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1、八年级英语上第4单元导学案三大段 一中心 五环节 高效课堂行动工具 制作人:牛振江 修改人: 审核人:班级: 姓名: 组名: Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater ?Section A 1a1c(第1课时)【学习目标】:1 重点词汇 theater, comfortable, seats, screen, close , ticket, worst. 2. 重点句型 Whats the best movie theater ? I think Moon Theater has the most comfortable seats.【学习重点】:【学习指导】:温

2、故知新 写出下列词的反义词并大声朗读它们。big_; beautiful_; short_; easy_; white_; happy_; good_; cool_; expensive_; old_;heavy_; hot _.知识链接表示外貌的易弄错的词:留长发 have long hair; 属于中等身材be of medium build; 属于中等身高be of medium height。如:她中等身材,留着长发。She is of medium build and has long hair.【学习过程】:一、自主学习(教师寄语:Many hands make light wor

3、k. )根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1. He feels .( 舒服的) now.2. The cinema has the biggest (屏幕)3. Its the best (剧院) in the city.4. My house is not far from the school. Its very (近) to the school.5. My parents gave me a (票) to a football match.词组翻译1最大的屏幕 2 最好的电影院 3 最舒服的座位4 离家最近 5 最好的声音 4 最短的等待时间二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands m

4、ake light work. )close:近的,接近的用法点拨 :close是形容词,意为“近的”,其反义词是far,近义词是near。常用be close to 结构,表示“离近”eg:Our school is close to the shop.我们学校离那家商店很近。2,close作形容词还有“亲密的”意思。eg:My sister and I are very close. 我姐姐和我非常亲。三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.) 【要点归纳】形容词、副词比较级的变法;比较级的使用。四、【诊断评价】(教师寄语:Never do

5、 things by halves) 诊断练习1 The theater is my home, its 2 minutes walk. A near from B far from C close D close to2 Who draws , Join, Mike or Joe? A. well B better C best D the better3 Is Mr. Smith getting better today? No, he is a little . A Well B bad C worse D better4 Children in China are living a l

6、ife than before. A most comfortable B more comfortable C comfortable D comfortably5 David is one of the of us all. A funniest boy B funniest boys C funnier boys D funnier boy6 Beijing, the capital of China is one of cities in the world. A the biggest B bigger C much bigger D big根据句意填空1 The coat is o

7、nly 68 Yuan. Its so . Ill take it.2 Please come in and take a .3 Her hair is quite (long).4 Tom is (athlete) than Li Lei.5 Of all the friends, Jim is the ( friend) to me. 6 Movie World has ( good) sound in Town.写出下列各词的比较级和最高级cheap late close easy friendly big fat interesting comfortable popular good

8、 bad many much far little五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:Never do things by halves) 通过本节课的学习我最大的收获_ 感到自己有待加强的是_教学后记: 自我评价: 小组评价: 教师评价:三大段 一中心 五环节 高效课堂行动工具 制作人:牛振江 修改人: 审核人:班级: 姓名: 组名: Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater ?Section A 2a-3c(第2课时)【学习目标】:1重点词汇: cheaply, song , DJ , choose , carefully , reporter , so far ,f

9、resh ,comfortable , no problem , worse , service ,pretty , menu , act , meal. 2 重点句型 :Which is the worst clothes store in town ? It has the best clothes . You can buy clothes the most cheaply.【学习重点】:【学习指导】:温故知新:1.写出下列词的比较级并大声朗读它们。big_; beautiful_; short_; easy_; white_; happy_; good_; cool_; expensi

10、ve_; old_;heavy_; hot _.2.回忆昨天所学,并再次仔细观看图片,并将方框中的单词与图片匹配起来,然后再写出它们的比较级。 outgoing/ more outgoing _ _ _ _ _ _ _heavy; athletic; smart; calm; funny; outgoing;wild; quiet; serious; thin; _ _3.回忆昨天所学,翻译下列词组。留长发_; 属于中等身材_; 留短发_;属于中等身高_。知识链接比较下边两组句子,看看它们之间有什么不同的地方。1. Zhang Xi is taller than Wang Han.(Zhang

11、 Xi:1.6m; Wang Han:1.58m) Zhang Xi is a little taller than Wang Han.2. Li Shi is heavier than Lu Xing. (Li Shi:84kg; Lu Xing: 48kg) Li Shi is much heavier than Lu Xing.根据对比,我们可以知道:第一组中的第二个句子比第一个句子多了一个_;第二组中的第二个句子比第一个句子多了一个_。两组中的第一个句子只是让听者知道Zhang Xi 比Wang Han高,但高多少就不得而知了。而第二个句子交代了高一点点,这样,听者很快就会明白两者之间

12、身高的差别很小。所以,我们在使用比较级的过程中可以在形容词或副词前边使用a little, much/a lot, even这些词来补充比较的程度,最终达到语言表达的准确。【学习过程】:一、自主学习(教师寄语:从自主中培养能力,在学习中获得乐趣. )词汇学习 cheap cheaply (副词) careful carefully(副词) comfortable comfortably(副词) bad worst (最高级) bad worse (比较级)词组翻译 最差的商店 最好的衣服 播放最无聊的的歌 最认真地挑选的歌 买最新鲜的食物 坐的最舒服 最差的服务 so far No probl

