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1、老友记9六行人10-9The One With The Birth MotherScene: Central Perk. Everyones sitting on the couch.Monica and Chandler enterChandler: Hi!Ross: Hey!Monica: Hey!Chandler: Were just here to say goodbye, were off to Ohio.Phoebe: Oh, right! Your adoption interview!Monica: Yep, were gonna meet the lady who could

2、 be carrying our baby.Joey: I cant believe it. When you guys come back, youre gonna have a baby! That is so weird!Chandler: And so incorrect!Monica: Shes only a couple of months pregnant. She liked our application but who knows if shes gonna like us.Ross: Come on, shes gonna love you guys!Chandler:

3、Uhm, thank you, but were really trying not to get our hopes up.Monica: And a lot could still get in our way.Chandler: Yeah. I mean, this girl could decide against adoption or she could like another couple better.Phoebe: What are you gonna name the baby?Chandler: I can develop a condition in which I

4、talk and talk and no one hears a word.Joey: But just think, ok? What if everything goes right? What if this woman does pick you guys?Monica: Oh my God. Shes gonna pick us!Chandler: So were standing firm on the not getting our hopes up?Monica: You know, I know that things could still go wrong but if

5、they dont? If this works out, were gonna have a baby Chandler, a baby!Chandler: Yes, but.Monica: Oh my God, its gonna WORK! Were gonna make it work! Im gonna be a mummy and (to Chandler) youre gonna be a daddy! All right, Ill see you suckers. Im gonna get me. A BABY! (she leaves)Chandler: Oh, screw

6、it, Im gonna be a daddy!OPENING CREDITSScene: Central Perk. Phoebes speaking to a girl.Rachel: (to Joey) Hey, whos Phoebe with?Joey: Im gonna say someone Im gonna have sex with. (the girl leaves and Phoebe goes toward the couch) (to Phoebe) Hey!Phoebe: Hey!Joey: So. whos your friend?Phoebe: Oh, that

7、s Sarah. No, no. Dont you get any ideas, ok? No, Im not setting you up with any more of my friends!Joey: OW, why, why, why?Phoebe: Because youll date her once, sleep with her and then forget she exists!Joey: Oh, name one friend of yours that I did that with.Phoebe: Mandy.Joey: Mandy, uh? Uh. really

8、hot blonde, big boobs?Phoebe: No.Joey: I know why I dont remember her, huh? (he winks at Rachel)Rachel: Do you think Im someone else?Joey: Ok, I may not have treated your friends well in the past, but I have grown up a lot, really. Honest, Rach?Rachel: Well, believe it or not, its true. When Joey an

9、d I were together, he was wonderful. He was thoughtful and mature. And for the one week that we went out, he didnt sleep with anybody else!Joey: (pointing at himself) Growth!Phoebe: Fine, Ill give you her number.Joey: Ok, thank you. And I promise you I will not forget this one. (he starts writing on

10、 his hand) Mandy.Phoebe: SARAH!Joey: Saraaah.Ross: (entering) Hey!Rachel: Hi!Ross: Hey you guys, I need some fashion advice.Rachel: Oh!Ross: (he takes a baby blue beret out of a shopping box and puts it on) How does this look?Rachel: Well, its a little low. pick up a little. (Ross picks it up) a lit

11、tle bit more. (he picks it up again) a little bit more. (he takes it off) There you go! (pause) Now throw it away!Ross: Cmon! This looks good!Rachel: Ross, please, trust me. I buy 30 fashion magazines a month. Now, I dont know whos running for president or who that. NATO guy is, but I do know that y

12、ou have to get as far away as you can from that hat.Ross: Damnit! I have this date tomorrow night and I have to look cool!Phoebe: Well, you know, if you want fashion help, Rachel and I are going shopping tomorrow. Youre more than welcome to come with us, right?Ross: Really? That would be great. I me

13、an, I have to do something, she kinda teased me about how I dress.Joey: I can see why, nice shirt!Ross: Youre wearing the same shirt.Joey: Stupid Gap on every corner!Scene: The Adoption Agency in Ohio. Monica and Chandler are entering with a man.Agency guy: Please, make yourself comfortable and I wi

14、ll back in a moment with Erica.Monica: Ok, thank you.(the man leaves) Uh, well this is it. Are you OK?Chandler: Yeah. Just weird, you know. Its like: Hi, Im Chandler. May I have the human growing inside you?Monica: Uh, were gonna be great.Chandler: Youre gonna be great.Monica: Well. obviously!Agency

15、 guy: (he enters with Erica) Monica, Chandler. Id like you to meet Erica.Monica: Hi. It is so, so nice to meet you.Erica: (whispering) Hi.Chandler: Thank you so much for agreeing to see us.Erica: Hi.Agency guy: Ill let you get acquainted.Chandler: Ok.Erica: So, its Monica and Chandler. I only know y

16、ou as file 0W33815-D.Chandler: Thats what our friends call us.Erica: Gosh, you know, youre just such an amazing couple. Its. kind of intimidating.Monica: I dont know about that.Erica: Youre kidding me? I mean, its enough that you are a doctor. But on top of it, youre married to a reverend?Chandler:

