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1、完整版建筑学专业英语modernhousingprototypes现代住宅的原型two-1evel unit 复式单元single-loaded 外廊式double-loaded adj.内廊式Walk-up n.无电梯的公寓/adj.无电梯的skip-stop corridor 隔层设置的走廊 corridor-every-floor 每层设置走廊的vertical circulation system 垂直交通系统low-rise adj.低层; high-rise adj.高层rowhouse adj.联排式住宅; slab n.板式住宅; tower n.塔式住宅Single-orie

2、ntation unit单一朝向单元 Double-Orientation Unit 90 转角单元 Double-Orientation Unit, open-ended 双向开敞的单元natural light 自然采光 natural ventilation 自然通风mechanical ventilation 机械通风transverse walls 横墙building codes 建筑规程staggered- plan 交错变化的平面auxiliary mean 辅助设施self-contained adj.设备齐全的single-run 单跑楼梯 return stairs双跑楼

3、梯英汉互译包含在以下加粗部分及最后一堂课讲到的例子中。Unit 10 Section 1 Intensive Reading Modern Housing Prototypes 现代住宅的原型Roger Sherwood (罗杰舍伍德)Part I INTRODUCTION This book is presented in the belief that a reexamination of some of the great housing projects of this century is appropriate at a time when the design of housin

4、g commands the attention of architects the world around. The buildings offered here as case studies were selected because of their importance as prototypes, projects that set the standards and patterns of much that was, and is, to follow. Other considerations were diversity so that a wide range of c

5、ountries, buildings types and problems would be represented and architectural quality. My assumption is that there is no excuse for poor architecture; that housing, like all buildings, to paraphrase Geoffrey Scott, must be convenient to use, soundly built, and beautiful. 当今住宅设计受到全世界建筑师的关注,所以对本世纪一些伟大

6、的住宅项目重新考究是无可厚非的,这本书就基于此观念做了一些介绍。这里提供作为案例研究的建筑由于它们作为原型的重要而被挑选,它们确定了许多标准和模式去遵循。 其他的考虑是多样化和建筑品质,多样化使得大量的国家、建筑形式和问题将被陈述。我的假设是任何低劣的建筑都是没有理由的,就像所有的建筑一样,住宅套用杰弗里斯科特的话必须使用方便、建造地优良并且美观。But why prototypes? One of the essential points of heuristic thought the process of discovery and invention relating to probl

7、em solving is the awareness that, until a problem is clearly defined, guesses or conjectures must be made to help clarify the problem. During the period of uncertainty, reference to analogous problems can be used to give a new turn to ones thinking. Through the study of solutions to related problems

8、, a fresh conclusion may be reached.但是为什么要有原型?一个基本的具有启发性思考的关键发现和发明的过程与问题的解决相关就是意识到在一个问题直到被清晰地定义以前,都必须运用猜想或推测帮助问题的澄清。在这段不确定的时期,参考类似的问题能够给一个人的思考以新的转折。通过对相关问题解决办法的研究,也许可以得到一个全新的结论。Various writers have suggested that it is never possible to state all the dimensions of a problem, that “truly quantifiable

9、 criteria always leave choices for the designer to make.”In the absence of clear design determinants, and to avoid purely intuitive guessing, it has been argued that analogous reference might give design insight; that perhaps a paradigm of the problem might be accepted as a provisional solution, or

10、an attack on the problem might be made by adapting the solution to a previous problem; that during the period when many of the variable are unknown, a “typology of forms” might be used as a simulative technique to clarify the problem. 许多作者已经暗示过陈述一个问题的所有维度(所有方面)是绝不可能的,“精确的可定量的尺度总是留给设计师自己决定”。由于缺少明确的设计

11、决定因素以及为了避免纯粹直觉的猜想,讨论认为相似参照物需给出设计观点,这样也许问题的范例可以当做临时的解决方法,或者作为问题的突破,以调整之前问题的解决方法;当处于很多可变因素都未知的时期,原型(“象征形式”)可以作为模拟技术使问题变清晰。The notion of using an analogous problem as a paradigm for gaining insight into a present problem is not, of course, new. A mathematician typically looks for an auxillary theorem h

