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1、中高级口译二阶段口试考前讲座讲义中高级口译二阶段口试考前讲座讲义 考点透析 Reception and Ceremonial SpeechI. Vocabulary 贵宾distinguished guests 所有在座的all the guests present here 借此机会take this opportunity to do 值此新春佳节之际on the occasion of the Spring Festival 拨冗光临 take the time off ones busy schedule to come to 友好邀请gracious/ cordial invitat

2、ion 盛情款待gracious hospitality 诚挚祝愿sincere wish 热情问候warm greetings 精心安排thoughtful arrangements 亲切的问候 cordial greetings 密切合作work closely together to do sth. 集思广益pool ones wisdoms 继往开来,携手前进work hand in hand to build on our past achievement 谨代表on behalf of sb. 以的名义 in the name of sb. 值此之际 on the occasion

3、 of 尊敬的 respectable/honorable 荣幸地 have the honor of (doing) 愉快地 have the pleasure (in doing/to do) 东道主 host 洽谈会 fair 庆典 celebration 全体会议 plenary meeting 首脑会议 summit 研讨会seminar 学术研讨会 symposium 第十四届妇女儿童权利保障论坛14th Forum on the Protection of Children and Womens Rights 第三届互联网产业研讨会3rd Internet Industry Se

4、minar 美中合作论坛US-China Cooperation Forum 东盟ASEAN( Association of Southeast Asia Nation) 投资贸易洽谈会International Fairs for Investment and Trade 新春联欢会New Years Evening 中贸易委员会Euro-Chinese Trade Council 贸易代表团trade delegation 中国贸促会the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade 组委会 the organizing c

5、ommittee 招待宴会reception banquet 移交仪式 turning-over ceremony 开工典礼 commencement ceremony 欢迎/开幕/闭幕词 welcome/opening/closing speech 热情友好的讲话 warm and friendly speech 双边关系 bilateral relationship 剪彩 cutting the ribbon at an opening ceremony 奠基礼 foundation stone laying ceremony 记者会press conference 联合记者团joint

6、group of journalists 亚太地区Asian-Pacific region 大洋彼岸 the other side of the ocean 友好使者 envoy of friendship 商界 business community 符合的共同利益 to meet the common interest of 回顾过去 looking back on; in retrospect 展望未来 look into the future 各行各业的人People from all walks of life 知识产权intellectual property rights 表达深深

7、的谢意 to extend ones deepest appreciation/ heartfelt thanks to sb 表示诚挚的欢迎 to extend ones warmest welcome to sb. 表示诚挚的祝贺to express one s most sincere congratulations to sb. on sth. 我衷心祝愿会议取得成功! I sincerely wish the conference a complete success! 希望发展得更好 wish a better future 祝愿生活得幸福美满wish a happier life

8、 祝愿身体健康、心想事成、万事如意 wish a good health and all the best 提议,为了而干杯propose a toast to 宣布正式开幕Declare the opening of . 向大会发表讲话address the conference on the topic of II. Passage for Exercises Passage 1: 今天,我很高兴出席东盟与中国合作论坛。各国领导人在此聚会,就促进各领域的广泛合作交换意见,我感到十分必要和重要。进入21世纪,人类面临着众多机遇和挑战。这就要求我们建立新的合作伙伴关系,而且要有新的观念和方法。

9、我们应该在互相尊重和平等互利的基础上,求同存异,增进相互理解和信任,加强合作与交流。 参考译文 Today, I am very pleased to attend the Forum of Cooperation between ASEAN and ChinaI find it necessary and important for leaders from different Asian countries to gather here to share our views on promoting our cooperation in a wider range of areas. Si

10、nce we entered the 21st century, we have been faced with many opportunities and challenges, which calls for new concepts and new methodology to establish new partnership. On the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, we should seek common ground while putting aside differences, enhanc

11、e mutual understanding and trust, and promote exchange and cooperation. Business and EconomyI. Vocabulary 独资企业 solely foreign-owned enterprises 合资企业 joint venture 国有企业 state-owned enterprises 跨国公司 international/ transnational/ multi-national enterprises 大中型企业 large and medium-sized enterprises 中小企业

12、small and medium-sized enterprises 乡镇企业 township enterprises 总公司 headquarter 分公司 branch 子公司 subsidiary 第一/二/三产业 primary/ secondary/ tertiary industry 支柱产业 pillar industry 经济全球化 Economic Globalization 产品介绍手册 brochure 平等互利 equality and mutual benefits 市场份额 market share 业务范围广泛 diverse range of business

13、 专门从事 be specialize in 雄厚的技术力量 abundant technical advantages/ skills/ strength 业务迅速发展 to expand ones business (合作的)有关双方 both parties concerned 有竞争力 competitive 有互补性 to be complementary to 生产率 productivity 前景 prospect 创新 innovation 股票市场 stock market 分销/ 分配 distribution 小康社会a well-off society 温饱 subsi

14、stence 社会主义市场经济(体制) a socialist market economy 综合国力overall national strengths 基本医疗保险basic medical insurance systems 失业保险unemployment insurance systems 工伤保险work injury insurance systems 生育保险maternity insurance systems 投资机会investment opportunities 吸收外资foreign capital in-flow 对外贸易总额 foreign trade volum

15、e 社会主义新农村 a new socialist countryside 农业税 agricultural taxes 粮食安全 food/grain security 粮食增产increase in grain yield 农业生产资料agricultural means of production 农业综合生产能力 overall agricultural productivity 乡财政管理体制county and town fiscal management systems 调整投资方向reorient investment 社会投资non-state investment 振兴东北

