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Unit 2 Wheres the post office.docx

1、Unit 2 Wheres the post officeUnit 2. Wheres the post office ?复习课1.复习内容a) 地点名词,方位介词,副词等词汇。b) 复习目标:熟练地用英语问路,指路及准确地描述一个地方。c) 重点句型:(1)Wheres the -? Its-(2) Is there a + 介词短语 (表地点)? No, there isnt /Yes, there is(3) Welcome to the Garden District.(4) Turn left on First Avenue.(5) Next to the hotel is a sm

2、all house with an interesting garden(6) If youre hungry ,you can buy some food in it.(7) When you see a big supermarket turn leftd) 语法知识: There be 句型e) 语言难点: 方位介词的用法。2教学步骤Step 1.Free talkStep 2.Look at the picture on page 7to revise the word and ask for and give directionsStep 3.Have a dictation (wo

3、rds phrases and important sentences)Step.4.Do Exercises一. 译出下列的短语1.在中心大街上 - 2.在图书馆前面 -3.在学校的对面-4.靠近超市-4. 在公园的后面-6.在饭店和邮局之间-5. 一直往前走-8.向右转-9.在这附近-10.拥有一座有趣的花园-11.一个安静的地方-12.在一条繁华的街道上-13.买一些食品-14.打的-15.去书店的路上-16.沿着这条街往前走-17.在你的右边-18.步行-19.有一次愉快的旅行 -20.欢迎来泰山-二.根据句义和首字母提示补全单词1.The post office is a_ from

4、 the library.2.The bus stop is in f_ of the bank.3.Excuse me .Is there a hotel in the n_(附近).4.The library is b_ the restaurant and the supermarket.5 T_ left on First avenue.6.If you are h_. You can buy some food in the supermarket 7.His house is on a b_ street.8Let me tell you the w_ to the post of

5、fice.9.You p_ a bank on your left and then go d_ Long Street.3. 用所给词的适当形式填空.1._(be) there any books on the desk?2.His parents enjoy _(watch)TV in the evening.3.This is the _(begin)of the garden tour.4.Bridge Street is a good place_(have)fun.5.I dont have a pen ,but Lucy_(have)one.6.Pass the _(five )

6、Avenue, .,you will get there .7.This book is _(you).8.His brother likes_(play) it this afternoon.四.选择填空( ) 1.Two years_ a long time for us .A. are B. is C. be D. am( ).2._ can I get to the hospital ?A. What B. Where C. Who D. How( ).3.Lets take a walk _ the park on Center Street.A. on B. in C. throu

7、gh D. to( ).4.This is my second visit _China.A. to B. at C. for D. in( ).5.Turn right _the second turning.A. to B. at C. for D. in( ).6.We have a big school _some nice flowers and trees.A. at B. on C, with D. to( ).7.My house is _a busy street.A. in B. on C. to D. for( ).8.Please tell _the way to th

8、e school.A. he B his C. him D. she( ).9.Tom goes to school _bus.A. on B, in C. by D. take( )10.Can you _it in English?A. tell B. speak C. say D. talk( ).11.Lets _this picture.A. see B. sees C. look D. read( ).12.He wants _in Beijing.A. living B. lives C. to live D to be( ).13.The people in the resta

9、urant _very friendly.A. is B. am C. be D. to be( ).14.Thank you for _me.A. help B. helps C. helping D. to help( ).15.Are there _food in the bag?五.书面表达你有来自美国的一位笔友Tom 要来泰山观光旅游,你能告诉他怎样到达泰山?(提示词;飞机plane ,火车train , 火车站railway train ,泰山顶Mount Tai Top,太阳sun ).(要求不少于80字)。Unit 3 Why do you like Koalas ? 复习课单

10、元复习内容:1. 学生应掌握的词汇(1) 动物名: Koalas, tiger, elephant, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin, giraffe,(2) 形容词: cute, smart, ugly, clever, friendly, shy, beautiful, lazy, other, south,(3) 名词: zoo, map, animal, box, Afria, grass, sleep, leaf (leaves) meat(4) 介词: during, at night,2 学生学会如何描述动物(1) 动物的名称(2) 描述动物的形容词(

11、3) 重点句型: Lets see the lions. Why do you want to see the lions ? Because they are cute. What animals do you like ? Because theyre friendly and clever. She likes to play with her friends and eat grass He usually sleeps and relaxes 20 hours every day3 学生应掌握的语法知识:1. 形容词的使用规则;2. why 引导的特殊疑问句及because的回答。教

12、学难点:1. why 的问句必须用because 来回答。2. 如何表达喜爱与不喜爱;教学步骤; Step 1 Free talk描述一种你喜欢的动物。 Step 2 Look at the pictures of the animals and revise the words. Step 3 Have a dictation.( words, phrases and sentences) Step 4 Ask and answer the pictures of some animals.Key words: What animals do you like? Why do you lik

13、e them ? Step 5 Make a conversation like this:A: This is a picture of animals ?B: What animals do you like ?A: I like elephants.B: Why do you like them?A: Because they are cute.B: What animals dont you like ?A: I dont like giraffes.B: Why not ?A: Because they are not very smart.Step 6 choose a kind

14、of animals you like and describe it.(名字,产地,特点, 食物)Step 7 Make a survery and fill in the blanks. Names Animals Like Dont like Why elephants penguinspandasgiraffesStep 8 Do Exx.一 根据句意及首字母完成单词。1Giraffes are very c_.2. Do you think dolphins are very s_.2. Lets see the mokeys. W_ do you want to see the m

