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1、综合套题一综合套题一Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points)Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this Part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.1. Tom: How a

2、re you? Mary: Fine. Thank you! _ Tom: Im very well. Thanks!A. Do you?B. And you?C. How about you?D. Did you?2. Speaker A: Would it be possible for you to help me with my work? Speaker B: Yes. _A. When and where?B. Please go ahead.C. If you dont mind.D. Im most willing to do so.3. Speaker A: Dr. Carl

3、 Schmidt, I will introduce you to the audience today.Speaker B: Im honored.Speaker A: _A. It is my pleasure.B. I am glad I can do it. C. Thank you very much.D. Its very kind of you.4. Tom: It was great to hear that you passed the exam. Barbara: Yes, _ I was quite pleased with myself. A. I think so.

4、B. thank you. C. its all over! D. I am so glad!5. Speaker A: Good morning. This is the information office(问讯处). Speaker B: Good morning. Can I speak to the manager, please? Speaker A: Who shall I say is calling? Speaker B: _A. Im Adam Davis.B. Adam Davis is calling.C. My name is Adam Davis.D. This i

5、s Adam Davis speaking.6. William: I have just gotten two tickets for the football game and was thinking of inviting you. Are you interested? Marie: _ But I dont like football games. William: Its a pity. A. Thanks for inviting me! B. When shall we go? C. Any problem? D. I dont like to!7. Jack: If you

6、 dont mind, whos that lady drinking alone at the bar?David: She is the new comer in my office. She doesnt seem to have many friends yet.Jack: Can you introduce me to her, please?David: _ Come on. Lets go and talk to her.A. Why not?B. If you dont mind?C. Go along.D. Thats great!8. Student: _ about mi

7、ssing some classes? Advisor: The big deal is that youre here on a student visa. Youll be out of status. A. How wonderful B. Anything serious C. Whats the big deal D. What do you think9. Teacher: Id like to offer my congratulations on your success. Student: Thank you very much. _ A. I am so proud of

8、it. B. I still have a lot to learn. C. I agree with you. D. Its very kind of you. 10. Policeman: _Woman: Yes, please. I cant find my kid. He was with me five minutes ago. Policeman: Dont worry. I will try to help you to find your kid. A. Can you help me? B. What else? C. Are you all right? D. Is the

9、re anything I can do for you? 11. Speaker A: Good afternoon, Id like to see Mr. Smith of the Sales Department. Speaker B: _ Speaker A: Yes. I have a four oclock appointment. My secretary called last week. Speaker B: May I have your name, please?A. Yes, please.B. Mr. Smith is expecting you.C. Do you

10、have an appointment?D. Would you please wait a moment?12. Visitor: How do I get to the railway station? Ive got lost. Policeman: Cross the road and turn left at the other side. _ for about 100 meters and the station is to your left. A. Continue you walking B. Keep going straight C. Get hurried D. Go

11、 along13. Speaker A: Excuse me, havent we met before? Speaker B: _ Speaker A: You taught in the Shanghai Teachers University, didnt you? Speaker B: Yes. En , oh, Bill Kuang. I remember. My names Alan Peters. Welcome to New York. A. Who are you? B. I dont think so. C. Yes, thats right. D. Its nice to

12、 see you!14. Speaker A: Good morning, Mrs. Harbor. Sarah is sorry for not coming to class today. Speaker B: _ Speaker A: She has a fever and the doctor told her to take things easy for a dayor two. A. Is she okay? B. Would she be all right? C. Whats wrong with her? D. She will recover soon.15. Will:

13、 How are you going to go to the jazz concert tonight, Janet? Janet: By bus, I guess. Will: Why dont you two join us? Im going with George and he is driving. Janet: _ Where should we meet? A. Thats very nice of you. B. Yes, thank you! C. Whats up? D. Beg your pardon? Part II Reading Comprehension (40

14、 points) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Passage OneT

15、he planets found so far are significantly larger than Earth. Four are about the size of Jupiter (木星) and one about the size of Neptune (海王星). They also have much shorter orbits, ranging from 3.3 to 4.9 terrestrial (地球上的) days. Neither of these facts is surprising. Even using the transit method, big

