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1、8D规范8D规范(ISO9001:2015)1 目的通过对产品质量缺陷、管理弱点进行系统分析,制定和实施纠正措施并评价其有效性,最终消除存在的原因,确保类似问题不再发生,保证质量体系的有效运行。2 适用范围适用于当顾客要求或针对出现的质量问题,职能部门认为有必要时采取的8D小组活动。3 术语 8D:采用8个步骤即:实施纠正、预防措施的方式。8个步骤, 即: 2.1. 成立小组; 2.2. 问题/缺陷描述; 2.3. 制定并执行临时性措施; 2.4. 根本原因分析; 2.5. 选择永久性纠正措施;2.6. 实施永久性纠正措施; 2.7. 实施预防措施;2.8. 向小组祝贺。4. 职责4.1 质量

2、部 指导8D活动的开展,保存8D活动的质量记录。4.2 各相关部门 组织8D小组活动,实施小组确定的措施。5 规定 工作流程5. 1 成立小组当顾客要求或必要时,发生问题的责任部门组织成立8D小组,指定一名组长并由相关部门人员参加。5. 2 问题/缺陷描述使用谁、什么、何时、何处、为什么、怎么样、多少(5W2H)等词句说明内部/外部问题/缺陷。5. 3 制定并执行临时性措施8D小组制定并执行临时性措施,将问题发生的影响与顾客隔离,直到临时性措施实施并被验证其有效。所采取的临时性措施可以是:a. 100%检验;b. 最终检验。5. 4 根本原因分析分析并判断发生问题的根本原因,直至根本原因被找到

3、为止。在分析过程中使用的技术及方法可以是FMEA等。如问题是新的,则限定时间完成。5. 5 选择永久性纠正措施根据分析出的根本原因,制定消除该原因的永久性纠正措施并验证。永久性纠正措施投入批产前,进行小批量试生产,以验证其有效性,必要时应作FMEA。5. 6 实施永久性纠正措施确定并实施永久性纠正措施,永久性地更改相应的工艺规程、控制计划等文件,并确认产生问题的根本原因已被消除。一旦生产需要时,永久性纠正措施被执行的同时允许执行临时性措施。 a. 对所有永久性措施建立一套行动计划; b. 必要时在相应文件中规定持续的控制方法; c. 制订一旦发生问题时的补救措施; d. 必要时对人员进行培训。

4、5. 7 实施预防措施 修订质量体系文件、相关规范、规程,以防止类似问题发生。5. 8 向小组表示祝贺:当确认改进活动成功完成,企业最高管理者应向8D小组成员表示祝贺,并宣布此次质量改进活动圆满结束。如整个改进活动未达到预定效果,原小组成员必须重新按8D方法进行整改5.10 必要时写出案例研究报告;5.11 必要时对所解决问题进行价值分析及评估。6记录6.1 8D报告。8D分析报告产品名称:产品图号(或规格):题目:信息来源、日期:D1、小组成立负责人:姓名部门职务电话D2、问题说明考虑是否备注(名称、图号、数量)同类产品其他产品1、问题说明:2、这类质量问题是否也会出现在其他产品上?考虑是否

5、备注(名称、图号、数量)同类产品其他产品D3、实施并验证临时纠正措施1、临时纠正措施:2、实施日期:3、采取何种措施来防止不合格流转?考虑措施在制品出厂产品仓库存货标记:效果验证:D4、确定并验证根本原因分析不合格产生真正原因:人、机、料、法、量、环,其他:8D分析报告 (续表)产品名称:产品图号(或规格):题目:信息来源、日期:D5、选择和验证永久纠正措施采取何措施(从防止错误操作,测试,工艺控制,培训等方面来考虑)防止以后再出现同样或类似的质量问题?序号措 施负责人部门完成时间D6、实施永久性纠正措施效果验证:1、防止再发生的措施是否有效?2、效果描述:3、请附上有关数据(如尺寸报表):D

