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1、英汉互译报告中国参与大湄公河次区域经济合作国家报告Country Report on Chinas Participation in Greater Mekong Subregion Cooperation中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会Chinas National Development and Reform Commission中华人民共和国外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs中华人民共和国财政部Ministry of Finance中华人民共和国科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology一、综述I. Executive Su

2、mmary发源于中国青藏高原唐古拉山的湄公河,自北向南流经中国、缅甸、老挝、泰国、柬埔寨、越南六国,全长4880公里,是亚洲乃至国际上的一条重要河流。湄公河在中国境内段称为澜沧江。自上世纪90年代以来,澜沧江湄公河流域国际区域合作引起了国际社会的广泛关注,相关国家和国际组织开展了广泛合作,取得了不少有益的成果,有力地推动了该地区经济社会的发展。The Mekong River, which originates from the Tanggula Mountain Range on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China and runs 4880 kilomet

3、ers southward through six countries, namely, China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, is an important transnational river in Asia and even the world. The section in China is called the Lancang River. Since the 1990s, the international cooperation in the Lancang-Mekong subregion has rece

4、ived wide attention from the international community. Related countries and international organizations have carried out extensive cooperation, which has produced good results and forcefully facilitated economic and social development of the subregion.1992年,亚洲开发银行(以下简称“亚行”)在其总部所在地菲律宾马尼拉举行了大湄公河次区域六国首

5、次部长级会议,标志着大湄公河次区域经济合作(GMS)机制的正式启动。目前,GMS合作范围包括中国(云南省和广西壮族自治区)、柬埔寨、老挝、缅甸、泰国、越南,总面积25686万平方公里,总人口约326亿。该区域蕴藏着丰富的水资源、生物资源、矿产资源,具有极大的经济潜能和开发前景。GMS各国历史悠久,风景秀丽,民族文化多姿多彩。长期以来,受多种因素影响,经济和社会发展相对落后。进入新世纪以来,GMS各国都在进行经济体制改革,调整产业结构,扩大对外开放,加快经济和社会发展已经成为各国的共同目标。In 1992, the Asian Development Bank (hereafter referr

6、ed to as the “ADB” ) held the first ministerial meeting of the six countries in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS)in Manila, the Philippines, where the ABD is based, marking the official launch of the GMS economic cooperation mechanism. At present, GMS cooperation covers China (Yunnan Province and G

7、uangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region), Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam, with a total area of 2,568,600 square kilometers and a combined population of about 326 million. Rich in water, biological and mineral resources, the Greater Mekong Subregion has enormous economic potential and developm

8、ent prospects. The countries in the Greater Mekong Subregion all enjoy time-honored histories, beautiful landscapes and colorful ethnic cultures. Over the long years, however, they had suffered backwardness in economic and social development due to a variety of factors. Since the beginning of the ne

9、w century, GMS countries have been working for economic reforms, industrial restructuring and greater openness to the outside world. Accelerated economic and social development has become their shared objective.2002年11月,GMS首次领导人会议在柬埔寨金边举行,批准了次区域发展未来十年(20022012年)战略框架,并决定其后每三年在成员国轮流举行一次GMS领导人会议。GMS合作开

10、始上升到领导人层级,由此进入了全面、快速发展的新阶段。2005年7月,第二次领导人会议在中国昆明举行,确立了“相互尊重、平等协商、注重实效、循序渐进”的合作指导原则,批准和签署了交通与贸易便利化、生物多样性保护、信息高速公路建设等多项合作倡议和文件,合作由此迈上新台阶。2008年3月,第三次领导人会议在老挝万象举行,通过了20082012年次区域发展万象行动计划,签署了电力贸易路线图、经济走廊均衡与可持续发展等合作文件,合作进一步拓展和深化。在推动GMS合作的过程中,三年一次的领导人会议在确立合作目标、引导合作方向、提出重大举措等方面发挥了至关重要的作用。In November 2002, t

