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1、生而为赢文字序言:preface “我们都是有故事的人”讲述着他(她)的故事,讲述着我的故事,也讲述着你的故事我们大家都是有故事的人。 本书分5大篇章为你讲述了40个故事5大篇章:自由,成功,美丽,幸福,人生40个故事:40个经典小故事,无不蕴含着人生哲思,涤荡心灵,品味生活。本书为中英对照 + 插画的美文类图书地道英文:每篇故事都以地道的英文为你讲述,文笔流畅,通俗易懂,让你愉悦地在美丽的英文世界中徜徉。中文对照:每篇故事都有精准的中文对照,辅助英文阅读,助你理解全文,同时增进翻译能力。精美插图:每篇故事都按照故事内容,附有大量贴切生动的彩色插图,给你视觉冲击,给你美的享受,让你有一个轻松愉

2、快的阅读心情。本书特别增设如下内容:1.单词注解:针对每篇文章中较难的英文单词标注音标和释义,有助于你在阅读的同时,积累单词量。2. 指点迷津学习册:针对每篇文章中常用或较难的短语及单词的用法,进行归纳总结,给予详细说明、解析,汇入一册,名为指点迷津学习册,随书附赠,希望能对你的英文提升有所助益。3. 名人名言:本书在适当的地方插入了名人名言,结合所读故事,也许你会体味更多。4. 总结语:每篇文章结束之后都有一个总结语,此为编者对故事的粗见,望能与你产生共鸣。本书为读者考虑到的细节还有:1. 中英对照为左右对照,左页英文,右页中文,最大程度地提高了阅读的方便性和舒适性。2. 单词注解均放在英文

3、所在页,方便你在阅读英文的同时随时查找对照疑难单词。昂秀特别强调1. 全书全彩印刷 彩色印刷,搭配大量精美插图,给你不尽的美感,而轻松愉快的心情定会令你享受阅读,沉醉其中。2. 随书配赠带字幕的MP3光盘(磁带、CD光盘) 美丽的故事,融合轻柔的音乐,由资深外教老师倾情朗读,让故事如音符般灵动。另,本书MP3光盘附有4种字幕形式,常速、慢速两种语速,你只要动动手指,便可随时随地边看边听,轻轻松松,方便快捷,想怎么播就怎么播。 下面就请来读故事、听故事吧!目录:ContentsChapter 1 赢得自由1.Freedom parrot呼喊自由的鹦鹉 / 132.Digging a way ou

4、t挖一条出路 / 193.Is man free?人是自由的吗? / 234.Thief or treasurer?小偷还是司库? / 275.My hearts in the Highlands我的心呀在高原 / 336.A good knights sleep骑士的酣眠 / 377.Liberty is order自由就是秩序 / 418.Being in the present活在现在 / 45Chapter 2 赢得成功1.The biggest secret of success 成功的最大秘诀 / 532.Do not listen to prairie chicken 不要听信山

5、鸡的话 / 573.The heart of a mouse 老鼠的心 / 614.The donkey in the well 井里的驴 / 655.The three fish 三条鱼 / 696.Covering the sun with ones hand 只手遮天 / 757.Seeking the seed of triumph in the adversity 在逆境中寻找成功的萌芽 / 798.What does success mean to you? 成功之于你 / 83Chapter 3 赢得美丽1.Natures beauty自然之美/ 912.A useless li

6、fe无用的生命/ 953.Wetting pants尿湿裤子/ 994.The world outside the window窗外的世界/ 1035.The beauty of honesty诚实之美/ 1096.Each to his own beauty各自的美丽/ 1157.Acts of kindness benefit everyone善行益于人人/ 1218.The ethics of kindness善良之德/ 127Chapter 4 赢得幸福1.Stone and the flower石头与花儿 / 1352.An afternoon in the park公园里的一个下午

7、 / 1393.Two drops of oil两滴油 / 1454.The joy of spring春之喜悦 / 1515.The red rose红玫瑰 / 1576.Why not go up?为什么不上去? / 1637.A gift of love爱的礼物 / 1698.Finding joy in the ordinary在平凡中找寻快乐 / 175Chapter 5 赢得人生1.Life is like a cup of coffee咖啡人生 / 1832.The trouble tree烦恼树 / 1873.I can sleep when the wind blows狂风怒

