house of all its furniture同意 take sth. away from sb.; deprive sb. of sth.10 blanket n. affecting everybody or everything

15、The government laid a blanket ban on journalists reporting the case.政府禁止任何新闻从业人员报道那件事 remain to stay or continue in the same place or condition nothing more than only nothing less than completely anything but in no degree1. 他们已经离婚,但仍然是朋友They remain friends though theyre divorced.。2. 2. 只不过下了一场阵雨。It

16、was nothing more than a shower.3. 3. 他的粗心大意无异于犯罪。His carelessness was nothing less than criminal. 3. 4. 那决不是真的。That is anything but true.He said he wanted to be the best, period. period” 放在句尾, 强调说话人对自己所做陈述的确定性。相当于“没有了,就这样”。 Unit 3Subtle 难于察觉到的,巧妙的;狡诈的Her whole attitude had had a subtle change. 巧妙1.

17、There are subtle differences in meaning细微 between these two words.3. I fall for that subtle plot every time! 诡秘4. An artist has subtler awareness of color 敏锐 values than an ordinary person. 5. The old craftsman has subtle fingers. 灵巧Mutual(of feeling or an action) felt or done by each to the other;s

18、hared by two or more peopleTheir working well together was based on mutual respect, trust and understanding. 他们的合作是建立在互相尊重、信任和理解基础上的。Lynn and Phil met through a mutual friend. 林恩和菲尔是通过共同的朋友相识的。Overlook看漏疏漏;宽恕宽容;眺望,俯瞰He overlooked a spelling mistake on the first page.他没有注意到第一页上的一处拼写错误。 Her bedroom ha

19、s large windows overlooking a lake. 她的卧室有几扇对着湖面的大窗子。in expectation of 预料到Exceptionbeyond ones expectation 超出了(某人)的预料against / contrary to (all) expectation (s) 与预期的相反expectation of life 预期寿命, 平均寿命resistance 反对意见The idea met with some resistance. 那个意见遭到了某种形式的反对。They put up a passive resistance.他们进行着消

20、极的抵抗。resistance to approach toaccess to objection to key to reference to counsel v 建议,劝告The school is now providing a service to counsel students. 学校向学生提供咨询服务。She counseled them not to accept his explanation. 建议他们不要接受他的解释。N 建议意见;Good counsel does no harm. 忠言有利无害。I should have listened to my fathers

21、wise counsel, and saved some money instead of spending it all. 我本该听从父亲的明智的建议,把钱省点下来而不是花光。subsequently adv后来以后They subsequently heard he had left the country. 他们后来听说他已离开了那个国家。The old school was sold and subsequently turned into a private house.The bank refused to help the company; consequently, it we

22、nt out of business(歇业). ( as a result, therefore harbor vt.窝藏,坚持想法 There will be a serious punishment for anyone who harbors criminals. 任何窝藏罪犯的人都将受到严厉惩罚。The girl still harbored the idea of going abroad.抱着什么念头N港湾All the ships stayed in the harbor during the storm. 在风暴期间所有的船只都停泊在港湾里。There are some of

23、the best natural harbors in the world. 那里有几个世界上最好的天然港。Confirm 证实;预定The announcements confirmed that the election would take place on June 20th. 公告证实选举将于6月20日举行Id like to confirm a reservation for a double room on the first of July. Suspecthave an idea of the existence or truth of (sth.); believe He

24、suspected a plot against his wife.他怀疑有人要谋害他的妻子。I suspect the truth of her statement. 我怀疑她的陈述的真实性。Proceed 进行,继续行进,开始做,发出The crowd proceeded to the church. 人群向教堂走去。Lets proceed to the next question.继续The poor old man has gone through all kinds of hardships in his life.老人一生备尝辛酸Imagine忙碌了一年,我们打算今年夏天在家过个

25、安静的假期。We imagine a quiet holiday at home for this summer after a busy year.Up and downLife is full of ups and downs. 人生充满了欢乐与痛苦。 He has seen the ups and downs in the history of the relations between the two countries. 他经历了两国关系史上的阴晴圆缺Tolerance 容忍宽容,忍耐力Its a culture in which there is absolutely no tol

26、erance of disagreement. 在这种文化里,持有异议是绝对不容许的。Many old people have a very limited tolerance to cold. 许多老人的耐寒能力十分有限。be ( get ) involved withHe was involved with working out a plan.专心致志干某事If I were you, I wouldnt get involved in their problems.介入Work outHow the situation will eventually work out only tim

27、e can tell.情况最后将会是怎样,只有以后才能知道For a timeYoull have your own office soon but for a time youll have to share one.不久你会有自己的办公室, 不过你暂时还得与别人合用。For a time, we all thought that Sherry and Frank would get married. 有一段时间,我们都以为雪莉和弗兰克会结婚。at a time 每次 ahead of time 提前 at all times 随时;总是 behind the times 过时 at one

28、 time 从不;决不 at times 有时;间或 for the time being 眼下;暂时 take ones time 不着急;不慌忙all longe 一直She was kind to me all along. 她一直对我很好。When we met I regarded him as the one I loved because he was smart, attractive and caring. See as On the surface, this seems like a difficult problem, but in fact theres an eas

29、y solution to it.表面看来这是个难题, 实际上很容易解决。He seems rather shy on the surface, but hes quite different when you get to know him.外表Learn ofIm sorry to learn of your illness.得知你生病,我甚为难过。buy time: delay an action or decision that seems to be coming too soon She tried to buy time by doing a lot of talking. 她企

30、图以滔滔不绝的谈话来拖延时间。我有时候想知道为什么 I sometimes wonder why I sometimes wonder why some people always believe money can talk. I sometimes wonder why we are always trouble trouble before trouble troubles us. 我有时候想知道为什么生活总是充满了起起落落。I sometimes wonder why life is always full of ups and downs. 一就 Upon graduation, h

31、e went to Tibet. Upon entering the college, students began to work hard. Upon death, the old mans house and other properties passed to his sonUpon hearing the news that he was admitted by the university, he began to make plans for his future. 要是 就会 If 引导的虚拟语气。和现在事实相反,从句用if + 过去时,主句用 would be/do; 和过去事实相反,从句用if

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