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1、百校联盟届高考复习全程精练冲刺金卷英语试题三第卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.How many people were killed in the plane crash?A.71. B.77. C.83.2.Which apartment do the children live in?A.13-B. B.33-B. C.33-D.3.Why di

2、d the man sleep overtime?A.He forgot to set his alarm clock. B.He had been working too long. C.He went to bed very late the night before.4.Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Workmates. B.Doctor and patient. C.Director and clerk.5.Why did the airline call the woman?A.Because h

3、er flight was cancelled.B.Because her flight was put off.C.Because the airline invited her to lunch.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或对白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.Who is getting married?A.Anna. B.The ma

4、n. C.The woman.7.When will the flowers be ready?A.By 10:00. B.By 10:30. C.By 12:00.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.Who used to take the man fishing when he was five?A.His parents. B.His grandma. C.His grandpa.9.Where will the speakers have a picnic?A.At home. B.On the hill. C.In Los Angeles.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.Why

5、 is the man a little frightened?A.He had an accident. B.He saw the ambulance. C.He had his car damaged.11.Why did the man lose control of the car?A.Because he hit an icy patch.B.Because he had a bet with others.C.Because he wanted to drive around the corner.12.What did the man want to do at last?A.T

6、o call the police. B.To call his family. C.To go to hospital.听第9段材料,回答笫13至16题。13.How does the woman want to pay?A.In cash. B.By credit card. C.With her smartphone.14.What does Venmo need to connect to?A.A phone card. B.An ID card. C.A bank or credit card.15.On what condition is Venmo free?A.If you u

7、se a credit card. B.If you use a checking account. C.If you download a PayPal app on your phone.16.Where can you use Venmo at the present time?A.At chain stores. B.At small shops. C.At restaurants.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.What is the weather probably like?A.Rainy. B.Hot. C.Dry.18.How long did it take Ma

8、tt Miller to complete his 29,000-mile journey?A.About 180 hours. B.About 6 weeks. C.A few years.19.What did Matt receive at age 17?A.His diploma. B.His driving license. C.His pilot license.20.What is Matt there with the reporter for? A.For a visit. B.For an interview. C.For a get-together.第二部分 阅读理解(

9、共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。ALawanda Wilson was 72 when she decided to test her luck and drive from her home in Midland to Las Vegas to visit one of her sons in the summer.Though she had been there before,she couldnt find her sons house.Wilson ende

10、d up sleeping in her car for days. She planned to go back to Midland,but it was clear she was no longer capable of taking care of herself.She wasnt eating.She wasnt taking her pills.It turned out she was at the beginning stage of Alzheimers(老年痴呆症).I knew that my mother was starting to lose her memor

11、y a little bit,her eldest son Blane said,but I never dreamed that it would be like this.Blane and his brother,Scott,had promised each other that they wouldnt put their mother in a nursing home.But when Blane invited his mother to come to his home,his decision came as a surprise to his new wife,Georg

12、ia.Georgia,a young widow,and Blane were still newlyweds when his mother came to live with them in the winter of 2004.Georgia barely knew her mother-in-law and,suddenly,they had taken on this responsibility.With her husbands three children grown,they thought they were finally going to kick back and h

13、ave a little more fun in their lives.I think about that every day.Georgia said.How did this happen?Its like adopting another child.For nine months,they struggled.Later,Georgia left home.But after a short separation,they were reconciled(和好).In 2005,the couple decided to build a small house in the bac

14、kyard.They hoped it would give them the personal space they needed to save their marriage.Blane used all of his savings to build the house,which he believed would be worth it.21.Why couldnt Lawanda Wilson find her sons home?A.Because Alzheimers weakened her memory.B.Because Alzheimers weakened her e

15、yesight.C.Because she couldnt focus her attention on driving.D.Because she had never driven to her sons home on her own.22.Why was Georgia surprised when Blane invited his mother to his home?A.Because she was newly married to him. B.Because she hated to live with the elderly.C.Because she hadnt expe

16、cted to take the responsibility. D.Because she had had a quarrel with his mother.23.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.Scott didnt want to take care of his mother.B.Lawanda decided to drive to her sons home and live there.C.Neither of Lawandas sons would send her to