6、7、预防再发生对确认有效的防止再发生的措施纳入文件或进一步跟踪。考虑是否修改或纳入相关文件负责人完成时间检验规范工艺质量保证标准FMEA控制计划图纸量具其他跟踪供方其他类似产品或工艺D8、闭环1、工作总结:2、激励机制:报告人姓名: 部门:Customer Corrective Action ReportDate openedProduct No料号C.C.A.R. No.Supplier供应商Owner客户Originator制作人Discipline 1: Use Team Approach组队成员DateThis is the first step of the 8D process a

7、nd the first part of the 8D report. This stepdefines the composition of the 8D team. The team should be cross functional and should include as members the process owner, a member from QA, and others who will be involved in the containment, analysis, correction and prevention of the problem. The name

8、s of the members as well as their positions in the company organization must be enumerated in this part of the report.这是8D制程的第一步,也是8D报告中的第一部分。这个步骤详细说明了8D组的所有成员。这个组队需要具有执行作用并包括制程的负责人,QA成员以及涉及在短期对策、分析、纠正和预防性问题中的其它人员。在此报告中这一部分中需要列举出所有负责人员的名字,职位。Discipline 2: Describe the Problem 问题的描述DateThis step invo

9、lves a detailed assessment of the problem highlighted by the customer. Under this step, the 8D report provides background information on and a clear picture of the problem being highlighted by the customer. It should include the following details: (a) part information (part name, part number, lot nu

10、mber, date code, etc.; (b) when the problem was encountered; (c) where the problem was encountered; (d) a specific description of the failure mode; and (e) the failure rate.这个步骤涉及的是客户所提出问题的详细说明。在这步骤中,8D报告提供客户反应的问题的背景信息和明确的图片说明。它需要包括下列详细资料:(a)产品信息(产品名称,料号,序列号,日期代码等)(b)问题发生的时间(c)问题发生点(d)失效模式的具体描述(e)失效

11、率Discipline 3: Containment Action短期性的牵制性措施DateThis discipline explains the extent of the problem and bounds it. Based on initial problem investigation, all lots that are potentially affected by the same problem must be identified and their locations pinpointed. If possible, specific lot #s and/or da

12、te codes of potentially affected lots shall be enumerated in this portion of the report. 这一条款解释问题的范围并对它进行限制。基于最初问题的调研,所有受到相同问题潜在性影响的产品都必须被鉴定和确认,以及查明受影响产品所在地点。如果可能的话,受影响的产品的具体货号和日期代码都必须在这一部分列举出来。Lots that are still in the factory must be put on hold until their reliability has been properly assessed.

13、 They must only be released if the lots are either proven to be clean or the failures may be effectively screened.所有仍在工厂的货物在他们的可靠性被进行适当的评估和鉴定前都必须被搁置和停留。只有在这些货物已经被証明是合格清白或失效模式已被有效地消除,他们才可以被放行。If the problem has an extremely high reliability risk and the application of the product is critical (e.g., f

14、ailure of the product is life-threatening), lots already in the field may need to be recalled. However, recall must only be done under extreme cases wherein the impact of reliability risk is greater than the impact of recall. 如果这个问题具有极度高可靠性的风险,产品的应用具有危险性(比如产品的失效会威协到生命),那么所有这些产品都必须被取消。然而,取消的条件是必须是可靠性

15、风险大于取消带来的影响。Discipline 4: Describe the Root Cause根本原因的分析DateThis 8D process step consists of performing the failure analysis and investigation needed to determine the root cause of the problem. The corresponding portion in the 8D report documents the details of the root cause analysis conducted. A d

16、etailed description of the actual failure mechanism must be given, to show that the failure has been fully understood. 这一过程包括进行失效分析以及需要决定问题根本原因的调查。是对根本原因进行分析和详细証明。提供实际失效装置的详细说明用以显示完全明白和理解这一失效。The root cause is then presented, showing how it triggered the failure mechanism identified. All events eman

