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1、七年级英语上册module8choosingpresents过关测试新版外研版Module 8Choosing presents模块过关测试八测试范围:Module 8时间:45分钟分值:100分.单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 中小学教育教学资料()1. Tom gives _ a birthday card for _ birthday.AI; me B. me; myCme; I D. my; me解析 Bgive sb. sth.相当于give sth. to sb., 表示“给某人某物”。 中小学教育教学资料()2.Jim _ goes to school early

2、. He is _ late. He is a good student.Asometimes; oftenBsometimes; alwaysCnever; sometimesDalways; never 中小学教育教学资料解析 D由句意可知“吉姆是一个好学生,总是很早去上学,从不迟到”;频度副词放在be动词之后、实义动词之前。 中小学教育教学资料()3.Jack _ a party _ his birthday.Ahave; on Bhas; inChas; on Dhave; for解析 Chave a party意为“举办聚会”;“在他生日那天”指具体的一天,用介词on。()4. Na

3、ncy dont always _ that old coat. It looks old.But I think its cool, Mum.Awear B. dressCput on D. take off答案 A()5.We often watch basketball matches _ television. 中小学教育教学资料Aby Bin Cwith Don答案 D()6.I usually send a birthday card_ my best friend on his birthday.Afor Bto C/ Dfrom 中小学教育教学资料解析 Bsend sth. t

4、o sb.意为“送某人某物”。()7.Would you like some food?_I just want a cup of tea.AYes, please BYes, I wouldCNo, thanks DGood idea解析 C由句意可知对方不想要食物了。()8.He doesnt like reading_ doing sports. 中小学教育教学资料Aor Band Cabout Dto答案 A()9.Its great _ from my good friend Danny.Ahear BhearsCto hear Dhearing解析 C“ do s

5、th.”意为“做某事是的”,是固定句型。 中小学教育教学资料()10. Tony _ much money _ concert tickets.Aspend; buy B. spending; buying 中小学教育教学资料Cspends; buying D. spends; to buy解析 Cspend money (in) doing sth.意为“花费金钱做某事”。.完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)Do you know how to _11_ a birthday present? Different boys and girls like _12_ things,

6、and they dont have the same _13_14_ boys like sport, so a _15_ can be a good present for them.If a boy likes reading, a novel or a magazine can be good _16_ him.Some girls like _17_, so you can give them jeans as presents.Girls are always easy to be happy.To a man, a CD or a shirt is his favourite.H

7、e doesnt like a ball_18_ a cake.To a woman, she may like a ticket _19_ a film or a concert.Can you _20_ a way to choose birthday presents?()11.A.send Bget 中小学教育教学资料Cmake Dchoose()12.A.different BgoodCfavourite Dsome()13.A.card Bpresent 中小学教育教学资料Chabit (习惯) Dthinks()14.A.A lot BLots ofCA lots of DLot

8、s()15.A.dinner BboxCparty Dfootball() Bfor Cof Dat 中小学教育教学资料()17.A.singer BclothesCmusic Dshirts()18.A.and Bor Cbut Dso 中小学教育教学资料() Bat Cfor Don()20.A.think of Bthink aboutCstart Dfinish解析11D根据下文可知本篇文章主要讲述的是如何为不同的人挑选礼物。12A根据前面的“different boys and girls”可知“不同的人喜欢不同的东西”。13C根据前句可知不同的人喜欢不同

9、的东西,并且他们也没有相同的“习惯”。14B15.D16B介词for后接人,表示“对于某人而言”。 中小学教育教学资料17B18B本句是否定句, or表示“和”。 中小学教育教学资料19C20Athink of意为“想出”;think about意为“考虑”;start意为“开始”; finish意为“结束”。只有think of符合句意。.阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)ANext Wednesday is New Years Day. Karen wants to buy some new year presents for her husband John and her

10、children.NameHobbyPresentPriceJohnPlaying table tennisA pair of trainers$40MarkListening to musicSome CDs$30DavidReading novelsA book, Big Tom$10AnneWatching filmsA cinema ticket$15()21.Karen has _ children.Atwo Bthree Cfour Dfive()22.Karens husband will get _ from her.Aa cinema ticket Ba pair of tr

11、ainers 中小学教育教学资料Ca book Dsome CDs 中小学教育教学资料()23.Mark likes _Aplaying table tennis 中小学教育教学资料Bwatching filmsCreading novelsDlistening to music()24._ will get a cinema ticket on New Years Day.AKaren BDavidCAnne DJohn()25.The presents cost(花费) Karen _ 中小学教育教学资料A$75 B$85 C$95 D$105 中小学教育教学资料BIt is Mikes

