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1、中考英语复习之代词2016年中考英语复习之代词代词分为:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、反身代词、相互代词、疑问代词、不定代词和关系代词等。1.人称代词单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称Imeweus第二人称youyouyouyou第三人称hehimtheythemsheheritita.人称代词有主格和宾格之分。通常主格作主语,宾格作宾语、表语。Ilike table tennis.(作主语) Do you knowhim?(作宾语) -Who is knocking at the door? -Itsme.c.人称代词在than之后与其他人或事物进行比较时,用主格和宾格都可以。He is ol

2、der thanme. He is older thanIam.2.物主代词形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词单数第一人称mymine第二人称youryours第三人称hishisherhersitsits复数第一人称ourours第二人称youryours第三人称theirtheirsa.形容词性物主代词的作用相当于形容词,可在句中作定语(形容词性物主代词后面必须有名词)Ourteacher is coming to see us. This isherpencil-box.b.名词性物主代词的作用相当于名词,在句中可用作主语、宾语和表语。(名词性物主代词后面绝对不能有名词)Our school

3、 is here, andtheirsis there.(作主语)- Is this English-bookyours?(作表语)- No. Mine is in my bag.Ive already finished my homework. Have you finishedyours?(作宾语) 如何判定用形容词性物主代词还是名词性物主代词?看横线后面有没有名词:横线后面有名词用形容词性物主代词,横线后面没有名词则用名词性物主代词。3.指示代词(this,that,these,those)a.this和these一般用来指在时间或空间上较近的事物或人,that和those则指时间和空间

4、上较远的事物或人.b.有时that和those指前面讲到过的事物,this和these则是指下面将要讲到的事物,c.有时为了避免重复提到的名词,常可用that或those代替, d. this在电话用语中代表自己,that则代表对方。Hello! This is Mary. Is that Jack speaking?反身代词第一人称第一人称第一人称单数myselfyourselfhimself,herself,itself复数ourselvesyourselvesthemselvesa.第一、第二人称的反身代词在形容词性物主代词后面加后缀self/selves; 第三人称的反身代词在宾格后面

5、加后缀self/selves;b.反身代词通常用于enjoy,by,help,look after,hurt,teach之后。5.不定代词(在句中可作主语、表语、宾语和定语。)a.some与any(some用于肯定句和表示委婉语气的疑问句中,any用于疑问句和否定句中,some/any后面可以接不可数名词或可数名词的复数形式。)b.few, a few, little, a little在用法上的区别含义用法表示肯定表示否定用于可数名词a few虽少,但有几个few不多,几乎没有用于不可数名词a little,虽少,但有一点little不多,没有什么c.other, the other, an

6、other, others, the others的区别。another另一个(总数3个),the other另一个(总数为2个) other+名词=others,one ., the other .一个,另一个(总数为两个) one ., another . 一个,另一个(总数3个)someothers一些,另一些(并非剩下的全部) somethe others一些,另一些(指剩下的全部)d.every与each的区别。each可单独使用,用于两者或两者以上中的每一个人或物;every不可单独使用,仅作形容词,用于三者或三者以上每一个人或物.each 作主语时,谓语用单数,作同位语时谓语用复

7、数。每隔(every+基数词+量词 每隔四年every four years)e. all、both、neither、none、either的用法all表示3者都(none),both表示两者都(neither) either两者中的任何一个 bothand(和都)连接两个名词作主语时,表复数;eitheror(要么,要么) neithernor(既不,也不) not onlybut also(不但,而且) 连接两个名词作主语时,遵循就近原则;6.相互代词(相互代词有each other和one another两种形式)7.复合不定代词(由some某,any任何,every每个,no无,没有与


9、当先行词指时间时,关系副词为when;当先行词指地点时,关系副词为where;当先行词指原因时,关系副词为why.9.比较it(同名同物),one(同名异物),thatit 特指上下文提到的对象是同一事物;The book is mine.Its vert 泛指上下文提及的同类事物中的一个,同类而不同一个;-Who has a novel named Tiny Times? -I have one.that常用于比较结构中,代替前面提到的名词,以避免重复。The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Shengzhe

10、n.it的特殊用法:a. It +be+形容词/名词+(for/of sb)+to do sth b.Its time (for sb) to do sth c.It seems that It seems that he is quite happy. d.Its +形容词+that从句 It is necessary that we students do some reading every day. e.it作形式宾语 I find it difficult to learn English by myself.1.-Rose, could you please water the f

11、lowers in the garden? -Why ? You see, my brother is listening to music. (2015长沙) B.I C.mine2.I dont like watch. I like .(2015天津)A. me; your B. my; your C. me; yours D. my; yours3.Uncle Tom will come to visit next Saturday. (2015济宁)A.we C.our D.ours4.Mrs. Smith often goes to visit those AIDS

12、 patients in hospitals to cheer up. (2015苏州)A. her B. them C. him D. us5.Miss Yang is a kind teacher. All the students love .(2015三亚)A. she B. her C. hers6.-Is this your schoolbag? -No, it isnt. is under the desk. (2015娄底)A.My B.Mine C.Me7.We cant do it that waybut whether it will work is matter. (2

13、015安徽)A.other B.another C.each D.every8.Our teacher was very happy because failed the examination.(2015江西)A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody D. everybody9.-Jane, is this your umbrella? -No, its not . I didnt take one this morning.(2015福州) C.mine10.All of us find necessary to take exercise eve

