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人教版英语七年级下册unit 1 can you play the guitar 教案.docx

1、人教版英语七年级下册unit 1 can you play the guitar 教案七年级英语(下册)教学进度表周次时间教学内容节数备注第一周3.23.6Unit 1(1)2第二周3.93.13Unit 1(2-4)4第三周3.163.20Unit 24第四周3.233.27Unit 3(1-3)4第五周3.304.3Unit 3(4) Unit 4(1-2)4第六周4.64.10Unit 4(3-4)3第七周4.134.17Unit 44第八周4.204.24Unit 54第九周4.275.1Unit 63第十周5.45.8期中考试4第十一周5.115.15Unit 74第十二周5.185

2、.22Unit 84第十三周5.255.29Unit94第十四周6.16.5Unit 104第十五周6.86.12Unit 104第十六周6.156.19Unit 114第十七周6.226.26Unit 123第十八周6.297.3Unit 124第十九周7.67.10复习4第二十周7.137.17期末考试七年级英语(下册)教学工作计划本学期,我担任七|年级英语的教学工作,为了做好本学期的教学工作,下面是我对本学期七年级英语|教学工作所拟定的计划。 一、学生情况简析|七年级共两个班,大部分学生学习目的明确,学习态度端正,掌握了英|语学习的一些基本方法,能够积极主动认真地学习,学|习成绩较好。但

3、还有少部分学生没有明确学习目的,缺少学习的|热情和主动性,自觉性和自控力都较差,相应的|学习习惯也差。,学生觉得英语学习是一种负担,而不是一种乐趣。|一部分学生没有掌握记忆单词的方法,连基本的单词|听写也不过关,导致看不懂,听不懂,学不懂。 二、教材总体分析 七年级下册英语共十二个单元,另|外还有两个复习单元,每个单元都列出明确的语言目标,主|要的功能项目与语法结构,需要学生掌握的基本词汇,|并分为A、B两部分。A部分以一副展示新功能在实际生活中运用的图画|开篇。该图引出了学生在操练新语言时需要用到的重点词汇。所|有重点单词都在图画中描绘出来,因此学生不需解释或翻译就能理解它|们。新的表达方式

4、呈现在人物头上的气泡中,从而使学|生很容易理解和操练新语言。B部分在循环A部分所呈现的语言|同时引出新的词汇。同时,B部分的活动帮助学生整合新的|目标语言和前面单元学过的语言。这一循环强|化了前面的语言学习,同时为新学语言提供了更多的操练机会。 三、教学目标1、词汇方面:掌握本册教材中的词汇,学会根据单词的|读音规则去记忆单词,掌握单词,词组的用法。2|、语言结构方面:学会谈论人们的国籍,居住城市,学会询问及表达某一场|所的位置,学会描述动物,表达喜好并陈述原因,学会谈|论自己与他人的职业,学会谈论人们正在做的事|情,描述并谈论天气,表达自己对天气的喜好及原因,描述某人的外貌特征,订餐或点菜|

5、,表达过去发生的事情,交流对某人,某事,某物的看法等。3、语法知识方|面: 掌握一般现在时与现在进行时的构成|形式与用法,一般运去时的构成形式与用法,祈使句的用法,情|态动词“can的用法,there be 结构的用法,介词的用法|。 四、方法与措施1、. 加强词汇教学。2|、认真贯彻早读制度:规定早读内容,加强监督,保证早读效果。3、基本的|语法教学一定要与语境相结合。进行语法操练时,要坚持“四位一体”,即|话题、语境、结构、功能相结合。抓住话题,联系语境,确定语法结构,明|确语法功能(交际功能)。要重视语法知识对于培养语言运用功能的基础作|用,又要注重改革教法。课堂上一定要有生动活泼的教学

6、活动。枯燥的题海战术已|不能适应现今的英语教学。4、加强交际用语教学。用|英语进行交际是英语教学的根本目标。在教学语言功能项目时,|要尽量避免格式化,不能限制学生的思维能力,要培|养学生灵活运用语言的应变能力。5、进一步培养阅读能力。阅读能力的培养是英语|教学的又一重点。阅读能力的培养在于平时。教师在平时讲解阅|读理解题时,应着力帮助学生分析语言材料,而|不是核对答案。6、坚持形成性评价制度,给学生鼓励、表扬|,不使用消极的语言打击学生;7、 对后进生进行专门辅导,制定|合适的学习评价方法,让他们树立学习的自信;8、 加强|对学生学习策略的指导,让他们找到适合自己的学习方法。Uint 1 Ca

