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新译林英语3B Unit7 On the farm赛课 教案.docx

1、新译林英语3B Unit7 On the farm赛课 教案译林版英语(三年级下册) Unit 7 On the farm (第一课时) Teaching plan教学内容Story time教学目标1、知识目标:1. 能听懂、会读、会说pig,cow。2. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写apple,pear。3. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语Welcome to.What are these/those? Theyre. Are these/those.? Yes./No. Theyre.2、能力目标:1. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。2. 能初步运用本课所学的

2、词汇和日常用语询问确认远近处的物品。三、情感目标:1. 培养学生学习英语的兴趣,树立学习自信心。2. 激发学生热爱大自然的情感。3. 培养学生相互合作的意识。教学重点1. 能听懂、会读、会说pig,cow。2. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写apple,pear。3. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语Welcome to.what are these/those? Theyre. Are these/those.? Yes./No. Theyre.教学难点1.单词由单数向复数的转变。2.单词welcome中-come /km/的发音。3.Theyre. 的发音。4.these与those的区分。教学过程S

3、tep 1 : Greeting & Warm up1.GreetingT : Boys and girls. Are you ready for class?Ss : Yes.T : Class begins. OK. Boys and girls, you all know that Im your new English teacher, Miss Tang. But I dont know you well. Can you introduce yourself to me?S1 : Im XXX.T : Nice to meet you.S1 : Nice to meet you t

4、oo.(两三个学生后)T : Today I want to tell you that if I say “Nice to meet you.”to you, you can also answer me“Nice to meet you.”teach : Nice to meet you.(设计意图:在free talk轻松愉快的氛围内教授新句型,又能应景的操练句型,达到现学现用的目标。)2.Sing a songT : Oh, you are so friendly. Today I bring a present for you. Lets sing a song together.S

5、s : Ss sing the song “Ali Babas Farm”(设计意图:在唱歌时拍手并同桌间相互做动作。这首歌曲曲调欢快,歌词中还包含了本课需要新授的两个单词pig,cow,同时能创设情境On the farm,为后面的教学做铺垫。)Step 2 : Presentation1. 揭示课题T : Do you like this song? Look! Whos he?S : Hes Ali Baba.T : Yes. Hes a farmer. He has a very big farm. teach : farm ar /:/ /:/ car farm /m/ /m/ fa

6、rmT : Do you want to visit his farm?Ss : Yes!T : Lets say : Go to the farm. Go. Go. Go.T : Where are we now?S : We are on the farm. teach : on the farm (板书上布置栅栏和树)T : Today we will learn “Unit 7 On the farm ”2. T : Boys and girls, what can you see on the farm?S : I can see some s.(设计意图:这里利用一个Brain s

7、torm的环节,能够激发学生对于动物与水果的旧知,并让学生初步感知复数的用法。)T : You can see many animals and fruits on the farm. And I can see Ali Baba. Listen! What does he say to us?S : Welcome to my farm. teach : Welcome to my farm. /e/ /e/ wel / / come welcomeT : If you are the little dog(cat), what will you say?S1 : Welcome to my

8、 farm, woof, woof. Welcome to my farm, miaow, miaow. (设计意图:通过学生扮演小狗小猫来说欢迎语,富有童趣,又能让学生体验说英语的乐趣。)3. T : You learn very well. This time Ill play a magic for you. (做猪的手影2遍) Whats this?S : Its a pig. teach : pig, pigs Theyre pigs.4. T : Guys, what are these? (出示被草遮住的猪) teach : these, these, what are thes

9、e? Play a ball game 操练 What are these?(设计意图:三年级学生注意力集中时间不长,通过ball game,能很好的操练句型,同时也大大增加了操练的趣味性。)5.T : Lets keep on moving. Look! What are those? teach : those, those. What are those?T : We need a telescope. Please hold your telescopes and say“What are those”together.(设计意图:因为牛群在远处,这里出示一个望远镜,并让孩子作势举着望

10、远镜看望远镜中的牛一次次变大,更能突显those表示远处,突破难点those。)T : Theyre cows.teach : cows hownowcow6.Lets chant : Read after me Boys-Girls Read it together with the music(设计意图:chant节奏感强,琅琅上口,有助于学生巩固所学内容,还能加深记忆,激 发学生的学习兴趣。这个chant中,包含了th /的发音,也能帮助学生突破这一学习难点。)7.Ask and answerT : Good job. You can enjoy the beautiful scener

11、y on the farm. Please work in pairs. And do ask and answer. S1 : What are these/those? S2 : Theyre. Step 3 : Story Time 1.Watch and answerT : Liu Tao and Mike visit a farm too.Q : Whose farm is it?S : Its Liu Taos grandpas farm.T : How do you know?S : “Welcome to my farm” Act picture one2.Watch and

12、chooseT : Go on watching the cartoon and try to choose the animals and fruits that mentioned in the story.S : Pigs, cows, apples, pears.(设计意图:这里可以带领学生初步感知文本,听清文中提到的动物与水果。)复述课文图2图33.Learn to sayT : They keep going. This time they go to the fruit garden. Look! What are these? You can use“Are these .”t

13、o guess. teach : Are these s?S1 : Are these apples? S2,3.Ss : Yes! Theyre apples.teach : an apple, apples Can you read like this? apples? these apples? are these apples? (语调的操练)T : Go on. Look! Another tree.What are those on the tree? Heres a riddle.You can use“Are those s?”to guess.teach : Are thos

14、e s?S1 S2 S3 : Are those pears?S : Yes! Theyre pears.teach: a pear, pearsT : Guys, Im a little hungry. Do you want to have a rest under the tree? What are those?S1 : Are those s?Ss : Yes./No. Theyre.(最后引出一本书)4.Listen and underlineT:1. Open the book and turn to P45. 2. Take out your rulers. 3. Find t

15、he questions that mentioned apples and underline. T : Got it?S1 : Are these apples?Are those apples too?T : “too “means“也”。Why Mike asks“Are those apples too?”S : 距离远,梨也是绿的。(读书图4图5并模仿语调)5.Try to read Read after the tape (tip1 注意指读) Read after me(标音调)(tip2 注意语音语调) Read story time together6.Read in ro

16、les7.Try to retell(根据板书复述课文)8.Make a dialogue(设计意图:请学生根据自己绘画的开心农场设计对话。此处的教学为学生们“换了个房间”,创设了情境,灵活运用今天所学的知识。)Step 4:SummaryT : Today we visit grandpas farm. On the farm, these are pigs and apples. Those are cows and pears. And we can use these sentences to ask and answer, Are you happy today?Ss : Yes!T

17、 : Im glad to hear that. Heres your homework.Copy the new words. (抄写新单词。)Read Story time after the tape. (跟录音朗读课文。)Go on drawing the happy farm and introduce the farm to your parents. (继续画开心农场并向父母介绍农场。)Step 5:EndingT : Guys, May Day Holiday is coming soon. You can visit other farms. Herere some farms in Wuxi, lets enjoy it.(欣赏一些农场图片)T : Love nature. Enjoy the beauty of nature.教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:自制单词卡片,句型条,球,草帽,农场栅栏和树,学生的农场体验作业板书设计:Unit 7 On the farmFruits pears apples pigs cowsAnimals

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