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1、华尔街之狼完整中英文对照剧本斯特拉顿奥克蒙特股份有限公♥司♥华尔街投资者的世界就像丛林The world of investing can be a jungle.牛市 熊市Bulls. Bears.危机四伏Danger at every turn.我们斯特拉顿奥克蒙特的员工Thats why we at Stratton Oakmont作为丛林之王感到无比自豪pride ourselves on being the best.我们有训练有素的专业人员Trained professionals to guide you引领您穿越金融领域的荒野险境through th

2、e financial wilderness.斯特拉顿奥克蒙特Stratton Oakmont.坚实可靠Stability.诚实经营Integrity.让您引以为傲Pride.斯特拉顿奥克蒙特股份有限公♥司♥一One!二Two!三Three!第一个扔中靶心的混♥蛋♥我白送两万五千块Twenty-five grand to the first cocksucker who nail a bulls-eye!来吧 开始Come on! Lets go!一One!二Two!三Three!我叫乔丹贝尔福My name is Jordan Belf

3、ort.不是他Not him.是我 没错Me. Thats right.我以前是个中产阶级Im a former member of the middle class父母都是会计raised by two accountants在皇后区贝赛的一个小公♥寓♥里长大in a tiny apartment in Bayside, Queens.我26岁那年The year I turned 26,作为老总在自己的经济公♥司♥as the head of my own brokerage firm,赚了4900万I made $49 millio

4、n,说来还真让我不爽which really pissed me off还差300万就是一周赚100万了because it was three shy of a million a week.不不不 我的法拉利是白色的No, no, no. My Ferrari was white,和迈阿密风云里唐约翰逊的一样like Don Johnsons in Miami Vice.不是红的Not red.看见那座庄园了吗See that humongous estate down there?那是我的房♥子Thats my house.我妻子内奥米My wife, Naomi,布鲁克林

5、湾脊区的女公爵the Duchess of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn,以前是模特 拍过美乐淡啤的广♥告♥a former model and Miller Lite girl.没错Yeah.刚在法拉利里给我口♥交♥就是她She was the one with my cock in her mouth in the Ferrari.所以把你的老二塞回裤裆里吧So put your dick back in your pants.除了内奥米和两个可爱的孩子In addition to Naomi and my two perf

6、ect kids,我还有一座豪♥宅♥ 一架私人飞机I own a mansion, a private jet,六辆豪车 三匹骏马six cars, three horses,两处度假别♥墅♥和一艘170英尺长的游艇two vacation homes, and a 170-foot yacht.起锚了Anchors aweigh!我还赌博成瘾 嗜酒成性I also gamble like a degenerate. I drink like a fish.一周能上五六次小姐I fuck hookers maybe five, six t

7、imes a week.三所不同的联邦机构盯着想起诉我I have three different federal agencies looking to indict me.我还酷爱嗑药Oh, yeah, and I love drugs.再来一轮One more round.-你喜欢吗 -喜欢- Oh, you like it? - Yeah.当夜晚些时候.拉起来 快拉起来Pull up. Pull up!快坠机了 老天Were gonna crash, for Christ sake!放松Relax!别紧张Just relax.-你还好吧 -没事- You okay? - Yeah, I

8、m all right.好样的Good job.回去小心You get in there safe, all right?下次见 老兄Till the next time, brother.下次见Till next time.我每天吃的药量足够把Yup, on a daily basis I consume enough drugs曼哈顿 长岛和皇后区放倒一个月to sedate Manhattan, Long Island and Queens for a month.乔丹先生Okay, Mr. Jordan.我每天吃10到15片安♥眠♥酮♥缓解背疼

9、I take Quaaludes 10 to 15 times a day for my Back pain,一种治疗注意力缺失的药吃阿得拉好集中注意力Adderall to stay focused,吃佳乐定抗焦虑 抽点大♥麻♥放松Xanax to take the edge off, pot to mellow me out,嗑点可♥卡♥因♥清醒一下 再来点吗♥啡♥cocaine to wake me back up again and morphine, well,因为那玩意真是一级棒bec

