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旅游经营商 Tour Operator.docx

1、旅游经营商 Tour OperatorChapter 7 Tour Operator第七章 旅游经营商I Learning objectives(教学目的)Study the characteristics of the tour operator who operates within the tourism system (Leipers model)学习旅游经营商在旅游系统(Leiper 模型)中经营活动的特点Interpret the definition of a tour operator and differentiate a tour operator and a travel

2、 agent解析旅游经营商的定义,区分旅游经营商与旅游代理有何不同Have an idea of the operation of a tour operator in the basic structure of the travel industry了解旅游经营商在旅游产业基本结构中的运作方式Appreciate the approaches of the capacity planning in the reservation of a hotel or for an airline, etc.学习旅游经营商在饭店或航班预订等方面容量计划的制定方法Understand the impor

3、tance of financial evaluation and the measures that can be taken to reduce financial risks了解财务评估的重要性,以及减少财务风险的措施Describe the marketing approaches of a tour operator and its tour management陈述旅游经营商的营销方法以及旅游管理方法Understand who can operate as the tour wholesalers and their distribution channels了解谁可以做旅游批发

4、商以及旅游批发商分销产品的渠道Ability goals: 能力目标Case study: 案例分析:中国旅游市场出现旅游批发商Reading Box: 阅读分析:Tour Wholesalers in North America北美的旅游批发商II Emphasis and difficult points ( 教学重点、难点)知识要点掌握程度相关章节independent tour operator独立经营商重点掌握本课文与第1单元、第3单元、第5单元、第6单元、第8单元、第9单元、第15单元相关内容有联系。qualifications and categories of tour ope

5、rator旅游经营商的资格和类型重点掌握distribution channels of tour operator旅游经营商的分销渠道重点掌握process of tour operating旅游经营商运营流程重点掌握capacity planning and financial evaluation容量计划与财务评估一般了解booking pattern and tour management预定形式与旅行管理一般了解III The arrangement of this chapter (教学安排) ( 4 课时)Chapter7Tour Operator (4 periods)inde

6、pendent tour operator独立经营商1 periodqualifications and categories of tour operator旅游经营商的资格和类型1 perioddistribution channels of tour operator旅游经营商的分销渠道process of tour operating旅游经营商运营流程1 periodcapacity planning and financial evaluation容量计划与财务评估booking pattern and tour management预定形式与旅行管理1 periodIV The t

7、eaching method of this chapter (教学方法)讲授、头脑风暴、案例分析V Major teaching points of this chapter(教学要点)1. Definition The tour operator, also called wholesaler in some countries, mainly functions as an organizer who combines all the components of a tour to make up a holiday and sells it to the public through

8、his own company, through retail outlets, or through approved retail travel agencies.2. The categories of tour operatorthe independent tour operator the airline cooperating closely with a tour wholesaling businessthe retail travel agent who pro-vides package tours for its clientsthe operator of motor

9、 coach tours总体上可分为二大类型:独立经营商: 属于完全的实体,并且可以随意与任何旅游企业洽谈业务的旅游经营商;大型旅游企业所拥有的经营商:为某一大型旅游企业所拥有的旅游经销商,隶属母公司。3. Tour operator in the basic structure of the travel industry4. Relation between tour operator and other sectors旅游经营商与其他产业的关系5. Operations of the tour operator批发业务5.1 旅游经营商的作用 对旅游者:(1)帮助旅游者节省支出;(2)旅

10、游经营商的包价旅游产品简化了旅游者的购买活动;(3)降低了旅游者的购买风险。对供应企业:(1)有助于上下游企业平衡供求关系;(2)有助于提高市场的销售效率。5.2 旅游经营商的价值包价旅游的低廉花费与个人自助旅游的划分相比更具竞争力。旅游供应商可以针对市场的不同需求,设计多样的旅游产品,供旅游代理商和旅游者选择;旅游经营商可以提前给目的地供应商提供未来相关信息,减小旅游目的地的经营风险;旅游代理商仍然是旅游代理商销售旅游产品的主要渠道。5.3 旅游经营商生产流程与旅游企业和旅行社签订合同旅游经营商管理流程:第一步Capacity planning(旅客数量的计划)第二步Financial ev

11、aluation(财务预估)第三步Marketing(市场营销)第四步Tour management(旅游管理)6. Integration of the tour operatorHorizontal integration occurs when firms attain a higher level of consolidation or control within their own sector. Vertical integration occurs when a firm obtains greater control over elements of the product

12、chain outside its own sector.Horizontal and vertical integration7. Main processes of the tour management Capacity planningFinancial evaluationMarketingTour management7.1 Capacity planningThe tour operator can make use of market forecasts to plan total capacity and combine them with the market strate

