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1、英语高考英语阅读理解社会文化真题汇编含答案【英语】高考英语阅读理解(社会文化)真题汇编(含答案)一、高中英语阅读理解社会文化类1阅读理解 At one time or another in your life you have probably done origami, even if it was just making a paper airplane or something more complicated like a paper crane. The chances are that as you did it, you reflected on how inventive th

2、is traditional art is. Animals, boxes, flowers, boats: it all can be created from a single square or rectangular sheet of paper simply by folding it. No cutting, no pasting. But did you ever stop to think how the same techniques might be applied to engineering? Equipment that could be of real practi

3、cal use? Origami meets the demand for things that need to be small when transported and large when they arrive, like the everyday umbrella. In fact, origami-inspired creations have already flown in space; in 1995, Japanese engineers launched a satellite with solar panels that folded like a map. Its

4、now mathematically proven that you can pretty much fold anything, says physicist Robert J. Lang, who quit his engineering job eight years ago to fold things full time. Lang, an origami enthusiast since age six, advised a advised well-known ear manufacturer the best way to fold an airbag into a dashb

5、oard. He is currently working on a space telescope lens that, if all goes according to plan, should be able to unfold to the size of a football field. At the other end of the scale, researchers are also working on tiny folding devices that could lead to breakthroughs in medicine and computing. There

6、s no doubt that computers of the future may contain tiny, folded motors or capacitors for faster processing and better memory. Applications for origami engineering go further than many of us might imagine. Some day, says MITs Erik Demaine, well build reconfigurable (可重构的) robots that can fold on the

7、ir own from one thing into another, like Transformers. Too much like science fiction to be true? Maybethough you certainly wouldnt want to bet against it.(1)What do we know about origami? A.It consumes lots of time.B.It involves interesting ideas.C.It requires complex techniques.D.It has to do with

8、cutting and pasting.(2)Which of the following is an application of origami? A.A space telescope lens can be folded to the size of an umbrella.B.A satellite is equipped with solar panels and a folded map.C.An airbag can be better folded into a dashboard of a car.D.A future computer contains many huge

9、 folded motors.(3)What is Erik Demaines attitude towards origami engineering? A.HopefulB.Doubtful.C.Disapproving.D.Ambiguous.(4)In which section of a newspaper may this text appear? A.Entertainment.B.Culture.C.Education.D.Pop-science.【答案】 (1)B(2)C(3)A(4)D 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,折纸是一种具有创造性的传统艺术,而现在它已经被应用到技

10、术工程领域,人们利用折纸原理创造出了很多可折叠的装置。折纸工程将在很大程度上影响未来的医药、计算机和机器人行业。 (1)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“The chances are that as you did it, you reflected on how inventive this traditional art is. Animals, boxes, flowers, boats: it all can be created from a single square or rectangular sheet of paper simply by folding it. No cut

11、ting, no pasting.”可知,折纸是一个具有创造性的传统艺术,我们不用裁剪或拼贴,只通过折叠就可以把一张正方形或者三角形的纸变成动物、纸盒、花、船等东西,由此推测折纸需要有创造性的和有趣的想法。故选B。 (2)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Lang, an origami enthusiast since age six, advised a well-known ear manufacturer the best way to fold an airbag into a dashboard.”可知折纸爱好者Lang向一位制造商建议了把安全气囊折叠到仪表盘中的最佳方式。故选C。 (

12、3)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“Applications for origami engineering go further than many of us might imagine”可知Erik Demaine认为折纸工程的应用远远超出了我们的想象,由此可推测Erik Demaine对折纸工程的未来充满希望。故选A。 (4)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“in 1995, Japanese engineers launched a satellite with solar panels that folded like a map.”;第三段中的“Lang, an origami en

13、thusiast since age six, advised a advised well-known ear manufacturer the best way to fold an airbag into a dashboard.”; 第四段中的“Theres no doubt that computers of the future may contain tiny, folded motors or capacitors for faster processing and better memory. ”和第五段中的“Some day, says MITs Erik Demaine,

14、 well build reconfigurable (可重构的) robots that can fold on their own from one thing into another, like Transformers.”可知卫星,安全气囊的折叠,未来电脑的发展和未来可重构机器人,这些都和科学技术相关,故推测本文很有可能出现在报纸的科学板块。故选D。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解和推理判断两个题型的考查,是一篇文化类阅读,考生需要准确捕捉细节信息,根据上下文进行逻辑推理,从而选出正确答案。2阅读理解 In Korea, it is rude to wear shoes inside

15、someones house because it is considered dirty. In Saudi Arabia, you should not bring food to someones house because taking food or drink suggests that you think the host cannot afford the meal. More and more people around the world are travelling abroad to study, to go on vacation, or to work, and w

