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1、中餐厅培训手册IISHERATON SUZHOU HOTEL & TOWERSJOB CATEGORYSTANDARDS AND PROCEDURES#001When serving a guest, always think about the standards and procedures of each handling in the Celestial Court restaurant. Do everything for the guests, as far as possible. 当服务客人的时候,永远以标准和程序为天宝阁的客人处理方式。尽可能的满足客人的需要。Procedur

2、e:程序:1. Greet guest with a smile. Good Morning, Good afternoon, Sir/Madam. Welcome to Celestial Court. 面带微笑问候客人。“早上好/下午好,先生/女士。欢迎到天宝阁中餐厅。2. Acknowledge reservation “ Do you have a reservation, Sir/Madam?”询问客人是否有预订“您有预订吗,先生/女士?” 3. Acknowledge host “ We have already prepared the function room for you

3、.”告知客人“我们已经为您准备了一间包厢。”4. Guide the guest to the room, move in the front and say: This way, please Sir/Madam!”带客人到房间,走在前面说:“这边请,先生/女士!”5. Pull the chair, ladies first, than VIP.为客人拉椅,让女士先坐下,然后是VIP。Unfold the napkin and place it on guests knees. 摊开口布,放在客人膝盖上。6. Captain/Waitress greets guest with smile

4、 and present beverage menus.领班/服务员微笑着问候客人呈上酒水单。7. Place hot face towels (perfumed) and serve pre dinner tea. 为客人准备热毛巾和热茶。8. Take drink/wine order.为客人点酒水。9. Serve drink/wine immediately and collect dirty face towel.及时为客人服务酒水并收走脏毛巾。10. Pick up first dish, show dishes to guest and mention the name of t

5、he dish.上第一道菜时,要先呈上给客人看并报出菜名。11. Dished up on station or table and serve on plates, one by one.在服务台或桌上为客人分菜,一道一道上给客人。12. Serve ladies first, than VIP.先为女士服务,然后是VIP。13. Ask for second drinks and bottle.询问客人是否还要添加酒水。14. Change ashtrays.及时更换烟缸。15. Offer fresh towels after serving seafood or before serv

6、ing noodles/rice.在上完海鲜或上主食之前,为客人准备干净的毛巾。16. Pick up course by course and dish up all dishes.所有菜都必须分菜,而且要一道一道上。17. Speak with the guest: Enjoying your meal or how was the dish?”对客人说:“请慢用或您觉得菜的口味如何?”18. After main course, clean the table and set up dessert cutlery.主菜上完后,清理台面上甜品餐具19. Change face towels

7、 again after main course.主菜上完后,为客人更换毛巾20. Serve dessert.为客人服务甜品。21. Always pay attention to ashtrays, up selling of beverage or wine.经常更换烟缸,询问客人是否要添加酒水。22. Serve tea if requested by guest.按客人需要服务茶水。23. Ask if everything is to their satisfaction, check with host how the meal was and documented any fe

8、edback at end of service.服务最后,询问客人是否都满意,菜的口味如何以及有何建议。24. Verify check before guest requests it.在客人结帐之前检查帐单是否正确。25. Present check in a bill folder, with monthly newsletter or flyer.把帐单放在帐单夹里,附上酒店月刊。26. Pull the chair and help the guest to leave.为客人拉椅,方便客人离开。27. Bid farewell: Thank you for your visit,

9、 we look forward to seeing you again, Sir/Madam.送别客人。“谢谢您的光临,希望下一次再见到您,先生/女士。”28. Help the guest with their coat.帮客人穿外套。29. Hostess is the last person to greet guest and thanks you for coming. Good Bye, ladies & gentlemen. Hope to see you again”迎宾员最后向客人说再见,感谢客人的光临。“再见,女士们和先生们。欢迎再来!”#002When serving

10、a guest, always think about the standards and procedures of each course in the Celestial Court restaurant. Do everything for the guests, as far as possible.当服务客人的时候,永远以标准和程序为天宝阁的客人处理方式。尽可能的满足客人的需要Procedure:程序:1. Greet the guest with a smile Goood afternoon, Sir/Madam. Welcome to our restaurant. 面带微笑

