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闽教版小学英语第一册Unit 5 Families Lesson 10.docx

1、闽教版小学英语第一册Unit 5 Families Lesson 10闽教版小学英语第一册Unit 5 Families Lesson 10The First Period说课稿型教案一、 Teaching Aims:1、Knowledge Aims:(1)Enable pupils to master the letters and words freely:Ll, Mm, Nn, lion, monkey, noodles.(2) Enable pupils to understand the structure of“Who are they?”“Theyre my father and

2、 mother/ grandpa and grandma/ brother and sister.”“This is me.”and use them orally.2、Ability Aims:(1) Understand and use the structure “Theyre my father and mother/grandpa and grandma/brother and sister.”by asking the question “Who are they?” in daily life.(2) Understand and write the letters well i

3、n their life.(3) To train the pupils the ability of listening and speaking.3、Emotional Aims:(1) Foster the childrens spirit of cooperation, communication and studying on their own.(2) Guide the pupils to enjoy the happiness of success of using English.(3) Guide the pupils to love family, love the fa

4、mily members.二、 The key points:1、Letters:Ll,Mm,Nn.2、Use the sentences in daily life.三、 Difficult points:1、The pronunciation of “Ll” “Mm”.2、Use the patterns to solute the task.Main TopicTeachers ActivitiesPupils ActivitiesStep 1Warm-up(2 minutes)1. Greeting.T: Good morning, boys and girls. T: How are

5、 you?T: Im fine too. Thanks. Sit down, please.2. Have a chant I Love My Family.T: Do you love your family? ( in English and in Chinese.)T: Good. We love our family very much.Now lets chant.1. Greeting.Ss: Good morning, Miss Wang.Ss: Fine,thank you. And you?2. Read the chant I Love My Family.Ss: Yes.

6、Pupils read the chant. 通过课前的热身活动,活跃课堂气氛, 让学生快速进入英语学习状态,调动学生的学习兴趣,同时渗透情感教育,为本课的教学创造积极的条件。Step 2Review(5 minutes)1. Divide the class into four groups: Group Cat, Dog, Apple, Banana.2. CAI show :Hello, Im Sally. This is my family.We are playing a game.T:Oh, where are they?Lets seek, OK?Play Flash T:Gue

7、ss, who is in it?3. Ask and answer.T: Do you bring your family photos today? Show us please. Now, Ill ask someone to answer my questions.(to s1) Hello,whats your name?T: Can you introduce your family members to us, please? Whos he?T: Whos she?T: Who are they?1. Pupils read the words.2. Pupils answer

8、 the questions. Such as:Father/mother/grandma/grandpa/brother/sister.3. Answer the questions.(Pupils take out their family photos.)s1: My name is .s1: Hes my father/ brother/ grandpa.s1: Shes my mother./sister./grandma./ This is me. s: 1、利用学生学过的动物和水果来给各小组命名,既复习旧知,又为后面的韵律诗铺垫。2. Flash的播放立刻吸引了学生,加上亲切、自

9、然的师生问答,增加亲和力的同时简单复习旧课,对新知识的学习作铺垫.3.问答的设计有效复习了上节课的知识, 而Who are they过渡自然,为新课的呈现提前预设.Step 3Presentation(1)(15 minutes)1. Leading in.Teacher show two pictures of Yao Ming and Liu Xiang), and ask pupils:“Whos he?”(Point to the picture of Yao Ming)T: Whos he? (Point to picture of Liu Xiang)T: Who are they

10、? (Point to the pictures of Yao Ming and Liu Xiang)T: They are Yao Ming and Liu Xiang.2.Teach the new sentences.(1) Teach the new sentences: Who are they? TheyreTeach the new sentences: Who are they? Theyre Teacher explain “Theyre” is the simple writing of “They are”.Teacher point to s1 and s2, and

11、say “Theyre Xiao Ping and Liu Xin.” Read after PPT. T: Now Hu Ping is asking Sally some questions about Sallys family members.Lets watching the PPT again and repeat.(Teacher plays PPT again,and the sound from Hu Ping and Sally is playing.)(2) Practise:Ask and answer.T: Now, youre Sally,and Ill ask s

