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1、中考英语历年考点总结中考英语历年考点总结 中考英语历年考点总结 捡起,挑选, 接某人pick up 挑选pick out =recognizemake a noise 制造噪音 =din震惊 be shocked=amazed =surprised (at)怕 be in fear= frightened / afraid (of)满意be satisfied with =pleased悲He was painful (in pain) =sad =unhappy应该做某事. be supposed to do sth =should =ought to乐He was cheerful =ha

2、ppy =delighted= pleased玩得高兴have fun = have a good time = enjoy oneself have fun doing sth装扮、打扮dress up 给(某人)穿衣服dress sb (in)穿着、戴着(表状态)wear 穿上(表动作put onbring 拿来 take 带走 carry 携带,搭乘,运载,抬 fetch 取回=getachieve =get / come trueI believe I will achieve my dream one day.= I believe my dream will come true o

3、ne day.出现、出席show up=be present at=turn up 熬夜stay upat times = sometimes有时 sometime 某时 in time on timesome times几次,几倍 =a few=several some time 一段时间for the time being=at present目前 =now one at a time 一次at one time=once曾经 for a time = momentIts time for you to do it. =Its _ _ to do it.take turns to do s

4、th.=do sth. in turns 轮流做某事the best way to do sth做某事的最好方法be famous for 因而出名 (跟出名的原因) be famous as以而出名(跟职业/身份/地位)well-known = famous想做某事:want to do sth. = would like to do sth. feel like doing sth.much too + adj =very=a most beautiful girl =terribly=quite=rather=fairly=not a little =pretty (相当)太多.too

5、much +不可数n too many + 可数nby the way顺便说一下 in the way妨碍、挡路 on the way在途中以这种方式(方法)in this way =by this means =with this methodShow (=tell) me the way to the shop总是,一直all the time =always 仍然、还是all the same=stillHow is the weather today?= Whats the weather like today?有点儿a little = a bit =a little bit= ki

6、nd ofWhats the matter= Whats the trouble?=Whats wrong? (with)=Whats up?Which is the way to? How can I get to the ? Is there a near here?Can you tell me the way to the ? =show =nearbyHe wasn not in =absent (from) Be in =wear =join =be at homeWhat good news / weather / information / work!what else:别的什

7、么 easily enough a house nearby the things alikeThe living people= The people alive something wrong nothing serioushave to :不得不=be forced to do = must = be sure toin fact=actually=as a matter of fact:事实上;实际上 =really =trulyagree with sb.:同意某人意见 =agree with what one saysagree sb. to do sth.同意某人做某事 He n

8、ods =agreeHe has the same idea as mine= He agree with me.dont mind(=care)/like:+doing不介意/喜欢 care about关心care for=like =go in for=be keen on =enjoy=prefer=(be fond of)常见动词:keep, mind, finish, enjoy, practice, advise.其他重要的动词:suggest:Jenny suggested leaving for Paris this afternoon.(珍妮建议今天下午动身去巴黎。)只能跟i

9、ng形式 miss(What a miss doing sth.):He missed winning the first prize.(他错过获得第一名的机会。)escape: escape being punished(逃避被惩罚)admit: The thief admitted stealing the purse.(小偷承认偷了钱包。)risk: risk travelling to the unknown(冒险去没开发地带旅行)ask for要求得到、要求见到=request Call for =require=need 需要used to do sth. 过去经常 / be (g

10、et) used to (doing) sth.习惯于 / be used to do sth. / be used for doing sth.被用来做fall (fell/ fallen) down from= fall off从摔下来 /fall over向前摔倒fall into跌进 feel (felt / felt) drop =go down= fall rise=go up=stand upraise = put up ones hand = lift = bring up养大= come up with提出how to deal with / what to do with

11、怎样处理perhaps / maybe . probably Maybe she is at home. = She may be at (v.) 储蓄,节省, 挽救 save time / money save ones lifeown (vt.) =have owner(s) (n.)I own the book.=I am the owner of the book.=The book is mine= The book belongs to me.on ones own = (all) by oneself = alone(adj.) my own book / a

12、 book of my ownmake a deal作成交易 make a face做鬼脸 make friends with与交朋友make ones living维持生活 make ones way to前往某处 make use of利用make a fool of捉弄,使出洋相 =make fun ofmake jokes about =play jokes (=tricks)on =make fun of取笑make a note (notes) of注意,记下来=write down=take downmakeinto把作成,使变成 sth. be made intomake it

13、成功,到达某处 succeed in doing sth = be successful inmake room腾出地方for =space leave room留出地方formake up编造 be made up of = consist ofbe made of be made from be made in be made bymake breakfast, make dinner, make tea do some cooking 做饭make a list of 列出清单 make sb do be made to do make sth doneall over (=around

14、/across) the world全世界,世界各地a year or two 一两年=one or two years; a day or two=one or two days一两天an hour or two=one or two hours一两个小时move somewhere= move to somewhere搬到(不具体的)某一地方at the age of在年龄时 = when sb was years oldtake part in参加、加入 =join the club=attend the meetingall day = all day long 整天 all nigh

15、t = all night long整夜in (不用under) the sun在阳光下 with(不用under) the help of=with ones helpin the rain在雨中 in the dark在黑暗中 in the snow在雪中at the beginning of在.开始的时候 at first = first of allat the end of在结束的时候,在的尽头 in the end= finallytake photos=take a photo=take pictures=take a picture照相its easy to do sth. 做

16、某事容易 =simpleits hard to do sth. 做某事难 =difficultIts essential to do sth. 做某事必要 =necessaryIts helpful to do sth =usefulIts nice of you =kind He is kind =friendlyIts a fine day =nice He is fine. =wellput up举起,抬起,挂起,张贴,建造; put on穿上,戴上,上演(戏剧);put down=write down=copy down 写下来;put out 伸出,扑灭;put away 收起来,收

