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1、研究生英语考试读写2Unit 1Vocabulary part Aintervene(出面,介入,打断(别人的话)despise(鄙视,看不起)take in(收留)bow to(听从,同意)gumption(机智,进取精神)peddle(兜售)reverence(尊敬,崇敬)trudge(跋涉,步履沉重的走) embark on(着手,开始做)enchant(使欣喜,使心醉)detachable(可分开的,可分离的)pauper(穷人,靠救济过活的人) 1After two years unemployment, he worked as a door-to-door salesman pe

2、ddling cloths and brushes and underwent an unforgettable money-making hardship.2In the early morning the armed forces began the march but the progress was slow as they had to trudge through deep mud.3She had the gumption to write directly to the company manager and persuade him to give her a job for

3、 she finished all the professional training courses with straight As.4Men, in most cases, naturally despise those who court them, but respect those who do not give way to them.5To participate in the evening party, she wore a long, loose overcoat with a(n) detachable cape with a round collar.6The ess

4、ence of humanistic spirit is to respect the value of human being, the value of life, and have a sense of reverence, because life is sacred.7This paper is aimed at analyzing the inevitability and possibility for Chinese enterprises to embark on internal busses.8The Commission has wide powers to inter

5、vene in the affairs of a charity where thing have gone wrong.9The actual low standard of expropriating land and allocation and the singleness in the model of allocation cause lots of peasants to be paupers in the city.10The old lady was pretty good-hearted and her generosity was popular among all wh

6、o were familiar her. She often offered to take in the poor homeless stranger.1失业两年之后,他做了一名挨家挨户叫卖衣服和刷子的推销员,经历了一段难以忘怀的赚钱困难。2清晨,武装部队开始行军,但由于必须在泥泞中跋涉,行进缓慢。3.她有勇气直接写信给公司经理,说服他给她工作,因为她以全a的成绩完成了所有的专业培训课程。4在大多数情况下,人们自然地鄙视那些追求他们的人,但尊重那些不给他们让路的人。5参加晚会时,她穿了一件带圆领可拆卸斗篷的宽松长大衣。6人文精神的实质是尊重人的价值、生命的价值,并怀有敬畏之心,因为生命是神圣

7、的。7本文旨在分析我国企业开展内部客车的必然性和可能性。8该委员会有广泛的权力干涉慈善机构的事务,只要该机构出了问题。9我国现行征地划拨标准低、划拨模式单一,导致大量农民沦为城市贫民。10这位老妇人心地很好,她的慷慨在所有熟悉她的人中间都很受欢迎。她经常主动收留这个可怜的无家可归的陌生人。Part B1. He turned and walked towards the glass doors in the lobby, feeling that faint guilt and bewilderment we experience when we by-pass some old friend

8、 or classmate who seems threadbare(衣衫褴褛的), or sick, or miserable in some other way. (B)1. 他转过身,朝大厅的玻璃门走去,心里感到一种隐隐的内疚和困惑,就像我们在路过某个衣衫褴褛、有病或在其他方面悲惨的老朋友或同学时所体会到的那样。A. old B. ragged C. proud D. ill2. I dont know anything about art, and I havent met any grand people, and I dont go to a good tailor, and al

9、l that, Im not what he calls from top-drawer society(上层社会). (A)2. 我对艺术一窍不通,也没见过什么名门望族,也没上过什么好裁缝店,所有这些,我都不是他所说的上层社会的人。A. highest B. lowest C. outstanding D. important3. When someone compliments(赞美,恭维) me on something Ive cooked, that makes me very happy, so I guess youd say that I like cooking. (C)3.

10、当别人称赞我做的菜时,我会很高兴,所以我猜你会说我喜欢烹饪。A. congratulates B. comments C. praises D. mentions4. As a manager, its advisable to bear in mind that if your divisions profit outlook is bleak(黯淡的), so may be your future with the company. (D)4. 作为一名经理,最好记住,如果你所在部门的利润前景黯淡,那么你在公司的前途也可能黯淡。A. bare B. chilly C. pleasant D

11、. dismal5. On Christmas morning, the children were enchanted(着迷的,狂喜的) with the various presents supposedly given by Santa Claus. (A)5. 圣诞节早晨,孩子们被据说是圣诞老人送的各种礼物迷住了。A. gladdened(喜悦的) B. satisfied C. fascinated D. exposed6. There are, as the old saying goes, some people who pretend to despise(轻视) the th

12、ings they cannot have. (A)6. 俗话说得好,有些人对自己不能拥有的东西假装轻视。A. scorn B. crush C. neglect D. refuse7. While watching TV to kill time at night, he draped(搭,悬挂) his legs over the arm of the chair and made himself as comfortable and relaxed as he possibly could.(C)7. 晚上看电视消磨时间时,他把腿搭在椅子的扶手上,尽可能地使自己舒适放松。A. cover

13、ed B. arranged C. hung D. dwelled8. I had a theoretical reverence(尊敬,赞美) and homage for beauty, elegance, gallantry, and fascination so 1 could appreciate all the beauties around me that might be neglected by others. (B)8. 我对美丽、优雅、勇敢和魅力有一种理论上的崇敬和敬意,这样我就能欣赏周围那些可能被别人忽略的美丽。A. appeal B. admiration C. pr

14、ejudice D. attitude 9. An accident must have occurred there for the spectators ringed the intersection(十字路口) speaking in low voices. (B)9. 那里一定发生了事故,因为周围的观众都在低声说话。A. convergence B. crossway C. overlap D. scene10. The skills of the George Washington University medical team, plus his amazing determina