7、n you play the guitar?课题Can you play the guitar?课时第一课时课型新授课修订与补充教学目标知识与技能1 学习重点词汇:dan|ce, swim,sing,play,chess paint,speakJapanese, play the guitar,|art music,guitar, drum,pi|ano,trumpet,violin2 掌握情态动|词 can 的肯定句和否定句、情态动词can 的一|般疑问句、特殊疑问句及肯否定回答;3 学会制作招聘广告过程与方法1. 学会运用情态动词谈论自己的喜好与意愿;2. 运用情态动词can 谈论自己在某

8、一方面所具备的才能;3. 成立同学们自己喜爱的各种俱乐部并为其制作海报。情感态度与价值观通过实践让学生体验学习英语的乐趣,并能勇于展示自己的才|能,通过小组活动谈论彼此的特长与爱好。指导学习积极与他人|交流,相互学习,相互帮助,培养团队精神。教学重点1.-Can yo|u dance ? - Yes ,I can ./No ,I can|t .2.-What club do you want to joi|n?-I want to join the music clu|b. 3.-What can you do ? -I can play the piano.4-Why do you w|an

9、t to join the club ?-Because its interesting .教学难点情态动词can的肯定句、否定句和疑问句的构成。教学方法情景教学法教具、课件多媒体,磁带,录音机教学过程教学内容Step1 Leading-in1. Present the new language .A: I li|ke playing basketball. I can play basketball. Can you/your sister /yo|ur friends play basketball|?B: Yes, I /she/they can. No, I /she/they can

10、t.Perf|orm actions or show |cards to present some other ver|bs such as dance ,swim ,play the g|uitar .paint ,speak English , play chess etc .2.Let the students practice the conversations in groups. |Talk about their abilities. A: What can you do?B: I canStep2 exericeTask 1 : What can they do ? Match

11、 and listen( 1a ,1b)Task 2 :|Memory game : What ca|n he do ?Step3 presentation1. Pre|sent the target language . T:I can swim ,so I want to join the swimming club . And also I find there are a lot of |different clubs here , Can you na|me them ?从而呈现出各类俱乐部的名称。Such as. Art club ,English club,Sw|imming c

12、lub ,Chess Club ,|Dancing Club ,and Guitar Club .(write t|he clubs on the Bb )T: What club do yo|u want to join ? (helps the Ss answer ) Ss : I want to join the |music club T: Can you sing ?|Ss: Yes, I can / No ,I cant 2. |Let the students practi|ce the conversations in pair|s .3. let the Ss act 4.

13、Listen to the |tape. Circle the clubs.5. |Listen to the tape again ,Fill in |the blanks.Step4 1. If you want t|o join a club ,what questions can |you answer /can they ask? a. Whats your name ?b. What club d|o you want to join ? c. What can you do ?d. Why do you want to jo|in the club?2. Divide the c

14、lass into |several groups .They stand for d|ifferent clubs .Every g|roup chooses two students as club leaders ,the others |are volunteers who want t|o join the clubs .当堂练习 练习对话 T: What can you do?/ Can you sin|g?S: I can play the guitar.T: What club do you want to join?S: I want to join |the music c

15、lub.T: What about yo|u?(to the other students)拓展延伸课后作业设计Make a survey with the drill” C|an you?”板书设计课后反思课题Can you play the guitar?课时第二课时课型新授课修订与补充教学目标知识与技能1 学习重点词汇:dance, s|wim,sing,play,chess paint,sp|eakJapanese, play the guitar,art m|usic,guitar, drum,piano,trump|et,violin2 掌握情态动词 can |的肯定句和否定句、情

16、态动词can 的一般疑问句、特殊疑|问句及肯否定回答;3 学会制作招聘广告过程与方法1. 学会运用情态动词谈论自己的喜好与意愿;2. 运用情态动词can 谈论自己在某一方面所具备的才能;3. 成立同学们自己喜爱的各种俱乐部并为其制作海报。情感态度与价值观通过实践让学生体验学习英语的乐|趣,并能勇于展示自己的才能,通过小组活动谈论彼此的特长与爱好。指导学习积极与他|人交流,相互学习,相互帮助,培养团队精神。教学重点1.-Ca|n you dance ? - Yes ,I can ./No ,I |cant .2.-What club do you wan|t to join?-I want to

17、 join the m|usic club. 3.-What can you do ? -I can play the piano.4-Why do you want to j|oin the club ?-Because its interesting .教学难点情态动词can的准确使用教学方法情景教学法教具、课件多媒体,磁带,录音机教学过程教学内容Step1 :warming upActivity 1:(1) Daily gre|etings to the students(日常问候) Activity 2(2) Revision(复习) T: (从复习中来)What can you do