16、hile it can be a great way to learn about other cultures, there may be times when travelers accidentally annoy their host. The same gesture can have very different meanings in different countries. The gesture meaning OK in the United States means something completely different in Brazil as Ella Yao

17、discovered. Ella had travelled to Brazil to study and was living with a host family. During dinner, her host asked Ella if she was enjoying the meal. Because her mouth was full of food, Ella made a sign with her hand that to her meant OK. Although Ella meant the food was good, this symbol in Brazili

18、an culture is extremely rude and her host was deeply annoyed. While travelling in Thailand, Elizabeth Brown learned that there are differences in food in the United States and Thailand. She stopped at a small, family-owned restaurant in Chiang Mai and ordered spring rolls. She was really enjoying ea

19、ting them until she got the last one and noticed that there was an insect inside. She complained to the server. Later, she discovered that although insects are disgusting to most Americans, they are considered a delicacy(佳肴) in some countries. All these mistakes can be avoided with some research on

20、cultural differences before you go abroad. However, if you do accidentally annoy someone, quickly apologize, and learn from your mistake.(1)For what reason did Ella make her host angry?A.She spoke with her mouth full.B.Her host misunderstood her gesture.C.She didnt like the meal her host prepared.D.

21、Her host didnt like using body language.(2)What happened to Elizabeth Brown in a Thai restaurant?A.She ate an insect.B.She was badly treated.C.She argued with the server.D.She learned insects are welcome there.(3)What may be the best title for the text?A.What mattersB.When in RomeC.How to be politeD

22、.Why make mistakes【答案】 (1)B(2)D(3)B 【解析】【分析】这是一篇关于风俗文化的文章。文章介绍了在韩国穿着鞋子在家里是不礼貌的和OK这个手势在美国和巴西的不同以及泰国的饮食文化,告诉我们为了避免误会一定要学会你所想去国家的文化即入乡随俗,如果我们不小心触碰到了他们的文化要立刻道歉并改正。(1)细节理解题。根据第二段中Because her mouth was full of food, Ella made a sign with her hand that to her meant OK. Although Ella meant the food was good

23、, this symbol in Brazilian culture is extremely rude and her host was deeply annoyed.可知,她因为嘴里有东西故用手势表示OK,但这个手势在主人所在国家是非常粗鲁的意思,所以主人生气是因为误会了她,故选B。(2)细节理解题。根据第三段Later, she discovered that although insects are disgusting to most Americans, they are considered a delicacy(佳肴) in some countries.可知,昆虫在一些国家也

24、是佳肴,故选D。注意A项错误,文章是说She was really enjoying eating them until she got the last one and noticed that there was an insect inside.她发现有只昆虫在春卷里,并没有提到她吃了昆虫。(3)主旨大意题。本文讲了不同国家有不同的风俗,并告诉我们要入乡随俗,故B项“When in Rome,Do as the Romans Do”即入乡随俗,适合作文章题目。3阅读理解 Guess what former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, Fac

25、ebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and United States president Donald Trumps granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, have in common? They both study Chinese as a second language. Although Chinese is known as one of the hardest languages to learn, a lot of people from different backgrounds are studying it with hopes

26、 of big benefits. Nov 2 saw more than 120 people, coming from 105 countries, compete in the finals of the 12th Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition for foreign secondary school students. Held in Zhengzhou, Henan province, the finals was mainly made up of speech contests and talent shows. T

27、he contestants also visited the Shaolin Temple, Longmen Grottoes and other historical sites in Henan. While reasons for learning Chinese were different, a common one was interest in the countrys rich culture and rapid development. Raissa, 17, from the Union of the Comoros, developed a strong emotion

28、al connection with China after her grandmother was cured by doctors of the Chinese medical team in Africa three years ago. This led her to learn Chinese at a local Confucius Institute. Fascinated by Chinese culture, the competitor has taken part in activities on traditional Chinese medicine and folk

29、 arts during her first trip to China. My dream is to study medicine in China so that I could cure patients like the Chinese doctors did, she said. For Fekete Marcell Zoltan, 17, from the Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School, studying Chinese may secure him a future job as a Hungarian diplomat(外交官) to

30、China. After graduation from high school, I would like to further my studies in China, he said. Robert Davis, director of the Chinese-language program in Chicagos public school system, may give you a hint. Chinese isnt the new French. Its the new English, which is widely used all over the world. he

31、told CGTN.(1)Why are Mark Zuckerberg and Arabella Kushner mentioned in paragraph one? A.To show Chinese is popular.B.To introduce them to the readers.C.To tell the readers they love China.D.To stress the importance of learning Chinese.(2)The underlined word Fascinated in paragraph 6 can be replaced by _. A.AttractedB.EmployedC.InspectedD.Appreciated(3)What is the common reason for the competitors to learn

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