13、em 二、合作共建(教师寄语:学会合作,乐于合作,提高自我. )【课堂练习】1 Can I ask you some questions ? (本句由情态动词can 引导的一般疑问句,用来表达请求或取得对方的允许) some 意为“一些”,在表达建议或请求的疑问句中,或是想得到对方的肯定回答可用“some”. eg: Would you like some bananas ?2 What do you think of 后接名词、 代词、动名词及短语,常用来询问某人对某事的看法。 Eg:你认为我的发型怎么样? What do you my haircut?三、系统总结(教师寄语:只有不断的总结

14、和归纳,知识才会更系统.) 熟悉形容词和副词比较级的规则变法。四、【诊断评价】(教师寄语:相信自己,永不言弃.) 一词汇填空1I want to be a r in the future, because I like meeting people.2. I dont know which coat to c , they look nice on me.3 . The doctor told us to eat more f vegetables and fruit to keep healthy.4. We have three m every day. But some people h

15、ardly ever eat breakfast.5. Funky Fashion has w ( bad)clothes than Jeans Corner.6. Moon Theater has the most c (comfortable) seats in town, so we can sit the most c (comfortable).7. KFC has the most creative food and the best s in our city.二 选择填空( )1. English is one of important subjects in our scho

16、ol. A most B the most C more D much more( ) 2. Hangzhou is bigger than in Jiangsu. A any city B any other city C other cities D the other cities( ) 3. These are nice and new. They are good for the young to wear. A clothes B clothing C cloth D cloths( ) 4. Jims father is his mother. A. as healthy as

17、B. as healthier as C. more healthy D. the most healthiest than三句型转换 1. Moon Theater has the most comfortable seat in town. ( 同义句) We can sit the most in Moon Theater in town. 2. How do you like fresh food? ( 同上) What do you of fresh food? 3. Whats the price of the meat? How is the meat? 4. He is tal

18、ler than any other student in his class. He is the in his class. 5. Lin Ping does the homework very carefully ( 用 in his class改写) Lin Ping does the homework the most in his class.四 翻译句子 1. Town Cinema is the closest to ( 离最近) my house. 2. For him math is much easier than ( 比容易得多)English. 3. The vege

19、tables in the supermarket is the freshest food ( 是所有中最新鲜的). 4.Which hotel do you think has the worst service? ( 你认为哪个旅馆服务最差) 5. Johnny act the best ( 表演的最好) in that movie?五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:从不断的反思中完善自己,提高自己.) 通过本节课的学习我最大的收获是_ 感到自己有待加强的是_ 教学后记: 自我评价: 小组评价: 教师评价:三大段 一中心 五环节 高效课堂行动工具 制作人:牛振江 修改人: 审核人:班级: 姓名

20、: 组名: Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater ? Section B (1a-1e)(第3课时)【学习目标】:1.重点词汇:creative, performer, talent show. 2.重点句型:My cousin Li Jing is the funniest person I know.【学习重点】:【学习指导】:温故知新 1.写出下列词的比较级。 big_; beautiful_; short_; easy_; white_; happy_;good_;cool_;heavy_;hot_.;light_; athletic_;smart_;

21、expensive_;old_;calm_;funny_;outgoing_;wild_;quiet_;thin_; serious_;知识链接“both”的使用:We both love China. We both enjoy going to parties.We are both from Sweden.We are both more outgoing than our parents.Both Lily and Jim takes the car to school. 【学习过程】:一、自主学习(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )根据汉语意思完成句

22、子。1. The ( 最滑稽的) actor is Ben Smith.2. I think he is the best (演出者)3. It s time to have class. Please keep the class .4.Your voice is too low. Please speak .5. He is the most c person in our class. He draws pictures the best and sings best.二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man

23、can do two things at once.) 口译重要词组;“both”“asas”及“same、different”及比较级的区别。四、【诊断评价】(教师寄语:Never do things by halves) 单项选择( )1. If you and your brother tomorrow, please visit me. A. shall come B. is going to come C. come D. is coming ( ) 2. Our English teacher gave us on how to study English well. A. som

24、e advices B. many advices C. some advice D an advice ( ) 3. Li Lei cant go shopping today, because he do his homework. A. has to B. many C. mustnt D neednt ( ) 4. Open the window. Dont keep it. . . A. close B. closed C. open D. opened ( ) 5. Mother asked me my room first. A. cleaning B. cleans C. cl

25、ean D. to clean ( ) 6. Rose is of the two. A. more careful B. the most careful C. the more careful ( )7.MrWang is the person I know. A. funniest B. funnest C. the funniest D. the funest ( )8. I have three brothers. Smith is of the three. A. most tall B. the tallest C. tallest D. taller二用所给词的正确形式填空。1

26、.We cant help laughing (laugh) when we see him .2 The performer (perform) in the evening looks very nice .3 Shes a writer with great talent (talented)4 Who do you think is the funniest (fun) actor of the year?5 Mr. Morton is the most serious (serious) teacher that I have seen.三短文填空。 Mary has four co

27、usins. T 1 are Betty, Peter, Bill and Ann. Mary is the o 2 of the five. Betty is thirteen years old . She is two years y 3 than Mary and one year older than Peter .Bill is nine, and Ann, the y 4 is seven. Betty and Peter are good runners. But Peter r 5 faster . Mary and Ann like to play basketball M

28、ary p 6 better than Ann. Bill is the b 7 singer of the five. Mary and Betty s 8 in a middle school. Peter, Bill and Ann study in a primary school. The five children all w 9 hard at school. But Betty works h 10 . 五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:从不断的反思中完善自己,提高自己.) 通过本节课的学习我最大的收获是_ 感到自己有待加强的是_ 教学后记: 自我评价: 小组评价: 教师评价:三大段 一中心 五环节 高效

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