8、吼,我仍安睡 / 1914.Struggle挣扎 / 1975.Footprints脚印 / 2016.Whisper or brick?轻语还是砖头? / 2057.Move your body, change your life运动你的身体,转变你的人生 / 2098.Life explaining人生诠释 / 215广告语:正面:这里,有你想听的故事这里,由你想讲给他人的故事这里,还有你自己的故事背面:倾听纯美的声音动听的故事,融合轻柔的音乐,由资深外教倾情演绎。闭上眼睛,放松心情,享受这飘于天际、拨动心弦的声音。荡起心湖的涟漪40篇美文,通俗易懂,寓意深远,搭配妙趣横生的精美插画,让你

9、在轻松愉悦地畅游美丽英文世界的同时,洁净心灵,体味生活。赢得幸福的人生5大篇章,讲述着关于自由和成功的故事,关于美丽和幸福的故事,关于人生的故事。也许,你能从中有所感悟正文:Chapter 1 Win Freedom赢得自由Man can only be free through mastery of himself.只有通过掌握自己,才能使自己得到解放。S. E. Morison(莫里森)1. Freedom parrot 呼喊自由的鹦鹉 A man, a great man, a fighter for freedom was traveling in the mountains. He

10、stayed in a caravans for the night. He was amazed that in the caravans there was a beautiful parrot in a golden cage, continually repeating “Freedom! Freedom!”. And it was such a place that when the parrot repeated the word “Freedom!” it would go on echoing in the valleys, in the mountains.The man t

11、hought: “I have seen many parrots, and I have thought they must want to be free from those cages. but I have never seen such a parrot whose whole day, from the morning to the evening when he goes to sleep, is spent in calling out for freedom.” He had an idea. In the middle of the night, when the own

12、er was fast asleep, he got up and opened the door of the cage. He whispered to the parrot, “Now get out.”But he was very surprised that the parrot was clinging to the bars of the cage. He said to him again and again, “Have you forgotten about freedom? Just get out! The door is open and the owner is

13、fast asleep; nobody will ever know. You just fly into the sky; the whole sky is yours.”But the parrot was clinging so deeply, so hard, that the man said, “What is the matter? Are you mad?” He tried to take the parrot out with his own hands, but the parrot started pecking at him, and at the same time

14、 he was shouting, “Freedom! Freedom!” The valleys in the night echoed and re-echoed, but the man was also stubborn; he was a freedom fighter.He pulled the parrot out and threw him into the sky; and he was very satisfied, although his hand was hurt. The parrot had attacked him as forcefully as he cou

15、ld, but the man was immensely satisfied that he had made a soul free. He went to sleep.In the morning, as the man was waking up, he heard the parrot shouting, “Freedom! Freedom!” He thought perhaps the parrot must be sitting on a tree or on a rock. But when he came out, the parrot was sitting in the

16、 cage. The door was open. caravan n. 商队大旅店 peck v. 啄 stubborn a. 顽固的,固执的一个人,一个了不起的人,一个为了自由而战的斗士,正在山峦间穿行。今晚他留在一个大旅店里过夜。旅店里有一个金鸟笼,里面有一只漂亮的鹦鹉在不停地反复呼喊着“自由!自由!”,这让他很震惊。那里是这样的一种地方,当这只鹦鹉不断地反复呼喊“自由!”的时候,这个词便会在山峦间、在深谷中久久回荡。这个人想:“我看到过很多鹦鹉,也曾想过他们一定想从这些笼子里飞出去获得自由但是,我从没有见过这样的鹦鹉,从早到晚,直到入睡,一整天都在呼喊着自由。”他有了一个想法午夜,当店


18、。早上,他睡醒了,听见鹦鹉正在大喊:“自由!自由!”他想也许鹦鹉正落在一棵树上或一块石头上呢。但当他出来的时候,鹦鹉正在笼子里,笼门还开着。懂得什么是真正的自由,再去渴望和呼喊自由。2. Digging a way out 挖一条出路 Theres a man who has been by himself in a prison cell with a dirty floor, crude stone walls, and therere two windows one of which looks out towards the ocean. He hears a scratching n

19、oise, and he looks down at the ground that is furthest away from the window facing the ocean. He sees the ground moving, and he starts to think hes losing his mind. But soon the ground breaks, and up pops a head with long hair and a beard. its a prisoner.And the prisoner says, “Ssh. Listen. A group

