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本文(学年译林版英语选修八新素养同步练习Unit 3 The world of colours and light Section Ⅰ 知能.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

学年译林版英语选修八新素养同步练习Unit 3 The world of colours and light Section Ⅰ 知能.docx

1、学年译林版英语选修八新素养同步练习Unit 3 The world of colours and light Section 知能A卷 阅读理解A“We all know that exercise is good for us, but can you get the benefits without actually doing the exercise?”asks Michael Mosley.Having a hot bath or a sauna is a good way to soothe your arms and legs after exercise, but what h

2、appens if you do it instead of exercise? Dr. Steve Faulkner of Loughborough University asked me to take part in an experiment comparing the relative benefits of having a long, hot bath versus an hour of hard cycling.For this study I join a group of volunteers who have all been fitted with monitors w

3、hich continuously record blood sugar levels. Keeping your blood sugar level within the normal range is an important measure of your “metabolic”fitness.The first part of the experiment is very relaxing, consisting of having a long, hot bath. While I sit in the bath, which they keep at 40, Steve close

4、ly monitors my core temperature. Once it has risen and stayed there, I am allowed out.A couple of hours after my bath I have a light meal. Since we want to see how having a hot bath compares with exercise, we repeat the experiment.So whats the result?“One of the first things that we were looking at,

5、”Steve says, “is the energy expenditure(消耗) while youre in the hot bath and what we found was an 80% increase in energy expenditure just as a result of sitting in the bath for the course of an hour.”This is nothing like as many calories as cycling for an hour(which comes out at an average of 630 cal

6、ories), but we do burn 140 calories, the equivalent of a brisk 30minute walk.【解题导语】实验发现,一个小时的热水浴虽然没有骑一个小时自行车所消耗的热量多,但其所消耗的热量相当于半个小时的快步走所消耗的热量。1What is the meaning of the underlined word in Paragraph 2?AExercise. BStrengthen.CRelax. DBuild up.C解析:词义猜测题。结合该句内容和常识可知,在锻炼时,我们的腿和手臂肌肉比较紧张,洗热水澡或桑拿浴可以使这些部位的肌

7、肉得到放松。故选C。2What is the purpose of the experiment?ATo compare energy expenditure of hot bath and cycling.BTo tell people how to lose weight.CTo show the benefit of hot bath.DTo encourage people to have a hot bath instead of cycling.A解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Dr. Steve Faulkner of Loughborough University asked

8、 me to take part in an experiment comparing the relative benefits of having a long, hot bath versus an hour of hard cycling.”可知,做这个实验的目的是把洗热水澡和骑自行车的能量消耗的情况进行对比。故选A。3What does normal blood sugar level mean?AIt means you are healthy.BIt means your temperature is normal.CIt means you dont need exercise

9、.DIt means your metabolic system is normal.D解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Keeping your blood sugar level within the normal range is an important measure of your metabolic fitness.”可知,保持正常范围内的血糖水平是代谢健康的一个重要衡量标准。据此可知,正常的代谢系统与正常的血糖水平有关。故选D。4If you want to burn 600 calories, what can you do?AHave a hot bath for one

10、hour.BCycle for one hour.CHave a brisk 60minute walk.DHave a brisk 30minute walk.B解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段内容可知,如果要消耗600卡路里,应骑一个小时自行车。故选B。BWhenever I hear a recording of John Denver singing “Sunshine on My Shoulders”, I find myself smiling, drawn to a love of the sun and the outdoors Ive had for years as a Mi

11、chigan native. Walking barefoot to the lake, playing without shirts in the sunlight, and breathing fresh air feel good. As a doctor I can tell you they are also good for your heart.Studies have found higher rates of high blood pressure among people with the lowest sun exposure. One reason may be due

12、 to nitric oxide(一氧化氮), a gas whose function is activated when your skin is exposed to the suns rays. It reduces both heart attack and stroke risks. Vitamin D, which sunlight helps your body produce, is also linked to better health. So walk outdoors for 15 to 30 minutes daily.In Japan, walking throu

13、gh forests to keep healthy has become a popular practice. Apparently they want to enjoy the fresh air. But research on 280 volunteers found that people had a reduced heart rate, and lower blood pressure when they walked through a forest than when they spent time in an urban area.One of the consequen

14、ces of modern society is that rarely is our body in direct contact with the ground. The earth has an electrical current. Direct contact with it may be stabilizing force for good health. Although“earthing”or “grounding” is considered alternative by mainstream medicine, research shows that the practic

15、e seems to be able to reduce heart disease risks.So, walk around barefoot wherever possible, let your backyard grass tickle your feet, and dig your toes into sandy beaches.【解题导语】本文是一篇议论文。作者通过叙述自己的经历、感受和一些研究发现,告诉人们户外活动有益于心脏。5The first paragraph is meant to _Ashow the author likes the song very muchBp