17、 a nursing home.D.Blane and Georgia were newly married and they had four children.24.Whats the main purpose of building a small house in the backyard?A.To keep their pets. B.To let the children sleep in.C.To let his mother live in. D.To save the marriage of the couple.BA study finds that youngsters

18、who have a sister are happier.Why?The usual answerthat girls and women are more likely than boys and men to talk about emotionsis somehow unsatisfying,especially to a researcher like me.Much of my work over the years has developed the assumption that womens styles of friendship and conversation aren

19、t letter than mens.A man once told me that he had spent a day with a friend who was newly divorced.When he returned home,his wife asked how his friend was going.He replied,I dont know.We didnt talk about it.His wife blamed him.This made the man feel bad.So he was relieved to read in my hook that doi

20、ng things together can be a comfort in itself,another way to show caring.But if talking about problems isnt necessary for comfort,then having sisters shouldnt make men happier than having brothers.Yet the recent study is supported by others.Scientists Liz Wright and Tony Cassidy found that young peo

21、ple who had grown up with at least one sister tended to be happier and more optimistic,especially if their parents had divorced.Researcher Judy Dunn,found a similar pattern among older adults.I interviewed about 100 women about their sisters,but if they also had brothers,I asked them to compare.Most

22、 said they talked to their sisters more often,at greater length and about more personal topics.This often meant that they felt closer to their sisters.Its true that having a sister makes one happier,but it neednt be talks about emotions.When women told me they talk to their sisters more often,at gre

23、ater length and about more personal topics,I believe its the first element that is the most important rather than the rest.25.Why did the wife blame her husband in Paragraph 3?A.Because he laughed at his divorced friend.B.Because he stayed with his friend for too long.C.Because she didnt think he ha

24、d shown care to his friend. D.Because she didnt like her husbands contact with his friend.26.What can we learn from the sixth paragraph?A.Even an older adult can be happier if he has a sister.B.Womens styles of conversation are better than mens.C.Talking isnt the only factor that makes people happie

25、r.D.Talking about problems is the best way to show care for others.27.As for talks between sisters.what is the most important in the writers opinion?A.The content. B.The frequency. C.The topic. D.The length.28.What would be the best title for the passage?A.Why Sisterly Chats Make People Happier B.Si

26、sters Natural Tendency in Emotional TalkingC.Talking Is the Best Way to Make People Happy D.Women Enjoy Different Styles of CommunicationCThe Taklimakan Desert in western China has one of the worlds most difficult environments.With no water, fierce winds and terrible sandstorms,the temperatures get

27、as high as 40 in summer and as low as -20 in winter. Yet,even though it was such a difficult environment,many people in history have traveled through the Taklimakan Desert.Why would anyone want to do this?Cutting through this desert was the famous Silk Road,the main trading route between China and E

28、urope.In China,the Silk Road ran through the ancient city of Kashgar in Xinjiang,then north-east over the Taklimakan Desert to Dunhuang.From Dunhuang,the Silk Road went south-east through ancient Gansu,and then east to Xian.The best-known product traded along the Silk Road was of course silk.Chinese

29、 silk was transported to Europeans,who liked it because it was soft.Other goods transported along the Silk Road included gold, ivory, glass, fur and ceramics.The Silk Road could be quite dangerous: apart from the difficulty of traveling through the desert, robbing was a constant problem.Many merchan

30、ts traveled with guards to protect themselves and the goods they carried.To Westerners the most famous traveler along the Silk Road was the Italian merchant,Marco Polo (AD 1254-1324).However,Marco Polo was by no means the first person to travel along the Silk Road and tell others about it.In fact,in

31、 139 BC and 119 BC,the Chinese explorer Zhang Qian was sent by Emperor Wu to visit the west. Zhang Qians journey helped bring Chinese people a greater knowledge of the western lands.29.What is the biggest temperature gap in the Taklimakan Desert?A.20. B.40. C.60. D.80.30.Some of the goods transported along the Silk Road included and silver and fur C.animals and fur D.ivory and paper31.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A.Zhang Qian was sent to visit the west twice.B.The main product traded along the Silk Road was silk.C.Marco Po

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