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1、六年级第5单元六年级 英语 学科 5 单元单元教材分析1. The key words in Unit5: riding a bike,diving ,playing the vilion collecting stamps making kites teaches English,goes to work,watches tv,reads newspapers2. The main sentences: Whats your hobby? I like.The sentences in read and write.3. Do some exercises to review and con

2、solidate the main contents learned in Unit 4. 单元教学三维目标能力目标:1听懂、会说、正确读写单词:singer,writer,actress,actor,artist,TV reporter(本节学习重难点)2能够运用主要句型询问某人的职业并作答“What does your fathermother do? HesShes a”(本节学习重难点)3. 能对理想的职业提醒提问并作答“What are you going to be? I am going to be a/an”4能够听懂、会唱歌曲“My Family”。知识目标:1.掌握A, B

3、部分read and write 中的单词和句子并能做到听、说、读、写。2.认读A、B部分Lets learn , talk 中的单词和句子。3.理解Lets do Lets chant 等部分的内容。4.了解Story time Good to know 等部分的内容。情感、策略、文化等有关目标:情感态度:注 热爱生活、尊重他人劳动。学习策略: 积极运用所学语言进行表达与交流,加强合作,共同完成学习任务。文化目标:了解英语中职业名称对于不同性别的差异。单元训练重难点教学重点:3. 1、能掌握单词:singer,writer,actress,actor,artist,TV reporter2、

4、能掌握句型:What does your fathermother do? HesShes a”.教学难点:1、能够运用主要句型询问某人的职业并作答“What does your fathermother do? HesShes a”2、能掌握What does your fathermother do? HesShes a”.的表达;能将所学句子在情境中正确灵活地应用。3、了解一些英语书信的基本知识。单元教学回顾课题Unit 5 What does she do?教时数One教学目标知识目标:能够听、 说,认读本课时的单词:singer,writer,actress,actor,artist

5、,TV reporter能力目标:能够运用主要句型询问某人的职业并作答“What does your fathermother do? HesShes a”情感、策略、文化目标: 鼓励学生发展广泛的兴趣与爱好,培养乐于与人交往的性格。教学重难点教学重点:重点掌握下列单词:singer,writer,actress,actor,artist,TV reporter教学难点:能够运用主要句型询问某人的职业并作答“What does your fathermother do? HesShes a”情感、策略、文化目标:鼓励学生发展广泛的兴趣与爱好,培养乐于与人交往的性格。教学准备1、Word Car

6、ds.2、CAI。课后反思本节课我采用“猜猜看”的游戏活动导入新课,使学生在开课时便有了极高的学习新课的兴致。将事先准备好的各种职业的头饰发给每组的不同成员,然后让他们上台表演,作相应的动作。其他学生猜猜是什么职业,学生大多会说出“teacher,doctor,cleaner,worker nurse”然后我再用其他不同的头饰引导学生学习新单词“singer,writer,actress,actor,artist,TV reporter.”教会学生简单的够此方法:动词+er=名词。接下来,我让先学会的学生充当小老师,领读并带领其他学生学习新单词,进而同桌间互相检查单词的朗读情况。最后,引导学生

7、将新学单词用于句型What does your father/mother do?Hes/Shes a .进行会话操练。采用同桌间互问互答,前后桌相互提问,知名台前表述的方式巩固句型。在本节课中,我认为最大的亮点在于,学习完新知之后,我试着让学生用新学单词来抒发表达自己的理想。如句子:“Im going to be a/an.或 I want to be a/an.”来进行感情的升华。 本节课唯一不足的是极个别学生不能积极发言,勇于表现,体现在胆怯,害羞。教师需要在今后的教学中多加关注鼓舞这些特殊学生。教 学 设 计(第1教时)教 的 活 动学 的 活 动调 整Step 1 Revisiona

8、.warm-up b.Look at the pictures and answer the questions.1.what s your hobby?2. what s his hobby?Step2 presentation1.Learning guide 1.自主学习短语singer,writer,actress,actor,artist,TV reporter(试读,试翻译,可以借助单词表,并试总结这些名词的变化规则)2.听懂、会说、正确读写上面的短语(自己能独立背会并默写)3.根据本节学习到的知识,独立完成导学案。(在自学过程中注意记录自己解决不了的问题,以便和他人合作交流)1.你

