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走遍美国 第九课.docx

1、走遍美国 第九课第九课Who is it? 是谁? Dad. 爸爸。 Come on in, Dad. 请进来,爸爸。 I thought you might be hungry. 我想你大概饿了。 I brought you a chicken sandwich and a glass of milk. 我替你带来一份鸡肉叁明治和一杯牛奶。 I am hungry. 我真是饿了, Thanks, Dad. 谢谢,爸爸。 What time is it, anyway? 几点了?顺便问一下。 Ten oclock. 十点钟。 What are you working on? 你在干什么? Im

2、 writing a story for the high-school paper. 我正在为高中校刊写一篇东西。 Cant you finish it tomorrow? 你明天完成它不行吗? No, I have to turn it in in the morning. 不行,明天上午我得交出去。 Whats it about? 是关于什么的? Im writing an article on the feelings about graduation. 我在写一篇关于毕业感想的文章。 And . how do you feel? 那你的感觉是什么? Me? 我吗? A little

3、scared. 有点害怕。 And excited, too. 也很兴奋。 I felt the same way. 我当时也有这种感受。 The scary parts leaving home and moving to college. 害怕的是要离开家搬到学校去。 Oh, leaving home is part of growing up. 呵,离开家是成熟过程的一部分。 Well, dont work all night. 好啦,别通宵工作。 I dont mind. 我不在乎。 I enjoy writing. 我喜欢写作。 Well, 那么, maybe you should

4、think about becoming a writer. 也许你应考虑成为一名作家。 Maybe I should. 也许我该这样。 You have lots of time to decide. 你有很多时间做决定。 Thats the worst part-making decisions. 最伤脑筋的是作决定。 Youll be OK. 你不会有问题的。 Good night, Son. 晚安,孩子。 Good night, Dad. 晚安,爸爸。 Hail to the victors valiant, “向勇敢的胜利者致敬, Hail to the conquering her

5、oes, 向进取的英雄们致敬, Hail, Hail to Michigan, 致敬,向Michigan致敬, The champions of the West! 西部的优胜者!” Ah, good morning, Robbie. 啊,早安,Robbie。 Good morning, Dad. 早安,爸爸。 Hows my grandson? 我的孙子怎样啦? Fine, Grandpa. Fine! 很好,爷爷,很好! Whats all the cheering about? 这么高兴是为什么? Did the University of Michigan win another fo

6、otball game? 是不是Michigan大学又赢得了一场足球赛? Better than that. 比那种事更值得高兴。 Tell him, Philip. 告诉他,Philip。 I just spoke with Charley Rafer. 我刚和Charley Rafer通了电话。 Whos Charley Rafer? 谁是Charley Rafer? Hes the Dean of Admissions for the University of Michigan. 他是Michigan大学的新生注册主任。 And it turns out hes a classmate

7、 of Philips. 有意思的是,他和Philip是同班同学。 We were both on the tennis team. 我们都是网球队的队员。 Great! 真棒! It is great. 的确是太好了。 Hes going to be in New York tomorrow 明天,他要在纽约 to interview applicants for admission. 与申请入学者面谈。 And hes agreed to fit you into his schedule. 他同意明天把你安排进他的面谈名单里。 But I may not want to go to Mi

8、chigan. 但是,我可能不去Michigan。 Its one of the best schools in the country, Robbie. 这是全国最好的大学之一,Robbie。 I studied medicine there. 我在那里学医学。 Your grandfather went to the Engineering School there. 你爷爷进那里的工学院。 I know that, but . 这我知道,但是 You said you wanted to be a doctor like your father. 你说过你希望像爸爸一样成为一名医生。 N

9、ot exactly. 还不一定。 You couldnt pick a finer medical school than Michigan. 你再也找不到一所比Michigan大学更好的医学院了。 Yes, I know that. 是的,我知道。 Lets meet with Charley at the university club. 我们就去大学俱乐部见见Charley吧。 Ten oclock tomorrow morning. 明早十点钟。 It doesnt mean youre going to Michigan. 这并不是说你就要去Michigan大学。 It doesn

10、t mean you have to be a doctor. 这并不意味着你一定要当医生。 But the interview will be good experience for you. 但这次面谈对你来说是一次很好的经验。 In that case, its OK. 这么说,我就去。 Dad, growing up means 爸爸,长大了意味着 making my own decisions, doesnt it? 我自己能做决定,对吗? Youre right, Robbie. 你说得对,Robbie。 But, like your Grandpa suggested, 但是,照