12、birthday today. His mother buys a lot of food from the supermarket. Look at the table. There is a lot of food on it. There are cakes, hamburgers, dumplings, meat, and fish. She buys a lot of drinks, too. There are coffee, coke, apple juice, orange juice. There is tea, too.Mike asks some of his frien

13、ds to his birthday party. They are Tom, Mary, Betty and Lily. All the children are eating and drinking happily.Lily is from China.She doesnt like coffee very much. She likes tea, coke and juice. All the other children are Americans. They love coffee very much. They all enjoy the food. After dinner,

14、all the children sing and dance. Lily sings a Chinese song. She sings very well. All the other children love her song very much. Theother children cant sing in Chinese, so they sing in English. All of them have a good time. 中小学教育教学资料()26. Why does Mikes mother buy so many things?ABecause it is her b

15、irthday.BBecause it is Mikes birthday. 中小学教育教学资料CBecause Mike likes to eat them.DBecause it is Mikes fathers birthday. 中小学教育教学资料()27. How many children are there at the party?AThere are five. B. There are three.CThere are four. D. There are six.()28. Lily doesnt like _ very much.Acoke BcoffeeCorange

16、 Dtea()29. Lily comes from _AAmerica BJapanCChina DCanada()30. What do the children do after dinner?AThey see a film.BThey watch TV.CThey play football. 中小学教育教学资料DThey sing and dance.解析 中小学教育教学资料21B由文章可知Karen有三个孩子,分别是Mark, David, Anne。22B23.D24.C25C根据表格最后一列可知:4030101595。26B从文章第一句可直接得到答案。 中小学教育教学资料27

17、AMike 加上文中提到的Tom, Mary, Betty 和Lily一共是五人。 中小学教育教学资料28B从第二段第五句可直接得到答案。29C30.D.补全对话,方框中有两个多余选项(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)A: Tomorrow is Sunday, isnt it?B: Right.A: Its my sisters birthday. I want to buy her a nice present.B: 31._A: I have no idea. Do you have any good ideas?B: Let me see. 32._A: Yes.B: Well, y

18、ou can buy some novels for her.A: Thats a great idea. Thank you.B: Thats OK. I want to give her a present, too.33._A: Yes.B: 34._A: Red and pink.B: 35._A: Thats nice of you. 中小学教育教学资料A. What does she like? 中小学教育教学资料BWhats her favourite colour?CWhat do you want to give her?DDoes she like flowers?E. I

19、 am going to buy some flowers for her. 中小学教育教学资料F. Does she like reading?G. What does she do?答案 3135CFDBE.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)36To stay healthy,we should get some e_exercise_ every day.37My father often goes to the c_concerts_ because he likes music. 中小学教育教学资料38After dinner, my father li

20、kes reading a m_magazine_. Then he watches TV. 中小学教育教学资料39Tina doesnt like sports, so she n_never_ plays basketball.40My father often watches table tennis m_matches_ on the computer.根据汉语意思完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)41奶奶经常为我制作蛋糕。 中小学教育教学资料My grandmother _often_ _makes_ _cakes_ _for_ me.42人们经常给孩子们糖果作为生日礼物。

21、People often _give_ candy _to_ children _as_ birthday presents.43为了保持健康,他总是晚饭后散步。To _stay/keep_ _healthy/fit_, he always takes a walk after supper. 中小学教育教学资料44她经常收到她父母的来信。She often _hears_ _from_ her parents.45我喜欢购物,但我不买贵的物品。I like _going_ _shopping_, but I dont buy _expensive_ things.书面表达(满分20分) 中小

22、学教育教学资料根据下面的内容,用英语写一篇70词左右的短文。这周六是Lily的妈妈的生日。家人通常为她举办一个生日聚会并且为她做一个大蛋糕。Lily通常为妈妈做一张漂亮的生日卡片,这是妈妈最喜欢的生日礼物。爸爸总是买一些花,因为妈妈非常喜欢花。他们一起玩得很愉快。 中小学教育教学资料_One possible version:Lilys mothers birthday is on Saturday. Every year, the family usually have a party for her. They make a big cake for her. Lily usually g

