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1、题型四 词语运用教育文档题型四词语运用单靠“死”记还不行,还得“活”用,姑且称之为“先死后活”吧。让学生把一周看到或听到的新鲜事记下来,摒弃那些假话套话空话,写出自己的真情实感,篇幅可长可短,并要求运用积累的成语、名言警句等,定期检查点评,选择优秀篇目在班里朗读或展出。这样,即巩固了所学的材料,又锻炼了学生的写作能力,同时还培养了学生的观察能力、思维能力等等,达到“一石多鸟”的效果。 一、(2019河北唐山路南区一模)死记硬背是一种传统的教学方式,在我国有悠久的历史。但随着素质教育的开展,死记硬背被作为一种僵化的、阻碍学生能力发展的教学方式,渐渐为人们所摒弃;而另一方面,老师们又为提高学生的语

2、文素养煞费苦心。其实,只要应用得当,“死记硬背”与提高学生素质并不矛盾。相反,它恰是提高学生语文水平的重要前提和基础。 根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空。其实,任何一门学科都离不开死记硬背,关键是记忆有技巧,“死记”之后会“活用”。不记住那些基础知识,怎么会向高层次进军?尤其是语文学科涉猎的范围很广,要真正提高学生的写作水平,单靠分析文章的写作技巧是远远不够的,必须从基础知识抓起,每天挤一点时间让学生“死记”名篇佳句、名言警句,以及丰富的词语、新颖的材料等。这样,就会在有限的时间、空间里给学生的脑海里注入无限的内容。日积月累,积少成多,从而收到水滴石穿,绳锯木断的

3、功效。 We are moved by the people and things around us. Yang Min is one of the1.(person)I admire most. As a member of the Lions, she has been helping others2.many years. She3.(go)to the old peoples home twice a month to cut hair, wash clothes and do some4.(clean) for them. Besides, on 5.(rain)days she

4、offers people umbrellas or raincoats for free. Im6.(deep)moved by her story. Im going to 7.swith small things around me. I8.pto give books and clothes to children in poor villages. Whats more, Ill ask my parents and more friends to join me. Small actions can make a big9.(different). Lets help the pe

5、ople 10.wneed help!语文课本中的文章都是精选的比较优秀的文章,还有不少名家名篇。如果有选择循序渐进地让学生背诵一些优秀篇目、精彩段落,对提高学生的水平会大有裨益。现在,不少语文教师在分析课文时,把文章解体的支离破碎,总在文章的技巧方面下功夫。结果教师费劲,学生头疼。分析完之后,学生收效甚微,没过几天便忘的一干二净。造成这种事倍功半的尴尬局面的关键就是对文章读的不熟。常言道“书读百遍,其义自见”,如果有目的、有计划地引导学生反复阅读课文,或细读、默读、跳读,或听读、范读、轮读、分角色朗读,学生便可以在读中自然领悟文章的思想内容和写作技巧,可以在读中自然加强语感,增强语言的感受力

6、。久而久之,这种思想内容、写作技巧和语感就会自然渗透到学生的语言意识之中,就会在写作中自觉不自觉地加以运用、创造和发展。 二、(2019河北升学模拟考试猜题卷二)死记硬背是一种传统的教学方式,在我国有悠久的历史。但随着素质教育的开展,死记硬背被作为一种僵化的、阻碍学生能力发展的教学方式,渐渐为人们所摒弃;而另一方面,老师们又为提高学生的语文素养煞费苦心。其实,只要应用得当,“死记硬背”与提高学生素质并不矛盾。相反,它恰是提高学生语文水平的重要前提和基础。 根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空。Dear Mr and Mrs Smith,How have you bee

7、n recently?Im writing to thank you for looking after me so 1.(good)when I stayed with you in England. You made me feel 2.lpart of the family. My journey home 3.(be)nice. The long flight seemed to pass more 4.(quick)than usual. My parents were 5.gto see me when I got home.My mother has 6.(keep)all th

8、e postcards you sent to me, and I am going to put 7.(they)in an album(相册)with some 8.(photo).I must finish. My father is going to the shopping center, 9.he will post this letter for me on the way. Finally, hope youll have 10.good time in the coming vacation. Thank you again!三、(2019河北升学模拟考试猜题卷一)根据短文内

9、容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空。My mother is a kind and nice woman. But she is very 1.s with me. Last Sunday night, 2.wI was watching a film very happily, my mother asked me to go to bed. I loved the film so much that I didnt move. But for 3.while, she didnt say anything. Then she suddenly got very 4.aan

10、d turned off the TV. I just went to my room and cried 5.(sad). I thought,“I have only two 6.(night)in a week to enjoy the TV. Why doesnt Mother 7.ame to watch TV?”The next day she talked as usual. She told me why she didnt let me watch TV. Then I understood 9.(she). She just expected me to have

11、 a much 10.(good)rest. I love my mother very much.四、(2019河北石家庄28中三模)根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空。I have always been dreaming of taking a trip to Mount Tai. Luckily, I had a chance to take a trip with my 1.(friend)last month.When we 2.(get)to Mount Tai scenic spot, we were suggested to watch the e

12、arly morning sunrise. I was lost in the sightseeing that afternoon, so I could 3.h wait to meet the sunrise. On the next morning, we all jumped out of bed very early at 3 oclock and walked to the top of the mountain. In the 4.(one)half an hour, we imagined 5.wonderful it would be when the first ligh