15、tion and the grit(勇气)and spirit of his wife, Sarah, pulled Jim through.(B)10. 乔治华盛顿大学医疗队的技术,再加上他惊人的决心,他妻子萨拉的勇气和精神,使吉姆度过了难关。A. loyalty B. courage C. ambition D. patienceClozeFlexibility on-going switching emphasizementor generalist occupational resume cutting stability qualification count onThe goal

16、of todays and future workplaces will be employability security, not employment security. You will need a bundle of skills that you can sell in the job market. Management consultants recommend you forget the old generalists. You need special skills and capabilities, and you will be expected to be a(n

17、) generalist as well as an expert. Learn everything you can in all areas. Flexibility will be crucial, whether in the job or switching to learn the skills you need. The 1990s has created the greatest job market in the history of the US. There are new rules for the job market now. I. Take responsibil

18、ity for building your career. You cant count on employers for training, employment opportunities or the mentor you need to advance. You need to be sure youre at your peak of capabilities, for jobs of today and tomorrow. II. You have to continue to develop commitment. The job market is more competiti

19、ve, you need to improve your occupation skills all the time. III. Your resume must be a “living document. You need to keep it up-to-date all the time, document your new skills and experiences on a(n) on going basis, so your resume is always current and complete. IV. Find the proper type of informati

20、on to add. Employers are looking for people who are at the cutting edge in their profession, craft or trade. They are looking for highly-skilled employees, and constantly updating and expanding their qualification.今天和未来工作场所的目标将是就业能力保障,而不是就业保障。你将需要一大堆技能来在就业市场上推销自己。管理顾问建议你忘记那些老的通才。你需要特殊的技能和能力,你将被期望成为一

21、个通才和专家。学习所有领域的知识。灵活性将是至关重要的,无论是在工作中还是学习你需要的技能。上世纪90年代创造了美国历史上最大的就业市场。现在就业市场有了新的规则。1 .为你的职业生涯负责。你不能指望雇主为你提供培训、就业机会或你前进所需的导师。你需要确保你正处于能力的顶峰,为今天和明天的工作。2你必须继续培养承诺。就业市场竞争越来越激烈,你需要不断提高自己的职业技能。3你的简历必须是一份“活的文件”。你需要时刻保持最新,不断记录你的新技能和经历,这样你的简历就永远是最新的、完整的。IV.寻找合适的信息类型添加。雇主寻找的是在其专业、工艺或行业中处于领先地位的人。他们正在寻找高技能的员工,并不

22、断更新和扩大他们的资格。TranslateWhat a difference a bust makes. The employers are back in the drivers seat, and job switchers have to learn to play the game anew. As an executive agent, I manage the careers of senior executives, and Im often privy to their most trying professional challenges. From my vantage p

23、oint, the following new rules are helpful for job hunters. Its easier to be acquired than hired: The old wisdom is “Just get your foot in the door. But even thats not easy now, since companies have the luxury of taking long, hard looks at candidates before hiring them. One solution develop some kind

24、 of business relationship with the company. A client of mine developed a consulting agreement that would lead to an equity stake in the firm-and a permanent jobif he was successful. His plan worked. Develop a taste for self-affirmation. A client became depressed during a job interview because the hi

25、ring executive he sat across from was a former subordinate of his. Its a common occurrence. After all, with the fight by entrepreneurial types from corporations during the height of the dot-com boom, those left behind were often promoted- largely because they stayed. Like the tortoise competing agai

26、nst the hare, they are plodding towards the finishing line with big smiles. In this job market, turn off arrogance or hubris; theres little time for gamesmanship. Position yourself positively; you may bypass them later on, but to get back in the race you must first get back inside.经济萧条造成了多么大的影响!雇主们回


28、因为坐在对面负责面试的主管竟然是他以前的下属。其实,这样的事情屡见不鲜。毕竟,在网络行业繁荣的时期,随着不少企业家型人才外流,那些留守员工往往加官进职很大程度上就是因为他们留下来没有跳槽。像乌龟和兔子赛跑一样,乌龟艰难地爬向终点却乐观自信。在求职市场,要摒弃傲慢,不要目中无人;不要搞小动作。要摆正自己的位置,至于你从前的下属,你以后可以采取回避的方式对待。不过要重新参与竞争,你必须首先回到队伍中。Unite 2 Vocabulary part Afunk rant dwindle intimidateproximity catalyst hierarchy overwhelmingResour

29、cefulness anarchy nurture quirk 1. Dont worry about the problem. She is a shrewd woman full of resourcefulness and will certainly be able to cope.2. We finally chose the house for its proximity to the school. It takes us only five minutes to walk to school from the house.3. The friends of the accuse

30、d man intimidated the witness by bashing him in a dark alley. As a result, the witness didnt appear in court.4. The womens movement acted as a catalyst for change in many aspects of womens social lives.5. Judging from the relevant evidence, it seems that he should be responsible for the accident bec

31、ause the evidence against him is overwhelming.6. The death of the King was followed by a year of anarchy. People were eager for a powerful leader.7. The economic recession has a fatal effect on demand. The inquiries for our product have dwindled to about three fifths of the previous demand.8. After

32、twenty years of hard work, Jerry finally worked his way up through the corporate hierarchy to become President.9. Greg is a nice guy, but he has a few weird personality quirk, which does not surprise me because everyone has his little oddities to a certain extent.10. Thompson was rant about American youth again, which was his favorite topic. He could talk about the topic for an hour without stopping.1. 别担心这个问题。她是个足智多谋的精明女人,一定能应付得来。2. 我们最终选择了这

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