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1、北京昌平高一下期末英语教师版2021北京昌平高一(下)期末英 语考生须知:1.本试卷满分100分。2.在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校、班级、姓名和学号。3.试题答案一律填写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。4.在答题卡上,选择题须用2B铅笔将选中项涂黑涂满,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。5.考试结束时,将本试卷、答题卡一并交回。第一部分:知识运用(共两节,30分)第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The Drum SetTo Gabe, everything was as a

2、drum. He beat on the sofa. He beat on his school desk. His life was a steady beat of drum sounds.All Gabe wanted was a drum set, but his parents couldnt _1_ to buy him one. Then, one day at school, the class began studying how to protect the Earth and its resources. Mr. Gomez _2_ three things that e

3、veryone could do: recycle, reuse, and reduce.Gabe thought about what he and his family already did. They recycled bottles, cans, and paper. They didnt waste a lot, either. Gabes new jackets were _3_ new. His elder brother had worn those years before. They also reduced. They _4_ lights whenever possi

4、ble.As Mr. Gomez spoke, a brilliant _5_ hit Gabe. Not only could he help protect the Earth, but he could also do something to make himself very happy! Then Mr. Gomez told the class about a science project. Gabe didnt need any more _6_. He already knew what he would do.He _7_ big balloons from his bi

5、rthday party, found old cans of different sizes, and _8_ some tape from his father. Then he cut off the narrow end of each balloon, stretched a balloon over the top of each can and taped it on the side of the can.He tried out his drum set by beating on them one by one with chopsticks. Each drum made

6、 a _9_ sound. It sounded pretty good!The science presentations were held on Monday. When he finished his _10_ with his drum set, his classmates clapped and cheered!Finally, Gabe was chosen to be a member of the school band.1. A. afford B. refuse C. apply D. remember2. A. ignored B. explained C. admi

7、tted D. guessed3. A. already B. almost C. never D. just4. A. turned to B. turned over C. turned on D. turned off5. A. image B. idea C. suggestion D. success6. A. encouragement B. surprise C. comfort D. energy7. A. blew B. changed C. gathered D. bought8. A. saved B. sorted C. created D. borrowed9. A.

8、 familiar B. different C. distant D. strange10. A. performance B. test C. experiment D. exploration第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。ATu Youyou, 84, was the first Chinese female scientist to win a Nobel Prize in science. She _ (honor) for devel

9、oping artemisinin(青蒿素) that has saved millions of lives worldwide. Tu and her colleagues joined a government project _ (find) a new malaria drug in the late 1960s. In 1971, after more than 190 failures, Tus team _ (final) found a chemical that was 100 percent effective against malaria artemisinin. I

10、n 2001, the World Health Organization made artemisinin its first choice in the treatment of malaria.BBeethoven wrote Symphony No. 9 in the early 1820s. It _ (stand) for Beethovens belief that all people should be brothers. But this is just one of his many inspiring works. In his Symphony No.5, also

11、known as Fate, he shows how he struggled with a hard life, but eventually moved _ darkness to light. Despite his painful experience of becoming deaf and losing his lovers. Beethoven always put joy and happiness at the center of his music. Beethoven reminds us that joy is not a luxury(奢侈品). Its a cou

12、rageous act in a world of pain and suffering. The spirit which is present in Beethovens music might be the _ (good) gift he could have given us.CAs you can see, the reason _ Im here to tell the story is that I made the right decision. Some time _ I left the boat, with my brother in it, it was pulled

13、 into the bottom of the whirlpool. Soon, after that, the whirlpool _ (become) less wild. Then the sky was clear, the wind calmer, and the moon was shining. I was still tied to the barrel and the waves soon carried me to an area _ the other fishermen were. In the end, a boat picked me up. I was very

14、tired. The fishermen were my old friends, but they were unable to recognise me. When I told them my story, they did not believe it. Now I have told you, and I cannot expect you to believe me any more than the fishermen did.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,38分)第一节(共14小题;每小题2分,共28分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡

15、上将该项涂黑。ADear Aunt Val,I am writing for advice.I am in my second year at college now, studying English Literature. Things are going well. Although I have a heavy workload, my love of books means that is not hard for me.Anyway, I have decided to run for office. I hope to become the student president i

16、n my college. As youve been running your company for three years, I was hoping you could advise me on how to be a good leader.I consider it most important to have principles and confidence. In the first place, leaders have to stick to their beliefs. If you dont do that, people wont understand what y