11、问候客人“下午好,先生/女士。欢迎到天宝阁中餐厅。2. Acknowledge reservation and host. If the guest is a regular and we have guest history for likes / dislikes should be mentioned to him, so the guest knows we care.了解客人的预订。如果客人是常客,我们必须了解他们的喜好及特殊要求,让客人了解我们关心他们。3. Guide the guest to table, move in the front and say: This way

12、please,Sir/ Madame. 带客人到桌边,走在前面说:“这边请,先生/女士!”4. Pull the chair, ladies first. 为客人拉椅,让女士先坐下。5. Unfold the napkin and place it on guest knees. 摊开口布,放在客人膝盖上。6. Captain/Waitress greets guest with smile. 领班/服务员面带微笑问候客人。7. Present drink list and menu.呈上酒水单和菜单。8. Ask guest: Would you like to have some tea?

13、 问客人:“您要喝茶吗?”9. Recommend varieties of tea to guest. We have .tea. 向客人介绍茶的品种。10. Ask guest prefer strong or light tea 询问客人要浓茶还是淡茶。11. Place hot face towel (perfumed) 为客人上热毛巾。12. Serve pre dinner condiments. 为客人上前菜。13. Serve tea 为客人服务茶水。14. Ask guest for drink/wines. 问客人需要什么酒水。15. Take beverage order

14、 on separate Captain Order. 酒水要单独开一张点单。16. Serve beverages. 为客人服务酒水。 Collect beverage list. 收回酒水单。18. Recommend specials/promotions. Shift leader or waitress takes food order. 点菜时,向客人介绍酒店的特色菜和推广活动。19. Sell appetizer/ soups/ additional items - up selling all the time. 尽量推销开胃食品/汤和其它的食品。20. Repeat comp

15、lete order. 完整地重复客人的点单。21. Bring captain order to cashier, get stamp and distribute copy to kitchen. 把点菜单的第一联给收银员,其它联给厨房。22. Dish up soup, rice/noodle or any dish guests request to. 为客人分所有的汤和主食以及任何客人要求分的菜。23. Peking Duck is peeled in front of guest. 北京烤鸭要当着客人的面前服务。24. Serve food with serving spoon &

16、 fork in center of table. 服务食品时要用服务勺和服务叉。25. Always present food to guest and mention the name of dishes. 每一道菜都要呈上给客人看并报出菜名。26. Dishes must be served with proper condiments. 每一道菜都必须用适当的方法服务。27. Fish: Present cooked fish to guest, take bones out on the table. 鱼:服务鱼时,要去掉鱼骨。28. Soup: Dish soup from lar

17、ge bowl into small soup bowl. 汤:服务汤时,要分到每一位客人的桌上。29. Serve rice/noodles: from large bowl into small bowl. 主食:服务主食时,要分到每一位客人的桌上。30. Change dirty set plates and ashtrays all the time. 经常更换骨碟和烟缸。31. Refill tea at all time. 经常为客人添加茶水。32. Refill wine. 为客人添加酒水。33. Ask guest, if everything is to their sati

18、sfaction. 询问客人是否都满意。34. Sell more beverages. 推销更多的饮料。35. Take out empty plates and soup bowls. 撤走空的菜盘和汤碗。36. Clear table and clean lazy Susan. 清理台面上所有不需要的东西。37. Ask guest for dessert. 问客人是否需要甜品。38. If guest order, set up appropriate cutlery. 如果客人需要,摆放甜品餐具。39. Serve dessert. 为客人服务甜品。40. Refill tea an

19、d ensure tea must be hot. 为客人添加热的茶水。41. Verify check before guest request it.在客人结帐之前检查帐单是否正确。42. Present check in a bill folder, with monthly newsletter or flyer. 把帐单放在帐单夹里,附上酒店月刊。43. Pull the chair and help the guest to leave. 为客人拉椅,方便客人离开。44. Bid farewell: Thank you for your visit. 送别客人。“谢谢您的光临。”4

20、5. Help guest to take his coat. 帮客人穿外套。46. Hostess is the last person to greet guest and thanks you for coming. Good-bye, ladies & gentlemen. Hope to see you again.” 迎宾员最后向客人说再见,感谢客人的光临。“再见,女士们和先生们。欢迎再来!”47. Cleaning table immediate with round tray. 迅速清理台面。48. Change tablecloth and re-set immediatel