11、你爷爷所建议的, have the interview. 去参加这次面谈。 And then make your own decision. 然后你自己做决定。 That sounds fine. 这样听起来蛮好的。 I know its sudden, Robbie, 我知道这件事很突然,Robbie。 but this is an important opportunity. 但这是一次很重要的机会。 Well head down there first thing tomorrow morning. 明早第一件事就是去那里, OK? 好吗? Sure, Dad. 一定,爸爸。 I wan

12、t you to know something, Son. 我希望你知道一件事,孩子。 Im . very proud of you. 我很以你为荣。 Thanks, Dad. 谢谢你,爸爸。 Well, Ive got an appointment at the hospital. 好啦,我在医院有事。 Ill see you all at dinnertime. 吃晚饭时见面了。 Bye, Dad. 再见,爸爸。 Is something still wrong, Robbie? 还有什么不对的地方吗,Robbie? Ill be OK. 没什么。 Going away to colleg

13、e for the first time 第一次离家上大学 always makes one a little nervous. 总是让人有些紧张。 I guess so. 我猜是这样。 Ill be OK. I just need time to think. 我会适应的,我只是需要时间思考。 Sorry, Robbie. Sorry to be late this morning, 对不起,Robbie,对不起,今天早上迟了点, but, well, weve still got some time for a cup of coffee. 不过,我们还有喝杯咖啡的时间。 I cant w

14、ait to see my old pal Charley Rafer. 我真想早点见到老朋友Charley Rafer。 Neither can I. 我也一样。 So you thought about it, huh? 你考虑过了吗? Yes, I have, Dad. 是的,我考虑了,爸爸。 Well, Im glad. 好,我很高兴。 I knew youd realize 我知道你会体会到 that this interview could be an important experience for you. 这次面谈是一次很好的经验。 I came to that conclu

15、sion. 我的结论也是这样。 Thats very wise, Robbie. 这是很明智的,Robbie。 Very wise. 非常明智。 Now lets head off for the city and the university club. 现在,我们进城去,到大学俱乐部。 Thanks, Dad. 谢谢,爸爸。 Thanks . for what? 谢什么? Thanks for hearing me out. And . 谢谢你听我的意见,而且 And .? 而且? And thanks for being such an understanding father. 而且谢

16、谢你是这样一位善于了解我的父亲。 Well, thank you, Robbie. Thank you. 嗯,谢谢你,Robbie,谢谢你。 Philip Stewart! Philip Stewart! Its great to see you! 真高兴见到你! Charley Rafer-you look as young as ever. Charley Rafer你还像当年那样年轻。 You must be Robbie. 你就是Robbie吧。 Hi. 你好。 Yes, this is my youngest son Robbie. 是的,这是我的小儿子Robbie。 Robbie,

17、 I want you to meet Robbie,我要你见过 one of the best tennis players on the Michigan team- 当年Michigan球队最好的网球选手 Charley Rafer. Charley Rafer。 Nice to meet you, Dean Rafer. 很高兴见到你,Rafer主任。 Well, are you as good a tennis player as your dad? 嗯,你是否像爸爸那样是一名优秀的网球选手呢? No, Im not very good at it. 不,我网球不行。 Frankly

18、, neither was I. 坦白的说,我当年也不好。 Charley was the star of the team. Charley是当时队里的明星。 Yeah. Thanks. 凑数的,谢谢你。 Well, howre you been, Philip? 嗯,这些年来怎么样,Philip? Oh, working too hard. 噢,工作太累人了。 Doesnt show. 看不出来。 Hows Ellen? Ellen怎么样? Fine, thank you. 很好,谢谢。 And hows Marge? Marge怎么样? Shes still giving the tou

19、ghest English history exams 她仍用最艰深的英国史试题考学生, in the school and loving every minute of it. 在学校里,且乐此不疲,时时如此。 And speaking of minutes, 谈到时间, I have interviews until noon, 我从现在到中午,有一系列的面谈, so why dont we get right to work? 我们现在就开始工作,好吗? Can you have lunch with us later? 你能与我们一起共进午餐吗? Id love to, Philip,

20、 but Im afraid I cant. 我很想,Philip,但是恐怕不行。 Im only here two days, 我只有两天时间, and I have interviews with twenty-six applicants. 而要面谈的申请人有二十六位。 I understand. 我能了解。 Well, thanks. 噢,谢了。 Ill wait outside. 我到外面等。 Good luck, Son. 祝你好运,孩子。 Did you bring your transcript from high school? 你把高中的成绩单带来了吗? Yes, sir.

