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高中英语《New Frontiers》教案10 北师大版选修7.docx

1、高中英语New Frontiers教案10 北师大版选修72019-2020年高中英语New Frontiers教案10 北师大版选修7Teaching aimsI. words and phrases:frontier telescope atom microscope astronomy bacteria radium solar crew panel institute pute sense impact ethical radioactive polonium seminar life-sized screen handy biochemistry theoretically robo

2、t database meanwhile source exploration barbershopartificial intelligence, light year, search engine, solar system, take over, carry out, data processing, the International Space Station, click into, in terms of, II. listening and discussion about something of read the text and study t

3、he language pointsTeaching time Two periodsTeaching processStep 1 RevisionStep 2 new words learning1.ask some students to read the new words first and correct their the tape and have them read after the tape3.give them a few minutes to read the new words freely ,tell them if they

4、 cant read the words,encoreage them to ask the teacher .Step 3 Warm-up1.Read unit objectives, and ask the students to tell us the meanings.2.Exercise 1 a) let the students read the words and then match the branches of science with the pictures. b)to discuss the pictures with the class3.Exercise 2 a)

5、let the students read the Key Words and make sure that they really understand the meanings of the Key Words. b)students do the exercise individually, and then check their answers4.Exercise 3 a)make sure the class know what to do. Then play the tape twice, ask some students to say their answers to th

6、e class.5.Exercise 4 a)read the questions first b)have the students work in pairs and discuss the questionsstep 4 Reading1.Before you start a) read the exercise 1 and ask the students if they know the phrases meaning. And give them a few minutes to discuss the answers b)check their answers and ask t

7、hem to give reasons for their answers.2.Read to learna) ask the students look at exercise 2, and then play the cassette twice.b) give them ten minutes to read the text and fill the table.c) check theirs answers3.Language pointsa) look into向.的里面看, 窥视; 浏览;观察, 调查e.g.: The mayor promised to look into wh

8、ether the clash was designed, or it just happened by accident. 市长答应调查这次冲突是预先计划好的,还是偶然发生的。He looked through a number of journals before he started the research project.他在进行该项研究课题前查阅了许多期刊。b) hundreds of好几百, 许许多多c) municate with通话, 通信;英(房间等)互通to municate with a person 与人联络eg:The Minister for Foreign Af

9、fairs has already municated on this event with the American President. 外交部长已经跟美国总统就此事件交换过意见了。This room municates with the other room. 这个房间与那一个房间相通。d) in terms of adv. 根据, 按照, 用.的话, 在.方面; 以的观点;就而说g)the amount of 数目an amount of相当数量的; 一些 a large amount of大量h)carry out 完成, 实现, 贯彻, 执行e.g.:I have carried

10、out my work. 我已经完成了我的工作。i)by the year 2020 到2020年之前 by the middle of the century到本世纪中叶之前 by the end of the century到本世纪末j)millions of times数以百万倍的k)linkto (与on, to, in to连用)联合,(常与together, to, with连用)连接l) suitable for/to adj.适合.的e.g.: This toy is not suitable for young children. 这个玩具不适合小小孩玩。books suit

11、able for children适合儿童阅读的书籍This wine is not suitable to my taste.这酒不合我的胃口。m)bothand 既.又.step 5 Summary and exercise a)summary: important phrases b)exercise 1 in page 66step 6 homework copy the new words2019-2020年高中英语New Frontiers教案2 北师大版选修7Teaching aims: 1. To go over the simple future 2. To familiar

12、ize with future perfect and future continuous3. To do some exercises about the future, and just talk about past simple future and past future perfect 4. To develop the students ability to express their imaginations and to cooperate by working in pairs and groupsTeaching procedure: Step 1.Warm-up A.

13、To show some pictures of xx Beijing Olympic Games, to lead in the topic : the future is so brightB. To suppose you want to see the games in Beijing in 2oo8, what is your plan for the future? (to see the cartoon, to go over simple future )(1. 一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或出现的状态,由shall(will)原形动词;(2. 或 am(is, are)+go

14、ing to+原形动词构成(3. 动词如go, e, leave, begin等可用现在进行时表示未来表示计划或安排的动作(4. Am(is, are )+to+原形动词,表示计划或安排好的动作(5. Am(is, are)+about +原形动词表示最近将发生的动作,一般不带时间副词或片语(6. 动词e, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return的一般现在时可以表示将来,主要用来表示在时间上已确定或安排好的事情Step2. Learn the future perfectA. To introduce some works the Beijingers