13、gy to set the type, destination and volume of the tour. Once the tour plan has been made, reservations of beds and aircraft or coach seat must be taken into consideration. 7.2 Financial evaluation(1) Set an acceptable range of changes in exchange rates so as to determine tour prices and then buy the

14、 foreign exchange required at an agreed rate beforehand.(2) Make an additional charge when the customers pay for the cost.7.3 MarketingTour operators provide the brochure for tourists to consult the information about specific tours so as to make a decision. Booking patterns play a vital role in cont

15、rolling the progress of advertising and sales campaigns. The booking patterns concluded from past experience can be used as a reference for tour operators to compare actual with predicted booking. At the time when there are not enough tourists, tour operators have the right to cancel holidays or con

16、solidate them into other packages.7.4 Tour management(1) Send a representative to the destination to guide the tour.(2) After the holiday or the touring, tour operators must deal with customers compliments, or respond to their suggestions.案例研究案例1 中国旅游市场出现旅游批发商1、背景 2、青旅控股:目标: 锁定国际化旅游批发商。措施: (1)扩大市场份额

17、,树立规模优势。 (2)大幅度增加对新产品开发的投入,设计新旅游产品和旅游模式。 (3)建立先进企业制度,重视用灵活的机制吸引人才。青旅未来发展模式:3、广东“国旅假期” 打造华南最大旅游批发商目标: 打造华南最大的旅游批发商。措施: (1)买断神龙架旅游景区专营权 (2)推出“国旅假期连锁企业展厅”2003年在国际旅游展销会上,一举包下了近30个展位。成为此次交易会上最大的企业展馆。业内人士指出华南地区最大旅游批发商网络已具雏形。(3)建立旅游批零网络体系 广东国旅假期总经理李进茂表示:根据目前的水平经营状况,向垂直方向发展,逐步构筑旅游批零网络。旅游代理商中坚,旅游营销网基础。建立的方法:

18、 取得旅游线路专营权改变产业结构,成立连锁企业,互为代理逐步构筑旅游网络体系。4、讨论:你对中小旅行社争做旅游批发商有什么看法?讨论:为什么较具实力的旅行社纷纷争做批发商?Why do many powerful travel agencies want to become wholesalers? 案例2 康辉旅行社争做中国一流旅游批发商发展目标:“网络化”、“规模化”、“品牌化”。经营宗旨:“高质量的服务、高素质的员工、高水平的旅游”。经营理念:“让合作者放心,让旅游者满意”。经营方向:国内成网、国外成链。措施:全国网络及垂直管理体系的建设极强的分销优势。整体运作、规模经营是“康辉”从激烈

19、的旅游市场竞争中脱颖而出的制胜之道,在过去几年中,康辉充分利用“中国康辉”全国网络布局及垂直管理体系,积极构建同业分销渠道,逐步建立起一个以北京、上海、广州、深圳等主要出境口岸及客源地为中心的批发营销体系。1、Product planning产品计划 如,2009年11月,康辉取得2010年上海世博会世博游指定旅行社资格,成为四川地区唯一一家拥有该项资格的旅行社组织此次包价旅游。四川康辉利用全国网络体系在互联网、旅行社内部网及分销系统上发布参观的消息,市民可在旅行社或网上报名参加。四川康辉投入1200万元,预订了10万张门票,预计四川每天发往上海的团队游客将有1000人。根据上海世博局规定,5

20、月1日3日的旅游团都叫首发团。在这期间,康辉一共有两个飞机团、两列火车专列。其中,两个飞机团一共有500人,两列专列有1000人。总计参加首发团的名额有1500人。2、Financial evaluation财务报告 利用全国网络体系估计此次上海世博会旅游风险:A、与上海世博会负责部门签订参观合同 B、旅行团的保险费用及相关行政费用 C、预订机票、饭店费用的浮动解决方案:利用全国网络体系在线发布财务估计报表,向代理商在线收取额外费用。据介绍,首发团的4条线路中,两个飞机团线路分别为4日游和6日游;专列线路都为12日游。飞机团的价格将根据住宿等级,从3980元到4880元不等;火车专列的价格在2

21、180元和2380元左右。首发团以后,康辉还将组织多条世博旅游线路,价格则将根据机票、地接等价格波动而有所变化。 3、Marketing市场营销 网络系统推广宣传,康辉国旅卯足了劲打造自己的世博游产品,四川康辉投入1200万元,预订了10万张门票 ,四川游客参加旅行团队将会享受到世博游指定旅行社专用入口等服务; 发布旅游须知; 订购门票、机票、饭店,通过打折优惠政策,使旅行社获得绝对优势(世博会门票:个人票、团体票:普通团队票、学生团队票); 在线游客数据收集快速准确,做好了成本控制。4、Tour management旅游管理 康辉利用全国网络系统将上海世博会的相关信息传递至旅游代理商,有旅游

