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1、重庆成人高考专升本英语真题及答案2019年重庆成人高考专升本英语真题及答案 一、语音学 Phonetics(5 points)Directions:In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation.Mark

2、 your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. 1分A.vitalB.silentC.collideD.Fierce2.1分A.taughtB.caughtC.laughD.Fault3. 1分A.receptionB.receiptC.captureD.Concept4.1分A.boomB.gooseC.floodD.Gloom5. 1分A.fingerB.singerC.hangerD.Ringer二、词汇和结构Vocabulary and Structure(15 points)Dire

3、ctions. There are 15 incomplete sentences in thissection. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.6.As a child I used to wash my parents car to earn some_ money.1分Apaper

4、BeasyCprivateDPocket7.After the busy day Ive had, I need a _ drink.1分AheavyBsharpCStrongDPowerful8.If you_ stayed at home, this would never havehappened.1分AHaveBHadCwill haveDwould have9.-How much did this set of furniture cost?-I forgot _1分Ahow much it costsBhow much did it costChow much it costDho

5、w much does it cost10.We had a long way to go so we decided to _early.1分Aset onBput onCset offDput off11._ it is not his responsibility to do that,he said he would help.1分AAlthoughBAsCSinceDUnless12.One of the strongest hurricanes _ was the Florida Keys Storm of 1935, during which 500 people were ki

6、lled.1分Ato recordBrecordedCrecordingDbeing recorded13.Ms. Jolie is beautiful and very talented, and in control of her own career.1分AbasicallyBremarkablyCperfectlyDActively14.When John left the office, Amy _ at her desk.1分Ais still workingBhas still workedChad still workingDwas still working15.You sh

7、ould learn through failures. Why dont you _ your plan or try a new approach?1分AadjustBrepeatCacceptDRefuse16.The carpet has so many stains on it that it needs1分AreplaceBto replaceCbeing replacedDto be replaced17.I sent him the package yesterday. He _ it by now.1分Amight have receivedBreceivedCwill re

8、ceiveDReceives18.Is this the factory _ you visited the other day?1分AwhatBwhereCThatDWhen19.To make the fish_ nice, she put in some sugar and wine vinegar.1分AtasteBto tasteCtastedDTasting20.My daughter runs faster than_ in her class. She runs the fastest.1分Aa boyBany boyCsome boysDmost boys三、 完型填空Clo

9、ze(30 points)Directions:For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one tha is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Insomnia, or poor sleep, can have bad effects on a persons health and genera

10、l well-being. It can 21on both our physical and mental health and can lead to other health22Insomnia can be traced to many different reasons,but what is 23 to ninny sufferers is their inability to relax fully and switch the mind 24Constant thoughts,25 around and around in the mind, moving from one 2

11、6 to the next, prevent stillness and peace and 27 a sufferer extremely tired.In order to treat insomnia 28, it is firstnecessary to allow a sufferer to re-experience 29 realrelaxation feel like.Its almost as though theyve forgotten how to relax. Once this has been 30 by the brain, then fast and effe

12、ctive 31 can be made to reeducate the unconscious towards allowing the person to relax 32 and to allow a natural state of sleepto33Hypnotherapy(催眠疗法) is one of the fastest andmost effective ways of 34 this goal for long-lasting results.Sleeping pills, if used at all, should only be a short-term35as

13、their effect is soon reduced and their side effects can be deep and far-reaching.21. 2分AharmBaffectCchangeDImpact22. 2分AdemandsBconcernsCReasonsDQuestions23. 2分AinterestingBsameCcommonDAlike24. 2分AonBoffCupDDown25. 2分AgettingBtakingCgoingDpulling26. 2分AimageBdreamCconceptDThought27. 2分AcauseB1eaveCd

14、isturbD1ead28. 2分AcarefullyBeasilyCeffectivelyDFinally29. 2分AifBhowCwhereDWhat30. 2分ArememberedBpulledCchangedDPrinted31. 2分AscalesBstepsCmethodsDtechniques32. 2分AfullyBrecentlyCsilentlyDActively33. 2分A.appearBshowCoccurDRealize34. 2分AachievingBtargetingCkeepingDAiming35. 2分A0bjectBsystemCresultDStr

