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高中英语 新版人教必修二Unit4单元考点分层训练含答案.docx

1、高中英语 新版人教必修二Unit4单元考点分层训练含答案Unit4 History and traditions单元考点分层训练【核心词汇短语】【allow】(1)单句语法填空If you wont let me pay for a taxi, then at least allow me _ (lend) you something.We must allow _ the train being late.答案:to lendfor(2)单句写作他的父母不会允许他在外面待得很晚。His parents wont _ late.答案:allow him to stay out 【announc

2、e】(1)单句语法填空She was planning to announce her engagement _ Peter.It was _ (announce) that new speed restrictions would be introduced.The president made an unexpected _ (announce) this morning. 答案:toannouncedannouncement(2)单句写作据官方发布的消息称,他不久将再次来中国访问。It has been officially _ he will pay a second visit to

3、 China soon.答案:announced that 【approach】(1)单句语法填空_ (approach) the city centre, we saw a stone statue of about 10 metres in height.All the _ (approach) to the airport were blocked by the police yesterday.Students are delighted at the approach _ the summer vacation.答案:Approachingapproachesof(2)单句写作随着教

4、师节的临近,我们班决定举行一场晚会来庆祝这个重要的节日。_, our class decided to hold a party to celebrate this important festival.答案:With Teachers Day approaching 【belong】(1)单句语法填空The house had belonged _ her family for three or four generations.Many of her personal _ (belong) had been stolen.答案:tobelongings(2)单句写作我过去是一个青年俱乐部的

5、成员。I used to _ a youth club. 答案:belong to 【break短语】(1)单句语法填空Burglars had broken _ while we were away.It was the fact that his car broke _ on the way this afternoon that made him late for the meeting.The fire broke _ during the day, and therefore almost no one was injured.Im surprised to hear that Su

6、e and Paul have broken _.答案:indownoutup(2)单句写作那个男孩挣脱了他妈妈,跑掉了。The boy _ his mother and ran away.答案:broke away from 【charge】(1)单句语法填空Mr Hall used to be an editor and take charge _ the business part of the paper.The court charged him _ theft.Im not going there againthey charged me $10 _ a cup of coffee

7、!It was said that an expert from Beijing was _ charge of the operation.答案:ofwithforin(2)单句写作汤姆在老板不在时负责这家公司。Tom is _ the company while the boss is away.答案:in charge of 【chief】单句写作天气是我们来这里的主要原因。The weather was our _ for coming here.他们邀请了当地的印第安人首领和90名印第安人。They invited the local _ and 90 Indians. 答案:chi

8、ef reasonIndian chief 【Confucius】单句写作孔子被认为是著名的哲学家。_ a great philosopher.孔子学院给外国人提供了学习普通话的地方。_ provide the place for foreigners to learn mandarin.答案:Confucius is known asConfucius institutes 【crowd】(1)单句语法填空He was surrounded by crowds _ journalists.We all crowded _ her office to sing “Happy Birthday”

9、Photographers were crowding _ outside.答案:ofintoaround(2)单句写作我们都喜欢认为自己胜人一筹。We all like to think we stand out _.答案:from the crowd 【defence】(1)单句语法填空In addition, firewalls are no defence _ internal hackers. Strength lies not in _ (defend) but in attack.答案:againstdefence(2)单句写作进攻是最好的防御。Offense is _.答案:t

10、he best defence 【eager】(1)单句语法填空He is eager _ knowledge about the construction of the party because he is eager _ (join) the party.In fact, we approach it with _ (eager)Each week I _ (eager) counted my growing savings increased by extra work here and there.答案:for; to joineagernesseagerly(2)单句写作我们急切地

11、盼望他来。We are eager that _.答案:he (should) come 【evidence】(1)单句语法填空There is no evidence _ the meeting actually took place._ (evidence), the Spanish team is likely to win the World Cup.答案:thatEvidently(2)单句写作很明显他是有罪的。_ that he is guilty. 答案:It is evident 【fascinate】(1)单句语法填空He told some _ (fascinate) ta

12、les about his life in India.This child was _ (fascinate) by the plots in the novel. 答案:fascinatingfascinated(2)单句写作我父亲是个医生。我对医学很着迷。My father is a doctor and I _ medicaine.答案:am fascinated by 【generous】(1)单句语法填空He is mean with money but generous _ me.The job helped me realize the importance of _ (gen