12、aving the same or a similar conclusion. In architecture, invention often passes through a phase of groping, where ideas about a projected building form are triggered by exposure to some existing building with a similar program, functional specification, or site condition. The analogous building then

13、 becomes in some sense a model or a prototype.用相似的问题作为范例而得到对于当前问题深刻认识的理念当然并不新鲜。一位数学家通常寻求一个有着相同或类似结论的辅助定理。在建筑中,创造通常是经过一个摸索的阶段获得,在此过程中,一些现存的建筑有着相似的制式、功能规格或基地条件,通过对这些因素的揭示,引发出预想建筑形式的概念,那么这些类似的建筑物在某种意义上就成为一种模型或者原型。The use of prototypes is especially useful in the design of housing because housing lends

14、itself to systematic typological study. Most building types, such as theaters, schools, factories, or even office buildings, have to respond to different programs and are rarely consistent and repetitive. Housing, because it consists of repeating units with a consistent relation to vertical and hori

15、zontal circulation, can more logically be studied in terms of its typological variations. Although housing would seem to embrace almost unlimited possible variations, in fact there are not many basic organizational possibilities and each housing type can be categorized easily.原型的用处在住宅设计中显得尤其突出,因为住宅需

16、要系统类型的研究。大多数建筑类型,像剧场、学校、工厂、甚至办公楼,都必须响应不同的策划,所以极少连续和重复。住宅,由于包括重复的单元,它们有一致的水平和垂直流线的联系,所以可以依照类型上的变化来进行更加逻辑性的研究。尽管住宅似乎包含几乎无限种可能的变化,但事实上没有那么多基本组织的可能性,而且每一种住宅组织类型都可以被简单地归类。 While building regulations, construction techniques, and housing needs have considerable impact on the form that housing may take at

17、any given time in any given culture, still only a few dwelling unit types are plausible, and these units may be collected together in only a few rather limited ways that do not change very much from country to country. An apartment building unit today in Zagreb as an organization of building units i

18、s much like an apartment building in Berlin or Tokyo. Even extreme cultural requirements, such as the provision for a tatami life-style in Maekawas Harumi slab in Tokyo (Figure 101), have resulted in an organization that can easily be compared to a Western model: Park Hill in Sheffield of the sixtie

19、s(Figure 102). For example, is organizationally similar. Both have larger and smaller units in the typical section. 虽然建筑规程、建造技术和住宅需求会在任何指定时间和任何指定文化之下对建筑形式产生相当大的影响,仍然有少量的居住单元形式是合理的,这些被选择的单元以很少的相当局限的方式组合在一起,这些方法在国家与国家之间改变很小。现今在萨格勒布的一个公寓大楼单元像一个建筑单元的组合与柏林或东京的公寓大楼很像。即使是极端的文化需求,例如在东京的提供榻榻米生活方式的 Maekawas H

20、arumi公寓,也成为一个组织能够容易地与西方范例作比较:例如,60年代在谢菲尔德(Sheffield)的Park Hill(湖滨公寓)(图10-2)。他们在组织上很相似,都在典型的剖面中有大大小小的单元。Entrance to the larger of the two a two-level unit is at the corridor level, with rooms above: stairs lead to the smaller unit below. In each, therefore, the corridor occurs at every other level, a

21、nd stairs lead up and down from there. Although the position of the stairs, kitchen, and both are different along parallel walls in Harumi and in a zone parallel to the corridor in Park Hill and the sitings of the buildings are quite different, nevertheless they are organized fundamentally alike. Ev

22、en the Arab housing designed in Morocco in the fifties by ATBAT(Figure 103), where cultural requirements dictated absolute visual privacy, outdoor cooking, and a lack of the usual room subdivisions and conventional toilets, resulted in a building which, although it has a peculiar checkerboard elevat