10、ause its awesome.早上好 奈森Good morning, Nathan.但是世界上所有的药中But of all the drugs under Gods blue heaven,有一种我最为爱不释手there is one that is my absolute favorite.嗑够了这鬼东西你就所向披靡了You see, enough of this shitll make you invincible.足以征服全世界Able to conquer the world,杀得敌人片甲不留and eviscerate your enemies.我说的不是这个And Im no

11、t talking about this.我说的是这个Im talking about this.金钱不仅能给你带来更好的生活See, money doesnt just buy you a better life,更精美的食物 更好的车 更美的妞better food, better cars, better pussy.还能让你成为更好的人It also makes you a better person.你可以慷慨资助教会You can give generously to the church或你支持的政党or political party of your choice.钱甚至能拯救

12、濒危的斑点猫头鹰You can save the fucking spotted owl with money.我一直都想当富翁I always wanted to be rich.回头看看过去So let me go back.22岁的我 刚结婚Im 22 years old, newly married,就已经是个追名逐利的小混♥蛋♥了and already a money-crazed little shit.那我怎么办呢So what do I do?我去了唯一一个I go to the one place on earth能满足我野心的地方that bef

13、it my high-minded ambitions.我爱你I love you.你的地位还不如水藻You are lower than pond scum.有什么意见吗You got a problem with that,乔丹Jordan?没 完全没有No. No problem at all.很好 因为你现在就这地位Good. Because that is what you are.水藻Pond scum.你的工作是联络员Your job is connector,也就是说which means你每天要打500多次电♥话♥that youll be dia

14、ling the phone over 500 times a day想法让我联♥系♥上有钱的大老板trying to connect me with wealthy business owners.在你考下证券经纪人执照前And until you pass your Series 7,你♥他♥妈♥也只能干这个 坐下that is all youre gonna fucking be doing. Sit.坐下Sit!我告诉你 我去年赚了30多万Now just so you know, last year I made

15、over $300,000.你的另一个头儿 他赚了100多万The other guy youll be working for, he made over a million.100万A million dollars?可想而知那家伙得多变♥态♥I could only imagine what a douchebag that guy must be.-乔丹贝尔福 -是 先生- Jordan Belfort. - Yes, sir.-我是马克汉纳 -很高兴认识您- Mark Hanna. - A pleasure to meet you.我也是And you a

16、s well.我看你已经见过那个地头蛇了I see youve already met the village asshole.拨号♥并微笑Smile and dial.1点前别他妈抬头And dont pick up your fucking head until 1:00.甭管他Hey, fuck him.我才是高级经纪人Im the senior broker here.他就是个当差的Hes just a worthless piker.来给我吹个箫吧 汉纳Why dont you blow me, Hanna?你真在面试的时候卖♥♥出去一股吗N

17、ow did you really pitch a stock in your job interview?想脱颖而出总得干点实事I had to do something to stand out.是吧 先生Right, sir?就喜欢你这样的I fucking love that.-中午一起吃饭 -好- Lunch. Today. - Yeah.如果我们不在9点半整立刻开始打电♥话♥We dont start dialing at 9:30我们的客户就占线了because our clients are already answering the phone.三

18、 二 一Three. Two. One.干起来吧Lets fuck!你想知道金钱听上去什么样吗You want to know what money sounds like?去华尔街的交易大厅听听吧Go to a trading floor on Wall Street.操这个日那个的Fuck This, Shit That.婊♥子♥ 鸡♥巴♥ 屁♥眼♥什么的Cunt, Cock, Asshole.这些人说的话简直让我难以置信I couldnt believe how these guys talked to

19、each other.-这一揽子交易真♥他♥妈♥好 -烂狗屎- Good fucking package. - Piece of shit!我当时就着迷了I was hooked in seconds.跟打了鸡血似的It was like mainlining adrenaline.混账 看看今天股票怎么样Yeah. Fuckface, look at where the stocks at today, huh?日♥你♥妈♥You motherfucker,要是44你什么也捞不到you cant get an

20、y at 44.-快他妈打电♥话♥去 -抱歉- Pick up the cocksucking phone! - Sorry.你真是个臭傻♥逼♥ 汉纳You are such a fucking douchebag, Hanna.我们才不管什么技术We dont give two shits about how technology works我们只关心他妈怎么能赚钱because all we care about is getting fucking rich.-定了 2000 -乔丹贝尔福- Solid, 2,000. - Jord

