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1、上海牛津版四年级下学期同步4B教案4BM1Unit 1 What can you smell and taste? (主备人1、单元教学任务分析4BM1U1的教学主题是What can you smell and taste?以“嗅觉和味觉”为话题,通过让学生闻一闻、尝一尝水果、甜点等感受不同食物带给人们的感觉。本单元可以结合学生已经学习过的水果、食物类单词拓展新授水果类词汇watermelon, grape等,扩大学生的词汇量。通过“闻与尝”的活动结合已学句型Smell/ Taste/ How does it taste/ smell? Its 等引入新句型选择疑问句:Is it or? I

2、ts的问答,使学生能够尝试询问对方的感觉与喜好。本单元可以通过组织学生进行实物体验、对话交流、小组调查等方式开展教学,使学生在互动与交流的过程中学习并运用语言知识,体验学习英语的乐趣。值得一提的是本单元的语篇阅读“The fox and the grapes”,改编自伊索寓言中为大家所熟悉的寓言故事“狐狸与葡萄”。语篇结合了本单元的新授知识,使学生在阅读语篇的过程中了解“酸葡萄心理”,明白“在经历了许多尝试而不能获得成功的时候,有些人往往故意轻视成功,以此来寻求心理安慰”的寓意。2、单元教学任务一览Look and learn:核心学习内容,主要进行词汇学习watermelon, grape,

3、 plum, cherry, strawberry.Look and say:核心学习内容,主要进行句型学习,选择疑问句Is it or? ItsAsk and answer:初步运用Look and say中的核心句型,结合旧知(Smell / How does it taste?/ What is it?等)进行问答,了解对方对某类食物的感受。Say and act:对核心句型的情景运用,通过阅读、理解、表演情景对话巩固对Look and say中核心句型的理解和使用。Read a story:语篇阅读。通过“狐狸与葡萄”的故事,结合核心词汇与句型,在故事阅读与学习中巩固新知,扩大阅读量,

4、提高阅读能力。Listen and enjoy:在儿歌诵读中,激发学生的学习乐趣,感受儿歌朗读的节奏,提高学生的学习兴趣。Learn the sounds:对元音字母组合“-ar, -ar-,-ue, -oo-”的语音学习,结合相关词汇、儿歌的学习,感受字母组合的发音,培养语感,做到准确发音。3、本单元语言知识梳理1)语音正确掌握元音字母组合“-ar, -ar-,-ue, -oo-”的发音,能准确朗读字母组合的发音。从听、读方面掌握“-ar, -ar-,-ue, -oo-”的发音和包含这些字母组合的单词,并能举例曾学过的含有“-ar, -ar-,-ue, -oo-”的单词。有节奏地朗读儿歌,并

5、体会“-ar, -ar-,-ue, -oo-”的发音,初步培养语感。2)词汇巩固复习水果类单词apple, peach等。学习新授词汇:watermelon, grape, plum, cherry, strawberry, a glass of, juice能听懂单词并能准确发音。能正确拼写新授单词,掌握单词的含义并能在句型中进行运用。3)句型学习和掌握选择疑问句的问答Is itor?Its; Do you likeor? I like能运用选择疑问句来询问对方的感觉。能掌握选择疑问句和一般疑问句的区别,并能根据提问正确回答。复习句型How does it taste/ smell? Its

6、 ,能询问对方的感觉,并能正确表述对某样事物的感觉。4、可以和本单元整合的已有知识1)词汇水果:apple, pear, peach, orange(1AM3U2)+banana(3AM3U3)+pineapple(3BM1U2)食物:hamburger, pizza, cake, pie(1AM3U3)+jelly, ice cream, sweet, biscuit(1BM2U2)颜色:red, blue, yellow, green(1AM4U3)+white, purple, pink, orange, brown, black(2BM1U1)动物:fox(2AM4U2)形容词:tal

7、l, short(1AM2U3)+soft, hard, rough, smooth(2BM1U2)+ sweet(adj.), sour, salty, bitter(3BM1U3)量词词组:a packet of., a loaf of, a bowl of, a bar of, a bottle of(4AM3U3)2)句型Whats this / that / it? Its a (1AM4U1)+What are they? They are(2BM2U3)What do you like? I like(3BM2U2)How does it taste / smell? Its(3

8、BM1U3)Smell ./ Taste .(1BM1U3)Is it? Yes, it is. / No. Its(2BM1U2)Do you like.? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.(3BM2U1)5、练习部分内容分析 (Page 2-7 of Workbook)Part A: Listen and choose听录音,选出听到的内容。以本单元核心单词、句型为主,结合部分已学的水果类单词,检验学生对听力内容的把握和对单词、句子认读的能力。Part B: Listen and choose听录音,选出正确的应答。以核心板块Look and say中的主要句型Is it.