16、老工业基地the Rejuvenation of Old Industrial Base in Northeastern China 西部大开发Western Development Drive 高档房地产high-end real-estate projects 普通商品房medium-priced commercial housing/ houses 经济适用房 economy housing/ houses 国民经济national economy 公有制经济public sectors 非公有制经济non-public sectors 国有经济state-owned sectors 非

17、国有经济non-state-owned sectors 私营经济 private sectors 外资金融机构foreign financial institutions 银监会The China Banking Regulatory Commission 运作机制operating mechanisms 金融机构的重组和改造the reform and restructuring of the financial institutions 经济体制改革to restructure the economic system 国有企业改革the reform of state-owned ente

18、rprises 产权制度改革the reform of the property rights system 商品流通体制改革the reform of the commodity circulation system 外贸体制改革the reform of the foreign trade system 人事制度改革the reform of the personnel system 社会保险制度改革the reform of the social security system 住房制度改革the reform of the housing system 财政政策fiscal polic

19、y 宏观经济调控措施macro-economic control measures 经济特区special economic zones 经济技术开发区economic and technical development zone 沿海经济特区special economic zones in coastal areas 一国两制 One country, two systems. 特别行政区Special Administrative Region (SAR) 中国加入世贸组织Chinas accession into WTO 缩小贫富差距to narrow the gap between

20、the rich and the poor 消除贫困to reduce poverty 共同富裕common prosperity 医药卫生行业 public health service 可支配收入disposable income 人均国内生产总值per capita GDP 基本生活保障补助basic living allowances 再就业补助reemployment subsidies 复员退伍军人demobilized soldiers 出口退税export rebates 加工贸易processing trade 出口退税机制export rebate mechanism 扩大

21、内需to boost domestic demands 国有企业改组改造reorganize and transform state-owned enterprises 国有资产重组和处置the reorganization and disposal of state-owned properties 跨国并购cross-border mergers 风险投资venture capital 特许经营franchised operation II. Passage for Exercises Passage 1: 从发展趋势看,我们可以预见中美贸易将随着双方经贸关系深化而凸现。但是中美经贸合作的

22、总体发展是不可逆转的。这主要有两个原因: 第一,中美贸易具有很大的互补性。据统计,美国从我国进口产品的90%不与美国产品形成竞争。因为我国出口到美国的主要是劳动密集型产品。这类产品如已被美国转移到国外生产,如不从中国大陆进口,同样需要从其他国家进口,且价格更贵。 其二,中国产品具有明显的劳动力成本本优势。据统计,中国制造业的平均工资为每小时61美分,美国和墨西哥为16美分和2美元。 参考译文 Judging from the past, we can predict that trade disputes between China and the US will become more ac

23、ute as bilateral trade and economic cooperation develops further. The overall development of bilateral trade and economic cooperation is, however, irreversible. There are two factors which contribute to this trend. Firstly, Sino-U.S. economic and trade relations complement one another in vast fields

24、. Statistics show that 90% of US imports from the United States are mainly labor-intensive products. In fact, American firms have transferred production of such products overseas, and similar products will be more expensive if they are imported from other countries. Secondly, China has an outstandin

25、g labor cost advantage. It is estimated that the average wage in Chinas manufacturing industries is $0.61 per hour, while in the United States and Mexico it is $16 and $2 respectively. Passage 2: 我国银行业对外开放与经济改革开放同步推进,经历了从特区、沿海城市、中心城市到所有地区以及从外币到本币不断向前推进的开放历程。进入中国二十多年来,外资金融机构已成为我国金融体系的重要组成部分,向我们展示了现代银

26、行的运作机制和先进管理方式。 同时,我国金融改革的不断深化将为外资银行与中资银行的合作带来新的机遇。金融管制的不断放松将给包括外资银行在内的所有银行创造新的发展空间。 参考译文 The reform and opening-up of Chinas banking sector has mirrored overall economic reform, starting in special economic zones and then expanding to coastal areas, inland provincial capitals and finally the whole c

27、ountry. It extends from foreign currency business to local currency business. With a business presence in China for over two decades, foreign financial institutions have become an integral part of the countrys financial sector and made tremendous contributions to the banking industry by introducing

28、advanced operating mechanisms and management expertise. Meanwhile, increasingly intensified financial reform in China will present new opportunities for foreign banks in cooperating with domestic banks as partners. The increasing liberalized control on the financial industry will create space for gr

29、owth for all banking institutions in China, including foreign lenders. Passage 3: Looking ahead, the near-term prospects for Asia appear bright. The recovery in the global economy, although still uneven, is strengthening and broadening. In particular, growth is rapid in the United States; it is pick

30、ing up in Japan, led by investment and exports; and although still lagging, it shows sighs of revival in the euro area as well. Against this general background, we expect growth for Emerging Asia to be over 7% this year, broadly the same as last year. This incorporates a modest slowdown in growth in

31、 China, as a tighter monetary stance cools investment activity. Significant pickups in growth are foreseen for most other countries in the region on the back of a strong export expansion. Moreover, the balance of near-term risks may even be on the upside, with the United States economy rebounding, global trade rising sharply, and the strong recovery in the electronics sector. 参考译文 展望未来,亚洲近期前景光明。虽然全球经济复苏还不平衡,却正在向纵深发展。美国的经济增长尤其迅速;在投资和出口的带动下,日本经济也在恢复;欧洲地区发展仍然滞后,但也显示了复苏的迹象。 在这种大背景下,我们预计崛起中的亚洲今年的增长将超过7个百分点,与去年大致持平。中国由于执行紧缩货币政策冷却了投资活动,增长速度略有下滑。随着出口的大量增长,可以预见这个地区大多数

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