21、an Belfort.成功了Done!该抬价了以不正当手段哄抬股价Time to paint the tape.微软 2000股 上钩了2,000. Microsoft. Going in the hole!过来Come on.直播 拿着 小心烫手Live. Live. Hold on, that is hot.放进去 把那玩意关上 关上关上In. In. Shut that motherfucker. Shut it! Shut it! Shut it!成交了Sold!可♥卡♥因♥来点Tootski?不用了 谢谢Oh, no. Thank you,

22、though.汉纳先生Mr. Hanna,这么美好的午后 您要来点什么what can I bring for you on this glorious afternoon?赫克托 我告诉你怎么玩Well, Hector, heres the game plan.给我们上两杯马丁尼Youre gonna bring us two Absolut Martinis.你知道我的口味 要纯的You know how I like them. Straight up.整7分半后And then precisely seven and one half minutes after that,再上两杯yo

23、ure gonna bring us two more.然后每5隔分钟上两杯Then two more after that every five minutes直到我俩喝倒一个为止until one of us passes the fuck out.这想法不错 先生Excellent strategy, sir.我现在喝水就好Im good with water for now.谢谢Thank you.他今天刚来华尔街工作Its his first day on Wall Street.他会习惯的Give him time.-谢谢 -谢谢- Thank you. - Thank you.汉

24、纳先生Mr. Hanna?你白天嗑了药Youre able to do drugs during the day还能正常工作吗and then still function, still do your job?不然你以为怎么正常工作How the fuck else would you do this job?就凭可♥卡♥因♥和妓♥女♥了 哥们Cocaine and hookers, my friend.是Right.我想说Well, I got to say,能加入你们我真的很高兴Im incredibly excite

25、d to be a part of your firm. I mean.你们的客户实在是.The clients you have are absolutely.去他妈的客户Fuck the clients.你唯一的职责就是引他们上钩Your only responsibility is to put meat on the table.你有女朋友吗You got a girlfriend?我结婚了Im married. I have a wife.我妻子叫泰瑞莎 理发的Her name is Teresa. She cuts hair.-恭喜 -谢谢- Congratulations. -

26、Thank you.多想想泰瑞莎Think about Teresa.你要干的就是Name of the game.把你客户兜里的钱揣到你兜里Move the money from your clients pocket into your pocket.是Right.但如果同时能帮客户赚钱But if you make your clients money at the same time,不是互惠互利吗its advantageous to everyone. Correct?不No.华尔街第一要义Number one rule of Wall Street.没有人Nobody.不管你是沃

27、伦巴菲特也好I dont care if youre Warren Buffett吉米巴菲特也好or if youre Jimmy Buffett.没人知道股票是涨是跌Nobody knows if a stock is gonna go up, down,是持平还是兜圈子sideways, or in fucking circles.股票经纪人更不知道 懂吗Least of all stockbrokers, right?都是掩的 你知道什么叫掩吧Its all a fugazi. You know what a fugazi is?赝吗 就是假的Fugayzie. Its a fake.什

28、么掩啊赝啊 嫖啊飘啊的Fugayzi, fugazi, its a whazy, its a woozy, its.都是虚无缥缈的 根本不存在Fairy dust. It doesnt exist.看不见摸不着Its never landed. It is no matter.元素周期表上找不到Its not on the elemental chart.根本都他妈是假的Its not fucking real.-对不 -对- Right? - Right.继续听我讲Stay with me.我们屁都不创造 什么都不建We dont create shit. We dont build any

29、thing.的确No.所以假设你有个客户花8块买♥♥了一股So if you got a client who bought stock at eight现在涨到16了 他乐开花了and it now sits at 16, hes all fucking happy.就想兑现清算He wants to cash in, liquidate,拿上钱打包走人take his fucking money and run home.-这可不行 -好的- You dont let him do that. - Okay.-因为那样就成真钱了 -是- Cause that would make it real. - Right.那该做什么No. What do you do?你得继续给他出金点子You get another brilliant idea.额外的想法A special idea.制♥造♥另一种情况Another situation.让他拿收益再投一支股票 不断投Another stock to reinvest his earnings and then some.他每次也一定会投And he will, every single time.因为他们全都他妈是瘾君子Cause theyre fucking add

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