12、ome questions.(Point to the picture of Sallys father and mother.) Who are they? T: Look at this photo of my family.Now youre asking .(Teacher show the photo of her family.)T: Theyre my father and mother. Ask pupils read the dialogue in pairs.1. Answer the questions.Ss :Hes Yao Ming.Ss: Hes Liu Xiang

13、. Ss:?2.Pupils read after teacher.Ss :They are Yao Ming and Liu Xiang. Read the new sentence by the whole class, by groups or by individual. Pupils contrast what the distinction between “Theyre”and “They are”.Ss :They are Xiao Ping and Liu Xin. Pupils read after PPT. (2) Practise: Answer the questio

14、ns.Ss: Theyre my father and mother. Ss: Who are they?Read the dialogue in pairs.1、利用学生们熟知的姚明和刘翔复习旧知,导入新课,激发学生的求知欲。创设真实、自然的情景来教授新句子,活跃课堂气氛,调动学生学习兴趣。2. 此环节的设计通过借助小学生的好奇心,利用已学单词,引出新句型,并进行扎实操练,为下一步的新句学习打下基础。实现了单词、句子不分离的教学原则。4、真实的情境中操练句子,形式多样,让学生在用中、乐中学习原本枯燥的句子。Step 4Drill(5 minutes)1.Play the dialogue.2

15、. Make a dialogue: Introduce your family.1. Play the dialogue in groups.2. Introduce your family members to your classmates.为了营造一种亲密和谐,利于学习的轻松围,操练时,选用自己家庭成员的照片进行替换性练习,让学生在交流中体验英语。Step 5Presentation(2)Learn the letters(11 minutes)1. T: OK. lets have a rest. First lets count which group has the most s

16、tars.T: Wow.The Group Apple is the best. The other groups will hard. Now lets look at the first letters about these words.(Teacher point to the letters)2. Teacher show the letter cards to review the letters: Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk. 3. Teach the letters and words: Ll, Mm, Nn, lion

17、, monkey, noodles.4. Have a chant .5. Have a chant in groups .5.Teach how to write the letters. 1. Pupils count which group has the most stars with teacher.Pupils read the first letters from the“apple” “banana” “cat” “dog”.2. Pupils read the letters together use .2. Read the new letters and words by

18、 the whole class, by groups or by individual.3.Read after the chant.L L L lionM M M monkeyN N N noodles6. Read after the chant in groups.Cat,cat,喵喵喵.Dog,dog,汪汪汪.Lion,lion,狮子王.Monkey,monkey,真调皮.Noodles,noodles,是面条.5.Pupils learn to write the letters. 说唱两首韵律诗,让学生在无意中将新内容加以复习。最初学习遗忘最快,只在识记后加以巩固,才能防止遗忘。

19、Step 6Evaluation(1 minutes)Count which group has the most stars.Step 7Homework(1 minutes)1. Copy the new letters five times.2. Finish the part 4,part 5,part 6 in the textbook.弹性化教案Step 5 Learn the letters中的字母操练还可以这样设计:Play a game: The teacher say the letter aloud,but the pupils say it low. If the te

20、acher say it low, the pupils say it aloud.教学体会或信息反馈本节课在课堂上为学生营造了一个轻松有趣的学习氛围,选择了学生耳熟能详的体育明星刘翔和姚明为出发点,从而引出本课所要学习的新句型Theyre 还播放动感有趣的Flash让学生在活动中学习英语,在这些活动中,学生把学习英语看成是一件乐事,一件趣事,提高了英语学习的效率并将所学的知识自然有效地运用于生活实际,收到了“现学现用,学用结合”的成效。板书设计: Ll a lionMm a monkeyNn noodlesLesson 10Who are they?They are Group: Cat D