17、ou are offering them. Secondly, if you cant present your ideas with confidence, nobody will have faith that you can achieve anything.Aunt Val, if you have any more to say on these matters, Id really appreciate it. Thank you.Eddie RothDear Eddie,Its great to hear from you. Youre taking a big step! Il

18、l have to watch out for my job. You may try to take it soon!Seriously, though, I agree with your two points. They are both important characteristics of an elected leader. But what is absolutely necessary, in my opinion, is honesty.Its not easy for someone to remain honest. There is a feeling that if

19、 you are too open about everything, your competitors can use the information to harm you. However, honesty is the basis of the two points you mentioned. Voters will trust and respect honest leaders. As a result, when an unavoidable mistake occurs, you will get the benefit of the trust from the publi

20、c, who understand your motivation(动机).Let me know your thoughts about this, and we can continue this email discussion.Best wishes,Val McDermott21. What can we learn about Eddie Roth from the e-mails?A. He made some unavoidable mistakes.B. He has trouble studying English literature.C. He will take hi

21、s aunts job after graduation.D. He shows strong interest in Student Union.22. Which of the following does Aunt Val value most?A. Honesty. B. Principles. C. Motivation. D. Confidence.23. What is the purpose of Aunt Vals e-mail?A. To suggest a simple way of winning the position.B. To share the basic q

22、uality of being a good leader.C. To stress the reason why its hard to be a good leader.D. To tell the importance of attending the college activities.BBetter to Be DifferentHeroic deeds come in all shapes and sizes. Some of them require bravery in the face of danger, others result from a simple act o

23、f kindness.Natalie Fernando was taking her 5-year-old autistic(患孤独症的) son Rudy for a seaside walk when the little boy suddenly broke down.“My son loves to walk, but he hates to turn around and walk back. We usually try to walk in a circle to avoid this, but on his favourite walk with the boats we ha

24、ve no choice but to turn back. This will often lead to a breakdown, which I can normally handle, but today was too much for him and me,” Fernando explained on her blog.The walking area at Southend-on-Sea is a very popular walking place in Essex, England. Knowing she and Rudy were drawing attention a

25、nd that her sons breakdown might go on for an hour, Fernando was apologetic, but she soon found herself exposed to unfavorable looks and comments of passersby.Thats when a total stranger named Ian stopped to ask if she was okay. When Fernando explained what was going on, as if it was the most natura

26、l thing in the world to do, Ian lay down on the ground close to Rudy and engaged him in conversation.The calming action quickly turned the situation around. After Rudy recovered, Ian walked Rudy and his mom back to their car.“I wish there were more of this man around and I am beyond thankful,” Ferna

27、ndo said. “I will not forget his kindness.”In addition to her gratitude, Fernando hopes Ians unselfish behavior might inspire others to look deeper before making social judgments themselves.“Its said a lot at the moment, In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” she wrote. “Words are easy, but

28、 these actions are not always so easy. This man is living the words and I couldnt be more grateful.”“Were all walking our own path and directing the journey the best we can. Sometimes it takes a moment of kindness from a complete stranger to completely change your day.”24. What was Fernandos reactio

29、n when Rudy broke down?A. She turned back. B. She felt very sorry.C. She gave him a hug. D. She explained to passersby.25. What can we learn from the passage?A. A stranger helped Rudy calm down.B. A passerby sat down to talk with Rudy.C. Ian drove Rudy and mom home safely.D. Rudys sudden behavior la

30、sted for one hour.26. Which of the following words can best describe Ian?A. Brave B. Generous C. Humorous D. CaringCDo Trees Talk to Each Other?Did you know that trees can communicate with each other? Suramme Simard, a professor of forest ecology at the University of British Columbia, has conducted

31、research into the cooperative and social behavior of trees.Growing up in the forests of Canada, Simard observed how logging(伐木) companies would cut down diverse forests and replace them with a single tree species. Loggers believed that by removing competition, the newly planted trees would thrive, a

32、s they would receive more space, water, and sunlight. However, Simard noticed these trees were actually more likely to suffer disease and environmental stress. As she investigated this question, Simard realized that tree communication was the answer to this.Trees communicate through underground networks of helper fungi(真菌). The fungi connect with tree roots, forming links, which can connect trees of di

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