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人教新课标版高中英语必修四教学案Unit 4 Body language43Part Ⅲ含答案.docx

1、人教新课标版高中英语必修四教学案Unit 4 Body language43Part 含答案Part Grammar & WritingGrammar现在分词作状语一、现在分词作状语的用法现在分词(短语)在句中作状语用来修饰谓语动词或整个句子,表示动作发生的时间、原因、条件、结果、方式、让步或伴随状况。1作时间状语现在分词作时间状语时,常放在句首,相当于一个时间状语从句。Hearing the noise,I turned round.When I heard the noise,I turned round.听到响声我转过身去。2作原因状语现在分词作原因状语时,相当于一个原因状语从句,也可以

2、放在句首。Being poor,he couldnt afford a TV set.Because he was poor,he couldnt afford a TV set.由于贫穷,他买不起一台电视机。3作条件状语现在分词作条件状语时,相当于一个if引导的条件状语从句。Working hard,youll certainly succeed.If you work hard,youll certainly succeed.只要努力学习,你肯定会成功的。4作结果状语现在分词作结果状语时,通常放在句末,中间用逗号隔开,表示一种顺其自然、意料之中的结果。The fire lasted a w

3、hole night,causing great damage.大火持续了一整夜,造成了巨大损失。名师点津现在分词作结果状语,是随着谓语动词的发生而产生的自然结果,其逻辑主语往往是前面整个句子所描述的情况,前面有时候可以加thus。而不定式作结果状语时常表示出乎意料的结果,有时前面可以加only。试比较:He was caught in the rain,thus making himself catch cold.被雨淋后他感冒了。I hurried to school,only to find it was Sunday.我匆忙赶到学校,结果发现是星期天。5作让步、方式和伴随状语现在分词作

4、让步、方式和伴随状语时,说明动作发生的背景和情况。作伴随状语时,表示分词的动作和主句的动作同时发生,此时它可转换成并列句。Mary sat by the window of the classroom,reading a book.Mary sat by the window of the classroom and was reading a book.玛丽坐在教室的窗边读一本书。即学即用用现在分词作状语改写下列句子When she turned around,she saw a car driving up._,she saw a car driving up.They stood the

5、re and waited for the bus.They stood there,_the bus.As he was ill,he couldnt attend the meeting._,he couldnt attend the meeting.答案Turning aroundwaiting forBeing ill二、现在分词作状语的注意事项1现在分词的时态现在分词作状语时,要注意分词的时间性,是用现在分词的一般式(doing),还是用完成式(having done)。(1)当现在分词的动作与谓语动词的动作同时发生时,用分词的一般式。Walking in the street,I

6、met an old friend of mine.我正在大街上行走时,遇到了一位老朋友。(walking和谓语动词met同时发生)(2)当现在分词的动作先发生,而谓语动词的动作后发生时,用分词的完成式。Having finished the letter,he went to post it.他写完信后就把它寄了出去。(having finished是先发生的,went是后发生的)即学即用单句语法填空_(see) nobody at home,he decided to leave them a note._(suffer) such heavy pollution,it may now b

7、e too late to clean up the river._(live) in Beijing for years,I almost know every place quite well.答案SeeingHaving sufferedHaving lived2现在分词的语态使用现在分词的主动式还是被动式,这主要取决于现在分词和句子主语之间的关系。句子的主语就是分词的逻辑主语。Having been shown around the factory,they were very happy.(现在分词的被动式)被领着参观了工厂后,他们很高兴。Having finished his ho

8、mework,he went to bed.(现在分词的主动式)完成了作业后,他上床睡觉。即学即用单句语法填空_(talk) to,you should look into the eyes of the person._(tell) for several times,he still couldnt understand the rules._(hear) the bad news,she didnt know what to do.答案Being talkedHaving been toldHearing3动词ing形式的否定式;not havingv.edNot kn

9、owing this,he didnt come.他不知道这件事,所以没来。Not having made full preparations,we put off the sports meeting.因为没有做好充分的准备,我们把运动会延期了。4独立主格动词ing形式作状语,有时它也可以有自己独立的主语,这种结构称为独立主格结构,通常用来表示伴随的动作或情况,也可以表示时间、原因或条件。All the students having sat down,the lecture began.所有学生坐好之后,讲座开始了。The new year coming,we were happy.新年来