21、y. 立即更换台布并摆放台面。#003The outlet manager write down all special information from regular and long staying guests in a guest index. The staff from Celestial Court restaurant as well as the Staff from other Food and Beverage outlets uses this information before guests arrived at the restaurant.部门经理要建立一份客

22、史档案,记录下常客的一些特殊要求。天宝阁中餐厅和其他部门的员工可以在客人到达之前了解这些信息。Procedure:程序:1. The outlet manager keeps the guest index up to date and write down all kind of information the staff might need in the restaurant.部门经理要记录最近所有的客史档案和酒店的最新消息。2. The guest index file contains information about regular or long staying guest:客

23、史档案包括: The proper name, nationality and room number.客人的名字,国籍和房间号码。 Guest(s) like or dislike客人的喜好。 Favorite table, smoking or non-smoking, vegetarian.客人经常坐的桌子,吸烟或是不吸烟,是不是素食者。 Other comments that can upgrade the service to the guest.其它一些能帮助我们提高服务的建议。3. Take care the guest index will be used every time

24、 a regular or long staying guest will enter the Celestial Court restaurant. Call the guest by his/her family name.客史档案要妥善保管。每次客人到餐厅时,亲切地称呼客人。4. This should be updated with new information after every service. The waiter or shift leader should provide this information to the manager to enter in the g

25、uest history.每次服务结束,都应该及时记录下新的信息,并加入到客史档案中。#004All chairs used in the restaurant will be clean, free of spots, stains, and tear and in good and safe condition. There will be one chair for each cover of the table, and the chair will be placed in line with the center of the cover.餐厅里所有的椅子都必须是干净无污点、完好无

26、损的,要排列整齐,让客人可以对应入座。Procedure:程序:1. Before placing around the tables in the restaurant, the staff will check them to insure that they are clean and free of spots and stains.摆放椅子时,要先检查椅子是否干净无污秽。2. The chairs will also be checked to insure that they are in good and safe condition, with no protruding na

27、ils or unfinished edges.检查所有的椅子,确保完好,确保没有凸出的钉子和棱角。3. There will be no lose arms or backs, no wobbly legs, and the seats will be fastened firmly to the chair frames.确保椅子都有扶手或支架,椅脚不晃动,椅子都必须结实牢固。4. Any chairs that are found to need cleaning or repairing, will be immediately removed from the restaurant,

28、 and will be sent to the appropriate department for cleaning or repair.所有需要清洗和维修的椅子必须立即送到相应的部门进行清洗和维修。5. Chairs sent for cleaning or repair will always be accompanied by a completed work order.椅子送去清洗和维修时,要填写完整的工作单。6. All chairs will be wiped down with a damp cloth at least once a day, or more often

29、if needed, to remove soil, food, etc.所有的椅子都要用湿布擦拭干净,每天至少一次。7. The edge of the arm and/or the front edge of the seat of the chair will touch the drop of the tablecloth, without making an indentation in it.椅子的扶手边要刚好碰到桌布。8. Any extra chairs will be kept out sight of the guests.所有多余的椅子都必须放在客人看不见的地方。9. B

30、aby chairs will be available if required. These will be stored out of sight.小孩椅要随时准备。不用时要放在客人看不见的地方。#005Face towels used in the restaurant will be clean and free of spots, stains, tears and holes. All napkins will be folded neatly and uniformly.毛巾都必须是整洁无污点,没有破损。所有口布必须折叠整齐一致。Procedure:程序:1. Pick up c

31、lean and dry towel from linen room. 从布草房领取整洁的干毛巾。2. Fold every face towel 认真叠好每一块毛巾。3. Prepare some water and perfume with lemon essence. 把柠檬香精滴入水中。4. Place some of the dry towels in the prepared water. 把干毛巾放入水中。5. Take them out and wring out these wet towels. 拿出毛巾绞干。6. Beat this roll of towels to make them smooth. 把绞干的毛巾平整地摊开。7. First fold 1/3 towel, then roll it. It must be tidy. Roll them one by one. 每块毛巾都应先折叠1/3,然后整齐地卷好。8. Put the rolled face towel in warmer in cabinet and warm them.把折叠好的毛

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