13、erous)We would like to thank all the judges (法官) who _ (generous) spent their spare time dealing with this affair.答案:togenerositygenerously(2)单句写作他因慷慨解囊而得到好名声。He got a fine fame for being _ his money to help others. 答案:generous with 【greet】(1)单句语法填空He greeted her _ a sweet kiss.The announcement _ (g

14、reet) with surprise.His _ (greet) was familiar and friendly.答案:withwas greetedgreeting(2)单句写作我从椅子上站起来,走过去跟她打招呼。 I got up from my chair and went up _.答案:to greet her 【individual】单句写作每个人的学习方式都不一样。_ learns differently.我们采访了社区中的每个成员。We interviewed each _ of the community.这家旅馆有100个设计各不相同的房间。The hotel has

15、 100 _.答案:Every individualindividual memberindividually designed rooms 【keep短语】单句语法填空When shopping, keep your eyes _ for those energysaving machines.She was unable to keep _ her tears, and wept freely.We must keep in _ that we are not children any more, and we should be independent. 答案:openbackmind

16、【legal】(1)单句语法填空The land belongs _ (legal) to the government.It is _ (legal)and could endanger other peoples lives.答案:legallyillegal(2)单句写作这场官司延续了几年,最后在法庭外和解。This _ continued for years before being settled out of court.答案:legal battle 【ocean】单句写作他们可以绕岛徒步旅行或在海里游泳。They may go hiking around the island,

17、 or swimming _.与广播的真正成本相比,他的酬劳不过是九牛一毛。His fee is _ compared with the real cost of broadcasting.因特网给每个人提供了浩如烟海的信息。The Internet serves everyone with _.答案:in the oceana drop in the oceanan ocean of information 【surround】(1)单句语法填空_ (surround) by the sea on three sides, modern Qingdao is considered one o

18、f the most livable cities in China.The _ (surround) villages have been absorbed by the growing city.I need to work in pleasant _ (surround)答案:Surroundedsurroundingsurroundings(2)单句写作远处那栋被许多大树环绕的高楼是我爸爸公司的所在地。The tall building _ many big trees in the distance is where my fathers company is located.答案:

19、surrounded by【核心句型】【as well as】(1)单句语法填空They visited some factories, hospitals as _ as the school.The movie star as well as a lot of fans _ (be)photographed a lot by TV stations and newspapers. 答案:wellwas(2)单句写作我们不仅可以了解其他国家的历史和文化,而且还可以更多地了解伟人的生活。We can learn more about the life of great people _ his

20、tory and cultures of other countries.答案:as well as 【as引导从句】结合as的用法完成句子我们最好快一点,因为天要黑了。We had better hurry, _.尽管我很尊敬他,我不能同意他对情况的分析。Much _, I cant agree with his analysis of the situation.据调查50%的病人没有遵照指示服药。It is surveyed that 50 percent of the patients do not take drugs _.随着时间的流逝,我母亲的头发变灰白了。_, my mothe

21、rs hair has turned grey.答案:as it is getting darkas I respect himas (they are) directedAs time goes on 【which引导非限定从】(1)单句语法填空The number of smokers, _ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.China Today attracts a worldwide readership, _ shows that more and more people all over the wor

22、ld want to learn about China.答案:aswhich(2)单句写作正如上面提到的,中国是个美丽的国家。_, China is a beautiful country.这本小说很感人,我已经读了三遍。This novel, _, is very touching.答案:As is mentioned abovewhich I have read three times 【have的宾补结构】(1)单句语法填空The director had her assistant _ (pick)up some documents for the meeting.The teach

23、er had him _ (stand) for a long time outside to punish him for his being late again.After the farewell (欢送) party, we had a photo _ (take) to record this precious moment.答案:pickstandingtaken(2)单句写作昨天晚上,我的手表被偷了。I had _ last night.答案:my watch stolen 【现在分词短语作状语】(1)指出下列句子中的现在分词在句中作什么状语All night long he lay awake, thinking_of_the_problem.()Walking_slowly across the grass, he pointed the gun at the lion and fired.()She came running_back to tell me the news.()Her husband died ten years ago, leaving_her with three children to look after.()

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