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1、完整word版英国文学史及选读知识要点IIPart VII The Romantic Period (1798-1832) Romanticism in EnglandI. background1.The French Revolution(1789-1799)2. The Industrial RevolutionII romanticism1. definition and characteristics (理解)2. The period: 1798-1832 Beginning with the publication of Wordsworths Lyrical Ballads (1

2、798), ending with Walter Scotts death(1832)3. The representative poets William Wordsworth(1770-1850) 威廉华兹华斯 S.T. Coleridge (1772-1834) S.T.柯勒律治 Robert Southey (1774-1843) 罗伯特骚塞 George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824) 乔治戈登拜伦 Percy Bysshe Shelley(1792-1822) 珀西比希雪莱 John Keats(1795-1821) 约翰济慈4. The prose

3、writersWalter Scott (1771-1832): historical novelist 沃尔特司各特James Austen (1775-1817) : novelist 简奥斯丁Charles Lamb (1775-1834): essayist 查尔斯兰姆5. Literary forms The age of Wordsworth like the age of Shakespeare - was decidedly an age of poetry. There was also a noteworthy development of the novel which

4、was already beginning to establish itself as the favorite literary form of nineteenth century.The drama was the only literary form that was not adequately represented. (一) William Wordsworth(1770-1850)I statusthe leading figure of the English romantic poetryHe has started the modern poetry, the poet

5、ry of the growing inner self.using the ordinary speech and advocating a return to nature.II works1. Subjects:Poems about nature Poems about human life2. WorksLines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey (1798) 廷腾寺The Prelude (1805-1806) 序曲The Excursion (1814) 远足Sonnets 3. selected reading Tintern

6、Abbey She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways 她住在人迹罕见的路边 I Traveled Among Unknown Men 我曾在异乡漫游 I wandered Lonely as a Cloud 我像一朵孤独的浮云 The Solitary Reaper孤独的割麦女(二) George Gordon, Lord Byron(1788-1824)I. Literary Works Hours of Idleness 闲暇时刻消闲时光 The English Bards and Scott Reviewers 英国诗人和苏格兰评论家 Child Harold

7、s Pilgrimage 恰尔德哈罗德游记 Canto I,II(1812) Canto III (1816) Canto Iv (1818) Oriental Tales Manfred 曼弗雷德 a poetical drama(诗剧)Cain 该隐 a poetical drama Don Juan 唐璜II Selected Reading1.Childe Harolds Pilgrimage 恰尔德哈罗德游记2. Don Juan 唐璜(The Isles of Greece 哀希腊)3. When We Two Parted 当我俩分别的时候4. She Walks in Beau

8、ty 她早在美的光影里5. Sonnet on Chillon 夏兰(瑞士一古堡)的囚徒 III Byronic Hero (理解)(三) Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)The worksTwo narratives Queen Mab 麦布女王 1813 The Revolt of Islam伊斯兰的反叛 1818Lyrics Ode to the West Wind 西风颂1819 To a Skylark 云雀颂 1820 The Cloud 云 1820 Adonais 阿多尼 an elegy for John KeatsPoetic drama P

9、rometheus Unbound 解放的普罗米修斯1819 The Cenci 钦契一家 The major prose essay A Defence of Poetry诗辩 1822(四)John Keats (1795-1821)I works a sonnet On First Looking into Chapmans Homer 1817 初读查浦曼译之荷马 a long narrative poem Endymion 1818 恩底弥翁 a volume of verse Lamia , Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poe

10、ms 1820 拉米亚、伊莎贝拉、圣安格尼斯节前夜和其它的诗 ( four great odes On Melancholy忧郁颂, On a Grecian Urn希腊古瓮颂, To Psyche精神颂, To a Nightingale夜莺颂, and Hyperion许珀里翁 ) II ode(理解)(五)Walter Scott (1771-1832)I.status Historical novelist and poet popular throughout much of the world during his time II Scotts Works1. Poems Mins