23、ives her a beautiful birthday card. This is her mothers favourite present. Her dad always buys some flowers because her mother likes them very much. They have a good time.1 大青树下的小学第一课时教学目标:1.认识“坝、汉”等10个生字。会写“晨、绒”等13个字。 #*2.正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文,读出对这所小学的喜爱之情。 &#*%3.背诵自己喜欢的部分课文。教学重难点:读出对这所小学的喜爱之情。课前准备: #*1.学

24、生查找与课文有关的资料,预习课文。2.教师准备好相关的图片、道具和生字词的卡片。3.准备生字书写的多媒体演示。 %&教学过程:一、举行“民族风情”展示会1.我国是一个多民族的大家庭。五十六个民族,五十六朵花。不同的的民族有不同的服饰,更有不同的风俗。下面我们举行一个“少数民族风情”展示会,请你展示自己找到的有关图片,介绍自己了解的少数民族的情况。学生展示介绍,教师提示学生着重介绍少数民族的服饰特征、生活习俗。2.视学生介绍情况,教师利用课后资料袋中的图片,补充介绍课文中涉及的傣族、景颇族、阿昌族、德昂族等少数民族的情况。3.评选最佳学生,颁发小奖品。 &#%*二、揭示课题,范读课文1.在我国西

25、南边疆地区,有好多民族聚居在一起,共同生活,和睦相处。不同民族的孩子们也在一所学校共同学习。就有这样的一所小学,大家愿意不愿意去参观一下?2.板书课题:大青树下的小学3.教师配乐范读。选择具有云贵民族风情的乐曲,如小河淌水、蝴蝶泉边、有一个美丽的地方等配乐。三、自学生字新词,试读课文 &%*1.这所小学美不美?大家肯定想亲自去走一趟,转一圈。请你自己试着读课文,遇到不认识的生字根据注音拼读一下,读不通顺的地方反复多读几遍。2.学生试读。3.指名分自然段朗读。教师相机出示每小节中带生字的新词,正音、巩固。学生感到陌生的词语也该提示。四、分组朗读,组间比赛1.分小组朗读,每组读一自然段,各组练习。

26、 *#2.各组练习后进行比赛。 %*&五、巩固字、词,指导写词1.指名读生字,新词。2.指导书写课后田字格中的字。(1)着重分析指导左右结构的字,归纳左右结构的字的写法:左窄右宽:绒、球、汉、艳、服、扮、读、静、停左宽右窄:影左右等宽:粗(2)在黑板上田字格中示范。(3)学生写字。(4)抄写词语表中列出的本课的词语。 *#&第二课时 %#*&教学目标: #&%1.能正确读写“早晨、穿戴、鲜艳”等词语。2.正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文,读出对这所民族小学的喜爱之情。3.背诵自己喜欢的部分课文,抄写描写窗外安静情景的句子。 #%教学重难点:背诵自己喜欢的部分课文。教学过程:一、复习旧课,导入新课1

27、.指名朗读生字、新词,检查生字、新词掌握情况。2.导入:通过上一课的学习,我们已经感受到了大青树下的小学的美。这一课我们要继续朗读感悟,进一步地发现大青树下的小学的美。二、分段读议,加深感悟1.第一自然段(1)请各自轻声读第一段,想一想读着这部分课文,你仿佛看到了什么?(2)学生读后交流。可引导学生从上学路上的景色、不同民族学生的服饰、到校后的活动等方面想象、讲述。 *%(3)大家一边在头脑中展开想象一边朗读就能读得更入情入境,谁来读一读?(4)教师评点后再指名练习。(5)配乐朗读这一段。2.第二、三自然段。(1)“当,当当!当,当当!”大青树上的钟声敲响了,学校的学生开始上课了。请各自轻声朗

28、读第二、三自然段,想象一下民族小学的孩子是怎样上课学习的,说说你是怎么知道的。(2)学生各自读课文,然后交流。(3)如果你是一棵小树、一只小鸟、蝴蝶或者一只猴子,看到小朋友们学习这么认真, %*&课文朗读得这么动听,你会怎么做?反复朗读这几句话。 &%#(4)下课了,小朋友做些什么?操场会是怎么样的一幅情景?想象描述。朗读有关句子。4.第四自然段。(1)这所小学留给你什么印象?交流感受。(2)我们参观了这所小学,了解了他们上学、上课学习、下课活动的情景,多么美丽的小学,多么可爱的学生!参观结束了,让我们说上几句道别的话。三、感情朗读,比赛背诵1.课文写得很美,你喜欢哪一部分?请你有感情地朗读一下。 %&*2.把你喜

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