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1、现代大学英语精读第二版1Unit116部分课后练习答案参考答案(Unit 18)Unit OneKey to Exercise Preview:Vocabulary4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets1. differ 2. differently, different 3. difference 4. serious, serious, seriously 5. seriousness, seriously polluted6. Fortunately/ Luckily, pollution,

2、 seriously, pollute7. attention 8. attentively, attentive3 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases and expressions.1. on their own2. show off3. burst into4. given rise to5. brought about6. to resort to7. clinging to8. give rise to9. took advantage of10. in vain, make, out of5. Fill

3、u in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs1 of 2 from 3 for 4 out 5 up 6 up 7 up for 8. out 9. with10. of 11. of 12. of 13. upGrammar: 2 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of word(s) in the brackets.1. had overslept2. had invited3. was born, had left4. had gone, told5. had worked

4、, were admitted6. loved, had always been7. was, had been8. became, had read9. returned, came10. met, had once treated, said, was, had done, forgave, asked3. Fill in the blanks with ONE suitable word.1. easy 2. beginning 3. But 4. suddenly 5. worried 6. If 7. master8. number 9. habit 10. goUnit 2Voca

5、bulary4. Translate the following sentences, paying special attention to the words in bold type.1. 一个男子突然站了起来,用他的鞋子朝他扔过去。幸亏他及时低头躲了过去。2. 我们在他回家前把房间通通风吧。3.她虽然八十好几了,但还能穿针引线。4. 我们必须勇敢面对这个危险。总有人妖在我们这里浑水摸鱼。5. 她清楚地知道,如果2把那钱放进口袋,她就会倒大霉。head for:很可能遭受(不幸);会招致6.会议是由一个刚刚平步青云,掌握大权的妇女主持的。7. 正如老话所说,剥猫皮可以有很多种方法。 (不

6、必墨守成规)8. 一对年轻的恋人坠入爱河,仅因为此,他们被用石头活活砸死。9. 我希望贫富差距能够缩小。前两天我见到一个饿极了的年轻人在一家饭馆狼吞虎咽地吃残羹剩饭。10.桌子上的食品如此诱人,我都流口水了。3. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets1. is that we cant find enough foreign markets2. is that with democracy there is no harmonious society3. is that we should give/

7、 allow students more freedom4. is not strong enough to send him to prison5. reliable enough to be her husband6. is not big enough to hold so many people7. There doesnt seem to be any different opinion8. Because at that time there seemed to be enough food for everybody9. Because there didnt seem to b

8、e any good reason at the time10. because he was being followed at that time11. my car is being repaired/fixed12. I hear it is being criticized by many people13 a good doctor, but he doesnt know much about history14. an excellent English professor, but she doesnt know everything15. we may be poor, bu

9、t we are no beggars.16. I shouldnt have told her in such a hurry17. I shouldnt (have gone)18. we should have listened to them4 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words and phrases1. move in on, happened to 2. aware of 3. heard of 4. think twice 5. Because of, hand over6. the other day,

10、 on duty 7. on the case, as to 8. in the first place 5. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions and adverbs.1 on 2 into 3 up 4 forward to 5 down upon 6 up 7 up to7. fill in each blank with the correct form of the appropriate word in the brackets.Ago and before: 1. 和过去式连用,不能和现在完成式连用 2. 说“现在的

11、多长时间以前”用ago; 说“过去某时的多长时间以前”用before。所以通常ago 用于过去式,before用于过去完成式中。 Eg. Two years ago, I left the company, which I had joined two years before. Grammar3. Fill in each blank of the passage with ONE suitable word1 type/ kind 2 lending 3 for 4 is 5 pay 6 opening7 balance 8 store/keep/save/put 9 changes 10

12、 withdraw 5 Identify and correct the mistakes1. No one knew what had happened/was happening there. / No one knows what is happening /has happened there.2. My parents had a good reason to be angry with me. I shouldnt have lied to them in the first place.3. The new Prime Minister is well aware that hi

13、s government is faced with a lot of problems. / The new Prime Minister is well aware of the problems his government is face with.4. If you won the prize, what would you do you the money?5. The guest was greeted with a bunch of flowers at the airport.6. The teller was arguing with a young customer ab

14、out something when the narrator entered the bank.7. The narrator thought the banks policy was ridiculous.8. It was understandable for her to be angry with me. / She had a good reason to be angry with me.9. I shouldnt have lied to her in the first place.10. He had no choice but to do what he was told

15、 to.Unit 3Vocabulary3 Translate the following expressions1心中不高兴的纳税人2. 一个不平等条约3. 不为人知的捣蛋分子4. 不幸的结果5. 未曾预料到(出其不意)的访问6. 可以预见的未来7. 一个令人难忘的人物8. 变化莫测的天气9. 非饮用水10. 在可以付得起的价位上11. 难以描述的痛苦折磨12. 由于可以理解的原因13. 拓宽街道14. 加深湖泊15. 缩短文章16. 重组政府17. 重游故乡18. 更换旧机器4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in th