11、he first GMS summit was held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The meeting adopted the Strategic Framework for the Next Ten Years of the GMS Program (2002-2012) and determined that the GMS summit should be held once every three years with the member countries taking turns to host the meeting. GMS cooperation

12、 was thus upgraded to the summit level and entered a new stage of comprehensive and rapid development. In July 2005, the second GMS summit was held in Kunming, China. The meeting identified the guiding principles for GMS cooperation, namely “Mutual respect, consultation on an equal footing, emphasis

13、 on practical results and gradual progress”. It adopted and signed a number of cooperation initiatives and documents concerning transport and trade facilitation, protection of biodiversity and construction of information highways. GMS cooperation was thus taken to a new high. In March 2008, the thir

14、d GMS summit was held in Vientiane, the Lao PDR. The meeting adopted the Vientiane Plan of Action for GMS Development 2008-2012, and signed a number of cooperation documents concerning the road map for power trade and the balanced and sustainable development of the economic corridors, bringing the c

15、ooperation to greater width and depth.近二十年来,在亚行和各成员国的共同努力下,GMS合作稳步推进,成果丰硕,为消除贫困,促进GMS各国经济社会发展发挥了积极作用。合作注重以项目为主导,确定了交通、能源、电信、环境、农业、人力资源开发、旅游、贸易便利化与投资九大重点领域,并积极为成员国提供资金支持和技术援助。截至2010年底,GMS贷款(赠款)项目共55个,总投资约为138亿美元,其中亚行自身提供贷款50亿美元,GMS国家政府配套资金43亿美元,联合融资45亿美元;技术援助项目172个,总额约为23亿美元,其中亚行自身提供贷款1亿美元,GMS国家政府提供配

16、套资金2000万美元,联合融资11亿美元。In the course of promoting GMS cooperation, the triennial GMS summit has played a crucial role in setting the targets, providing the direction, and introducing major measures for cooperation.In nearly 20 years, thanks to the joint efforts of the ADB and all GMS members, the GMS

17、cooperation has moved forward steadily, borne rich fruits, and played an active role in eliminating poverty and promoting the economic and social development of GMS countries. The project-oriented GMS cooperation has identified nine priority areas, namely transportation, energy, telecommunications,

18、the environment, agriculture, human resources development, tourism, trade facilitation and investment, and actively provided financial support and technical assistance to the member countries. By the end of 2010, GMS loans (grants) had financed 55 projects with a total investment of 13.8 billion dol

19、lars, of which 5 billion dollars was ADB loans, 4.3 billion dollars was the investment by GMS countries to match the loans, and 4.5 billion dollars was raised through co-financing. Altogether 172 technical assistance projects had received a total investment of 230 million dollars, of which 100 milli

20、on dollars was ADB loans, 20 million dollars was the investment by GMS countries and 110 million dollars was raised through co-financing.2011年12月,第四次领导人会议将在缅甸内比都举行,审议确定未来十年的合作战略框架是此次会议的重要议题。中国愿与GMS各成员国一道落实好各项合作倡议,推动各领域合作向新的深度和广度发展,为实现GMS各国的共同发展与繁荣作出积极贡献。In December 2012, the fourth GMS summit will b

21、e held in Naypyitaw, Myanmar. An important agenda of the meeting is to discuss and formulate the strategic framework for GMS cooperation in the next 10 years. China stands ready to work with the other GMS countries to ensure the implementation of the various cooperation initiatives so as to take the

22、 GMS cooperation in all fields to greater width and depth, and contribute to the common development and prosperity of GMS countries. 二、中国与GMS各国的经济贸易联系II. Economic and Trade Relations Between China and the Other GMS Countries自2008年第三次GMS领导人会议,特别是中国东盟自由贸易区建成以来,中国与GMS国家之间双边贸易呈现出更加良好的发展势头,贸易结构进一步改善,双边投资

