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Good Wife S02E11 WindVDS笔记系列.docx

1、Good Wife S02E11 WindVDS笔记系列【看美剧学单词/词汇/口语/英语】【 Wind-VDS笔记系列】【Good Wife S02E11】作者: Wind-VDS欢迎纠错,交流,提问,建议;欢迎转载,合作,加入QQ:819432228Email: Wind-VDS*转载注明出处,请勿用于商业用途*缩写使用eg 举例sre 相似相关表达GW211 0-15minAlicias husband and his old friend:9400:04:55,640 - 00:04:58,380she brought in chili andgaveeverybody foodpois

2、oning.9500:04:59,310 - 00:05:02,230I mean,people.peoplewerepukingfor days.puking类似的如throwing upvomiting10100:05:15,330 - 00:05:17,440Adam did some good workfor me on my firstrun,10200:05:17,440 - 00:05:19,860andI just thoughthe could do the same here.10300:05:20,710 - 00:05:23,170I mean,that is,ifit

3、 works for you two.run竞选常常说成campaign,run a campaign这里run作名词I just thought很常用的结构比如Jackie对Gold说I just thought it would be nice for an old friend to help u out.有很多用来把语气放弱的表达,或者是表达一种轻轻地不确定,这里即一例I mean比如I want to give up my school and pursue a career in #$.I mean, its hard and risky, but I want to do it.

4、00:07:02,580 - 00:07:04,680Have a. have abiglaugh,okay?13400:07:04,680 - 00:07:07,340And go outside,andthencomposeyourself.13500:07:07,340 - 00:07:11,370And then come back in,ready to work.laugh相关a big/good laughlaugh out loudcompose是个很精致的词比如你被邀请去参加春晚表演,太激动说不出话,所以要recompose yourself21600:11:27,340 -

5、 00:11:30,230I want us to share our client lists.21700:11:32,110 - 00:11:33,810Share,as in.?As in非常典型的用法当你不确定对方说什么意思举例有一集Kalinda illegally obtained some evidenceWill说illegal, as in we cant use it in court illegal or we could all go to jail illegal再举例本集Diane告诉Cary Shes leavingCary如果不太明白就可以说:leaving a

6、s in for a holiday, or you are breaking up.21900:11:39,010 - 00:11:41,650Now,thatwouldworryme if youwereleaving,22000:11:41,670 - 00:11:46,040because that would mean youhave time tosolicitmy clients.NowNow表示转折,would &were的虚拟语气Solicitsolicit money, clients, information举例有一集Alicia被质疑利用Peter获得非法证据Will说

7、Did u solicit that evidence yourself, if not, u are just passively breaking the confidentiality.22600:11:59,150 - 00:12:02,820Let the record reflect that Mr.Gardner has joined our littleparty.party一般的大家都把party当做晚会舞会等解,其实另外一个或许更重要的意思是一群人举例3人去餐馆,来到reception desk前:a party of 3.结果人家回一句:sorry, we only ha

8、ve two tops right now, u mind?two tops 这里指双人桌23000:12:12,910 - 00:12:15,700We agree,and we willmake no such reference.23100:12:15,710 - 00:12:18,160Good. Agreement. Howrefreshing.reference提到某事mention最简单,refer to,一个很正式的用法是 make a reference to其实就是把refer变成了名词用,见多会发现动词便名词是常用的非正式到正式的一个办法refreshing既用于refr

9、eshing air,又用于指抽象。常常的一个套路是表示小小讽刺,举例A经常backstab his partners,这一次机会来了却没有这有做,partner说:thats refreshingly kind of u not to trick me this time.24900:12:55,740 - 00:12:57,750Your Honor,this is not about drinking.25000:12:57,750 - 00:13:00,950This is aboutplaying ona jurys on类似的taking advantage o

10、f, exploiting,亦可说成This is not so much about A as its about B.This is about A rather than B.This is more about A than B.26900:13:51,360 - 00:13:55,920There are sevenuniversalemotions:disgust,anger,fear.27000:13:55,920 - 00:13:57,490Just the bottom line.universal通用的,普遍适用的bottom line两个主要意思,一是最底线,而是最关键举

11、例比如孩子要弃学唱歌,妈妈反对you cant do that, its crazy. u are not thinking straight now. bottom line, u are not going to make ends meet.举例之前一集Alicia告诉transpassing,possession of drugs的邻居孩子bottom line, u break a law, u go to the police.28600:14:44,620 - 00:14:46,460The mostI have to do is listen to you.28700:14:4

12、6,460 - 00:14:49,010I have listened,and Ihave found youwanting.28800:14:57,770 - 00:15:00,810Unless thats Buddhaand Jesus on speed dial,28900:15:00,810 - 00:15:02,320I dont think we havemuch to talk about.the most相关的the very least u could do is show some gratitude after I save ur survive t

13、o the second half of the game at best/at most.wanting类似的demanding, wanting more, keep asking for more学习一下他们的humorGW211 15-30min29600:15:17,160 - 00:15:20,300Uh-huh? No. No,no,no,no.Wereplaying nice.2977000:15:22,730 - 00:15:24,690You are such akidder.kidder真会开玩笑的家伙sreyou are incredibly funny30200:15

14、:34,450 - 00:15:36,660Objection. Irrelevant andimmaterial.30300:15:36,660 - 00:15:38,570Overruled. You may answer.30400:15:38,570 - 00:15:40,180Your Honor,may weapproach the bench?may we读起来有点别捏,提个醒,是对的immaterial不重要的srethis is extraneous infopetty31300:15:59,440 - 00:16:01,050Doors were chosen withou

