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1、初中英语中考英语总复习阅读填空专项训练初中英语中考英语总复习阅读填空专项训练教育引导Passage 1The whole weekdays work began, when I sat at the desk. The work putting in front of me made me feel very upset. But I couldnt complain about the hard work. I could earn some money from the work to raise myself and didnt depend 1._ my parents any mor

2、e. In fact, I also felt a bit happy and satisfied. As an ordinary person, I could have such a job and sat in such a big office to enjoy the air-conditioner. I wasnt very tired and very 2._(stress), compared with others.Suddenly, the door of the office opened, my colleague 3._(angry) walked in. We as

3、ked him for the reason. He told us our boss refused his project. It meant that he couldnt earn more money. When I looked at his angry face, I really wanted to give 4._(he) some advice.He is a hard-working man all the time and earns much money. He has 5._ expensive car that we all admire. He 6._(live

4、) a rich life now. His life is almost perfect. Why does he care money very much? If I were him, I wouldnt be so angry. I might have a good rest 7._(spend) easy weekdays.In our lives, sometimes we need to slow down our steps so 8._ we can find more meaningful things to do. And we can see clearly what

5、 we truly want in the first place. 9._are only 24 hours in a day. And a lot of time among these hours is used to sleep. If we spend a long time on work, we cant spend so much time on family, 10._(friend) and lovers. However, it is they that need us to cherish(珍惜).【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。通过对比两个人对于工作的状态和看法,作者告

6、诉我们,生活要懂得放慢节奏,探寻内心真正想要的东西,例如亲情、爱情、友情等。1. on【解析】句意:从我的工作中我能挣到一些钱去养活我自己并且不再依靠我的父母。根据句意和短语 depend on “依靠”,可知此处填介词 on。故填 on。2. stressful【解析】句意:与其他人比较,我不是非常累和非常有压力。分析句子结构可知,此处用形容词作表语。故填 stressful。3. angrily【解析】句意:突然,办公室的门开了,我的同事_走了进来。分析句子结构可知,此处用副词作状语修饰动词 walked,表示“生气地”。故填 angrily。4. him【解析】句意:当我看着他生气的脸,

7、我真的想给_一些建议。动词后面要跟代词宾格。故填 him。5. an【解析】句意:他有_昂贵的我们都羡慕的车。根据句意可知此处表示“一辆”之意,又因为 expensive 的发音是以元音音素开头的所以用不定冠词 an。故填 an。6. lives【解析】句意:他现在_富有的生活。根据句意和句中关键的时间状语 now,可知该句子的时态是一般现在时。故填 lives。7. to spend【解析】句意:我可能好好休息,享受惬意的周内时光。分析句子结构可知,此处为不定式作目的状语。故填 to spend。8. that【解析】句意:在我们的生活中,有时候我们需要去放慢我们的脚步_我们才能发现更多有意

8、义的事情去做。根据句意和短语 so that “以便,为了”,引导目的状语从句。故填 that。9. There【解析】句意:一天里_只有 24 个小时。根据句意和语法知识可知 there be 句式表示“某地有某物”。故填 There。10. friends【解析】句意:如果我们花费很长的时间在工作上,我们就不能花费如此多的时间在家人、_和爱人身上。根据句意和所给的可数名词“朋友”,可知此处用复数形式。故填 friends。Passage 2My husband and I were walking in the park in the evening. I met a young man.

9、 He 1._(greet) me warmly. But I couldntrecognize him. He told me he was my previous(以前的) student and mentioned his name, Ben White, to me! 2._(regretful), I couldnt still recall his name. In my career life, there were a lot of 3._(student) that I had taught.After a very pleasant greeting, he asked i

10、f I remembered 4._ letter of encouragement I had written to him. It seemed Ben fell in hard times because he failed in a big exam. I didnt remember the letter, 5._ he said, “Yes, I still have it, and I read it anytime things arent going too well. ” He went on to say that he has read the letter many

11、6._(time) during the past few years. And the situation always seemed 7._(improve). I was moved by his words.He continued, “You dont remember?” I said, “Sadly, no, I dont. ” But I asked him if I could have a look 8._ the letter. He said that he would take a photo to me. After a few days, I received t