22、代理商组织旅游,并利用网络体系全程监管 ,进行团队跟踪,也通过此体系收集旅游者反馈意见。 四川康辉世博游计划表(初表)The current situation 目前状况(1)日臻完善的全国网络和垂直管理模式形成康辉集团在全国旅行社行业独特的优势,遍布全国及海外的网络及2300余名优秀员工真诚为海内外旅游者提供全方位的优质服务,依托“中国康辉”集团的强大实力与品牌以及全国七十余家分社,常年推广中国公民赴东南亚、港澳、日本、韩国、澳大利亚、新西兰、德国、南非、埃及、土耳其等开放国家和地区旅游,线路丰富、各具特色,并提供赴欧洲、美国、加拿大、中东、地中海地区、俄罗斯等国商务考察活动接待及相关咨询服

23、务,并长年为企业客户提供会议及奖励旅游等服务。 (2)目前康辉全力推进的四套体系建设:在线整合、会奖商务游、地接社建设及入境业务。(3)化为核心,加强垂直管理,搭建了一个北至哈尔滨,南到海南岛,东起上海,西迄乌鲁木齐的全国性网络,旗下参控股旅行社达108家,其公民旅游业务一直独占鳌头,2007年通过康辉出行的游客达200万人次,打造国内最大旅游运营商并非遥不可及。(4)辉有国内旅游业务部门53个,80%居于省内最大的国内游批发商,出境业务部门18个,全省最大出境游批发商。5、总结提升 The case of Kanghui Travel Service tells us how a tour

24、operator can develop its distribution of tourism products, improve the service quality, and maximize the economic benefits.5.1 中国旅行社的现状规模较大、业务开展较好的旅行社把自身定位于“旅游批发商”推移延展,但与国际上人们所熟知的旅游批发商之间差距仍十分明显。由于目前我国的旅游产业政策和旅行社的市场状态,“供”与“销”均是由“旅游代理商”完成的。5.2 建议(1)旅行社业态的发展:大的旅行社向批发商过渡,中型旅行社向专业化过渡,小型旅行社向代理化过渡;(2)建立覆盖面

25、广、性能优良的分销系统;(3)使企业网络化、规模化、品牌化;(4)与上下游企业、同行及管理部门保持良好关系;(5)代理商不是批发商的附庸,而是生意合作伙伴。代理商们与批发商应当合理分配经济利益。阅读与分析即学即用:建议引用一案例进行分析。Tour wholesalers in North AmericaNTA China Inbound Program1. Tour wholesaler It is an organizer who combines all the components of a tour to make up a holiday and sells it to the pu

26、blic through his own company, through retail outlets, or through approved retail travel agencies.1.1 CharacteristicsIt is relatively easier to start this business.The speed of cash flow is fast.Their products on sale are seldom returned.It is possible for them to make a big profit from equity becaus

27、e they need less money to start such a business.1.2 ClassificationThe independent tour operatorThe airline cooperating closely with a tour wholesaling businessThe retail travel agent who provides package tours for its clientsThe operator of motor coach tours1.3 The Main Stages of Tour OperatingCapac

28、ity planning Financial evaluationMarketingTour management1.4 Main Functions of Tour wholesaler 对旅游者:帮助旅游者节约支出;包价旅游简化了旅游者得购买活动,提供便利;降低旅游者的购买风险。对供应企业:使企业在淡旺季的供求关系得到平衡。提高市场的销售效率。More for tourists:saving the expensesreducing the buying risksmore convenient for upstream enterprises:offer the massive sour

29、ces of tourists for tourism industry:developing the tourism marketing balancing supply and demand in tourism market讨论:What other benefits can a tour operator provide?(1)Because of the discount, package tour is much cheaper than “DIY tour”.(2)Aiming at the different marketing demands, tour wholesaler

30、s can offer a variety of tourism products to travel agency and tourists.(3)Tour wholesalers can reduce the destinations operating risks, by offering information to local agency in advance.(4)Although most of the tour wholesalers have their own retail outlets, travel agency is also the main marketing

31、 channel.2. Tour Wholesaler OrganizationsNational Tour Association is the primary tour wholesaler organization in North America, which was set up in 1951, mainly consists of group tour operators, and suppliers, and other travel and tourism entities. Members:Tour Operator (Buyers) 旅游经营者Tour Suppliers (Sellers) 旅游供应商DMO 目的地营销组织Associates 联营公司 NTA Services:Marketing assistance 营销援助Educational programs 教育计划Government mental representation 政府指向性方针Communication for its mem

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