18、?/ Can yo|u sing? S: I can play the guitar.T: What club do you want to join?S: I want to join t|he music club.T: What about you?(t|o the other students)Ask individual students.Step 2:Presatation T: Today we are going to |be the manager of the club . |We have to inlarge our member of our club . 1.To

19、tell w|hat we can do in different cl|ubs2.Interview 3.good hearing Step 3:Group work. (Work on 3|b)(完成P61,3b的对话部分)T: Work on gro|ups of four. Make up similar conv|ersations. Please write down the ans|wers in the form.(First do a sam|ple with a student)Namecanwell not well Li LeiswimMarysingStep 4:Gr

20、oupworkT: Now you are mi|ddle school students. You c|an swim You can sing|. You can do many things. But they |cant. They are only kids.(show a picture of a group of k|ids to the students) They are goi|ng to Beidaihe. But there ar|ent enough teachers. Are you g|ood with kids? Do you want to |join the

21、m? Can you hel|p them? Please look at the ad o|n page 61 part 4. Suppose one of you a|re the headmaster of the kindergarten Please make a|n interview with your part|ner. Then take turns. (Give them five minutes) Then ask some pairs or gro|ups to act out their interviews.|Ask other students to listen

22、 to th|e interviews carefully and |ask some questions about the interviews. Such as: Have they found someone for the job|? Why? What can they do? What cant they do?Step6:总结Grammar Focus(语法总结)Use the sent|ences on the blackboa|rd to do the grammar fo|cus.情态动词can小结:后面总是接动词原形,没有|人称和数的变化.意思是”能,会”.用法口诀:|

23、情动can表能力,和行为动词不分离.不管主语如何变, can的模样永不变.只要出现情动can,动词原形后面站.一般疑问can提前,否定can后not添.当堂练习Read the coner|sation on the book拓展延伸Make a s|urvey after class according to 2c on pa|ge 2课后作业设计1.They can play basketball after class.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答.)_they_ |basketball after class?_,they_._,they_.2.Liu Lin can s|in

24、g in English.(改为否定句)Liu Lin_ _|_in English. Homework:板书设计课后反思课题Can you play the guitar?课时第三课时课型新授课修订与补充教学目标知识与技能1 学习重点词汇:dance, swim|,sing,play,chess paint,speakJap|anese, play the guitar,art music,guit|ar, drum,piano,trumpet,violin2 掌握情态动|词 can 的肯定句和否定句、情态动词ca|n 的一般疑问句、特殊疑问句及肯否定回答;3 学会制作招聘广告过程与方法1.

25、 学会运用情态动词谈论自己的喜好与意愿;2. 运用情态动词can 谈论自己在某一方面所具备的才能;3. 成立同学们自己喜爱的各种俱乐部并为其制作海报。情感态度与价值观通过实践让学|生体验学习英语的乐趣,并能勇于展示自己的才能,通过小|组活动谈论彼此的特长与爱好。指导学习积极与他人交流|,相互学习,相互帮助,培养团队精神。教学重点1.-Can you dance ? - Yes ,I can ./No ,|I cant .2.-What clu|b do you want to join?-I want to join the music c|lub. 3.-What can you do ?

26、-I can play the piano.4-Why do you want to |join the club ?-Because its interesting .教学难点情态动词can的准确使用教学方法情景教学法教具、课件多媒体,磁带,录音机教学过程教学内容Step1 RevisionI ca|n, but I cant I want |to join the(Ask some stud|ents to make a sentence.)sing |music club dance dancing club swim swimmin|g clubspeak English Englis

27、h c|lubplay the guitar guita|r club paint art clubplay chess chess clubplay basketball basketball clubplay |ping-pong ping-pon|g clubStep 2:Presentation让学生听乐器声音,猜测是哪种乐器,进入到对新单词的学习。(pl|ay the guitar, play the trumpet, p|lay the violin, play t|he drums, swim, do Chinese kung fu),S|tep 3:Pairwork. (Wor

28、|k on 1b on P.62.) T: OK, |you know the names of the these inst|ruments, I want to know if you can pla|y the instruments.T: Can yo|u play the piano? S: Yes, I can./No, I cant. Can you play the drum|s? S: (Dont forget the be|fore the intruments.)Pairwork: Stude|nts ask and answer questions about the

29、|instruments.Step 4: Listen an|d finish 2a-2b on P 62. 2a 2b: T: Now look at 2b on page 62, listen again an|d fill in the chart with th|e words in the box. Lets see what Bill, Jennifer and Victor ca|n do, and what they cant |do. Answers cancantBillplay the guitarsingJennifersing, play the drumsplay the pianoVictorplay the pianodance, singStep 5. Work on 2c on P 62.Task one: Pairwork.T: Now, you look at |the chart and I dont, ple|ase ask me questions about Bill|, Jennifer or Victor.

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