12、he letter.In simple words, the letter read: “Failure will pass. Dont give 9._ your dream. I believe you forever.”I gave a student 10. _(confident) and warmth with such a simple and short letter. In the world, a small help may make a difference to others.【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。作者作为一名老师,曾经写信鼓励自己的学生,虽然只有短短 3 句

13、,但是这一善行却给他学生了自信,使他度过了困难的时期。文章最后总结到,每个人的微小帮助都可能给别人带来巨大的改变。1. greeted 【解析】句意:他热情地问候我。根据前后语境可知,此处时态是一般过去时。故填 greeted。2. Regretfully【解析】句意:非常遗憾的是,我依然不能回想起他的名字。根据句意和语法知识可知此处用副词作状语修饰句子,表示“令人遗憾地是”。故填 Regretfully。注意句首单词首字母需大写。3. students【解析】句意:在我职业生涯中,我教过很多学生。根据句意和空前的修饰词 a lot of,可知此处用可数名词的复数形式。故填 students。

14、4. a【解析】句意:在非常愉快的问候之后,他问我是否记得我给他写过的_鼓励信。根据句意可知此处表示泛指,需用不定冠词;结合空后的 letter 是辅音音素开头的单词。故填 a。5. but【解析】句意:我不记得这封信了_他说“我还留着这封信并且无论何时事情进展不顺利的时候我就会读这封信。”根据前后两个句子之间的关系可知表示转折关系。故填 but。6. times【解析】句意:他继续说在过去的几年时间里他读这封信很多次。根据句意和语法知识可知,time 当表示“时间”的时候是不可数名词,但是表示“次数/倍数”的时候是可数名词。故填 times。7. to improve【解析】句意:并且,情况

15、总是看起来在改善。根据 seem to do sth. 的结构可知,此处为不定式。故填 to improve。8. at 【解析】句意:但是我问他是否我能看一看这封信。根据句意和短语 have a look at “看一看”,可知此处填介词 at。故填 at。9. up【解析】句意:不要放弃你的梦想。根据句意和短语 give up “放弃”。故填 up。10. confidence【解析】句意:我用一封如此简短的信给一个学生自信和温暖。根据句意和语法知识可知此处需要名词和 warmth 并列作动词 gave 的直接宾语。故填 confidence。Passage 3One day, while

16、 I was walking on the street, I heard a beautiful piece of piano music above the noise of the people. I walked more slowly 1._(find) out where it was comingfrom. Then I saw 2.young lady sitting by a piano.She was singing 3.(song) about love. The way shewas singing made me relaxed. I stood there

17、lence,watching her playing.I walked over and told her how good her music sounded and I felt hopeful again.“Im glad that I couldhelp you,” shereplied 5.(soft). “Why are you so sad?”“Well, my mum has 6.(lose) her job, and Im notsure what to do.”“Did you notice your head was down 7.youwere walking?” sh

18、e said.“Dont be upset. Opportunity 8. (come) in different ways and if your head is down, you might notsee it. You should smile more and lift your head 9. ”Later on I knew she was the person who cheered upunhappy people by10.(play) music. I was so lucky to meet her.【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者的母亲失业了,作者为此感到

19、沮丧。当作者走在路上时,一位演奏钢琴的女士鼓励作者要昂起头、振作起来,并且告诉作者,生活中的机会是以不同方式出现的,要抬头挺胸来迎接每一次机会。1. to find【解析】句意:我走得更慢了,试图发现声音来自何方。分析句子结构可知,此处为不定式作目的状语。故填 to find。2. a【解析】句意:然后我看到_年轻女士坐在钢琴旁。根据 young lady 可知空前缺少冠词,且第一次出现,应用 a/an,又因 young 以辅音音素开头。故填 a。3. songs 【解析】句意:她在唱着关于爱的歌曲。空格前无冠词可知应填名词复数,故填 songs。4. in 【解析】句意:我静静地站在那里看她

20、表演。根据语境可知,此处考查固定短语 in silence 沉默地,静静地。故填 in。5. softly【解析】句意:“很高兴可以帮到你。”她温柔地答道。分析句子可知此处应填副词修饰动词 replied。故填 softly。6. lost【解析】句意:我母亲失业了,我不确定该怎么办。根据语境可知表示失业,lose ones job 失业。根据空前的 has 可知,此处用所给动词的过去分词,构成现在完成时。故填 lost。7. while【解析】句意:你有没有发现_走路,你的头总是低着的吗?分析句子结构及语境可知,此处要填一个连词,而根据空后的“were walking”可知空前后的动作同时发