17、好; put off推迟;put ones heart into全神贯注于,全身心投入go to lots of parties经常参加聚会 =often go to the partytry to do sth. 努力(企图)做某事 try doing sth.试着做某事try one best to do sth. 尽力做某事Please keep quiet! 请保持安静 =remain calmkeep+形容词表示“保持某种状态”keep+(sb.)+doing 表示“(使某人)不停地做某事”keep sth. 保存某物use sth. to do sth.=do sth. with

18、sth. 使用做区别:usefor useas给某人打电话的几种说法:call (up) = phone = ringcall sb. up, call sb. phone sb., phone to sb.telephone sb. telephone to sb. phone sb. up,ring sb.give sb. a ring, give sb. a phonewith the name= called = named call for=require=needthe number of.的数量,谓语是单数 a number of=many 许多number前可用large(=h

19、uge=big), great, small (=tiny)修饰其谓语是复数become a member of =be in=joinhave a large / small population of 人口不能用:many/much/a few /a littlewhat is the population? 不能用: how many/how muchdoing sth. takes sb. Some time/ money =It takes sb. some time/money to do sth.=sb. spends some time/money (on sth.)=sb.

20、spends some time/money (in) doing sth.=sth. costs sb. some time/money=sb. pay some money for sth.take the subway 乘地铁 ride a bike 骑自行车 take the bus乘公共汽车take the train乘火车 take a taxi乘坐出租车 go in a parents car 坐父母的车He went there by bus. =He a bus thereHe went there by bike. =He a bike thereHe went there

21、 by car. =He a car thereHe went there by air . =He thereHe went there on foot. =He thereHe went by the shop. He went across the street.He went into the classroom. He went down the street.He went back there. My dog goes after me to school.区别older / elder与farther / furtherolder(年龄较老的)elder(指兄弟姐妹中排行在前的

22、)My _ brother is _ than me.farther (指距离“较远的”)further(指抽象事物的“更进一步的”)He went abroad for _ studies.Tom is _ from our school than Alice.表示“是几倍”时用“twice; three times等 + asas”This book costs twice as much as that one. 这本书的价钱是那本书的两倍。表示二者相差多少用 “具体数量 + 比较级”My brother is two years older than me.= My brother i

23、s two years as old as me.= My brother is older than me by two years.not as / so as = less than 不及;不如This book isnt as interesting as that one= This book is _ _ _ that one比较级:两者进行比较(常与than/or连用)I picked more apples than Jim.我比你摘的苹果多。Which is more interesting, this one or that one?最高级:三者(或三者以上)进行比较(常与

24、表范围的in , of短语连用)( 注意:of + 个体名词单数 in + 集合名词 )He runs fastest in our class.He is the tallest of the three boys.Which is the easiest, Lesson1, Lesson2 or Lesson3 ?表并列关系的and, bothand, not onlybut also, neithernor等。表选择关系的or, eitheror等。表转折关系的but, while(然而)等。表因果关系的because,for, so等。and: “和”在肯定句中表并列 另外:1)or

25、“或者”用于选择疑问句or: “和”在否定句中表并列 2)or “否则”.Which do you like better, tea or milk?.Hurry up, or youll be late for school.but “但是”表转折: 注意:1)though(虽然), but(但是)不能连用2)not but 不是而是I listened, but I heard nothing. =I listened, however, I heard nothing.=Though I listened, I heard nothing.=didnt hear anything.Thi

26、s book isnt mine but yours. =This book is yours mine.both and : 既又(连接主语为复数)neithernor: 既不也不 连接两主eitheror: 或者或者 语后者决not only but also:不但而且 定单、复Both he and I are students.Neither he nor I am a student.1.Help others whenever you can _ youll make the world a nicer place to live.A. and B. or C. unless D.

27、 but2._ scientists have done a lot of research on A (H1N1) flu, there are still some cases for further study.A. As B. Once C. If D. Although3.-Did you call Sara back?-I didnt need to, _ well have a meeting together tonight.A. though B. unless C. because D. if4._ they may not succeed, they will try t

28、heir best.A. Though B. When C. Because D. Unless5.He will come here right away _ he hears the news.A. so B. as soon as C. because D. thoughin , on , to表方位in(范围内);on(范围外且接壤);to(范围外但不接壤)。Taiwan is _ the southeast of China.Hubei is _ the north of Hunan.Japan is _ the east of China.cross: 动词“跨过,越过”=go a

29、crossacross: (表面)跨过through: (内部)穿过,贯穿 介词Can you swim _ the river?The road runs _ the forest._ the bridge, youll find a + 时间段:与将来时连用after + 时间段:与过去时连用但after + 时间点:可与将来时连用。Ill leave _ three oclock. That is, Ill leave _ about ten minutes.They left _ two the tree(外加在树上的事物)on the tree(

30、树上自身具有的花、果、叶等)in the wall(镶嵌在墙内部的事物)on the wall(墙表面的事物)There is a map _ the wallThere are four windows _ the bike / bus / car / ship (单数且无冠词)但当这些交通工具名词前有其它修饰词时,则应使用相应的介词。by bike = on a(the; his) bike by car = in a(the ; her) caron: 在(表面)上接触over: 在的正上方above: 在的斜上方 未接触The moon rose _ the hill.There is a bridge _ the river.There is a book _ the desk.between: 在(两者)之间among :在(三者以上)之间Tom sits _Lucy and Lily.on与about : 关于on用于较正式的演讲、学术、书籍等about用于非正式的谈话或随便提及He gave a talk _ the history of the Partyin front of :在前面/方(范围外)= beforein / at the front of:在前部(范围内)

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