17、ating from the root cause and leading to the failure mechanism must be included in the explanation. As much evidence as possible must be provided to show that the root cause is the real culprit behind the problem. 呈现的根本原因是用于说明被确认了的失效机械装置是如何引起的。引起事故发生的根本原因以及导致失效机械装置的所有事件都必须包括在这个解释说明当中。尽可能多地提供証明以显示这一根

18、本原因是问题中隐藏的真正要因。The root cause must also be correctively actionable.这一根本原因也必须具有纠正可诉性的。Discipline 5: Permanent Corrective Action长期对策DateThis next discipline identifies all possible corrective actions to address the root cause of the problem. The owners of the corrective actions and the target dates of

19、 completion shall be enumerated in this section of the report. It is also suggested that the rationale behind each corrective action be explained in relation to the root cause. 下面这一条款是确认制止问题根本原因的所有可能性的纠正性措施。在此报告中的这一部分需要列举纠正性有效措施的主要负责人以及完成的目标日期。它表明的每一个纠正性措施后的基本原理都与根本原因有关联。 Sometimes, identification o

20、f the best corrective action(s) for the root cause requires preliminary evaluations and studies before they can be implemented. This is referred to as verification of the corrective actions. This must be done especially in cases wherein the affected volume is very large, since an incorrect solution

21、deployed over a large inventory will result in wastage of crucial time and money.有时,根本原因最好的纠正性措施的鉴定需要进行最初步的评估和研究在他们可以被实施前。这点请参考“纠正性措施的确认”。这一措施特别出现在失效非常严重的案例中,因为一个不具有纠正性的措施实施在大批货物中会导致大量时间和财力的浪费。Discipline 6: Verify Effectiveness of Corrective Action有效性纠正措施的証实与认可DateThe sixth discipline of the 8D proc

22、ess involves the actual implementation of the identified corrective actions, details of which must be documented in the corresponding portion of the 8D report. The dates of completion and owners of the corrective actions must be shown in this section. Data showing that the corrective actions are eff

23、ective in preventing the root cause of the problem must be presented. Any deficiency in the effectiveness of the corrective actions must be addressed by improvements in or additions of corrective actions.8D报告中的第六个条款涉及鉴定性的纠正性措施的实际导入以及实施效果确认。这一部分必须说明完成日期以及纠正性措施的负责人。必须体现有效预防问题根本原因的纠正性措施的日期。纠正性措施效力中的任何不

24、足都必须采取改善或额外纠正性措施来补充。Discipline 7: Preventive Action预防性措施DateThis next discipline should not be confused with correcting the problem. Prevention of the problem entails the identification of devices or packages that are similarly vulnerable to the same problem highlighted by the customer, even if not

25、affected under the current situation. Actions necessary to prevent these from being affected by a similar problem in the future are called preventive actions.预防性措施必须对客户强调的易受相同问题影响的设备和类似产品进行鉴定确认,即使不受当前形式的影响。预防性措施是指用于预防这些产品再次受到类似问题影响的必要性措施。 All preventive actions must be enumerated, along with their o

26、wners and target dates of completion.必须列举出所有预防性的措施,连同他们的负责人和完成日期包含在内。An important aspect of this discipline is the standardization and deployment of corrective actions or process improvements to all products that may possibly be subjected to the same issue.这一条款的重要方面是针对受同样问题影响的所有产品中纠正性措施或改良制程的标准化和实施D

27、iscipline 8: Congratulate Your Team祝贺组队成功DateThe last step of the 8D process and the last portion of the 8D report consists of an acknowledgement from management of the good work done by 8D team. Approvals for the 8D report are also shown in this last discipline.最后步骤以及8D报告中的最后部分包括对8D组成员精彩工作的认可和感谢。同时也需包含对8D报告的认可与核准。C.C.A.R Issued byDateC.C.A.R Closed byDate

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