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1、Chapter6商务谈判英语Chapter6 Business Negotiation Lets get stared让我们开始吧A: Perhaps we should start examining the obstacles也许我们应该从检查问题的阻碍点开始B: As far as I am concerned, we should be able to reach an agreement today.在我看来,我们今天应该可以达成协议A: Thats good to hear很高兴听到你这样说B: I think all the proper decision-makers are

2、here我想所有能做决定的人都在这里了A: I believe you are right, so lets get started.我想你是对的那么我们就开始吧B: Does everyone know everyone else?大家彼此都认识吧A: Lets go around the table and introduce ourselves 我们沿着座位顺序,大家自我介绍一下吧有事情先请教一下.Have something to ask you aboutA: I have something to ask you about.我有事先请教一下I have a friend in A

3、BC Corporation, our competitor. He told me confidence that they were approached by your company with respect to a possible strategic alliance. You had told me that your one and only candidate for an alliance is our company. I was shocked and disappointed to say the least在竞争对手ABC公司的一个朋友他有可靠消息证实他们与你们公

4、司策划联盟你们曾经对我方表示我们公司是贵方公司唯一的选择我只能说,我感到既震惊又失望A: I need an explanation from you on how we stand.我要求你们解释我们双方的这种关系B: I will not deny that we approached ABC. However, there is a logical explanation to it. Please listen to me.我不否认我们与ABC公司有接触,但是请允许我解释原因A: Go ahead. I will listen to what you have to say.请说,我会

5、听你们的理由B: Your company is our first and foremost candidate. No question about that. But we were not sure whether your company would be receptive to our proposal. In order to survive, it is imperative for us to form an alliance with an overseas company So, we had to hedge our bet, by putting out bets,

6、 by putting out feelers to the second best candidate. As far as I remember, I may have said that you are the first candidate but did not say you are the only.贵公司我们的头号选择是毫无疑问的但是,我们不确定贵公司是否接受我们的提议为了分散风险我们被迫与海外的公司合作.因此,我们不得不避开负担试图与第二候补公司接触为此如果我记得没错我曾经表示你们是第一侯选但并非唯一选择A: Are you going to negotiation para

7、llel with the two companies?你们与两个公司同时谈判?B: As soon as we reach a basic understanding with you, we will cease all discussions with ABC. This I promise you.一旦我们与公司取得基本共识我们会停止与ABC的谈判B: Good, then , we will be back on the right track.好,这样的话,让我们继续我们原来的谈判2.During the Process of Negotiation谈判过程中There May B

8、e Some Truth in What You Say你的话也许有些道理Now, Mr. Liu, we have gone to far off the point, lets return to the topic of commission, shall we?甲:刘先生,我们现在已经离题太远了,让我们回到佣金的话题上,好吗?B:Thats just what I was going to propose.乙:我也正想提出这个建议。A: Honestly, Mr. Liu, the rate of commission you are going to grant us is far

9、to small.甲:老实说,刘先生,您给我们的佣金率太低了。B:But that exactly the same we pay to other agents. Any increase would have to be put onto the price and make it less competitive. Moreover, when other customers. It would then be very embarrassing.乙:可是我们付给其他代理商的佣金也是这么多。增加的任何佣金都会加到价格上,从而使价格的竞争力下降。而且,其他客户如果知道的话,他们很可能会提出

10、疑问的,那样就很尴尬。A:That I know. But then, they have established their markets while we have to star from the very beginning. Besides, its a new product. We shall have to spend a lot of money on adverting.甲:这我知道。不过到那时,他们都已经有了巩固的市场,而我们却从头开始。另外,这是一项新产品,我们得花很多钱来做广告。B:That may be some true in what you say. But

11、 your ten percent is far from being acceptable.已:您说的也许有些道理。但您提出的10%太高了,我们难以接受。A: Could we make a compromise? Allow a higher rate far a contain period, say six months. What would you say to that?甲:我们可以折中一下吗?在一定的时期内,比如说,6个月,给我们一个较高的佣金率。您看怎么样?B: That sounds more practical. But I cant decide it for the

12、moment. I have to get confirmation from my head office.乙:听起来比较可行,但我们现在无法决定。我必须得到总公司的认可才可以答复您。A: When can you give me a definite answer?甲:您什么时候可以给我们一个明确的答复呢?B: Will you come round tomorrow afternoon? I think Ill be able to inform you of the results by then.乙:您明天下午会来吗?我想到那时我就可以告诉您结果了。A:OK.好吧。We are st

13、ill at the Get-acquainted Stage我们仍然处在相互了解阶段A: Im very interesting in the newly-designed hand tools on display in your show-room.甲:我对你们陈列室内展出的新式手工器具很感兴趣。B: Thank you very much for you high comments on our products. Do you think theyll be popular in Australia.乙:谢谢你对我们产品的赞赏,你认为这种产品在澳洲会会欢迎吗?A:Products w

14、ith good quality ensure good sales. To market your products effectively in our market you need the services of a well-established firm.甲:高质量的产品往往好销。为了在我们的市场有效地销售你们的产品,你们需要有一家市场基础牢固的公司为你们服务。B: You mean you want to act as our agent?乙:你是说要做我们的代理?A:Thats right!甲:对B:Well, I must say this is little surpri