23、额也有了较快增长。中国还以合资或独资等方式参与柬埔寨、泰国、越南的经贸合作区开发建设,促进了当地的经济发展。Since the third GMS summit in 2008 and especially since the establishment of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, bilateral trade between China and the other GMS countries has demonstrated a momentum of greater development with a further improved tra

24、de structure and fast increase in bilateral investment. China has also participated, in the form of joint ventures or wholly Chinese-invested enterprises, in the development and construction of economic and trade cooperation zones in Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam, and has thus boosted local economi

25、c development.(一)与柬埔寨的双边贸易和投资1. Bilateral Trade and Investment with Cambodia2010年,中柬双边贸易额为144亿美元,比2008年增长274。其中,中国对柬埔寨出口135亿美元,进口09亿美元,分别比2008年增长239和1250。从品种来看,中国对柬埔寨主要出口商品是纺织品、机电产品、高新技术产品、服装、钢材、农产品等;自柬埔寨进口主要商品是天然橡胶、服装、锯材、原木、农产品等。截至2010年底,柬埔寨累计在华实际投资达12亿美元;中国对柬埔寨直接投资累计达113亿美元。In 2010, bilateral trad

26、e between China and Cambodia reached 1.44 billion dollars, up by 27.4 percent over 2008. Chinas export to and import from Cambodia were 1.35 billion dollars and 90 million dollars respectively, up by 23.9 percent and 125.0 percent over 2008. In terms of commodity categories, Chinas main exports to C

27、ambodia were textiles, electromechanical products, hi-tech products, garments, steel and agricultural products and its main imports from the country included natural rubber, garments, sawn timber, log and agricultural products. By the end of 2010, Cambodia had accumulatively invested 120 million dol

28、lars in China, while China accumulatively had made direct investment of 1.13 billion dollars in Cambodia.此外,由中、柬企业合资开发建设的柬埔寨西哈努克港经济特区,总规划面积1108平方公里,主要产业为轻纺服装、机械电子、高新技术。一期规划面积1平方公里,已于2008年底建成;二期规划面积528平方公里。截至2011年8月,已有入区企业15家,吸收投资3270万美元,当地雇员3535人。Besides, the Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone in C

29、ambodia, a joint venture of Chinese and Cambodian companies, covers a planned area of 11.08 square kilometers and houses such industries as light industry, textiles, garments, machinery, electronics and hi-tech industries. The first phase of the zone, with a planned area of one square kilometer, was

30、 completed by the end of 2008; the second phase has a planned area of 5.28 square kilometers. By August 2011, 15 enterprises had set up operations in the zone, investing 32.70 million dollars and hiring 3,535 people.(二)与老挝的双边贸易和投资2. Bilateral Trade and Investment with the Lao PDR2010年,中老双边贸易额为105亿美元

31、,比2008年增长1500。其中,中国对老挝出口48亿美元,进口57亿美元,分别比2008年增长778和2800。从品种来看,中国对老挝主要出口商品是机电产品、纺织品、服装、高新技术产品、汽车、摩托车等;自老挝进口主要商品是铜矿、铜材、农产品、锯材、天然橡胶等。截至2010年底,老挝累计在华实际投资达3761万美元;中国对老挝直接投资累计达85亿美元。In 2010, bilateral trade between China and Laos reached 1.05 billion dollars, up by 150.0 percent over 2008. Chinas export

32、to and import from Laos were 480 million dollars and 570 million dollars respectively, up by 77.8 percent and 280.0 percent over 2008. In terms of commodity categories, China s main exports to Laos were electromechanical products, textiles, garments, hi-tech products, automobiles and motorcycles, and its main imports from the country were copper ore, rolled copper, farm produce, sawn timber and natural rubber. By the end of 2010, Laos had accumulatively invested 37.61 million dollars in China, and Chinas direct investment in Laos had accumulatively reached 850 million dollars.

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