23、ion, is more or less a conventional single-loaded, gallery access apartment building.通向两个中较大的一个复式单元的入口是在走廊层面上,它的上方有房间:楼梯通向下面较小的单元。因此,在每一栋楼里,走廊出现在每两层,楼梯引导着内部上与下。尽管楼梯和厨房的位置都不一样(楼梯)沿着Harumi的平行墙和一个平行于Park Hill走廊的区域以及建筑的基址也相当不同,但他们的组织形式基本上是相同的。甚至在50年代由ATBAT事务所设计的位于摩洛哥的Arab住宅(图10-3),(这是为传统穆斯林设计的住宅)当地的文化要求

24、决定着:要有绝对的视觉私密性、户外烹调,由于缺乏对普通房间的划分和传统的厕所,尽管它有着独特的棋盘式立面,也导致这个建筑差不多就是传统的外廊、走廊进入式的公寓建筑。 Whatever his cultural, economic and technical constraints, every architect is confronted with choices and questions about organization. How will the individual apartments be arranged? How will the mix of different apa

25、rtment types be accommodated? What circulation systems horizontal and vertical can service this mix of apartments? What is the best circulation system? Walk-up or single-loaded, double-loaded, or skip-stop corridor system? Where is entrance and access to the vertical circulation system? What buildin

26、g form dose this collection of units take: low-rise or high-rise, rowhouse, slab or tower? These fundamental organization questions are pertinent to any housing project. Modern Housing Prototypes is intended to provide the architect with a set of analogues references to help him solve these basic or

27、ganizational problems.无论它的文化,经济,技术限制如何,每个建筑师都应该要正视组织形式的选择和问题。如何布置单独的公寓?如何使混合的不同公寓类型相互适应?什么样的交通系统能给混合的公寓提供水平和垂直的服务?什么是最好的交通系统?无电梯的公寓、外廊式、内廊式、还是隔层设置走廊系统?哪里是垂直交通系统的入口和通道位置?单元集合采取怎样的建筑形式:低层,高层,联排住宅,板式住宅还是塔式住宅?这些基础的组织问题与各种住宅项目都息息相关。现代住宅的原形试图提供给建筑师一套类似的参考去帮助他们解决这些基本的组织问题。Unit 11 Section 1 Intensive Readin

28、g Modern Housing PrototypesRoger Sherwood Part Unit TypesBeginning with basic apartments or units, only two are suitable for repetitive use; one other the 90 double-orientation unit has limited application. The basic types are:Single-orientation unitDouble-Orientation Unit 90Double-Orientation Unit,

29、 open-ended从基本的公寓或单元开始,只有两个是适合重复使用的;另一个转角单元有限制适用条件。基本的形式有:单一朝向单元、转角单元和双向开敞单元。 Each of these three unit type has several typical variations, depending upon the positioning of core elements kitchen, bath and stairs (when used inside the unit) the entrance options, and the depths necessary for natural

30、light. Minimum unit dimensions vary from country to country as building regulations and construction practices differ, and the arrangement of core elements, natural light, and ventilation requirements change from place to place.这三个单元类型中的每一个都有几个典型的变化,取决于核心元素:厨房、洗浴室、楼梯(当它在室内使用的时候)的位置,入口的选择和自然光所需的进深。极少

31、量的单元尺寸随着各国建筑法规和结构实践的不同而不同。核心元素的安排,自然采光和通风要求随着地域不同而变化。Single-orientation unit 单一朝向的单元 Units that open or face to one side come in two types: with core elements arranged along transverse walls, perpendicular to the corridor. Although these units have a preferred side they face outward and are most oft

32、en used where three sides are closed except for the entrance from the corridor (a typical double-loaded corridor arrangement) some single-loaded, open gallery-access versions may have some minor windows opening to the gallery.有一面开敞或单一朝向的单元演变出两种类型,它们的核心元素垂直于走廊沿横墙布置。虽然这些单元有更好的朝向它们朝向外面,经常以通向走廊的入口开敞其他三边都围闭的方式被使用(一种典型的内廊安排) 一些外廊式的、向走廊开口的类型可能会有一些小窗户开向走廊。Single-orientation unit: transverse core. 单一朝向单元:横向核心 This type has the advantage of using the transverse structural

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