9、能填写下面的空白吗?请仿照例子填空。(课本56页,独立完成,寻找规律。) 2.你能正确读出下面的单词吗?你能正确翻译它们的汉语意思吗?来试试吧!(自学,可借助单词表)singer( ) writer( ) actress( ) actor( ) artist( ) TV reporter( ) 3.你能流利读出下面的句子吗?你知道它们的汉语意思吗?请写出来吧! What does your mother do? Shes a teacher._.What are you going to do? I am going to be an artist._.Step 3 PracticeSelf-

10、learning &group work1.你能正确读出下面的单词吗?大声读给你的组员听吧!听谁的发音最正确。 (小组内讨论交流展示,组员推荐一人在全班展示。)singer writer actress actor artist TV reporter(4) 小组内自由读。(5) 小组推荐优秀组员展示读,并领读,全班同学跟读。(6) 自由背单词字母组合,小组内默写对改单词。3. 你找到动词变名词的规律了吗?和你的组员们讨论一下吧!(小组内讨论交流,组员间相互补充)3.你能用英语写出下面的句子吗?(1)你爸爸是干什么的?他是一位电视台记者。_(2)你妈妈是干什么的?她是一名女演员。Step4 C

11、onsolidation and extension1.冠词a/an 填空:(1)Im singer .(2)He is actor .(3)My mother is actress .(4)She is artist .(5) He is writer .Step 5 Homework1、Read the words and copy the words.Use the sentence pattern to make a dialogue 2、Prepare A Lets talk.Bb design: Step 1 Revisiona.warm-up b.Look at the pict

12、ures and answer the questions.-1 what s your hobby?2 what s his hobby?Step2 presentation:动词后+er表职业。Step 3 Practice1. singer,writer,actress,actor,artist,TV reporter2.translateWhat does your mother do? Shes a teacher.Step 4 Consolidation and extension你能根据图片写出正确的短语吗?Step 5 Homework11. Read the words an

13、d copy the words.2Use the sentence pattern to make a dialogue.3Prepare A Lets talk.课题Unit 5 What does she do?教时数One教学目标知识目标: Be able to understand and say : What does your mother do ?Sheis a TV reporter.能力目标: Be able to describe : 能够询问他人的工作情况,并给出相应的回答 To understand and act : What does your mother do

14、 ?Sheis a TV reporter.情感、策略、文化目标: Arouse students interest. 教学重难点 Be able to understand and say : What does your mother do ?Sheis a TV reporter. Be able to describe :what are you going to be?教学准备1、Tape、 pictures and cards.2、 CAI课后反思一、本课会话内容较多,由于教师巧妙设计,先解决了会话中的难点Excuse me. 的用法,再教会话就顺利多了。 二、教学中教师注意渗透文

15、明礼貌教育,创设情景,使学生在恰当的语境中正确运用 Excuse me. 和 Thank you.等词语。 三、在呈现会话内容时,教师注意分散难点,把它分两部分教授,然后合二为一,并善于创设情景,让学生在情景中理解并掌握会话内容。教 学 设 计(第2教时)教 的 活 动学 的 活 动调 整Step 1 Warm-up: Enjoy “Lets chant” twice .Step 2 Review : 1.用正确形式填空。(1)She is a _ (dance).(2)Is he a _ (drive)?(3)My aunt is a _ (clean).2.letstry (listen

16、and circle) .请你大声的读出对话,将对话补充完整。然后翻译出来吧。A: _ does your mother _?B: _ is a TV reporter.A: _ does your _ do?B: He is a teacher. He _ English.Step3 Presentation 1.Group workLet S read Lets talk by themselves. Guide students to say :1.你能流利朗读书上的对话吗?大声读给你的组员听吧!听谁的发音最正确。(1)小组内自由读。(2)小组推荐优秀组员领读,全班跟读。(3)和同桌互相

17、背这个对话。(4)小组内分角色表演该对话。2.你能根据对话编写新的对话吗?来试试吧!(小组内交流,编写新的对话)3.小组交流合作试读65页的语音。(遇到困难及时请教老师)二.选择正确的单词填空。(1) My mother is a _(writes, writer).She _ (writes, writer)many stories.(2) Lilys brother is a _(drives, driver). He _(drives, driver) a bus.(3) I am a _ (singer, sing). I like _ (singing, singer).(4) Wh

18、at _ (do ,does ) she do? - She is a student.(5) - _ (which, what)is your uncle? Hes is a teacher.Group show3.Let students look at the pictures of PPT and work in pairs.4Lead in the dialogue.:5.照样子仿写。6. Listen again and check the answers.7. Ss read follow the tape and then read together.9. Ss read in