21、 带来了,先生。 Right here. 在这里。 Thank you. 谢谢。 Please sit down. 请坐下。 I see under activities that 我注意到在活动项目中提到 youve been writing for the school paper. 你为校刊写文章。 Yes, sir. 是的,先生。 What kinds of articles have you written? 你写过一些什么样的文章? All kinds-sports, editorials, theater reviews. 各种各样的体育,社论,剧评。 You name it,

22、Ive written it. 你说得出的,我都写过。 Hmmm. 嗯, Well, have you ever thought of becoming a journalist? 好,你是否想过成为一名新闻从业人员? A professional writer? 职业写作人员? Not until recently. 最近才考虑到。 Michigan has a fine School of Journalism. Michigan大学有一个很好的新闻学院。 Yes, I know that. 是的,我知道。 You seem to have some reservations. 看起来你还

23、有些犹豫。 Im a little uncertain. 我有点犹豫不决。 Its been very nice talking to you. 很高兴与你交谈。 Nice talking to you, sir. 我也很高兴与您交谈,先生。 One piece of advice. 给你一句忠告。 The most important thing is for you to decide your own future. 最重要的是你要自己决定自己的未来。 Yes, sir. 是的,先生。 Good-bye, Dean Rafer. 再见,Rafer主任。 Good-bye, Robbie.

24、 Good luck. 再见,Robbie,祝你好运。 I had an interview today, too. 我今天也参加了一次面谈。 I had a great interview 我参加了一次很精彩的面谈 with Admissions at Columbia University. 与Columbia大学的招生人员。 Really? 真的? What did they say? 他们说什么? Will you get into the school? 你会被录取吗? Well, they didnt say anything for sure. 嗯,他们没有任何确切的答覆。 Bu

25、t I figure that with my grades and with my personality, 但我想,凭我的成绩和我的品行, Ill have no problem. 我不会有问题。 Columbias a terrific school. Columbia是一所很棒的学校。 What are you going to do? 你打算读什么? Do? I dont know. 读什么?我不知道。 I also applied to NYU. 我还申请了纽约大学。 You sound excited about Columbia. 听起来你对Columbia大学跃跃欲试? Wh

26、ats your problem, Mike? 你现在问题在哪里,Mike? Indecision. Indecision. 下不了决心,下不了决心。 Its not easy, 实在不容易, and this is an important decision we have to make. 这又是我们必须做的一个重大决定。 What about you? 你呢? How was your interview with Michigan? 你跟Michigan大学的人面谈得如何? The interview was fine. 面谈得很好。 Its a great college. 那是一所

27、好大学。 It is. 是的。 My father would like me to go there. 我爸爸希望我去那儿。 He and my Grandpa both went there. 他和我爷爷都曾在那里读书。 Great medical school, too. 而且有很好的医学院。 I know. 我知道。 You can follow in your fathers footsteps. 你可以跟随你父亲的足迹。 Ah! Id like to follow in my own footsteps, Mike. 噢,我想走自己的路,Mike。 What do you want

28、 to study? 你想学什么? Ive been thinking. 我一直在考虑。 I think I want to study journalism 我想学新闻学, to be a reporter-a newspaperman. 将来当一名记者,一个新闻从业人员。 You do a pretty good job on the Riverdale High School paper. 你在Riverdale高中校刊做得有声有色。 And Ive been thinking about it a lot lately. 最近我一直就此事想了很多。 Have you discussed

29、 it with your parents? 你和父母商量过了吗? No. But I have to. 没有,但有此必要。 OK. Lets talk. 好,我们谈谈吧。 Hi, Son. Is everything all right? 嗨,孩子,一切都顺利吗? Hi, Dad. Everythings fine. 嗨,爸爸。一切都好。 I was just waiting for you to get home 我正等你回来, so we could talk. 好跟你谈谈。 Anything special you want to talk about? 有什么特殊的事要谈吗? There is, Dad. 有,爸爸。 Im listening. 那就说吧。 Well, I know you and Mom have given up a lot 嗯,我知道你和妈妈省吃俭用, to save money for my college tuition. 存钱准备我的大学学费。 We want you to go to college, Robbie. 我们希望你上大学,Robbie。 I know. I do. 我知道。我会的。 But? 那还有什么事? Well, Ive thought a lot about which college, 嗯,我为了上

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