11、trelsy of the Scottish Border 苏格兰边区歌谣集1802 (he had collected among the Scottish people for many years.)The Lay of the Last Minstrel最末一个行吟诗人 Marmion玛密恩1808 The Lady of the Lake湖上夫人18102. Historical Novels subjects: from the Middle Ages to the 18th centuryhistory of ScotlandEnglish history history of

12、European countriesOf the Scottish history Waverley 威弗利1814Guy Mannering 盖伊曼纳令1815The Antiquary古董家1816 The Black Dwarf 黑侏儒1816 Old Morality 修墓老人1816 Rob Roy罗布罗伊1817 the best of the group The Heart of Midlothian 密得洛西恩监狱/爱丁堡监狱1818 The Bride of Lammermoor 沼地新娘1819 A legend of Montrose 蒙特罗斯传奇1819 Red Gau

13、ntlet 雷德冈脱利特 1824 The Betrothed 约婚夫妇1825 Talisman 护身符1825Of the English history Ivanhoe艾凡赫/撒克逊劫后英雄传/略 the English history of the end of the 12th centuryThe Monastery 修道院1820The Abbot 修道院长/女王越狱记1820Kenilworth, 肯纳尔沃思堡1821 describes the time of Mary Stuart and Queen Elizabeth The Pirate 海盗1821 The Fort

14、unes of Nigel, 尼格尔的家产1822 Peveril of the Peak 贝弗利尔皮克1823 take place in 17th century Scotland and England Woodstock 皇家猎宫1826 The English RevolutionOf the European countries Quentin Durward 昆丁达沃德1823the best-known novel on French history.Anne of Geierstein 盖厄斯坦的安妮1829 Count Robert of Paris巴黎的罗伯特伯爵1832

15、III. historical novels P86 L5-14 P 87 the last par.(六)Jane Austen (1775-1817)I. Novels 1. Sense and Sensibility理智与情感2. Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见18133. Northanger Abbey 诺桑觉寺18184. Mansfield Park 曼斯菲尔德花园18145. Emma 爱玛 18156. Persuasion 劝告1818IIA writer of the 18th century(理解)III Main literary concern (

16、themes) (理解)IV selected reading Pride and Prejudice (人物 情节)(七)Charles Lamb(1775-1834)I The rise of English essay The first decades of the 18th and 19th centuries witnessed new births in the essay as a form in literature.Addison and Steele socialized the essayA means of intimate self expression Charl

17、es Lamb William Hazlitt (1778-1830) 威廉哈兹里特 Thomas De Quincy(1785-1859)托马斯德昆西 Leigh Hunt(1784-1859)李亨特II worksTales from Shakespeare (1807)Specimens of English Dramatic PoetsContemporary with Shakespeare (1808)Essays of Elia (1823)Last Essays of Elia (1833)PART VIII The (early) Victorian Age(1832-196

18、8) Critical Realism in EnglandI Background I. The period The Victorian reign (1837-1901) A new era 1832the Reform Bill 1902the end of Boer war(the Victorian roughly coincides with the reign of Queen Victoria)Two divisions:a. Early Victorian period (1832-1868) (first 14 years filled with unrest, alar

19、m, and misery the succeeding 22 years the growing prosperity and general good feeling, “ the workshop of the world” )b. Late Victorian(1868-1902)II. literature1 Critical realismCharles Dickens (1812-1870) 狄更斯William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863) 萨克雷Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855) 夏洛特勃朗特Emily Bronte (

20、1818-1848) 艾米丽勃朗特Mrs Gaskell (1810-1865)盖斯凯尔夫人 Anthony Trollope (1815-1882)安东尼特罗洛普 George Eliot (1819-1880) 乔治艾略特2. the chartist literature3. the poetsAlfred Tennyson (1809-1892)丁尼生 Robert Browning (1812-1889) 布朗宁Charles Algernon Swinburne (1837-1909) 斯温伯恩Charles Dickens (1812-1870)I. the three grea