15、onkeys ?3. After class, we should go out and r_ ourselves.4. I think pandas are l_ . Because they like to sleep.二用所给词的适当形式填空。1What are the students_(do) in their classroom?2. My mother_(get) up at 5:30 every day.3. There _(be) two pencils and a pen in the box.4 The baby is sleeping, please_(be) quie

16、t.5. Let him_(watch) TV.6. You should do your homework_(one).7. August is the_(eight) month of a year.8. There is a big tree near_(Tony) house.9. Whats _(he) telephone number?10. Those are some _(watch).三翻译句子。1 让我们先去动物园吧!。2 熊猫来自中国,他们很可爱。3 企鹅喜欢与孩子们一块玩。4 她喜欢在白天睡觉。5 长颈鹿既漂亮又聪明。四用划线部分的反义词填空。 1This pictur

17、e is very beautiful, but that is _.2. My ruler is long, yours is _.3. We usually work in the day, and sleep at _.4. Young people like pop music, but the _ like Beijing Opera.5. Are you free? No, Im very _.6. Mum, my shoes are very old, I want to buy a _ pair.五书面表达。 描述一种你喜欢的动物。Unit 4 I want to be an

18、actor.一.复习目标, 学生应掌握的词汇:doctor, reporter, police officer, waiter, bank clerk, sales assistant, dangerous学生应掌握的句型: What does he do? He is a waiter.What do you want to be?I want to be an actor.Where does he work?He works at a bank.谈论有关职业的话题. 为将来踏入社会求职打下基础.二.教学重点难点1. 教学重点1) What do you do?I am a reporte

19、r.2) What does he do?He is a student.3) What do you want to be?I want to be an actor.4) What does he want to be?He wants to be a bank clerk.2. 教学难点一般现在时态的概念和用法.当主语用第三人称单数时, 谓语动词的相应变化。三、过程Step1、Free talk Make conversations like this : A: Where does your sister work? /What does she do? B: She is a wor

20、ker. Step 2、Review the words and phrases about this unitStep 3、Review the important points1. in the day在白天例句: A teacher usually works in the day, but a doctor often works at night.2. kind of 有点儿例句: English is hard, but kind of interesting.3. We have a job for you as a waiter. 我们有一份服务员的工作给你.4. We are

21、 an international school for children of 5-12.我们这里是一所为5-12岁的孩子开办的国际学校.Step 4、Do exx汉译英: (一空一词)1. 我想和演员一块工作.I _ _work with the actors.2. 她经常和她的妈妈谈天.She often _ _ her mom.3. 安娜的妈妈是干什么工作的? 她是个医生.What _Annas mother _?She _ a doctor.4. 服务员很忙, 工作到很晚.Waiters work _, they _ _. 5. 有时她不穿校服. Sometimes she _ we

22、ar school _.Unit 5 Im watching TV一、复习目标 1) 识记本单元的词汇 2) 复习使用本单元的句型。 1. what are you doing? Im watching TV. 2. is she doing her homework? Yes, she is. No, she isnt. What is she doing ? she is swimming. Where is she swimming? At school二、复习重难点 1.重点 日常活动的表达 2. 难点 1) 现在进行时态的使用三、过程Step1、Free talk Make conv

23、ersations like this : 1. what are you doing? Im watching TV.2. is she doing her homework? Yes, she is. No, she isnt.What is she doing ? she is swimming. Where is she swimming? At schoolStep 2、Review the words and phrases about this unitStep 3、Review the important 1. what are you doing? Im watching T

24、V.2. What is he doing ? He is playing soccer. /running /writing.What are they doing? They are doing 现在进行时3 比较一般现在时和现在进行时一般现在时现在进行时概念经常性的,习惯性的正在发生标志词Sometimes, often, usually, always, every dayLook, listen, now结构Be动词实义动词 原形 + s /esBe+doing动词的变化形式1. 一般: +s2. 以s,sh,ch,x,o结尾的:+es3. 辅+y, 改y为i+es1.一般:+ing

25、;2.以不发音e结尾:去e+ing;3.双写+ing;(beginning, shopping, getting, putting, sitting, swimming, running)Step 4 Do exx1、写出下列词的现在分词形式1. do 2. go 3. ask 4. help 5 sing 6 make 7. sit 8. jump 9. begin 10. write2、句型转换 1) Im talking on the phone.(一般疑问句并作肯定回答)_ _ _ on the phone? Yes ,_ _. 2) . Hes watering the flower

26、s now. (否定句). He _ _ the flowers now. 3). My mother is cooking dinner at home. (划提) _ _ your mother _ at home? _ _ your mother _ dinne?3. 书面表达居所给短语写出 What are they doing? (parents, grandparents, sister, brother and you.)Read a book / newspaper clean the room cook dinner watch TV do ones homework pla

27、y the piano have dinner talk on the phoneUnit 6 Its raining 复习课一 Revision Aims 1. Master the words and expressions2. Describe the weather and what the people are doing二 Revision contents1. Words (30) rain windy cloudy sunny snow weather Moscow Boston cook study bad hows terrible pretty hot cold cool

28、 warm humid vacation lie (pr p lying) beach group surprised heat relaxed winter scarf (pl scarfs or scarves)everyone man 2. Phrases:(8)pretty good , on vacation , take photos , lie on the beach , be surprised, look at , be relaxed, have a good time 3. Main sentence structures (1). Hows the weather in Shanghai? Whats

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