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最新甘肃省天水市中考英语真题试题 精品.docx

1、最新甘肃省天水市中考英语真题试题 精品甘肃省天水市2018年中考英语真题试题A卷(100分)语音 (每小题1分,共10分)A) 观察所给单词的读音,从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出其画线部分的读音与所给单词的画线部分读音相同的选项。1. have A. hat B. save C. made D. gave2. invented A. stopped B. answered C. helped D. needed3. mother A. worth B. think C. southern D. health4. bank A. name B. fine C. nice D. uncle5. m

2、ove A. love B. who C. hope D. dog6. cloud A. mouth B. dangerous C. cough D. courageB) 根据下列对话的情景,找出画线句子中一般要重读的单词。7. -Excuse me. Is this your dictionary? - No, it isn t. Its hers. A. No, hers B. it, Its C. No, isnt, hers D. it, isnt, hers8. -Where is Mrs Li? - She has gone to the reading- room. A. She

3、, has, gone, reading - room B. gone, reading - room C. has, gone, the, reading - room D. She, gone, reading - roomC) 以下每组对话由句子、组成,指出这三个句子在一般情况下应该用什么语调。9. Who is taller, Tom or Jane? Tom. How tall is Tom 9A降调降调降调 B升调降调降调C升调升调降调 D升调升调升调10. Pardon? Yes? I can t hear you clearly.A升调升调降调 B升调降调升调C升调降调降调 D

4、降调降调升调词汇(每小题1分,共10分)A)按括号内的要求写出下列单词的相应形式。11usual(反义词) l2prefer(过去分词)13twentyone(序数词) l4true(副词)15we(反身代词) l6piano(复数)B)根据句意及首字母提示或所给汉语意思写出句中所缺的单词或词组。17. The last day of a week is S .18. This is the w movie I have ever seen. Its too boring.19. China is one of the (发展中) countries in the world.20. Than

5、ks to Ms Liu. I have (赶上) my classmates.语法与情景交际 (每小题1分,共25分)21. There is _ “s” and _ “u” in the word “use”. A. a, an B. an, an C. an, a D. a, the22. What did he have _ breakfast this morning? He got up late so he hurried to school _ breakfast. A. for, after B. at, after C. for, without D. at, with23

6、. Do you know _? Yes. Its about 3,600,000. A. what the population of Tianshui is B. what is the population of Tianshui C. how many the population of Tianshui is D. how much the population of Tianshui is24. He didnt pass the exam, did he? _. He always worked very hard. A. Yes, he did B. No, he didnt

7、C. Yes, he didnt D. No, he did25. I still remember the factory _ we visited last year. A. where B. that C. when D. it26. By the time we got to the station, the train _ already _. A. had, leave B. had, left C. have, left D. had, leaved27. She has never been to any foreign countries. _. A. So do I B.

8、So have I C. Neither do I D. Neither have I28. How long may I _ the book? Just one day. I will return it to Mary tomorrow. A. keep B. borrow C. lend D. kept29. He is _ a cute baby _ we all like him. A. so, that B. such, that C. very, that D. so, because30. The weather in Lanzhou is different from _

9、in Tianshui. A. that B. one C. it D. those31. How far is it from your home to your school? Its about _. A. 2 kilometer long B. 2 kilometer C. five minutes walk D. five minutes walk32. Linda was just going out for shopping _ the telephone rang. A. while B. when C. after D. because33. Some more trees

10、need _ on the hill. A. to plant B. to be planted C. planted D. plant34. _ your maths? Quite well. Thank you. A. What do you do B. Why do you do C. How are you getting on with D. Are you good35. There are several _ shops on _side of the street. A. toy, each B. toys, both C. toy, both D. toys, each36.

11、 Must I hand in my homework now? No, you _. You can hand in it this afternoon. A. mustnt B. neednt C. cant D. must37. _ do you hold a sports meeting in your school? Once a year. A. How often B. How far C. How long D. How soon38. What did your teacher say to you just now? He told me that _ of the ear

12、th _ with water. A. two thirds, is covering B. two third, was covered C. second third, are covering D. two thirds, is covered39. I wonder where I could learn something about pandas. Why _ to the library? There are many books about pandas. A. don t go B. not to go C. not going D. not go40. Have you f

13、inished your today s work? No, I need _. A. two another hours B. another two hours C. more two hours D. two other hours41. Could you give me some good _ how to learn English well? A. advices on B. advices about C. advice on D. advice in42. _ is the teacher _ gave us the talk yesterday? She is having

14、 a meeting. A. Where, who B. Who, whose C. What, who D. What, which43. Im too nervous to speak in front of the class. _! Im sure you can make it. . A. No problem B. Come on C. What a pity D. Not bad44. I dont like singing _ dancing. What about you? I dont like dancing, _ I like singing. A. and, and

