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unit 1.docx

1、unit 14Unit 1 This is me!学习目标视窗一、重点词汇1. look after 照顾2. the Reading Club 读者俱乐部3. be born 出生4. play football 踢足球5. come from. 来自,(地方)人6. listen to music 听音乐7. be good at 擅长,在做得好8. play computer games 打电脑游戏9. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事10. wear glasses 戴眼镜二、重要句型1. I love reading我喜爱读书。love doing sth.的意思是“喜爱

2、做某事”。2. I was born in Shanghai我出生在上海。be born是“出生”的意思。3. I come from Beijing我是北京人。come from的意思为“来自(地方),是(地方)人”。它的同义词组是be from。4. Cats eat fish猫吃鱼。fish在这里是“鱼肉”,fish为不可数名词。fish指一条条的鱼时为可数名词,其单数、复数形式相同,即都用fish;指不同种类的鱼时,其复数形式为fishes。5. I take my dog for a walk every day我每天带着我的狗出去散步。walk在这里的意思是“步行,散步”,是名词。

3、6. Does Amy walk home after school?放学后埃米步行回家吗?walk作“步行”讲时为不及物动词,它通常有两种用法:walk to+名词(school,zoo等);walk+副词(here,there,home等)。7. Does she take the bus?她乘公共汽车吗?take是“乘车”的意思。8. I usually go running for half an hour.我通常跑步半小时。go running是“去跑步”的意思,go后面常跟动词的ing形式,表示“去”。9. We often have dinner at my grandparen

4、ts home.我们经常在我祖父母家吃饭。have dinner是“吃饭”的意思,dinner是指一天中的主餐,有在中午吃的,也有在晚上吃的。10. He is good at scoring goals他擅长射门得分。be good at意思是“擅长,在方面做得好”,与前面的be clever at意义相近,用法相同。11. He wants to play in the next World Cup他想参加下一届世界杯赛。want to do sth意思是“想做”。12. Can I borrow your pen?我能借用你的钢笔吗?borrow是“向借”的意思。13. Your fri

5、ends sound great!你的朋友听起来棒极了!sound是连系动词,表示“听起来”的意思。三、核心语法1. 一般现在时的用法(1) 在表示现在的状态或经常性、习惯性动作时,用一般现在时。如:I am twelve years old.我十二岁。(现在的状态)He gets up early every day.他每天起床很早。(习惯性的动作)We often go fishing at the weekend.周末我们经常去钓鱼。(经常性的动作)(2) 在表示客观事实和规律时,用一般现在时。如:China has the biggest population in the world

6、.世界上中国人口最多。(客观事实)The earth travels around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。(客观规律)(3)表示主语的特征和能力时,用一般现在时。如:She is a good girl.她是个好女孩。(特征)Jim can speak a little Chinese吉姆会讲一点汉语。(能力)2. 动词be( am,IS,are)的一般现在时用法(1)否定句在be( am,1S,are)后面加not构成。(2)-般疑问句将be( am,1S,are)置于主语之前。3. 行为动词的一般现在时用法(1)-般情况下(主语不是第三人称单数),肯定句中,用动词原形;否定句中则

7、在动词前加dont,再用动词原形;一般疑问句将助动词do置主语前。如:I go to school at 6:50 a.m.every day.我每天早上6:50上学。We dont like watching TV我们不喜欢看电视。Do they come from the USA?他们来自美国吗?(2)当主语是第三人称单数时,在肯定句中,动词要用第三人称单数形式,即动词原形后加s或es;否定结构在动词前加doesnt,动词用原形;一般疑问句中,把does放句首主语之前,动词也用原形。如:She wants to be a doctor when she grows up.她长大后想成为一名

8、医生。Tom doesnt like swimming.汤姆不喜欢游泳。Comic strip & Welcome to the unit基础巩固提优I. 词义匹配 把右边的词义与左边的单词匹配起来1. many a. not tall2. fish b. willing(愿意) to give help3. weekend c. a kind of animals that live in water4. polite d. to get pleasure(乐趣) from something5. short e. Saturday and Sunday6. enjoy f. have so

9、mething on ones body7. helpful g. having or showing good manners(举止)8. wear h. lots of,a lot ofII. 完成下列对话Andy: _ morning. Im Andy. Whats your _ ?Jacky: Im Jacky. _ you in my class,too?Andy: Yes. _ you like this school?Jacky: Yes. Very _. Its very beautiful. What _ you?Andy: Its the best school here,

10、l think.Jacky: And our class is the best class,too.Andy: Do you know _ is our English teacher?Jacky: Mr. Li teaches us English. He is a good teacher.Andy: Im happy to be a student here.Jacky:Me, _. Well,what _ is it now?Andy: Its _ past eleven nowJacky: Eleven thirty? Lets go to the dining room to h

11、ave lunch.Andy: Yes. Lets go.根据汉语提示填入适当单词,使句意完整。1.My name is Andy. I am a_(礼貌)boy.2. I like playing _(足球)3. I often go_(游泳)on Saturdays and Sundays.4.1 was _(出生)in Beijing.5. Im 14_(岁)old now.6. I am in_(年级)7 now.7. I like _(阅读)every day.8. He is Daniel. He is_(乐于助人)9. I have a_(堂兄弟)10. 1 will work

12、_ ( 努力). 句型转换 1. I would like to go with you this weekend.(改为一般疑问句) _you _to go with me this weekend?2. Im good at it(改为一般疑问句) _good at it?3. He is my friend(改为否定句) He _ my friend.4. I want to be your friend(改为一般疑问句) _you_to be my friend?5. She sits on my left(改为一般疑问句) _ she _ on your left76. She wo

13、rks hard.(对画线部分提问) _ she _?7. He is my deskmate(对画线部分提问) _ is he ?8. Hello! Im Millie.(改为同义句) Hello! _is Millie.9. You should take care of your cat(改为同义句) You should _ your cat. 10. I dont know how I can fly a kite.(改为同义句) I dont know how _ a kite.V. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列句子中的单词1. Tom is p_ and helpful.2.