15、tpeepholes31400:16:01,050 - 00:16:02,640so the victim would come to the door.peephole猫眼32000:16:13,890 - 00:16:15,830Imsiding withthe prosecution on this.side with同意支持sreI find myself prone to plaintiff on this one.I must say Im on prosecutions side on this one.35600:18:29,640 - 00:18:32,510During t

16、hedeath rowappeal,you saidyou wanted to talk about something.35700:18:32,630 - 00:18:34,720Oh,no. I mean,yes.35800:18:34,720 - 00:18:37,320Um,at some point.Butthis is something else.death row死刑srehes on the death row.hes facing execution.the judge sentenced capital punishment37600:19:34,790 - 00:19:

17、38,600I wanted to tell you,but88sheinvokedconfidentiality.invoke引起,援引sreshe referenced/brought up the pact we had40600:21:09,540 - 00:21:12,780Okay.Youremadbecause Ifouledyou,40700:21:12,780 - 00:21:14,770and youretaxingmein court because of it.mad生气,比crazy用得多fouln,v 犯规,篮球tax责难 为难sreyou are getting

18、back on me.44300:22:55,880 - 00:22:57,830There.There they go.44400:22:57,880 - 00:23:00,040The packdisperses.44500:23:00,110 - 00:23:02,510It readjusts. It follows.44600:23:02,510 - 00:23:04,420Some stay behind.disperse分散散开egBond和Will最终分道扬镳They two dispersed after all.srescatter45200:23:26,910 - 00:

19、23:29,770Im going toprovokehimby asking for arecusal.45300:23:29,770 - 00:23:32,740And Im afraid I need you tobearthebruntof his anger.provoke激怒某人egAlicia:为什么法官对我们不公,我们没惹他啊?why is he having such a strong bias against us. we didntprovokehim.what he did was totallyunprovoked47600:24:45,850 - 00:24:50,

20、350He jokes a lot with Peter.Talksfondlyabout old times.47700:24:50,360 - 00:24:52,370- No.- What?47800:24:53,250 - 00:24:56,280This only works when you donttry tomanipulateme,Mr. Gold.fondly亲密地,极友好地egPeter:选民们仍然对我充满好感Voters remember me fondly.manipulate操纵别人 贬义,另外有:运作机器处理情形等 意思egBond:谁会用这个傻逼打印机啊,连个海

21、宝都打不了Who know how to manipulate this damn machine, I cant even get a poster printed.50300:26:04,350 - 00:26:09,050We ask you,with all duedeference,to recuse yourself.50400:26:12,770 - 00:26:14,430The motion is denied.with all due deferencesrewith all due respecteg别跟我来那套*dont u play with all due defe

22、rence with me51200:26:33,680 - 00:26:35,590I have never held a lawyer incontempt before,Mr. Gardner,51300:26:35,590 - 00:26:39,780but I will break thatstreakif you dontsit the hell down-now.streak一系列egWendy: 我没有攻击其他竞选人家人的习惯,但是如果再看到这样的flyer,我可能就不一定坚持我的习惯了Im not ina habit of going after other candidat

23、es families.but I cant guarantee I wont break that streak if I see any more of such flyershell只说得出what the hell is going on已经小儿科了,关键是怎样用得随心所欲egAlicia:你他妈的别再查我的背景了back the hell off from digging into my background.51700:26:56,170 - 00:26:58,250Yes. Im not asnoop.51800:26:58,250 - 00:27:02,550Its just,

24、as the buildingmanager,I hear a lot of things.snoop爱管闲事之人Alicia: 别他妈的再查我的背景了Dont u dare snoop around about my past.54300:28:05,360 - 00:28:07,350Were having thestatusmeeting in here today,Peter.status除了social status的地位 意思,还有 情形状况 意思sreupdate,progress report,egWill:Bond,你那个super pack怎么样了?what is the

25、status on your super pack?58600:30:30,380 - 00:30:32,960I need information-some ofit relevant,some of it not-13658700:30:32,980 - 00:30:34,640and I only know ifsomething is relevant if.58800:30:34,640 - 00:30:39,100Stop slinging the New Age speak.stop slinging the new age speak少跟我打太极拳GW211 30min-end

26、61500:32:21,890 - 00:32:25,080- andin the meantime.- We move against him.00:32:32,560 - 00:32:35,150Lets the meantime同时srein the mean whileconcurrentlybicker争吵Peter: 我想做你的husband,而不是roomate,哪怕是争吵,也像对夫妻一样争吵I dont want to be your room. I want to be your husband, if we fight so be i

27、t. at least we are bickering like a couple.62900:33:16,130 - 00:33:18,450Ivegot your back,Kalinda.63000:33:18,660 - 00:33:20,760Just make sure you got your back有我在呢sreyou can count on assured, theres nothing to worry about.65200:35:01,030 - 00:35:04,920Imtempted,but I need assurance

28、sabout the partner track.65300:35:04,920 - 00:35:07,860I dont want to besummarilyfired again.summarilyAlicia: Jury很快就做出裁决。Jury made their decision summarily.68700:37:10,640 - 00:37:12,930Did you argue about yourreligion with Mr. Bauer?68800:37:12,660 - 00:37:14,920Well,I wouldntsay argue.68900:37:14,920 - 00:37:18,000We had,uh,spiriteddiscussionsI wouldnt say/call弱化语气sreits more of a spirite

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