20、of us have been tunneling for about six years, and weve finally reached your cell. We have ways to cover up my entrance into this, but now its all on your shoulders, man. All you have to do,” he said while pointing out the window towards the ocean, “you just start digging here and go down about six

21、feet and about 75 feet in that direction and there is freedom, and were out of here!”“Oh, I love that! Thats great; I want to be free!”“Okay, Ill check back with you in a few weeks.”Two weeks later, the prisoner returns to check on his friends progress, and his friend nods back with great affirmatio

22、n, “Yeah, Ive done it.”So the man who was providing the instructions pops down the hole, and two seconds later pops right back up and says, “What have you done?”“Huh?”“I told you to dig in the direction towards the ocean! This tunnel that you dug goes back under the wall and into the prison yard.”“W

23、ell, the digging was easier in the other direction.” pop v. 突然伸出 tunnel v. 挖地道 affirmation n. 断言,肯定一个人独自关在一间牢房里,牢房的地面脏兮兮的,石头墙壁很粗糙,有两扇窗户,其中一扇面向着大海。这个人听到了噼噼啪啪的声音,他望过去,发现远处对着那扇朝海的窗户的地面竟然在动,他开始认为自己疯了。但是不久之后地面裂开了,突然冒出来一个脑袋,带着长长的头发和胡子是一个囚犯。这个囚犯说:“嘘!听着,我们一群人一直在挖这个地道,差不多六年了,终于挖到了你的牢房。我们自有办法掩盖通往这里的入口,但是现在看你的

24、了,老兄。你所要做的是,”他指着面朝大海的窗户说,“你只要开始从这里挖然后向下六英尺,朝那个方向大约75英尺,那里就是自由,我们就会从这里出去了!”“哦,我喜欢!那太棒了,我要自由!”“好的,几周之后我会过来看看。”两周之后,这个囚犯回来检查他这位朋友的进程,他的朋友很肯定地向他点头:“耶,我完成了。”于是,提供指示的这个人突然跳进洞里,两秒后又突然伸出了脑袋:“你都干了什么?”“嗯?”“我告诉你朝着大海的方向挖!你挖的这条地道从墙下穿过又回到了监狱的院子里。”“哦,朝着其它的方向挖起来比较容易”或许你正囚禁于不自由的牢笼,挖一条出路,一定要朝着自由的方向。3. Is man free?人是自

25、由的吗?A man comes to a master to ask how much man is independent, free. Is he totally free, or is there a limitation? Is there something like fate, kismet, destiny, God who makes a limitation beyond which you cannot be free?The master said, “Stand up.”The man must have felt this was a stupid kind of a

26、nswer, “I am asking a simple question and he is asking me to stand up.” But he stood. And the master said, “Now, raise one of your legs up.”The man, by this time must have been thinking he had come to a madman; what has this to do with freedom, independence? But now that he has come. and the master

27、was so respected; not to follow him would be disrespectful, and there was no harm. So he lifted one of his legs from the earth, one foot was in the air and he was standing on one foot.And then the master said, “Thats perfectly good. Just one more thing, now take the left foot up also.”“That is impos

28、sible!” the man said, “You are asking something impossible. I have taken my right foot up. Now I cannot take my left foot up.”The master said, “But you were free. In the beginning you could have taken the left foot up. There was no binding order. You were completely free to choose whether to take th

29、e left foot up or the right foot up. I had not said anything about it; you just decided. You took the right foot up.“You made it impossible for the left foot to be lifted up. Dont bother about fate, kismet, God. Just think of simple things.” kismet n. 命运,天数 disrespectful a. 无礼的,失礼的一个人来到一位大师面前向其请教人到底


31、不可能再把左脚抬起来。”大师说:“但是你是自由的。开始你可以抬起左脚,没有任何的限制。你完全有自由去决定是抬左脚还是右脚,关于这点我没有做任何要求,完全由你决定。但你抬起了右脚。“是你令自己不可能抬起左脚的。不要烦心命运、定数和神,想些简单的事情。” 自由的枷锁是自己施加的,你原本就很自由4. Thief or treasurer? 小偷还是司库?Once there was a thief and he was looking for things to steal in a temple where the Priest was giving a religious speech on the topic of truthfulness to many people. The thief was completely lost in the true feeling of truthfulness. When the program was over everybody

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