16、e brackets.1. represent, represented 2. employer, unemployed, employees, reemployed3. well-informed, information4. informer, inform, authorities5. complaints, complain, unemployment6. insult7. insulting, insult8. representative9. be insulted2 Complete the following verb + noun collocations or expres

17、sions1 mind (his own business)2 plant / grow / harvest / reap (the rice)3 dig / sink (a well)4. (catch) fish / birds / crabs / mice/ a thief / a cold / the meaning / the disease5 till / improve / conserve (the soil)6 plough (the field)7 (condemn) the enemy / the killings 8 (attract) attention / inte

18、rest / criticism9 (gather) flowers/ nuts / information /troops4. Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions and adverbs(1) in, of, with, at, with, about/of, to, of, on, to(2) of, for, from, till, on, after, against/from, in(3) to, in, of, of, for, to, for, in, to,(4) down, over, with(5) by, over,

19、(6) along, with, across(7) around/ round, away, with(8) to, up, off, off, on7 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the appropriate word or phrase in the brackets.1 wish 2 hoping 3 hope, wish 4 wished5 hope 6 cant, can, wont 7 should, would/could/might8 happened/occurred, happen/occur9 occurre

20、d, taken place/happened/occurred10 happen, take placeGrammar3. Fill in each blank of the passage with ONE suitable word1. trying 2 enough 3 brought 4 without 5 first 6 simple 7 any8 times 9 in 10 only5 Identify and correct the mistake(s)1. Supermarkets have sprung up everywhere in Beijing since the

21、1990s.2. The old lady finds the shop filled with goods she has no use for.3. If I had had time, I would have joined you for dinner yesterday.4. The old couple told me that they had nothing to complain about.5. My grandfather advised me to apply to Nanjing University for admission. (or: My grandfathe

22、r suggested that I apply to Nanjing University for admission.)6. He went back to work as soon as he was back on his feet.7. He said he would pass on the message to all his friends.8. We might have finished our work by 5 pm if the manager had not interfered.9. Any country will sooner or later fall be

23、hind if it fails to keep up with the times.10. Maybe it is fate that brought my children back to our hometown.Unit 4Vocabulary2 Complete the following verb + noun collocation or expression1. fit the (description; lock; theory)2. (make; receive; have; get; answer ) a telephone call3.(make; have; arra

24、nge; keep; break) an appointment4. risk (failure; life; health)5. affect the (health; future; economy; result; decision)6. raise (hell; hands; eyes; a finger; voice; glass; wages; prices; hope; issue)7. save (time; money; trouble; life; face; country)8. wave (a gun; arms; hand; flag; cloth)9. (do) h

25、arm10 bite (one lip; ones nails; nones tongue)11. (take; seize; miss; gives; have; get) chances12. cover (a table; ones body; somebody; ground; field; anger; all subjects; all expenses; many miles; pages)5 Rewrite the following sentence using the words or expressions in the brackets.1. He did not fi

26、t the description of a great scholar. For one thing, he was half naked. For another, he slept by the roadside of a busy city, hardly a setting for a philosopher.2. I wish I knew how they learned about this secret missile.3. Her face suggested a ripened apple, and she was otherwise very strong except

27、 for the loss of both her leg.4. They made an appointment in a restaurant that evening, where the waiter quickly slipped a note into the spys hand concerning he secret message.5. We waited for almost one hour and the food we ordered still did not come. I decided to raise the devil with the managemen

28、t.6. The government has promised that it will not hesitate to punish those who deal in cheating, gambling, black marketeering, and prostitution.7. Had the authorities aggressed with the plan, it would have brought a lot of problem. Luckily, it was turned down and no harm had been done.8. We must mak

29、e sure that the nuclear power stations are absolutely safe. We cant take chances. 9. I think we should mind our own business. But I will check on him anyway. 7. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the appropriate word or phrase in the brackets.1 except, except for 2 effect, affect3. ordinary

30、, common 4. cause, cause, course5. used to 6. hard- , hardly7. am used to 8. glanced at9. staring at 10. gazing atGrammar3 Fill in each blank of the passage with ONE suitable word.1 time 2 buy 3 instead 4 with 5 did6 pushed 7 nobody 8 When 9 what 10 usedUnit 5Key to ExerciseVocabulary3. Fill in the

31、blacks with the correct prepositions or adverbs.1 for, on 2 against, out 3 to, in 4 with, to 5 of, of6 of, in spite of, on 7 of, in 8 Upon, into 9 in, with 10 to/with4. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate phrase in the brackets. Change the form if necessary.1. springing up/ going up (两者均可。前者更生动些)2. go about/ go over(两者均可,但前者指开始某项工作,后者指该计划本身要仔细审阅一下,意思有所不同)3. went out 4 going on 5 went off 6 goes with, go to7 go under, go for 8 go into 9 going, go to, go for, go along with, went crazy10 go with, go togetherGrammar

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