14、Ann wants to b_ a doctor when she grows up.3. The children often s_ in the river.4. Mr. Hus bike is broken. He has to w_ home.5. Dont t_!Listen to me carefully.6. He often takes his dog for a w_.7. I cant find my rubber. Can I b_ your rubber?8. My favourite football p_ is David Beckham.9. Daniel is

15、a computer fan (迷). He e_ playing computer games.10. Li Hua likes r_ books.课外拓展提优1. Eddie has_ e-dog, and _ e-dogs name is Hobo. A. an, an B. the; an C. a, a D. an; the 2. Whats your name? _. A. Simon B. Yes, l am C. Your name is Tim D. No, Im Jill 3. -Im Millie. -Good afternoon! Im Helen. A. Good m

16、oming B. Goodbye C. Good afternoon D. Good night4. -John,you must go to bed now. -OK,Mum_ . A. Good moming B. Good evening C. Good night D. Good afternoon5. -Can you _ my dog for three days? -Yes, of course. A. look after B. look for C. look like D. look at6. When you meet your friend at 7 p. m., yo

17、u can say: _. A. Cood morning. B. Cood evening C. Good aftemoon D. Good night7. -Is she your master? - _ . A. Yes, she is B. No, she is C. Yes, she isnt D. Thats OK 8. I love _ every day. A. play football B. playing the football C. playing football D. to play the footballVII. 完形填空 Hello, everyone! I

18、 am in my new school now. I have some good _1_ here. They are all nice. Please come with me and _2_ them.First, the tall boy is Frank. Look at his blue _3_. He is from the USA. He lives _4_ his parents in Nanjing. Frank is a kind boy. He often helps with my English. He likes _5_. Yao Ming and Jordan

19、 are his idols (偶像) .And Kitty,a pretty girl,always smiles. She is a good student and she is good at all her _6_. She _7_ many books. We often study together.Leon is also my friend. He isnt tall. He doesnt like basketball. _8_ he likes football. He is _9_ the football team of our school.I am really

20、_10_ to have the three good friends.1. A. friends B. teachers C. boys D. girls2. A. say B. look C. hear D. meet3. A. hair B. eyes C. ears D. hands4. A. with B. for C. and D. to5. A. football B. basketball C. ping-pong D. badminton6. A. games B. lessons C. class D. Rooms7. A. sees B. watches C. reads

21、 D. hears 8. A. And B. So C. But D. Or9. A. for B. in C. at D. to10. A. happy B. Sad C. polite D. Sorry开放探究提优VIII. 根据短文内容填空Amy: I often play volleyball after school. I am good at it. A lot of girls in our class like volleyball. We have a good team. But I dont like football. I cant play football.Jack

22、y: I think badminton is very interesting. I usually play badminton for half an hour every day. And I often play badminton with my father on the court in our school. I dont like ping-pong.James: I am not good at ball games. I like swimming very much. I often swim in the swimming pool near my home.San

23、dy: Girls usually like volleyball. But I am different. I like playing football. I often go to the football field with boys. We enjoy playing football there.1. Amy likes _ . She doesnt like _ 2. Jacky likes playing _ . He often plays it with his _ 3. James doesnt like ball _ . He likes_ very much.4.

24、Sandy looks like a boy. She often goes to the football _ with boys. She says she is _ from _ other girls.Reading I词汇(A)根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。1. Susan was_ (出生)in Beijing and she lives in Beijing now.2. Some students are good at_ (游泳)in our class.3. Lucy is_(有礼貌)We all like her.4. My classmates st

25、udy_ (努力地)at school.5. Sandy likes_ (听)to music,but she doesnt sing well.(B)根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。6. David loves_ (play) basketball after school.7. Jill always wears_(glass) in English classes.8.I have some_ (hobby). Playing badminton is my favourite.9. Miss Green is very_ (help) and she often help

26、s me with my English.10. Millie is fourteen_(year) old this year. 根据句意,用英语完成下列句子1. My sister is _(在七年级八班). Millie is her classmate.2. You like reading _(在读书俱乐部)at the weekend,right?3. We like basketball, but we _(不擅长踢足球)4. The girl _(长有长长的黑发). She looks beautiful.5. My brother is_(十二岁了). He likes En

27、glish.6. I _(喜欢玩电脑游戏)very much.7. Dont _(听音乐)now. Lets do our homework.8. The students _(努力学习)at their lessons.9. _(放学以后), Kitty likes singing and dancing. 10. Susan and Sandy_(来自)America. 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空 1. -Do you enjoy_(run)? -No. But I like_(dance).2. - _(be) your mother a doctor? -No, she _ ( b

28、e)a teacher.3. your sister_( go) to work at 7:00 am ?4. Our teacher_(not have) classes on Sundays. 5. Kitty often_(do) her homework in the evening.6. Its too hot. Lets go_(swim).7. The girl wants _(play) games with you,Sandy.8. _( look) at the blackboard, Mary 1 99. Can Lin Tao _(watch)TV this eveni

29、ng?10. _( not do) that again, boys!. 句型转换1. He comes to school by bike every moming.(改为否定句) He_ to school by bike every morning.2. I listen to music in the evening. (改为一般疑问句) _listen to music in the evening?3. We have some good news for you(改为否定句) We _ good news for you.4. His father often goes to London.(改为一般疑问句) _ his father often_ to London?5. I can see the blackboard.(改为一般疑问句) _

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