9、or.?的问与答为主,检验学生对正确问答句型的掌握。Part C: Listen and match听录音,将人物和相应的水果连起来。小语段听力,检验学生对听力内容中关键信息的把握。Part D: Look, ask and answer看图,根据提示与同学相互问答。结合本单元核心板块Look and say,组织学生结对操练,观察图片,找到信息,进行对话问答。Part E: Read, write and draw读一读,写出相应的单词或词组,然后在方框内画出相应的水果。四个小语段的阅读,检验学生是否掌握各种水果的关键特征,并能从语段中抓住关键单词,完成练习。Part F: Read and

10、 write读一读,按序排列单词完成句子。检验学生对核心句型Is itor?的读、写掌握情况,培养学生语感。Part G: Read, choose and complete读一读,选择适当的句子,填空完成对话。通过对话中上下文的阅读,根据对话内容的顺序将所提供的句子填入合适的位置,以此检验学生对长对话的理解和对核心句型含义的掌握。Part H: Read and judge读故事,判断下列句子,与故事内容相符的写T,不符的写F。检验学生对短文内容的理解程度,引导学生根据问题抓住关键单词,判断语句的正误。Task A: Ask and answer在结对问答过程中巩固句型的使用,并了解他人对水

11、果的喜好。Task B: Think and complete.根据Task A中问答情况进行书面书写。Task C: Think and write根据Task A和Task B的结果写小语段,检验学生对单词、句型的拼写,增进学生合作学习的意识。6、单元教学目标单 元 目 标1、能正确朗读、拼写水果单词watermelon, grape, plum, cherry, strawberry, 掌握单词的正确发音与含义。2、能使用所学句型询问对方对某样事物的感受或喜好,并掌握正确的应答。3、能掌握选择疑问句和一般疑问句的区别,并能根据问句进行正确应答。4、能在不同场景下,从嗅觉和味觉对某样事物进

12、行描述。5、能阅读本单元语篇并理解其含义,逐步学会根据问题的导引从语篇中寻找关键信息。5、能正确朗读”-ar, -ar-,-ue, -oo-“在单词中的发音,并能有节奏地朗读儿歌。单 元 内 容语言知识功 能 询问语 言 点(Language) Is itor? Its词 汇(New words and expressions)watermelon, grape, plum, cherry, strawberry, a glass of, juice字 母/语 音(Letters/Sounds)-ar(car), -ar-(park),-ue(blue), -oo-(school)语言技能听(

13、Listening) 通过听在不同场景他人的小对话,了解如何使用选择疑问句询问对方的感觉或喜好。 能在听对话时抓住事物的相关特征。 能在听对话的过程中了解一般疑问句与选择疑问句的不同应答。说(Speaking) 能在不同场景下正确使用选择疑问句询问对方的感觉或喜好。 能从嗅觉和味觉的角度对某样事物的特点进行描述。读(Reading) 通过阅读对话,了解选择疑问句的问与答。 能在阅读过程中理解语篇含义,逐步学会根据问题的导引从语篇中寻找关键信息。写(Writing) 能正确书写所学单词。 能正确书写句型Is itor? Its 能从从嗅觉和味觉的角度对某样事物的特点进行描述。7、课时划分与单元教

14、学计划标题单元知识整合的知识拓展的知识Materials综合应用第一课时Look and learn, Listen and enjoy, 单词watermelon, grape, plum, cherry, strawberryapple, pear, red, green sweet, sourround, fruit, inside, berry, sit aroundSB:P3and6WB:p.2 Part A and C能正确描述某样水果的的口味。能有节奏地朗读儿歌,并知晓儿歌含义。句型Whats this / that / it? Is it? Yes, it is. / No.

15、ItsWe often What is this fruit?Can you guess?WB:P4 Part E第二课时Look and say,Ask and answer单词a glass of, juiceguess, right, thinkSB: P2 and 3WB.P5 Part F能模仿教材中Look and say的情景分组朗读。组织实物体验活动,在“闻一闻,尝一尝”的过程中体验句型含义,并能正确运用。句型Is itor?ItsIs it? Yes, it is. / No. ItsHow does it taste / smell? ItsSmell ./ Taste .

16、Yes, you are right.WB: P2 Part B and P3 Part D第三课时Say and act单词niceones, crunchySB: p.4 WB: P 6 and 7Part E模仿教材中Say and act的场景,分组表演。能整合第一、二课时的内容改编对话。句型Do you likeor?I likeWhat do you like? I likeA for you and a for me.How does the taste? ItsHow about?WB:P5 Part G and P7 Task A&B第四课时Read a storyLearn

17、 the sound语音-ar, -ar-,-ue, -oo-SB: P 5 and 6能理解短文的内容,并能够根据问题抓住关键信息。能正确朗读字母组合在单词中的发音,并能有节奏地朗读儿歌。句型They areThose areWhat nice grapes!I want them!Yum!WB. P7 Part H and P7 Task C第五课时单元复习Module1 Using my five sensesUnit 1 What can you smell and taste?(Period 1)Language aims:Using the key words and phrase

18、s in contexte.g. watermelon, grape, plum, cherry, strawberry, taste/smell _Using modeled sentences to introduce how things feele.g . How does the_ taste/smell? Its _. Using alternative questions to find out specific information Is it cherry juice or watermelon juice? Its _.Ability aims:Students can

19、introduce how they feel about the things.Emotional aims: Encourage students to use English fluently and confidently. Key and difficult points: Is it cherry juice or watermelon juice? Its _.Materials:Students Book 4B( P3)Cassette 4Band cassette playerMultimedia: PPTProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeI.