21、生,所以用 while 引导时间状语从句。故填 while。8. comes【解析】句意:不要沮丧。机会是以不同的方式出现的,如果你低着头,你或许看不到它。分析语境可知机会是以不同的方式出现的,in different ways 以不同的方式。故填 comes。9. up【解析】句意:你应该多微笑并抬起你的头。根据句意及上文的“your head is down”可知是抬起头。lift. up 把抬起来。故填 up。10. playing【解析】句意:后来我知道她就是那个通过弹琴鼓励不开心的人们的人。by 是介词,后面动词用动名词形式,故填 playing。Passage 4When I wa

22、s diagnosed (诊断) with cancer, I had just startedmy second year studying at University of Cambridge. I wasupset. I had so many 1. (goal) I wanted to achieve. Andall of my dreams didnt have room for cancer.I was faced with one of 2.hardest jobs of tellingmy friends and family thetruth. Then, I decided

23、 3.(finish) my study. It was against my doctors advice. But I didnt want to miss the year of my life. I tried to persuade (说服) myteachers, and 4. (final) I was allowed to remain at schooland study only half the course. At the end of the year I 5.(take) two exams and I was successful.Treatment and st

24、udy made me feel tired, 6. muchbetter than I had expected. I was able to read, eat and do othermy gradesand more importantly, I was fully recovered in the end.things 7.I used to. I was glad to be with the work andfriends around me in Cambridge.I took a risk 8.(continue) thestudy whilereceivingtreatm

25、ent and Isucceeded. I wassatisfied 9.Every person facing the illness must make the right choicesfor 10. (him). I am proud that I have made the right decision.【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述作者在上大学期间发现自己患了癌症,他并没有沮丧和放弃,而是直面问题,在坚持治疗的同时,认真完成学业,最终他不仅康复了而且完成了大学的学业。文章鼓励我们在逆境中更要乐观面对生活,坚持不懈,终究会战胜困难取得成功。1. goals 【解析】句意:我有

26、如此多的想去实现的 。根据 many 可知填名词复数。故填 goals。2. the【解析】句意:我面临着最困难的事情之一告知我的父母和朋友们实情。one of +the+形容词最高级,为固定用法,表示“最之一”。故填 the。知是我“像”以前那样。故填 as。8. continuing【解析】句意:在我治疗的时候,我冒险继续我的学业,并且我成功了。take a risk doing sth. 冒险做某事。故填 continuing。 finish【解析】句意:然后,我决定我的学业。由下文可知,作者想要完成学业。decide to do sth.决定做某事。故填 to finish。4

27、.finally【解析】句意:并且我被允许待在学校。分析句子成分可知此处需用副词修饰整个句子。根据句意可知,最终我被许可待在学校。故填finally。5.took【解析】句意:在这一年年底,我两场考试,并且取得成功。take theexam 参加考试,又知文章讲述过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时。故填 took。6.but【解析】句意:治疗和学习使我感到很累,比我之前期望的好很多。分析前后句意可知表示转折关系,意为“但是”。故填 but。【解析】句意:我以前那样读书,吃饭,做其他的事情。根据句意可9. with【解析】句意:我 我的成绩很满意。根据语境可知考查固定短语be satisfi

28、ed with.对满意。故填 with。10. himself【解析】句意:每个人在面临疾病的时候必须为他自己做正确的抉择。结合句意此处指为他自己做决定。故填反身代词 himself。Passage 5Alice was born with a strange disease. She was taken tomany hospitals. None of the 1.(doctor) knew the causeof the disease. They 2.(tell) her parents she would goblind and deaf.Now Alice is fifteen y

29、ears old. Her eyesight and hearing areso poor that she cant see or hear 3.(clear). But she is abright and happy girl. She says to4.(her), “Whatever happens, I will never give up.” Shehopes to enjoy her life. 5.her parents help, she istravelling as much as she can. She is also6.(share) the interestin

30、g things she experiences alongthe way.She also wants to help people like her. Her dream is to helpresearchers find7. method for her disease. If she can get well, people 8. have the same disease may also be cured(治愈). In fact, she has raised money for a foundation( 基金会 ) fighting the disease 9. she was in Grade Two. Until now, she has got over $ 150,000!Alice thinks hel

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