15、B. and, but C. or, but D. or, and45. We failed _ the basketball match. _. A. to lose, Its a pity B, to win, Im sorry to hear that C. win, What a pity D. lose, Pity. 动词考查(每小题1分,共l0分)A)选择方框中的动词词组填空。come up with, took off, take care of, fell off, look up46. She _ the horse and hurt herself when she lea

16、rned to ride a horse.47. Jack _ his clothes and jumped into the swimming pool48. Can you _ a good way to solve the problem?49. Ill be away for a few days. Would you please help me _ my pet cat?50. Dont try to _ every new word you meet while reading English books.B)选择适当的动词形式填空。51. If you _ one millio

17、n dollars, what _ you do with it? A. had, would B. had, will C. have, would D. has, will52. The naughty boy was made _ in todays English class. A. stand B. standing C. stood D. to stand53. So far, the teacher and writer _ us Chinese for 2 years. A. taught B. has taught C. had taught D. have taught54

18、. I _ to sleep until my mother _ back last night. A. didnt go, come B. went, to come C. went, coming D. didnt go ,came55. A concert _ in our city next week. A. is going to hold B. is going to be held C. will hold D. is heldV句型转换。按括号内的要求转换下列句型。每空只填一词(每空l分,共l0分)。56. Work hard and you will succeed one

19、day. (改为复合句) _ _work hard, you will succeed one day.57. His grandpa died 3 years ago. (改为同义句) It _ 3 years _ his grandpa died.58. The story is very interesting. (改为感叹句) _ _ interesting story it is!59. “Dont make noise,” the teacher said to the girl. (改为间接引语) The teacher _ the girl _ to make noise.60

20、. He often does exercise in the morning. (改为一般疑问句) _ he often _ exercise in the morning?阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)A The American Medical Association (美国医学协会, AMA) noted that vitamins can help people be healthy when they are used correctly. For example, children may need to take vitamins; pregnant (怀孕的) women

21、may need vitamins; people who do not eat meat or are eating less food to lose weight may need them. In general, other people do not. But they should try to eat moderate (适度的) amounts of all kinds of foods -fruits and vegetables, grains, milk products, meat and fish. About half of all Americans who t

22、ake vitamins use small amounts just to increase their vitamin levels a little. The health care groups say these people probably are not harming themselves. The other half use large amounts in an effort (努力的) to prevent some things such as cancer and heart disease. AMA researcher Wayne Callaway says

23、that theres no proof that this works. And huge amounts of vitamins, he says, can be harmful. For example, too much vitamin A can damage the liver (肝脏) and bones; too much vitamin B can damage the nerves; too much vitamin C or vitamin D may produce kidney stones (肾结石). Dr. Callaway notes that many pe

24、ople may not get all the vitamins. Health experts say we need vitamins every day. But those daily levels, he says, are already a little higher than we need for good health.61. People should take vitamin pills as _ as possible. A. much B. many C. more D. moderate62. People generally get vitamins from

25、 _. A. fruits and vegetables B. grains and milk products C. meat and fish D. all of above 63. According to the report, large amounts of vitamins _ prevent cancer and heart disease. A. can B. cant C. may D. must64. From the passage we know _. A. large amounts of vitamins is good for our health B. we

26、shouldnt eat vitamins at all C. vitamins are bad for our health D. vitamins may harm people unless they are used correctly65. The best title for the passage is _. A. Vitamins and Health B. Vitamins and Diseases C. Vitamins and Americans D. Vitamins and CancerB66. The “cartrider” can make your shoppi

27、ng more _. A. difficult B. boring C. interesting D. necessary67. The “PlantBottle” was invented by _. A. an English company B. the Coca Cola Company C. a Korean designer D. German scientists68. What will happen if you sit in the new chair for too long? A. Your head will hurt. B. You will be very ner

28、vous. C. The chair will move. D. The chair will make noises.69. The new light bulb _. A. is brighter than the old light bulbs B. isnt good for the environment C. can last at least 25 years D. can last less than 25 years70. All the four inventions are about _. A. the climate B. everyday study C. the

29、environment D. everyday life口语交际。从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项多余选项(每空2分,共10分)。A. Whats wrong with you, Kim?B. Do you have a headache?C. Maybe you should go and see a doctor.D. I hope its nothing serious.E. I will.F. The doctor told me to take some medicine and have a rest.G. Im sorry to hear that.A : 71 You don t look well.B : I don t feel well.A: 72 B: No. Its a bad cold, and Im coughing for two days.A: 73 B: Ive already seen the doctor. 74

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