15、are doing, and ask the students to suppose what will have been done before the games?B. To introduce the new grammatical structure : sb will have done C. To show more pictures of our school, and ask the Ss to make some sentences: D. Practice another sentence pattern: When we have had-, we willE: tim

16、e clauses (1)在when,as soon as,until, before, after时间状语从句中,通常用现在完成时代替将来完成时,主句用将来时Step3. Learn the future continuous A. Show the opening time of Beijing Games : 2008年8月8日晚上8点08分ask them what they will be doing at that timeB. To introduce the new grammatical structure: sb will be dong C. Show the pictu

17、res of some students, ask them to make sentences: If I have, I will be -D. To conclude the time clauses(2)E. 在when,as soon as,until, before, after时间状语从句中,通常用一般现在时代替将来时,主句用将来时Step 4. The mixed use of future continuous and future perfectA Ask the students to do the exercises in the text in different g

18、roupsB Test some studentsStep5. ConclusionA. To do some multiple choices(1). I _ for you until you _your work. A will wait, will finish B have waited, will have finished C will be waiting ,have finished D have waited; have finished (2). By the year of 2052, they _the secret of AIDS.A have discovered

19、 B will have discovered C will be discovering D will discover(3). If I had a lot of time, I _around the world. A will travel B would travel C will have traveled D had traveled (4). If you hadnt helped me yesterday, I _my work. A wouldnt finish B. wouldnt have finishedC hadnt finished D shouldnt have

20、 finishedB. To say something about past perfect future C. To sum up the usage of the future时态 形式 用法一般将来时 will/shall do, 将要发生的动作或出现的状态be going to, be(about)to 将来进行时 will be doing 将来某时正在进行的状态或动作,将来完成时 will have done 将来某一时之前已经完成的动作过去将来时 would do/ was going to 从过去某一时间看来将要发生的/was(about) to 动作或存在的状态 过去将来完

21、成时would have done 与过去事实相反的虚拟语气D. To sing a song (optional ) Step 6. Homework A English Weekly (No30)B Write a short passage to make predictions about you and your classmates in ten years time, using the new grammar we have learned today.(The words of the song:)There Youll BeWhen I think backOn these

22、 timesAnd the dreamsWe left behindIll be glad causeI was blessed to getTo have you in my lifeWhen I look backOn these daysIll look and see your faceYou were right there for meChorus:In my dreamsIll always see you soarAbove the skyIn my heartThere will always be a placeFor you for all my lifeIll keep

23、 a partOf you with meAnd everywhere I amThere youll beWell you showed meHow it feelsTo feel the skyWithin my reachAnd I alwaysWill remember allThe strength youGave to meYour love made meMake it throughOh, I owe so much to youYou were right there for meRepeat chorusCause I always saw in youMy light,

24、my strengthAnd I want to thank youNow for all the waysYou were right there for meYou were right there for meFor always(2) True or false 1. People who are worried about future are called futurologists. 2. The experts attending the seminar will be discussing the influence of future on the technology.3

25、. According to the text, puters will be more intelligent.4. By the year 2030, human-like robots may be sent around our bodies to carry out repairs and keep us healthy.5. According to the text, we may be able to live in other suitable places in our solar system at the end of the century.(3) To check

26、the homework( show the answer on the screen )(4) To ask the students to read aloud the words and phrasesB. To sum up the usage of simple future (1) to show a table; (2) to see a cartoon2. Learning future perfect and future continuous A Match Column A with Column B B To learn about future perfect (1)

27、 To present the sentences (2) To show up the form of future perfect(3) Drill training(4) To practice in groups: to show the pictures of our schools future classroom, dining room, library and laboratory and ask them what will our school have done by the end of xx? (5) To sum up the usage of future pe

28、rfect C To learn about future continuous (1) To present the sentences (2) To show up the form of future continuous(3) Drill training(4) To practice one by one: to show the pictures of some students and ask them what they will be doing in the morning of March 14, xx(5) To sum up the usage of future c

29、ontinuous3.To practice the using of future perfect and future continuousA: exercise in the text A works in groups(different groups have different tops, the Ss are asked to do the exercise orally and then some of them are checked)B: Do an interview Make a prediction about each other in ten years time SpeakerLiving placeTimes of changing jobsAchievementMarriagechildrenC: Make a report 4. Go over what we learn5. End up the lesson with a song.

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