15、ategy四、阅读理解(1)Reading Comprehension(60 points)Directions:There are five reading passages in this part.Each passage is followed by four questions.For each question there are four suggested answers marked A,B,C and I Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passa

16、ge OneAlexia Sloane,a l0一year-old girl,lost her sight when she was two following a brain disease But despite her disability she has excelled at languages and is already fluent in English,French,Spanish and Chinese。and is learning German.Now she has experienced her dream job of workingas an interpret

17、er after East of England MEP(欧盟议员)Robert Sturdy invited her to the parliament building in Brussels,thus becoming the youngest interpreter to work at the European Parliament.“She was given a special permit to get into thebuildin9,where there is usually a minimum age requirement of l4.and sat in a boo

18、th listening andinterpretin9,”said her mother,Isabelle.“The otherinterpreters were amazed at how well she did as thedebate was quite complicated and many of the wordswere rather technical.”Alexia has been tri-lingual since birth as hermother,a teacher,is half French and half Spanish,while her father

19、,Richard,is English.She started talking and communicating in all three languages before she lost her sight but adapted quickly to her blindness.By the age of four,she was reading and writing in Braille(盲文).When she was six。Alexia began to learn Chinese.The girl is now learning German at school in Ca

20、mbridge.Alexia has been longing to be an interpreter sinceshe was six and she chose to go to the European Parliament as her prize when she won a young achieverof the year award.She asked if she could shadow interpreters and Mr.Sturdy agreed to take her along as his guest.Alexia worked with the head

21、of interpreting and hada real taste of lire in parliament.“It was fantastic and lm absolutely determined now to become an interpreter,she said36.What does the passage tell about Alexia Sloane?3分AShe is very proud of her parents.BShe has learned five foreign languages.CShe is a quick learner of langu

22、ages.DShe has difficulties with language learning.37.Why did Alexia need special permission to enter theparliament building?3分AShe was not in a state of good health.BShe could not afford the admission fees.CShe did not meet the age requirement.DShe did not have an adult to accompany her.38.What did

23、Alexia want to do after she got the award?3分ATo travel to other European countries.BTo visit the European Parliament.CTo apply for a position in the government.DTo study German at Cambridge University.39.The tone of the passage can be best describedas3分ACriticalBadmiringCUnderstandingDDoubtful四、阅读理解

24、(2)Passage TwoGenerations of Americans have been brought up tobelieve that a good breakfast is essential to ones life. Eating breakfast at the start of the day, we have beentold,and told again, is as necessary as putting gasoline in the family car before starting a trip. But for many people, the tho

25、ught of food as the first thing in the morning is never a pleasure So despite all the efforts,they still take no breakfast.Between 1977 and 1983, the latest year for which figures could be obtained, the number of people who didnt have breakfast increased by 33%from 8.8 million to 11.7 million-accord

26、ing to the Chicago-based Market Research Corporation of America. For those who dislike eating breakfast, however, there is some good news.Several studies in the last few years have shownthat,for adults especially, there may be nothing wrong with omitting breakfast. Going without breakfast doesnot af

27、fect work,said Arnold E.Bender, former professor of nutrition at Queen Elizabeth College in London, nor does giving people breakfast improve work. Scientific evidence linking breakfast to better health or better work is surprisingly inadequate(不充分) ,and most of the recent work involves children, not

28、 adults. The literature, says one researcher, Dr. Earnest Polite at the University of Texas, is poor.40.Which of these is mentioned in the second paragraph?3分AThe number of the people who skip breakfast has increased.BMany people fill their cars with gasoline in the morning.C8.8 million people got i

29、nvolved in a study on eating habits.DA company carried out a research in 1983.41.Which is closest in meaning to the underlined part?3分AHaving breakfast does not improve work, either.BGiving people breakfast improves work.CGoing without breakfast can improve work, too.DHaving breakfast does improve work.42.What does the word literature in the last sentencerefer to?3分AModem American literature.BAny printed materials.CWritten works on a subject.DStories, poems and plays.43.Which of the following statements best summarizes the writers conclusion about the function of breakfast?

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