16、planets are easier to spot than small ones, and to be sure that a flicker in brightness is caused by a planet rather than some property of the star itself, it must occur at regular and predictable intervals. Hundreds of flickers that might have been caused by planets with longer orbits have been see

17、n, but have not yet been confirmed as transits (运行星).What this does mean, though, is that the planets in question are much closer to their stars than Earth is, and thus much hotter (1200-1650C), as well as being larger. But they are not as hot as the most peculiar discoveries Kepler has made. These

18、are two planet-sized objects that are far hotter (at 12,000C) than their distances from their parent stars suggest they should be. That means they are giving out energy of their own, yet they are too small to be stars. One theory is that they are youngsters, giving off heat as they collapse inwards

19、due to the pull of their own gravity, but nobody knows for sure.None of these discoveries favors the underlying reason why planet-hunting is such a popular sportthe hope that, one day, a life-bearing planet will turn up. For that, more numbers will have to be crunched, and planetary atmospheres anal

20、yzed for signs of oxygen. The hunt, however, is on in earnest. If Earth-sized planets are out there, they will soon be found.16. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. The Search for a Second EarthB. The way to Locate a PlanetC. The Search for the New StarsD. The Hope for a New

21、Planet17. It is not surprising to locate the planets larger than Earth because _.A. they have much shorter orbitsB. they are more easily spotted C. they are hotterD. they have longer orbits18. The planets found so far are very hot because they are _.A. larger than others B. smaller than EarthC. clos

22、er to their stars D. closer to other stars19. From the passage we know that _. A. some planets found are as large as Earth B. some unusually hot planet-sized objects can be seen as young stars C. scientists believe that many flickering planets are transits D. it is clear that some objects are giving

23、 off heat themselves20. Which of the following is the main reason for planet hunting? A. Discover as many planets as possible. B. Spot Earth-sized planets. C. Hope to find a life-bearing planet. D. Develop new technology for space exploration.Passage TwoThis week, General Motors went to bankruptcy c

24、ourt. It became the second of the big threeAmerican automakers to seek protection from its creditors while continuing operations. Chrysler declared bankruptcy on April thirtieth, though its plans to leave the process quickly still await final rulings.The bankruptcy is Americas fourth largest, but th

25、e largest for a manufacturer. The government plans to invest thirty billion dollars, on top of an earlier twenty billion. In return, taxpayers will own sixty percent of a smaller G.M. Canada and the United Auto Workers union will also own part of the restructured company. But President Obama made it

26、 clear Monday that he wants to limit the intervention (干预)in what some now call “Government Motors”. Obama said: “In short, our goal is to get G.M. back on its feet, take a hands-off (不干预) approach and get out quickly.” Is all that possible? Experts say one concern is that lawmakers will try to cont

27、rol company decisions like where to build new factories.Another concern is that trade partners may consider the G.M. rescue with a form of government support barred (禁止) by free trade agreements. Only one of Detroits big three, Ford Motor Company, is not taking aid. Yet other countries, especially i

28、n Europe, have acted to save jobs in their own car industries.University of Michigan transportation researcher Bruce Belzowski says one big question is what effect employee morale (士气) will have. Employees must believe in the new G.M. And, of course, its products must satisfy the public, as well as

29、new government rules for fuel economy. To reduce costs, G.M. plans to close more factories and cut more jobs by the end of two thousand eleven. And it wants to cut more than one thousand dealerships by the end of next year. G.M. plans to sell or discontinue its Saturn, Saab and Pontiac lines. And it

30、 may sell its Hummer brand to a heavy equipment company in China. 21. According to the passage, General Motors_.A. will sell sixty percent stocks to a Canadian auto manufactureB. declared bankruptcy for seeking protection from its creditorsC. has got totally fifty billion investments from American g

31、overnmentD. has become “Government Motors” after a series of structural reforms22. What does Obama imply by saying “our goal is to get G.M. back on its feet, take a hands-off approach”?A. The American government wont interfere too much with G.Ms operation.B. The American government will welcome the bankruptcy of G.M.C. The federal government will take control of new G.M.D. The federal government will take G.M. out of hands.23. According to Bruce Belzowski, G.M. should_.A. reduce its

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