16、ut forward the argument of the passageCsuggest that the author loves nature crazilyDindicate the author is a Michigan nativeB解析:推理判断题。根据第一段的描述可知,作者写这段的目的是提出文章的论点。6Sunbathings good for heart because _Athe suns rays make nitric oxide workBsunlight can help people keep warmCthe suns rays can help repla

17、ce vitamin DDvitamin D reduces blood circulationA解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“One reason may be due to nitric oxide(一氧化氮), a gas whose function is activated when your skin is exposed to the suns rays. It reduces both heart attack and stroke risks.”描述可推知,日光浴对心脏有好处是因为阳光能使一氧化氮工作。7Its believed that walking through

18、forests can _Amake people popular Bhelp breathe in fresh airCreduce blood pressure Dhelp escape noisy citiesC解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的“But research on 280 volunteers found that people had a reduced heart rate, and lower blood pressure when they walked through a forest than when they spent time in an urban are

19、a.”描述可知,人们普遍认为在森林散步可以降低血压。8The best title of the passage should be _ANitric Oxide Has Magic FunctionsBWalking Barefoot Builds the BodyCSunbathing Is Good for HealthDOutdoor Activities Benefit the HeartD解析:标题归纳题。根据全文内容,尤其是第一段中的“Walking barefoot.for your heart.”及最后一段可知,这篇文章的主旨是户外活动有益于心脏。CI took a trip

20、 to Antarctica last year.First I flew from Buenos Aires, Argentina, to the city of Rio Gallegos in a military(军事的) plane. Then the plane took me and the others to Marambio base, in Antarctica from Rio Gallegos. During the fourhour trip in the_Hercules,_I was impressed by the ice around us.As I set f

21、oot on Antarctica for the first time in my life, a rush of glory ran through me. The scientists on board told me about the ozone layer(臭氧层) and the British explorer Ernest Shackelton, the second man to set foot on Antarctica. I will never forget what I was told about the ozone layer. I was told it w

22、as getting thinner and thinner because of pollution and emission gases, which eventually would change the weather balance in the whole planet. I couldnt help feeling worried about the future of humans after I heard that.In Esperanza base there are elementary schools for kids. In Jubany base I saw ig

23、loos(拱形圆顶小屋) and it was interesting to learn that only scientists lived there. I was allowed to get near the Antarctic animals. The penguins are my favorite because they are cute and I like the way they stick out their heads in curiosity, the way they walk and how they survive in harsh temperatures.

24、 I also saw elephant seals, which from the distance looked like rocks. I was also amazed at watching the amazing humpback whales(座头鲸) for the first time in my life.After my nineday trip, I boarded the Hercules to get back. I felt as if I had been on this trip forever because I had lost track of time

25、 and space. I also realized that this had been a magical trip.【解题导语】作者讲述了自己的南极之旅及所见所闻。9What does the underlined part “the Hercules” in Paragraph 2 probably refer to?AA ship. BA plane.CA base. DA city.B解析:词义猜测题。根据第二段的“Then the plane took me and the others to Marambio base”以及“I was impressed by the ic

26、e around us”可推断,画线部分是指作者他们乘坐的飞机。10What the scientists told the author about the ozone layer was _Ainteresting BpositiveCconcerning DuselessC解析:推理判断题。根据第三段的“I couldnt help feeling worried about the future of humans after I heard that.”可知,作者听到这些信息后觉得很担忧。11What did the author do after he/she set foot o

27、n Antarctica?AHe/She lived in an igloo.BHe/She observed some penguins.CHe/She saw some rocks.DHe/She played with an elephant seal.B解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的“I was allowed to get near the Antarctic animals. The penguins are my favorite”可知,作者在那里观察了一些企鹅。12The author most probably considered his/her trip to be _A

28、disappointing BrelaxingCboring DamazingD解析:推理判断题。根据末段的“I also realized that this had been a magical trip.”可知,作者认为这次旅行非常棒。 七选五If happiness is what you want to be, you must take responsibility and stop expecting things or people to make you happy. You are the source of your own happiness, so stop look

29、ing elsewhere. 1._ Here are a few ways for you to follow:Be thankful to others. 2._ It is too easy to take those around us for granted.Show them the same consideration you would like shown to you.3_ This goes beyond(超过) politeness; it is a form of giving. Treat everyone you meet as if they have a bi

30、g sign on their chest saying “make me feel important”. If you do this you will discover a hidden source of joy.Perform acts of kindness. Dont wait to be asked.4._ It doesnt need to be a big thing, hold the door for a stranger, or smile at anyone you make eye contact with. Look for chances to make ot

31、hers feel good.Make a decision to be happy. This is the most important step on the road to a happy life. 5._ You are the key to your own happiness, so go ahead, unlock it once and for all.ARespect other people.BBe polite to other people.CInstead of looking for happiness, start creating it.DYou can change your feelings by acting the way you want to feel.EIf you see a chance to do something nice for someone else, do it!FSimply make up your mind to be the happiest person you know, and you will be.GBe grateful to the people in your life, and practice saying thank you for an

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