10、了,我们很高兴。The regulation permitting,I will go with you.制度允许的话,我就和你去。即学即用用现在分词的独立主格结构改写下列句子If weather permits,we shall go there on foot._,we shall go there on foot.After Mary came back,they discussed it together._,they discussed it together.答案WeatherpermittingMary coming back5现在分词作评注性状语有些现在分词在句中没有逻辑主语,

11、它们往往作为句子的评注性状语来修饰整个句子,表明说话者的态度、观点等。例如:generally speaking “一般来说”,judging by/from.“从判断”,taking everything into consideration“从全盘考虑”。Judging from his behaviour,he must be mad.从他的行为来判断,他一定是疯了。Generally speaking,girls are more interested in literature than boys.一般来说,女孩比男孩对文学更感兴趣。即学即用完成句子_(实话说),he is fit

12、for the job at present._(个人而言)I want to have a rest as well.答案Honestly speakingPersonally speaking.完成句子1_,Im satisfied with your performance.就个人而言,我满意你的表现。2The film star intended to leave quickly,_.这位影星想迅速离开,却被他的粉丝包围了。3Football is played all over the world,_.全世界都踢足球,因此踢足球成了一种很流行的运动。4_,they closed th

13、e store.因为没有顾客,他们关了店门。5I stood by the door,_.我站在门旁,不敢说一句话。6_(Though he had tried many times),he still couldnt succeed.尽管尝试了多次,但他仍未成功。7_(If you set off earlier),youll get to the town at dusk.如果早点儿出发的话,你在傍晚的时候就会到达小镇。8_(After he had apologized to his teacher for his rude manner),he made a promise that

14、he wouldnt make the same mistake.因自己的粗鲁行为而向老师道歉后,他许诺以后将不再犯同样的错误。答案1.Personally speaking2only to be surrounded by his fans3making it a popular sport4There being no customers5not daring to say a word6Having tried many times7Setting off earlier/If setting off earlier8Having apologized to his teacher fo

15、r his rude manner.单句语法填空1_(select) the proper present,they sent it to their respectable professor.2Not_(know) what to do,the children had to wait for their parents to come back.3_(hear) the signal,people ran out of the building.4_(judge) from the appearance,it is very peaceful,but in fact,a war will

16、 break out soon.5The decision_(make),what is to be done now is how to carry it out.6_(work) harder at English,youll make greater progress.7_exploring the cave,they found a valuable mineral.8It_(be) Sunday,many people go to the gymnasium to do physical exercises.9_(look) out through the window,we saw

17、 a beautiful scenery.10The case shocked the public,_(cause) a hot debate over human nature on the Internet.答案1.Having selected2.knowing3.Hearing4.Judging5.having been made6.Working7.When8being9.Looking10.causing1(2018江苏卷)Around 13,500 new jobs were created during the period,_(exceed) the expected nu

18、mber of 12,000 held by market analysts.2(2017天津卷)The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment,_(allow) more patients to be treated.3(2017江苏卷)Many Chinese brands,_(develop) their reputations over centuries,are facing new challenges from the modern market.4(2016北京卷)Newlybuilt wooden cottag

19、es line the street,_(turn) the old town into a dreamland.5(2016天津卷)The cooling wind swept through our bedroom windows,_(make) air conditioning unnecessary.6(2015天津卷)_(work) for two days,Steve managed to finish his report on schedule.7(2015湖南卷)When the clerk saw a kind face wrinkled in an apologetic

20、smile,she stood rooted to the ground,_(wonder) whether to stay or leave.8(2015重庆卷)Like ancient sailors,birds can find their way_(use) the sun and the stars.9(2015湖北卷)_(look) at the beef being cooked on the stove,the mother pictured the whole family having meals together.10(2014福建卷)_(spend) the past

