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1、专升本总复习语法10I. 典型时态和特殊用法1. 一般现在时: if从句中现在时表将来 2. 现在进行时: We are leaving on Friday.3. 现在完成时: a. must have done, should have done, could/ can have doneb 表示瞬间行为动词come, join, finish, marry, return等不能和表示延续的时间状语连用, 只能用系动词加表语结构来代替have been dead, have been marriedhave been seated 4. 现在完成进行时: He has been writin

2、g letters since this morning. 5. 过去完成时: a. no soonerthan”,和”hardlywhen (before)”从句中常用一般过去时。No sooner had he finished his performance than the audience began to cheer. (He had no soonerthan) b. 用于虚拟语气中6. 将来完成时:注意与被动语态的结合。By +time will have done/ will have been done7. 有些动词以主动形式出现,却有被动含义。 Cut wash sell

3、 read 8. 短语动词构成的被动语态中,介词或副词不可省略。如:More schools and hospitals will be set up in the near future. / The old woman has been operated on. (这位老妇人已经动过了手术) / The purse was picked up and handed to the police. 此外,固定搭配 “动词 + 名词 + 介词” 习语中,介词也不能省掉。 Time must be made good use of./ Less clever children should not

4、 be made fun of.9. 如果宾补是不带to的不定式,在被动态中,主补的不定式必须带to.如:His parents make him study hard. / He is made to study hard.10. 在want, need, desire, require和形容词worth consist of be worthy of being doneBe worthy to be doneworth + doing后,动名词的主动形式表示被动意义. 如:The house wants repairing (=to be repaired)./ The point de

5、serves mentioning (to be mentioned). / The novel is worth reading.(=The novel is worthy to be read.= The novel is worthy of being reading.= It is worthwhile to read the novel.) 11.表示将来时的还有: be about to / be to do / be on the point of等.如:I was on the point of leaving when the phone rang. / The road i

6、s to open to the public on October 1, 2004.12. 不规则动词: hanghangedhanged hunghunglielaylainlay laidlaidshrinkshrankshrunkstrike struck, strickenII. 虚拟语气1. 虚拟语气三大公式:2.有时条件从句和主句时态可以不一致,这叫混合条件虚拟语气.If you had worked hard yesterday, you would be successful now.if it had rained, I would have done sth.3. 在动词

7、If only, wish, would rather, would sooner, as if (though)后的句子中谓语动词要用虚拟结构.4. 主语 + V. + that 主语 + (should) do V主要有: 表示建议(propose, suggest, urge, advise/ advisable, recommend, move), 表示要求(ask, require, request, demand, insist, desire, maintain), 表示命令(command, order), 表示安排(arrange), 表示决定(resolve, decide

8、)等.That sb/sth_ should do / should be done/ do / be done注意:(1)suggest表示“说明”时后面不用虚拟语气。/ suggest + doing sth. (2)insist, maintain 表示“坚持认为”时后面不用虚拟语气。表示“坚决要求”必须用虚拟语气。He insisted that he hadnt stolen my money. He insisted that the boy be sent to hospital.5. 在It is (was) + adj. + that 主语 + (should) do adj

9、.主要有:necessary, essential, important, vital, urgent, natural, desired, suggested, requested, ordered, proposed, desirable, advisable, strange等。如:It is important that theory (should) be closely combined with practice. / It has been decided that the meeting (should) be postponed till next Saturday.6.I

10、ts (high, about) time that we did (were) 的句型中要用过去时 如: It is high time (that) we began to work.7.句型:But for (=If it were not been for) + n., 主语 + should (would, could) + V / But for (=If it had not been for) + n., 主语 + should (would, could) have done 如:But for your guidance (If it were not been for y

11、our guidance), we would / should fail. / But for your help (= If it had not been for your help),I would have failed in the final exams. 8.lest(for fear that / in case) + 主语 + (should)do如:We didnt tell the old woman the bad news for fear that she (should) break down.III. 情态动词1.neednt + 不定式完成式: 表示本来不必