15、se to us. Weve had only one year of business between us. Though, we are quite satisfied with your efforts to push the get-acquainted stage. So we dont think it advisable to consider the matter of agency at present.乙:说实话,我们对此略感吃惊。我们之间业务往来只有一年,虽然我们对你方为推销我们的手工器具所做的努力颇感满意。但我们还处于相互了解阶段,因此我们认为考虑代理的实际还不成熟。

16、A: As a leading importer of hand tools in the local market, we have excellent business connections and our reputation is second to none.甲:作为当地市场的手工器具主要进口商,我们有着优越的业务关系和一流的声誉。B: We are appreciate very much your intention to push the sales of our product. But these hand tools are newly-designed models

17、to market successfully. We suggest that you should try our Box Socket Sets first and do a little research of the market at the same time.乙:非常感谢你们要推销我方产品的好意,但这是些新式产品,通常成功的将新产品推向市场需要一定的时间,我们建议你们先试销我们的套筒扳手,童哪个是做些市场调查。A: How long would the trial time be?甲:试销期多长?B: 12 months. If you have achieved market

18、success, well take your proposal for agency into consideration.12个月,如果你方有显著的成绩,我们再考虑你所提的代理建议。3. Tone of discussion谈判语气Obtaining information试探信息What is your interest on the new car loan?你们的新车贷款利率是多少?Our lowest rate is 12.5 percents in your case像你这样的情况,我们的最低利率是12.5%Well. Thats a bit high. Thank you ve

19、ry much是吗?有点儿高。谢谢你!Let me ask you few more questions to see if we can lower it for you.让我问你一些问题,看看我们是否能为你降低一点儿What else would you like to know?你还想知道什么呢?How many years would you need to pay off the loan?你打算多少年吧贷款还清?That depends on how much the payments are.那要看每个月要付多少钱而定了The interest rate drops when y

20、ou pay it offer a shorter time.你再较短的时间内还清的话,利率就可以降低Giving suggestions提出建议Id like to know the details about the packing of your toys我想详细了解一下贵方玩具的包装情况OK. We usually use boxes for toys.Please look here. This is a sample packing好的。我们通常用箱子来装玩具。请看,这是一个包装样品。The packing looks very nice. Im satisfied with th

21、e design, but I hope you can make some improvement in the color包装看起来很漂亮,我很满意它的设计。但是我希望你们可以在颜色上做一些改进。OK. Your specific ideas of how to improve the packing would be appreciated好的。请你说一下改进包装的具体想法,我们将非常感激Fine. Here are my suggestions for the packing好的,这是我们关于包装的建议Would you give it to the manufacturers for

22、 reference?你能将其交给制造商作为参考吗?Ill send it to our manufacturers at once我马上就将它交给我们的制造商Now, what about the outer packing?那么外包装是怎么样的呢?We plan to use cardboard boxes with iron straps for reinforcement.我们打算使用纸板箱,并用皮条进行加固Are you sure that such packing is suitable for transport by sea?你确定这种包装适合海运吗?You may rest

23、assured of that. So for, no customers have complained about our outer packing.你尽管放心,目前为止还没有客户投诉过我们的外包装Im glad to hear that. By the way, do you accept neutral packing?我很高兴听到这些。顺便问一下,你们接受中性包装吗?Yes, we can pack the goods according to your instructions.是的,我们可能根据你们呢的要求给货物进行包装Very good. Im now totally sat

24、isfied with your packing.非常好,现在我对你们的包装完全满意4 Closing the DiscussionDismissing the Meeting要求散会A: If no one wishes to add anything further.如果没有人要再提意见的话,Perhaps we can bring this meeting to a close.也许我们可以结束这次会谈了。B: Yes. I agree, but there is one more thing that needs to be discussed.是的。我同意,但还是有一件事情必须要讨论

25、一下。A: And whats that?那是什么呢?B: When shall we meet again?我们几时会再见面呢?A: Yes, thats a good question.对,问得好。We do need to schedule a time and place.我们真的需要谈一下时间和地点。B: How about this same place.就在这相同的地点如何?A: Yes. Lets meet here at same point after the holiday.好。那我们在节日过后,找个时间在这里会面吧。B: I will give you a call w

26、hen I get back into town.我休完假回来会给你打个电话。Establishing Future Contact保留将来联络机会A: I need to compare these numbers with the ones I left in the office.我必须把这些数字跟我留在办公室里的数字比较一下。B: Sure. When can we talk again?当然。那我们几时可以再会谈?A: Any time after the Chinese New Year. I am going home.过完春节的任何时间都可以。我要回家过节。B: Really? Wheres home?真的吗?家住在哪里呢?A: Taiwan. Actually, I can call you from there.。事实上,我可以从台湾打电话给你。B: Grade. Ill look forward to hearing from you same time around the Chinese New Year then.太好了。那我就在春节左右等着听你的消息了。A: Ill be in touch.我会同你联络的。

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