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1、笔译配套第九单元 外交第九单元外交 主要相关英汉词语multi-faceted diplomacy 全方位外交people-to-people diplomacy 民间外交elastic diplomacy 弹性外交holiday-making diplomacy 度假外交maintain a balance of power 保持力童平衡disarmament talks / negotiations 裁军会谈谈判establish/suspend/sever/ resume diplomatic relations 建立中断断绝恢复外系roving ambassador 巡回大使ambas

2、sador-at-large 无任所大使special envoy 特使persona non-grat 不受欢迎的人diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权verbal note 普通照会circular note 通知照会formal note 正式照会letter of credence, credentials 国书present ones credentials 递交国书exchange ambassadors 互派大使multipolarity 多极化strategic partnership 战略伙伴关系non-targeting strategic nuclear w

3、eapons against each other 战略核武器互不瞄准方safeguard world peace 保卫世界和平英译汉(一)Working Together Against the Infectious Diseases There is another area that really may sound like its outside the rang of politics and Iraqi people where were cooperating together1, but its an area that is vital to the well-being

4、of the Chinese people, the American people, the people in the world, and its now were working together to deal with the dangers inherent in infectious diseases. Chinas sobering experience with SARS stands as a lesson to all countries on2the challenge of infectious diseases3. I have called HIV/AIDS t

5、he worlds greatest weapon of mass destruction today. It threatens to kill tens of millions of men, women and childrenin the Caribbean, in Latin America, in the subcontinent, especially in Africa and yes, it is a danger to China as well. And Chinas government is facing up to this crisis, working with

6、 us. The United States has told China we are ready to help. Last month, our Health and Human Services Secrey4 Tommy Thompson spoke in China of President Bushs interest in furthering our practical cooperation on HIV/AIDS and other health issues5. Specialists from our Centers for Disease Control are w

7、orking on the ground6 with their Chinese counterparts. Our National Institute of Health has granted $14. 8 million to help China upgrade its health care infrastructure. My friends, it is upon such concrete forms of cooperation on issues of regional and global importance that a 21st century US-China

8、relationship will be built, issue by issue, experience by experience, challenge by challenge, initiative by initiative, program by program. As China participates more actively in world affairs, we will extend our welcome. Building and sustaining a healthy overall relationship is good for America, it

9、7is good for China, it is good for the region, and good for the international community. 课文词汇inherent 固有的;本质的;与生俱来的 infectious 传染的Caribbean 加勒比海区 initiative 行动计划;首创 参考译文携手应对传染性疾病我们两国政治开展合作的另一个领域听起来似乎与政治无关,与伊拉克人民无关1,但它对于中国人民、美国人民及世界人民的幸福都至关重要。这就是,我们正在共同努力应对传染病的潜在危险。 中国与严重急性呼吸系统综合症(SARS )打交道的沉重经历为所有国家

10、迎接2传染病挑战提供了一个教训3 。我把艾滋病病毒艾滋病称为今天世界上最大规模的毁灭性武器。它给加勒比、拉丁美洲、次大陆,尤其是非洲的数千万男女老少造成生命威胁:当然,对中国也不例外(它对中国也是个威胁)。 中国政府在正视这个问题,并在与我们共同努力。美国告诉中国,我们随时准备提供帮助。我国卫生与公众服务部部长4汤米 汤普森上个月在中国谈到,布什总统希望扩大两国在防治艾滋病病毒艾滋病及其他健康议题上的实际合作5(布什总统有意在防治艾滋病病毒艾滋病和其他健康议题上扩大我们的实际合作)。我国疾病控制和预防中心(Centers for Disease Control )的专家正在这里6 (正在当地)

11、与中国卫生工作人员共同努力。我国国家卫生院(National Insti- tute of Health ) 为中国提供蜡款l480万美元,帮助中国更新卫生保健墓础设施。 朋友们,21 世纪的美中关系正是要建立在对地区和全球具有重要意义的问题的具体合作之上 通过每个议题、每个经历、每个挑战、每个行动计划、每个项目来实现。 我们将欢迎中国越来越积极地加入到世界事务中来。建立并维护一个健康全面的关系有益于美国,有益于中国,有益于这个地区,也有益于国际社会。 译文评析1 英文原句中带有分别由that 和where 引导的两个定语从句,但它们共同修饰一个先行词“area ”。这种一个先行词带有两个或两

12、个以上定语从句的情况被称为“一主二仆式定语从句”,根据上下文可以有多种译法。这里可以将where 引导的较短定语译为前置定语,将that 引导的较长定语译为句子成分,即谓语。这样就与下文表转折的连词but 在逻辑上也紧密衔接起来。2 介词在英语中占很大的优势,在翻译时,对介词要特别注意,因为英语句子的扩展,准确意义的表达,往往是通过介词来实现的。而汉语中动词占优势,着重于动态的描写,所以许多英语介词往往可以译为汉语的动词,表达更具体生动。这是“on 就可以译为动词”面临迎接”,与其后的“挑战”搭配起来。再如:Carlisle street runs westward , across a gr