21、og Apple Banana Main TopicTeachers ActivitiesPupils ActivitiesStep 1Warm-up(2 minutes)1. Sing a song: The Morning Song with the pupils.2. Have a chant.1. Sing a song: The Morning Song with the teacher.2.Speak the chant: 1,2,3,4. 韵律诗既复习了上节课所学内容,刺激大脑神经的记忆库, 又为新课的学习预热.Step 2 Leading in(2 minutes)1. Gre

22、ating.2. Introduction.The teachers mobile phone rings while greeting, I answer and write down a phone number on the board,reading out the numbers loudly in English.T: A foreign friend of mine will have an English party on Friday. Anyone who wants to take part in the party can ring him up after class

23、. Heres his phone number. T: In our daily life ,we have many things to do with numbers . so today we are going to learn numbers from siw to ten.1. Greating.2. Pupils read the phone number after the teacher in English. 有趣的新课导入方式创造了一个生动活泼和课堂教学气氛,在极短的时间内吸引住学生,给人一种“课伊始,趣亦生”的感觉。并且在朗读电话号码的过程中也有效地复习了上节课所学过

24、的5个数字。Step 3Presentation(1)(12 minutes)1. Divide the class into four groups: Group1,2,3,4,5. 2. Introduce the number friends to the pupils.T:Look,my number friends are coming.3. Use the PPT to learn the numbers from six to ten.An Angel uses a magic rod to show the numbers and the pupils can read aft

25、er the Angel.1.Pupils read the numbers.2.Pupils watch the PPT and get to know the numbers.3. Learning the numbers in some interesting ways.运用整体教学方式,让学生对这节课所要学的知识有一个大致的了解,使学生在有意义的情景中开展认知活动。利用多媒体课件引出新内容,童趣盎然,可吸引学生的注意力,激发学生的学习动机,从而启发学生的思维,提高教学效率。Step 4Practise(8 minutes)1. Teacher show the number cards

26、.2. Teacher show her finger and ask pupils:“ How many?”3. Mouth the numbers.Teacher mouth the numbers without saying them.4. Listen and do.T: Jump 5 times. Clap 7 times. Stamp 6 times. 5.Ask ten pupils line up and count of in English.1. Read the numbers.2. Look at the teachers gesture, then speak th

27、e numbers.3.Pupils read the teachers lips and then stand up to repeat the numbers.4.Pupils listen and do actions.5. Line up and count of in English. 不仅让学生通过听觉来学习单词,还通过视觉、动作等其他方式来学习。采用TPR教学法,一方面让学生全身心地参与到活动中来,充分调动学习的积极性;另一方面可以培养学生各种机能的协调发展。Step 5Presentation(2)Learn the letters(11 minutes)1. Teacher

28、show the letter cards to review the letters: Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee. 2.Teach the letters and words: Ff, Gg, Hh, fish, girl ,hen.3.Have a chant.4、Play a game.Divide the class into three groups: Group F,G ,H .T: Group F.T: Group H.5、Write the letters.1.Pupils read the letters together use .2. Read the new

29、 letters and words by the whole class, by groups or by individual.3.Read after the chant.F F F lionG G G monkeyH H H4、Group F stand up and speak “F”loudly. Group H stand up and speak “H”loudly.5、Write the letters. 开展了丰富有趣针对性强硬态度开放性游戏活动。让学生认真观察,把直接经验的学习方式引入课堂。让学生看、听、说、写,充实课堂。Step 6Extension(3 minutes

30、)1. Listen and connect.Finish the part 4 of textbook.2. Culture difference.Compare the difference culture between Chinese and Western country. Guide the pupils to speak out the Chinese lucky numbers: 8, 6, 9 and unluck number :4. Introduce the Western lucky number: 7 and taboo number: 13. 1. Listen and connect.2. Understand and speak out the Chinese lucky numbers: 8, 6, 9 and unluck number :4. Understand the Western lucky number: 7 and taboo number :13. 渗透文化差异,培养学生跨文化交际的意识和能力,提高学生的文化素养。Step 7Evaluation(1 minutes)Count which

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