12、做而实际已经做的行为. 如:You neednt have come over yourself. 你不必亲自来.2. 情态动词 + have done及其它1) could + have done表示与事实相反 2) might + have done表示未实现的行为 3) neednt + have done表示做了不该做的事情 4) must + have done表示对过去行为的肯定推测 5) should + have done表示该做而未做到的事 6) should not + have done表示做了不该做的事 注意:表示对过去行为的否定推测为cant have done, 而

13、非mustnt have done.3. shall / should (ought to); will / would4. 可以看作情态动词的短语 1) used to + V表示过去经常; 而be used to doing表示习惯于 2) had better + V表示”最好是”、”不如 3) had rather + V than和would rather + V than表示”宁肯不愿”之意。如: We would / had rather die than yield.IV. 非谓语动词一、不定式和动名词的区别:动名词表示:笼统、泛指的意思 / 抽象或经常性的动作 / 已成为过去

14、或经验之谈不定式表示:一时性的具体的或特定的动作 / 现在或将来的动作如:Smoking is prohibited here. (抽象) It is not very good for you to smoke so much. (具体)Driving a car during the rush hour istiring. (经验)To study abroad has long been my dream.(一件尚未完成的事情)二、非谓语的句型(1) It takes sb. + some time + to do = sb. spend some time (in) doing (2)

15、 It is + adj. + for sb. + to do (3) It is + adj. + of sb. + to do (常用的形容词有:kind, nice, considerate, thoughtful, stupid, wise等.)(4) It is + no use, no good, no point, a great fun, a real pleasure, a waste of time等名词 + (in) doing sth. 如: It is a great fun playing football./ It is a waste of time tryin

16、g to explain./ It is no good helping him. / There is no point in talking with you.注意:Whats the point of talking with you?(5) There is no + doing . (There is no表示”不可能”) 如:There is no telling what he is going to do. 说出他要干什么是不可能的. / There is no saying what may happen. 说出要发生什么是不可能的. (6) have difficulty

17、(trouble, fun, a hard time, a good time) + (in) + doing sth.(7)go + doing,表示短暂而又愉快的户外活动如:go + jogging(慢跑) /fishing / dancing/ skating / bowling(打保龄球)/ shopping / sightseeing / camping / surfing (冲浪)(8) be busy + doing = be busy with sth. 忙着做 be engaged in be occupied withsb. spend time (money, energ

18、y) in doing sth.三、V1 + V2 的模式1. V1 + V2 (to do)afford负担得起 hope希望 pretend假装 appear似乎intend企图 promise答应 arrange安排 like喜欢 refuse拒绝 attempt试图 learn学会 try试图 decide决定 long渴望 want想要 desire欲得到manage设法 wish希望 expect期望 mean打算fail未能 offer表示要 happen碰巧 plan计划2. V1 + V2 (doing)admit承认 imagine想象 appreciate赞赏,感激min

19、d介意 avoid避免,避开 miss错过complete完成 postpone推迟,延期 consider考虑practice实践 delay耽搁,延误 resist忍住endure忍受 risk冒风险 enjoy享之乐,喜爱suggest建议 escape逃跑 insist on坚持excuse原谅 give up放弃 object to反对cant help禁不住put off延期等 如:He admitted having made mistake. / Would you consider going north this summer? / They have finished t

20、heir studying.3. V1 + V2 (介词 + doing)succeed in /to successive Economical industrial industrious considerateConsiderable respective respectable4. V1 + V2 (to do 或 doing), 但语义不同(1) forget to do忘记要去做某事(此事未做) / forget doing 忘记做过某事(此事已做过或已发生) (2) stop to do停止、中断(某件事),目的是去做另一件事 / stop doing停止正在或经常做的事(3)