13、eat black bridge , down a hill and up again, by little shops and meal markets, past single storied homes, until suddenly it stops against a wide green lawn. 卡莱尔大街往西伸展,越过一座黑色大桥,爬下山岗又爬上去,经过许多小铺和肉市,又经过一些平房,然后突然朝着一大片绿色草地中止了。3 这句话主语较长,所以也可以将experience 转译成动词,把原主语与谓语分译成两句话,即“中国经历了严重急性呼吸系统综合症(SARS )对她的严重袭击,

14、这给所有国家迎接传染病的挑战提供了一个教训”。4 这里secretary 不应译为“秘书或秘书长”,而应译为“部长”,要注意同一职务的英译因不同的国家而异。许多美国政府机构官名都是用secretary 一词,且都译为“部长”( secretary of State:国务卿除外)。例如:Secretary of Defense,国防部长;Secretary of the Treasury,财政部长;Secretary of the Interior,内政部长;Secretary of Agriculture,农业部长;Secretary of Commerce,商务部长。5 英文原句中谓语动词s

15、poke 后紧跟T 一个很长的介词宾语of President Bushs interest in issues 若一气呵成直译为“谈到美国总统布什对 的兴趣”会使译文冗长,所以这里适宜把介宾结构译为一个单独的主谓结构,用逗号将其与谓语动词spoke 隔开。6. on the ground 可解释为at the place of interest or importance, on the spot(当场、在现场,在实际情况下); among ordinary people (在普通人中),其具体意义要依据上下文来定。这里on the ground 应指“在中国的现场”,所以可译为“在这里”、

16、“在当地”。7 这里的“it ”不必重复译出,否则画蛇添足。英译汉(二)China Plays an Important Role in the Six-party TalksChina hosted and fully participated in the Six-party Talks that were held in Beijing this past August. And China continues to play an important role in Irving to bring North Korea into a serious diplomatic proces

17、s1. In the Six-Party Talks, all of the regional stakeholders2 including our alliesJapan and the Republic of Korea, including Russia as well are at the table putting our common interests forward. Many said it wouldnt work. Many said it couldnt be done. Many said that President Bush should abandon the

18、 desire for a multi-party arrangement and just talk bilaterally with the North Koreans. They said North Korea would never agree to anything else3 and that China would not play a role in expanding the dialogue. But they were wrong. China did4 play a role. In March of this year I met with my Chinese c

19、ounterpart, at that time Foreign Minister and I reinforced President Bushs message that China needed to rise to its responsibilities in dealing with this regional problem6. The very7 next day the Vice Premier, who is here with us today, flew to North Korea and delivered that message, that there woul

20、d be no alternative to multilateral talks in which all countries of the region would be fully involved, China included8. I want to thank the Vice Premier again for the important contribution that he made in bringing those talks about. A China that works constructively with us in this manner, along w

21、ith other regional partners such as Japan, the Republic of Korea, Russia, is a China that inspires confidence in its own people and gains trust from the rest of the world9. 课文词汇the Six Party Talks 六方会谈 stakeholder 涉及利益的各方;持股人multilateral 多边的 参考译文中国在六方会谈扮演重要角色 今年八月,中国主办并全面参与了在北京召开的六方会谈。中国继续扮演重要角色,力图将

22、朝鲜纳入正是的外交轨道1(在努力将朝鲜纳入正式外交轨道方面,中国继续扮演重要的色)。在六方会谈期间,有关各方2,包括我们的盟国日本和韩国,也包括俄罗斯都坐在谈判桌前,提出我们的共同利益。 许多人说这行不通。许多人说这不可能。还有许多人说,布什总统应放弃多方会谈的希望而只与朝鲜进行双边会谈。他们说朝鲜决不会同意任何别的条件3,中国在扩大叶话方面不会发挥作用。但事实上他们错了。中国确实4发挥了作用。 今年三月,我会见了当时的中国外长唐家璇5。我重申了布什总统的意思:中国需要在处理这一地区问题上承担起它的责任6。就在7,第二天,中国副总理,他今天与我们一起飞抵朝鲜并传递了这一信息,即:除了举行包括中

23、国在内的由该地区所有国家完全参与的多方会谈,别无选择8(举行包括中国在内的由该地区所有国家充分参与的多方会谈是唯一的可行办法)。我要再次感谢副总理为促成这些会谈所做的重要贡献(副总理为促成这些会谈做出了重要贡献,我要再次向他表示感谢)。 一个以这种方式与我们及该地区其他的合作伙伴如日本、韩国、俄罗斯进行建设性合作的中国,是一个能激发民族自信心并底得世界其他民族信任的中国9(一个以这种方式建设性地与我们、并连同日本、韩国、俄罗斯等该地区其他合作伙伴进行合作的中国,是一个能激发起自己人民的信心并获得世界其他国家信任的中国)。 译文评析1. 这句话也可译为“中国在努力将朝鲜纳入正式外交轨道方面继续起