20、Pre-task preparationDaily talk1. Ask and answer( TP)2. Talk about PPs winter vocation. 利用日常问答换起学生对英语的熟悉和喜爱。通过对寒假生活的讲述导入新授II. While-task procedurestrawberryHow does the_ taste/smell? Its _.watermeloncherrySmell the_.How does it smell?Taste the_.How does it smell?1. Elicit (Guess)2. Teach: strawberry

21、(strawberries)3. T shows a strawberry. Then ask and answer4. Say about other fruits.5. Review: grape, plum6. Read and spell.1. Elicit :watermelon2. Let PP to remember water+ melon3. Introduce watermelon one by one4. Elicit cherry(guess) T: Its small and sweet. Its red. I like it very much. Is it a c

22、herry or a strawberry?5. Read and spell6. Teach : cherries7. Make a dialogue in pairs by using modeled sentences.将句型和词汇相互结合使用,提高运用能力,并复习相关词汇。解构单词帮助学生记忆单词。用猜谜的方式导入新词,吸引学生兴趣,同时渗透选择疑问句,为接下来的内容做准备orIs it or?Its P3 Dialogue1. Elicit the new sentence2. T explains by showing the things around.3. T ask , PP

23、 answer4. Read the question together.5. PP ask ,T answer6. Ask and answer by PP7. Pair work1. Play a guessing game2. Elicit : I think3. Make some new sentences by using this phrase4. Read the dialogue on P35. Answer the questions6. Act in pairs利用周围的事物进行问答,帮助学生理解选择疑问句并正确作答。听录音回答问题,提高听力能力听录音,让学生回答相关问题

24、,熟悉课文内容。学会简单回答和完整回答。III. Post-task activitiesMake a new dialogue1. Make a dialogue like P3(Pair work)2. Say and act.让学生自由进行对话,提高实际应用能力IV. Assignment1. Listen to the tape and read P32. Write the new words and phrase注重作业中的读写练习,更是是课堂教学的延续。教学反思板书: Is it. or ?Its.Unit 1 What can you smell and taste?(Peri

25、od 2)Language aims:Using the key words and phrases in contexte.g. enjoy, inside, watermelon/ cherry/ strawberry juice, a glass of Using alternative questions to find out specific information e.g. I have a glass of . Is it or? Its . Yes, you are right.Using modeled sentences to introduce ones like or

26、 dislike.e.g. Its watermelon juice. Its sweet. I like it. Ability aims:Students can make a new dialogue.Emotional aims: Encourage students to use English fluently and confidently.Key and difficult points:. Is it cherry juice or watermelon juice?Its _.The rhyme on P6Materials:Students Book 4B( P2 P6)

27、Cassette 4B and cassette playerMultimedia: PPTProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeI. Pre-task preparationDaily talk.1.Review the new words and phrase1. Ask and answer(T-PP)2. Pair work复习巩固词汇利用对话复习所学,巩固旧知II. While-task procedurejuicewatermelon juicea glass of a bottle of a cup ofa packet ofa bar ofSmell/

28、taste it. Is it. or ?1. Elicit the juice2. Learn the phraseswatermelon/ cherry/ strawberry juice3. Elicit: a glass of4. Make phrases: a glass of cherry juice5. Review the other phrasese.g. a bottle of a bar of 6. Make sentences I have a glass of Its .I like/ dont like it.1. Guess game.2. T: Now smel

29、l it. Is it cherry juice or watermelon juice? PP answer. T: Yes, you are right.在课堂中注重新旧知识的结合,并相关拓展,切实提高学生的实际运用英语的能力A new dialogue1. Elicit 2. Listen and answer the questions3. Learn the phrases4. Read after tape5. Read in pairs6. Try to read and act vividly让学生编新句型,充分练习短语。夸张的表达让学生表演更加生动。让学生发挥想象练习对话。I

30、II. Post-task activitiesRhyme 1. T elicit T: What do you like eating in summer?How do you eat?2. Teach: sit around, enjoy, inside3. Show the rhyme4. Say and act together5. P1P2 try to read贴近生活的导入,激发学生学习兴趣关键单词的重点教授让学生重点掌握指导儿歌的诵读,鼓励学生表演IV. Assignment1. Read P2 P6 after tape and try to recite the dialogue and the rhyme

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