21、remember to do记住去做某事(未做) / remember doing记得做过某事(已做)(4) regret to do对要做的事遗憾 / regret doing对做过的事遗憾、后悔(5) try to do努力、企图做某事 / try doing试验、试一试某种办法(6) mean to do打算 / mean doing意味着(7) like, love, hate, prefer + to do 表示具体行为 / like, love, hate, prefer doing 表示抽象、习惯、倾向行为(8) need, require, want, deserve + to

22、 be V-ed或V-ing, 表示要(修、清理)等意思. 试比较:Dont forget to come tomorrow. (to come动作未做) / I shall never forget seeing the Queen. / I dont regret telling her what I thought. (已讲过) / I regret to have to do this, but I have no choice. 我很遗憾必须这样去做,我实在没办法.(未做但要做)5. V1 + sb. / sth. + V2 (do / doing / done) (V1为感官动词)

23、V1 主要有:find, feel, notice, hear, observe, listen to, perceive(察觉),see, look at, overhear, watch, notice Oversee ignore neglect如:We felt the house shake. / I heard the clock strike twelve last night. / I saw him go out of the classroom a minute ago. / He saw his son watching TV when he left. / I find

24、 the window broken. 四、非谓语作定语He was the last one to leave school yesterday. She has a lot of work to do in the morning.I need a pen to write with./ There is nothing to worry about. The room facing (=which faces) south is our classroom. / Is there anything planned (=that has been planned) for The buil

25、ding being built is very tall. 五、非谓语作状语1. 不定式作结果状语(1) In 1935 he left home never to return.(2) so + 形容词(或副词) + as to The house is so high and narrow as to resemble a tower.(3)such + 名词短语 + as to His indifference is such as to make one despaired. (4)only to 竟然(表示与预料相反的结果) He studied hard, only to fai

26、l in the exam. He didnt study hard, failing the exam.(5)形容词(或副词) + enough(副词) to 够,足以 The room is big enough to hold a hundred people. 2.分词作状语 a. 主被动关系 b 时间顺序 c 逻辑主语Having finished my work, I went home.Having been punished, he cried.Seen from the top of the hill, the city is -.It being fine, we go f

27、or a walk.d. When, while, once, if, unless, though等引导的状语从句,若其主语与主句主语相同时,可保留该副词连接词,其余部分则化简为分词短语.如:When (being) free, Ill fetch you. / While walking along the street early in the morning, he saw her. / If falling ill, Ill see my doctor./ Once completed, this power station supplies the nearby towns and

28、 villages with electricity. e. 独立结构1) 结构:(with) + n./pron. + doing(done, adj., prep. phrase)例句:With you standing there, we cant work. / He fell asleep with the lamp burning. / The boys returned with their face covered with sweat. / He slept well with the door open. / He stood there with his hat in h

29、and. / The teacher entered the classroom with a book in his hand. / 2) 结构: S1 , S2 . (S1和S2的主语不一致)Weather permitting (If weather permits), well play basketball tomorrow. / This done (When this had been done), they packed their tools and went home. (事情办完了,他们装起工具回家了)./ The rain having stopped (After t

30、he rain had stopped), the soldiers continued their match. 六.非谓语的时态和语态1非谓语的完成式:V1 + V2 (V2 的动作发生在V1的动作之前)The house is said to have been burnt in a fire. The whole company was praised for having provided a good service.注意: 在be, wish, intend, mean, plan, hope, expect, should (或) would like 等动词之后,则表示没有实现的行为. 如: He planned to have gone abroad.他原计划出国(但他没有去)./ I hoped to have seen her.我原希望会见到她的(可是我没见到她)./ I would like to have had your help.我本想得到你的帮助(实际上我却没有得到)./ The enemy expected to have found him.敌人本来指望找到他(实际上却没有找到).( 3非谓语的语态Dick prefers to be assigned heavier work to do.七、非谓语动词常考的其它结构1.疑问词 +

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