24、着重要的 作用”。2. stakeholders 原指“赎金保管人”,这里不可直译,而应理解为有发言权的与会各方,所以可译为“有关各方”。3. 原文anything else 若直译为“任何别的(东西)”则意义含糊,这里既然是在讲谈判,就可以理解为“任何别的条件”,这样就语义完整了。4. 英语的助动词do 有一个很重要的用法:在肯定句中表示强调,一般译为“的确、确实、真的、还是”,应注意在这种用法下,它只有现在时(do , does )和过去时( did )。这种用法叫做强调肯定式(emphatic positive ) ,其作用在于排除否定性的观点。例如:50 you did 90 to t

25、he concert this evening . 这就是说,你今天晚上真的去听音乐会了。5. at that time Foreign Minister Tang 是my Chinese counterpart 的同位语,指的是同一个人,所以不必重复译出,合译为“中国外长唐家璇”。6. that 引导的是一个同位语从句,解释说明中心词message,两者所表达的内容之间可以划等号。翻译这类名词性从句时,that 在从句中由于不充当任何成份往往省去不译,可以按照原文的句序译成相应的汉语;若同位语较短,汉译时也可译为前置定语。例如:1 have a feeling that our team i

26、s going to win . 我有一种感觉,我们的球队将获胜。The suggestion that the new rule be adopted came from the chairman. 必须采用新规则的建议是主席提出来的。、7. very 在这里是形容词,作名词的修饰语。very 作形容词时,主要有三种译法:( l ) 译为“真正的”( real, true )。例如:Plunder is the very nature of imperialism译文:掠夺是帝国主义真正的本性。(2 )译为“就”、“正”、“恰好”( just the , exactly the , prec

27、isely the )。例如:The thief was caught in the very act of stealing译文:那个小偷正在偷东西的时候当场被捕。(3 )译为“甚至连 都”( even the )。例如:The very thought of going there delighted me译文:甚至只是想一想去那里都使我高兴。8 句型There is no alterative to 可译为“除 外别无选择没有别的办法没有别的可替代”,或“ 是唯一的出路办法”。例如:There is no alterative to surgery译文:除外科手术外别无他法。(外科手术是

28、唯一的解决办法。)9 英文原文很长,其实结构并不复杂。可以将两个that 引导的定语从句分别译成两个前置定语,或是两个并列句:“中国在以这种方式与我们及其他该地区的合作伙伴如日本、韩国、俄罗斯进行建设性的合作,这样的中国能激发起民族的自信心并赢得世界其他民族的信任。”这种一个句子中有两个或两个以上不同成分带定语从句的情况被称为“自由式定语从句”。这种从句的先行词没有固定的模式,在句中充当不同的句子成分。它们拆开来看,其实就是一个个简单的定语从句,因此,其翻译也和简单的定语从句相同。英汉翻译技巧(九)复杂定语从句的翻译 英译汉时常遇到复杂的定语从句,即一个句子带有两个或两个以土定语从句的结构,给

29、翻译造成困难(但只要仔细分折句子的逻辑及语法结构,掌握好几种常见的复杂定语从句的译法,困难也就迎刃而解。复杂定语从句常见的有自由式定语从句、嵌套式定语从句及一主二仆式定语从句。前两种情况已作说明不详述,一主二仆式定语从句较为复杂,指的是一个先行词带有两个或两个以上定语从句的情况,主要有以下几种译法。1 译成定语可以把两个定语从句译成并列的定语,也可译成分开的定语修饰先行词,或分别修饰重复的先行词。例如:Almost everything which really matters and which the world possessed at the commencement of the m

30、odern age was already known to man at the dawn of history . 近代史开始时,世界拥有的每一项重大成就,已为历史发端期的人们所知晓。(分开的定语)And it helps to explain why 50 many inventions that were of Chinese region or that had been known to the Greco-Romans, were fully developed and exploited only by the Western European.它有助于说明,为什么发源于中国的

31、许多发明,或者为希腊、罗马人所熟知的许多发明,只是在西欧人手中才得到全面发展和充分利用。(分开的定语修饰重复的先行词)2. 译成并列句可以把两个定语从句简单地译成一个并列句,也可以把它们译成两个分开的并列句,用来表示并列、转折或先后顺序等关系。 Not surprisingly, the most complex political structures appeared in the Sudan, where long distance trade was most highly developed and where Islamic influence was the strongest.

32、 毫不奇怪,苏丹出现了最复杂的政治组织,在那里,长途贸易发展得最快,伊斯兰教的影响最为强烈。(两个并列句)This hope was nurtured by the great victories won by Genghis Khans grandson, Hulagu, who was a Buddhist , and whose wife was a Christian . 成吉思汗的孙子旭烈兀所取得的伟大胜利,助长了这个希望,旭烈兀是个佛教徒而他的妻子是基督教徒。(两个并列句表转折)3. 其他译法把翻译简单定语从句的方法贯通其中,如译成定语句子成分(即把一个从句译成定语,另一个从句译成句子成分);或译成并列句(或句子成分)状语从句(即把一个从句译成并列句或句子成分,另一个从句译成状语从句)等。 At one extreme are Hawaii and

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