19、 pairs.Step5、Consolidation and Extension: Step 6、Homework:Listen and read the dialogue twice. Try to make a new dialogue about the job.Bb design:Step 1 Warm-up: Enjoy “Lets chant” twice .Step 2 Review : 1.用正确形式填空。(1)She is a _ (dance).(2)Is he a _ (drive)?(3)My aunt is a _ (clean).2.letstry (listen

20、and circle) Step3 Presentation :1.Look at the pictures and review these sentences.1.Group workLet S read Lets talk by themselves. Guide students to say : 1.全班解决疑难问题。自荐领读对话并展示译文。2.你能流利朗读对话吗?大声读给你的组员听吧!听谁的发音最正确。(1)小组内自由读(各小组长可领读)。(2)小组内对桌分角色朗读或表演对话。Group show:3.Let students look at the pictures of PPT

21、 and work in pairs.5Lead in the dialogue.:5.照样子仿写。 6.Lets listen to the tape and circle the words under the pictures.7. Ss read follow the tape and then read together.9. Ss read in pairs.Step、Consolidation and Extension:Step 6、Homework:Listen and read the dialogue twice. Try to make a new dialogue a

22、bout the job with your friend.课题Unit 5 What does she do?教时数One教学目标知识目标: (1)Read;Lets read,put instruction to the shoe store in order。(重点)(2)能够了解辅音|l|,|r|,|,|了|与元音|3:|, |3|的发音规则,并能读出相关例词。(本节学习难点)能力目标: Be able to understand and act : 1.特殊疑问词how,who,what的用法:how 是“如何,怎样”的意思,一般是对身体状况或是对交通方式方法提问;who是“谁”的意

23、思,一般是对人物提问;what是“什么”的意思,一般是对事情事物或是对职业的提问。2.aunt是“姑姑,姨姨,婶婶”的意思,它的同音词是“arent”.3.在人名后加(s),是名词所有格,表示“某人的”,如Wu Yifans father 就是指吴一凡的爸爸。4.在大城市前要用介词in,如in Hong Kong,in Beijing.在月份前要用介词in,如 in September.情感、策略、文化目标: According to the place to deliver oneself of activities what they want to do.教学重难点教学重点: Can g

24、rasp the sentence.教学难点: Can read and the sentence correctly.教学准备1、pictures and cards.2、CAI课后反思一、在呈现会话内容时,教师注意分散难点,把它分两部分教授,然后合二为一,并善于创设情景,让学生在情景中理解并掌握会话内容。 二、善于借助动作,把难点让学生通过情景理解其意思,使学生学得轻松愉快,增强了教学效果教 学 设 计(第3教时)教 的 活 动学 的 活 动调 整 Step 1 Warm up /Revisiona.Lets chant. b.greetings. Step 2 presentation一

25、. Learning guide1.自主学习短文(试读,试翻译,画出词组,可以借助单词表,不理解的作标记)。2.组内解决标记的疑难单词或者句子。3.流利朗读对话。(自己能独立完成短文后的习题)二Self-learning1 you can correctly read the following sentences? You can correctly translate the Chinese meaning? Have a try! ( self, can share the same table )Whos he /she?What does she do ?Shes an actres

26、s on TV.What does he do? He is a writer.He writes the TV show for my anut.How does she go to Hong Kong?She goes to Hong Kong by plane.三Group work(goup show)1.你能流利朗读对话吗?大声读给你的组员听吧!听谁的发音最正确。(1)小组内组长领读短文。(2)小组内分角色表演。(3)班内分组展示。(教师适当给予鼓励)2.完成短文后的习题,矫正答案后,分组展示。Step 3 practice 一. Translateon TV _ TV show _

27、go to Hong Kong _ by plane_How exciting!_二 连词成句.连词成句 (1)really is she beautiful _ (2)TV on actress an is she_ (3)does what do he _ (4)writes for aunt my TV the show he_ (5)works aunt my here sometimes Beijing inBb design: Step 1 Warm up /Revision a.Lets chant. b.greetings. Step 2 presentationTeacher

28、 ask and students answer.(Students read and spell the words ,then practice them.)Step 3 practice Teacher ask and answer.Then students read the sentences.Students play a game. Students write down four sentences: practice Students read the text ,then act the text .Step 4 Homeworka.Read and copy the sentences.b.Prepare B.Lets read.课题Unit 5 What does she do?教时数One教学目标知识目标:1.Can grasp the words: an engineer,an accountant,a policeman,a salesperson,a cleaner 2.Can

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