17、(astonished) I dont think thats exactly.Monica: (overlapping) Let her finish, doctor.Scene: Central PerkPhoebe: Hey!Joey: Hey.Phoebe: Oh, my friend Sarah had a great time last night.Joey: Well.Phoebe: Yeah! So youre gonna call this one back?Joey: Nope.Phoebe: What are you talking about? Sarahs great

18、!Joey: Oh, really? You know what your great friend did? Were out to dinner, ok? (he starts talking about the date and we can see what happened through a flashback video) Were getting along, having a really nice time. I was thinking she was really cool. And then, out of nowhere.(Sarah picks up some f

19、ries from Joey抯 plate and Joey looks very angry. Then we抮e back to Central Perk and Joey does a you-see-what-I-mean look to Phoebe)Phoebe: That抯 it? That抯 why you won抰 go out with her again? So, she took some fries, big deal!Joey: Hey, hey, look! It抯 not about a few fries. it抯 about what the fries r

20、epresent.Phoebe: What?Joey: ALL FOOD!Phoebe: I抦 sorry, I can抰 believe I set you up with such a MONSTER!Joey: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Look. I take a girl out, she can order whatever she wants! The more, the better! All right? Just don抰 order a Garden salad and then eat my food! That抯 a good way to lose s

21、ome fingers!(Rachel enters from the main door)Phoebe: (to Rachel) OhRachel: HiPhoebe: Thank God you抮e here. Listen to this!Rachel: what?Phoebe: Joey and my friend were out last night and having dinner and she reaches over and takes a few of his fries.Rachel: Oh! Oh, no!(Joey looks satisfied)Phoebe:

22、What? You know about the plate thing?Rachel: Oh, yeah. Joey doesn抰 share food. I mean, just last week we were having breakfast and he had a couple of grapes on his plate and .Phoebe: (to Joey) You wouldn抰 let her have a grape?Rachel: Oh no! Not me! Emma!(Phoebe looks horrified and she turns to watch

23、 Joey)Joey: (mad and pointing a finger to himself) JOEY DOESN扵 SHARE FOOD!Phoebe: Well, I still think that it抯 a stupid reason not to call someone again. You are calling her! And if you need to, just get an extra plate of fries for the table!Joey: (he thinks a little, considering the option and seem

24、s to be quite satisfied) I like that! A sharing buffer! Yeah! I抣l order some extra fries! Maybe a plate of onion rings. Yeah. And a shrimp cocktail. And some buffalo wings. Maybe an individual pizza, uh? And some mozzarella sticks. (he looks absorbed in his food thoughts) What were we talking about?

25、Scene: A clothes store. Ross and Phoebe are shoppingPhoebe: (to Ross) This place is awesome!Ross: You know, we should just go, I抦 not gonna find anything here! This stuff is ridiculous!(Rachel arrives with a lot of clothes)Rachel: Ah, this place is great!Phoebe: Wow!Ross: Rach, come on, I抦 not gonna

26、 wear any of this! (he picks up a shirt) Nothing silver. (Rachel sighs). Ok? Nothing with hair! (Rachel sighs again) And nothing with padlocks on it! (Rachel heaves a long disappointing sigh).Rachel: Ross, look, I know that some of this stuff is out there, but I mean, come on, look at this, look at

27、this sweater! (she picks up a blue sweater). I mean, this is just beautiful!Ross: (feeling the fabric) Wow, this is really soft (he looks the price). Three hundred and fifty dollars?Rachel: Yeah, down from seven hundred, you are saving like two hundred bucks!Ross: Both logic and math are taking a se

28、rious hit today.Phoebe: (walking to Ross carrying a black leather jacket): Hey, check this out! It抯 totally you!Ross: Wow!Phoebe: Yeah!(Ross wears the jackets and look at himself in the mirror)Ross: Actually this looks like pretty good! Yeah!(he turns and watches his back and there抯 a sign on the ba

29、ck of the jacket, “boys will be boys”) Boys will be boys?Phoebe: What? They will be!Ross: All right, that抯 it, I抦 getting out of here.Rachel: No, no, no, no! Ross, wait! Come on! You know, there抯 other stuff. Here抯 a nice shirt, look at these nice pants.Ross: Uh, actually these might look pretty goo

30、d on me.Rachel: Yes, they will! You know what you should do? Just go take a walk, all right? I know your size and I抦. I抦 gonna pick up some really good stuff for you.Ross: Really?Rachel: Yes! And I know what looks sexy on guys. Please, just wear what I suggest, and she抯 gonna go nuts for you.Ross: S

31、o, you抮e saying, uh, if I wear these pants I might be getting into hers?Rachel: (to Phoebe) Why do men keep talking to me like this?Scene: The Adoption Agency in Ohio. Monica and Chandler are still talking with Erica.Chandler: So, the fact that I am a doctor, and my wife抯 a reverend, that抯 important to you?Erica: Yeah, I read some great applications, but then I thought “who better then a minister to raise a child!”Monica: Amen.Chandler:

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