21、year as an exchange student in Hong Kong,Linda appears more mature than those of her age.1解析句意:这段时期约13 500个新工作被创造出来,超过了市场分析者预测的12 000个。考查非谓语动词。设空处是非谓语动词作状语,与Around 13,500 new jobs是主动关系,且没有动作发生前后的关系,要用现在分词。答案exceeding2解析句意:这家医院近期获得了新的医疗设备,这让更多的病人可以接受治疗。考查非谓语动词作状语。设空处动作与其逻辑主语之间是主动关系,所以要用动词ing形式。答案allo

22、wing3解析句意:很多中国的品牌,已经积攒了几百年的声誉,正在面临来自现代市场的新挑战。本题考查非谓语动词作定语。题干中两个逗号中间的部分为非谓语动词短语,develop的逻辑主语是Many Chinese brands,两者之间为主动关系,同时develop所表示的动作发生在facing所表示的动作之前,因此用having done的形式。答案having developed4解析句意:新建的木制小屋沿着大街排成一排,把旧城镇变成了梦境。设空处作结果状语,其逻辑主语应是逗号前的整句话,两者之间是主动关系,故答案为turning。答案turning5解析句意:凉风通过我们卧室的窗户吹进来,使

23、得空气调节系统没有必要了。根据句意可知,此处应用现在分词短语作结果状语,表示必然的结果。不定式虽然也可作结果状语,但往往表示出乎意料的结果,故不可填to make。答案making6解析句意:已经忙活了两天了,史蒂夫设法按时完成了他的报告。设空处动作与句子主语Steve之间为逻辑上的主动关系且发生在句子谓语动词managed之前,所以要用having done形式。答案Having worked7解析句意:当那个职员看到一张善良而又因愧疚的微笑而出现皱纹的脸时,她纹丝不动地站着,不知道是去还是留。主语she与wonder间为逻辑上的主动关系,所以用现在分词作伴随状语,故答案为wondering

24、。答案wondering8解析考查非谓语动词作状语。设空处动作与其逻辑主语之间是主动关系,所以用动词ing形式。答案using9解析考查非谓语动词作状语。Look与其逻辑主语之间是主动关系,所以用Looking。答案Looking10解析设空处动作与句子主语Linda之间为逻辑上的主动关系且发生在句子谓语动词appear之前,所以要用having done形式。答案Having spentWriting关注信关注问题类的书信属于应用文的范畴。关注信是作者就某一个问题或一些现象,表达自己对事件的关心,并提出自己的一些看法和解决办法的一类信件。一封好的关注信分为三个部分:开头、主体和结尾。应注意以

25、下三点:1开头一般开门见山,直接表明自己的观点;2主体则是主题的展开和深化,要把论点按照逻辑顺序列出,连同证据、原因或例子;3结尾则是开头的呼应,总结论点,并重申观点。常用开头语Im shocked/awfully sorry to hear that.It was a great shock to hear that.It broke my heart to hear that.I just cant tell you how sad I was when I heard that.I cant tell you how sorry I felt when I heard that.I am

26、 writing to express my deep sympathy/care for you.主体部分I understand how you feel now.I know the way you feel very well.Youll always have a support in me.Its true that attitude decides everything.So you should never give up no matter what happens.Please let me know if there is anything I can do.If I c

27、an be of any help,please dont hesitate to let me know.尾段常用句式Im looking forward to.I hope our caring will help to comfort you.I hope that time will take away the sorrow of your recent loss.Remember that my heart and my thoughts are with you.写作提示假如你叫李华,今天下午你发现你的好朋友王立看起来很难过,在课堂上听课也不够认真。你认为他一定遇到了什么事情。于是

28、你决定给他写一封信,表达你对他的关心。信的内容包容:1是不是他的母亲生病了;2是不是因为这次考试没有考好而心烦;3提醒对方自己是他的好朋友;4自己是否能够帮助他。注意:1.词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Wang Li,_Yours,Li Hua写作要点1第一段描述对方的状况(看起来难过、听课不认真)。2第二段分析对方的问题和可能的原因并表达关怀。3第三段表达祝福、祝愿。经典范文Dear Wang Li,This afternoon I found that_you_looked_very_upset_and_that_you_didnt_listen_to_the_teachers_carefully_enoug

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