21、test Victorian novelistsCharles DickensWilliams Makepeace Thackeray George EliotII The Major Works of Charles DickensSketches by Boz (1836) 博兹特写集The Posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club (1836-1837) 匹克威克外传Oliver Twist (1837-1838) 雾都孤儿Nicholas Nickleby (1838-1839) 尼古拉斯尼克尔贝The Old Curiosity Shop (184

22、0-1841) 老古玩店Barnaby Rudge 1841巴纳比鲁奇A Christmas Carol (1843) 圣诞欢歌Martin Chuzzlewit (1843-1845) 朱述尔维特Dombey and Son (1846-1848) 董贝父子David Copperfield( 1849-1850) 大卫科波菲尔Bleak House (1852-1853) 荒凉山庄Hard Times (1854) 艰难时世Little Dorrit (1855-1857) 小杜丽A Tale of Two Cities (1859) 双城记Great Expectations (1860

23、-1861) 远大前程Our Mutual Friend 我们共同的朋友III writing features1.Humor2. His character-portrayal3. Language4. a master story-tellerWilliam M Thackeray (1811-1863)I works Frazer - 1837-38 The Yellowplush Correspondence 1839-40 Catherine 1841 The Great Hoggarty Diamond 41844 Barry Lyndon 巴利林顿5 Snob Papers (

24、in Punch) 1848 The Book of Snobs (a social satirist)6 1847-1848 Vanity Fair 7 1848-1850 Pendennis 潘丹尼斯8Henry Esmond : a historical novel 91855 The Rose and the Ring101855 The Newcomes 纽卡莫一家11 1855 The Four Georges ( a series of lectures on Kings George 1-IV and their times)12 1857-1859 The Virginian

25、s Cornhill Magazine 康西尔杂志13-1613. 1860 Lovel the Widower 鳏夫洛威尔14. 1861-1862 The Adventures of Philip15. 1864 Denis Duval 丹尼斯杜瓦尔16. 1863 The Roundabout papers 转弯抹角的随笔 II Masterpiece: Vanity Fair 1.Setting : Vanity Fair is set at the time of the Napoleonic wars.2.the title :from John Bunyans The Pilgr

26、ims Progress3.subtitle : a novel without hero4. Characterization: Rebecca Sharp Amelia5. Major plot George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) (1819-1880)Major works1.Translation:The Essence of Christianity 基督教的本质2. Scenes of Clerical Life 教区生活场景1857 Three stories:1) “The Sad Fortunes of the Reverend Amos Barton

27、” “阿莫斯巴顿牧师的不幸遭遇”2) “Mr. Gilfils Love Story” “吉尔菲尔先生的恋爱史”3) “Janets Repentance” “珍妮特的忏悔”3 Adam Bede 亚当比德 18594.The Mill on the Floss 弗洛斯河上的磨房1859=18605. Silas Marner 织工马南18616. Romola 罗慕拉18637. Felix Holt the Radical 1866激进分子费立可斯霍尔特8. Middlemarch (18711872) 米德尔马契9. Daniel Deronda 1876 丹尼尔德龙达II Writin

28、g features (理解)The Bront SistersCharlotte Bront (18161855)Emily Bront (18181848) Anne Bront (18201849) I Works Poems by Culler, Ellis, and Acton Bell 1846 a collection of poemsEmily: Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄Anne: Agnes Grey安格尼斯格雷 The Tenant of the Wildfell Hall维尔德菲尔庄园的房客 The Professor教授 (based on her B

29、russels experience; not published until her death) Jane Eyre简爱 (masterpiece) Shirley,雪莉 1849 Villette,维莱特 1853 IIJane Eyre III. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte one of the great works of genius in English fiction Emily drew equally on her own emotional, introverted nature and on the wild and myster

30、ious moorland around for the story of Heathcliff.the title: wuthering, a yorkshire dialect for “weathering” the plotTwo families and an instruderThe Earnshaw familyWuthering Heights Hindley (Hareton) Catherine (cathy)The Linton familyThrushcross Grange Edgar IsabellaThe instruder Heathcliff (Linton)Alfred, Lord Tennyson 1809-1892I statusThe most representative, if n

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