14、ry day. (2015克拉玛依)A. this B. that C. them D. it11.-What would you like, tea or coffee? - , thanks. I just prefer a glass of water.(2015福州)A.Both B.Neither C.Either12.Hurry up, kids! The school bus is coming. We have time left.(2015广州)A.few B.a few C.little D.a little13.-Do you like the pop star Zhou

15、 Jielun or the movie star Liu Dehua? - . I am not their fan.(2015克拉玛依)A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. All14.Unfortunately I was sitting at the table with smokers on side of me. (2015杭州)A.either B.both C.other D.all15.There is wrong with my back and it hurts seriously. (2015长沙)A.anything B.something

16、C.nothing16.Here are some . Do you like (2015安顺)A.oranges; them; it C.oranges; they D.oranges; their17.My hometown is becoming more and more beautiful with trees and flowers on sides of the road.(2015泰安)A.all B.both C.neither D.either18.-Mom, what would you like, coffee or tea? - . Just wat

17、er, please. (2015温州)A. Either B. both C. Neither D. None19.-Bill, is that your sisters pet dog? -No, is white. (2015自贡)A.she B.her C.hers20.-Sally, may I use your iPad? is broken. -OK, here you are.A.Your B.Yours C.Mine D.My21.-Would you like some more noodles, Celia? -Yes, just , please.A.a few B.f

18、ew C.a little D.little22.The man over there is old friend. He is a policeman. (2015重庆B卷)A.I D.mine23.I always believe that is difficult if we try our best to do it. (2015重庆B卷)A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing24.My mother used to make breakfast for every morning, but now I do it

19、 myself. (2015重庆A/C卷)A.mine C.I D.me25.Jiefangbei is not far from Chaotianmen. You can easily visit in a day. (2015重庆A/C卷)A.each B.none C.both D.neither26.-Which of the two subjects do you like, art or music? - .They are really interesting.(2015益阳)A.Neither B.Both C.None27.The dog played with y

20、ou just now is .A.which; mine B.which; my C.what; mine D.what; my28.There are enough cups for each visitor to have C.this D.that29.I have two brothers.One is a teacher, is a doctor.A.another B.other C.others D.the other30.My stomach feels terrible.I think I ate at lunch time.A.something

21、bad B.something good C.bad something D.good something31.-What do you think of the two backpacks? - of them are very nice.A.Either B.Both C.Each D.All32.Most students think they should have time and energy to develop their own interests.A.few B.less C.little D.more33.-Will you come over for dinner on

22、 Monday or Tuesday?-Im afraid day is OK.Im flying to Paris on holiday and will be away for the whole week.A.neither B.either C.both D.every34.-How did your uncle learn to play the guitar? -By .A.myself B.yourself C.herself D.himself35.I think very important for students to study by themselves in sch

23、ool or at B. this C. that D.its36.-Which do you like better,tea or coffee? - of them.I like water.A.All B. Both C. Neither D.Either37.We have two foreign teachers here.One is from England,and is from America.A.another B. the other C. other D.the others38.-Do you know this dictionary belong

24、 to? -Let me see.Oh,its .A.who does,mine B. who,me C. whose,mine D.who,mine39.A foreigh visitor is coming to visit our new house this evening.My mother will offer him to eat.A.anything delicious B. something real Chinese C. something Japanese food D.delicious something40.Is there in todays newspaper

25、?A.special something B. special anything C. something special D.anything special41.I have two cats.One is black,and is white.A.another B. some C. other D.the other42.-I prefer speaking to listening in English learning. -Oh,really!I think you should be good at of them.A.both B. neither C. some D.all4

26、3. -There is still a copy of this book in the library.Will you go and borrow ?-No,I will buy in the,it B. one,one C. it,one,it44.-Kunming is really a beautiful city and therere many places of interest.-So it is.Why not stay here for two days.A.other B. others C.another D.the oth

27、er45.All of us find is necessary to take exercise every day.A.this B.that C.them D.it46.-Help to some fruits. -Thank you.A.yourself B. your C. you D.yours47.Your computer doesnt work now,is there with it?A.wrong something B. something wrong C.wrong anything D.anything wrong48.-Are these books ? -No.

28、They are not mine.They belong to .A.your,her B.yours,her C. you,hers D.yours,she49.David is new here,so we know about him.A.nothing B. something C.anything D.everything50.-Do you know Li Na? -Of course.Shes a great tennis player comes from Hubei,China.A.who B.what C. which D.whom51.I believe I Can F

29、ly is a nice song by R Kelly.This song tells us that believing in is very important.A.themselves B.ourselves C.itself D.himself52.-Are Mr and Mrs Wang living alone in the house?-Yes,although they have three sons, of them live with their parents.A.neither B.both C. all D.none53.-Whos that speaking? -

30、 .A.This is Jack speaking. B.I am speaking C. Jack is me D.I am Jack54.-Will you take part in the English speech competition tomorrow?-Sure.I see it as a chance to prove .A.myself C. yourself D.you55. of the two story books are very interesting,so I cant decide which one to choose.A.All B.Any C. Either D.Both56. you do,dont miss this exhibition,because its so hard for me to get the tickets.A.Whatever B.However C. Whenever D.Whether57.-Do you have enough students to clean the laboratory? -No,I think we need students.A.another B.two ot

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