13、t came out through the clouds. However, I gradually lost my patience since there was nothing 6. endless darkness. But my friends were still extremely 7.(cheer).Nearly another one hour later,“Amazing!” 8.word burst out(突然发生)from Li Wei and we all shouted to welcome the first light of the sun, which w

14、as 9.(real)unbelievable. It is the most impressive sunrise in 10.(I)life. However, waiting in the morning darkness is also unforgettable.五、(2019河北石家庄43中学科竞赛)根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空。Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty felt interested in the local drama during his tour of Southern China. In 1

15、790, he gathered opera troupes(剧团)from different areas around China 1.(celebrate)his 80th birthday. 2.Wthe celebration came to an end, four famous troupes from Anhui Province 3.(ask)to stay because audience(观众) were particularly satisfied with their great performances, 4.(color)clothes and interesti

16、ng facial make-up.Gradually, it took the place of Kunqu Opera which had been popular in the palace in Beijing. Later, some troupes from Hubei Province came to Beijing and often performed 5.twith the Anhui troupes. The two types of singing were connected on 6.same stage and finally gave birth to a ne

17、w type which was known as Beijing Opera.Beijing Opera takes all kinds of 7.(advantage)of its forerunners(先驱), such as singing and dancing.It also changes itself in language and style of singing to meet with Beijing 8.(people)tastes. As time goes 9., its popularity has spread all over the country, an

18、d it 10.(become)the most popular drama in China.六、(2019河北唐山古冶区二模)根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空。Are you the first or the last child in your family?Or are you a middle or an only child?Some people think it matters about the birth order in the family. But there are different1.(idea)about what birth o

19、rder means. Some people say that the oldest children2.(be)smart and strong-willed. They are very likely3.(succeed). The reason for this is simple. Parents have a lot of time for their first child4.give him or her a lot of attention. An only child will succeed for5.same reason. What happens6.the othe

20、r children in the family?Middle children dont get so much attention, so they dont feel that important. If a family has many children, the middle one sometimes gets7.(lose)in the crowd. The youngest child, however, often gets special attention. Often this child grows up to be happy.But a recent study

21、 saw things quite8.(difference). The study found that the first children believed in family rules. They didnt take many chances in their lives. They usually9.(follow)orders. But rules didnt mean as much to the other children in the family. They took chances and they often did10.(well)in life.七、(2019

22、浙江衢州中考)根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空。Florence Nightingale was a nurse who saved many people in the 19th century. She was named after the city of Florence in Italy.Florence was1.unusual young woman for her time, because she didnt want to go to parties or get married. She wanted to be a nurse and he

23、lp people. Her family2.(not) want her to become a nurse because hospitals back then were dirty, horrible places.3.the age of thirty-one, Florence went to Germany and learned all about nursing. It was hard work, 4.she loved it.In 1854, lots of British soldiers went to fight in the Crimean War. Army h

24、ospitals were filled with injured people, but there5.(be) no nurses and many soldiers died.Florence and a team of nurses went to help.Florence worked 20 hours a day to make the hospital a 6.(clean) and safer place. She bought fresh food, she cleaned the beds and she used clean bandages on the wounde

25、d soldiers so that fewer7.(man) were dying.At night, Florence talked to the injured soldiers and helped them8.(write) letters to their families. They called her “the lady with the lamp”,9.she always carried a lamp.When Florence returned to England, people called her a hero. Queen Victoria wrote her

26、a letter to say thanks. She10.(give)the honor(荣誉)Order of Merit, becoming the first woman to receive it.八、(2019河北石家庄十八县结课联考)根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空。A little girl named Mary relied too much on her parents. She could hardly make a 1.(decide) on her own. In order to encourage her to be independ

27、ent, her mother sent her a letter, which wrote:Dear Mary,“Depend on2.(your)”is what nature says to everybody. Parents can help you.Teachers can help you. Others can still help you. However, all 3.(this) people only help you to help yourself.There have been many great4.(man) in history so far. Many o

28、f them were very poor in childhood. They had few chances to get education. They began5. (work) with their strength to learn something. They worked in their own way 6.u they became well-known. A famous teacher ever told his students,“I cannot make great men of you, but I can help you make men of your

29、selves.”Some people dont try their7.(good) to make themselves valuable. Nobody can succeed unless they see their weak points and depend8.themselves. With their own efforts, they can be9.(success)finally. Remember,the best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm. When you meet10. (

30、difficult) and everything goes against you, never give up. That is just the place and time that the tide(潮汐)will turn.九、(2019河北模拟导向一)根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空。Thousands of people ride bicycles every day. Some people like riding bicycles because it can make them 1.(health) and strong. Some peop

31、le dont like riding bicycles 2.they think it is very boring. There are some people who dont mind this daily activity. But there is a man who 3.(turn)it into art. Who is the man?How can he turn it into art?Stephen Lund is 50 years old. He is a writer and artist from Canada. When he rides bikes, he takes his smartphone with him and keeps the GPS tracking app(全球定位追踪应用) 4.o. The app tracks his routes, and it shows 5.whe went with lines on the map. By 6.(make)special route designs, Lund makes them look like 7. (interest)pictures. Hes made dinosaurs, giraffes, human faces an

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