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1、牛津小学英语U7教案5A Unit7 教学方案(第一课时)第一部分 简要提示一、年级:5年级 二、单元:Unit7三、课题:After school 四、课型:新授课五、教学内容:单元PartA六、教学目标:1. 掌握单词、词组after, class, join, study, over, look for, after school, Ill=I will2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Classes are over. Perhaps they are. Ill go and join them. Where are you going? 3. 初步了解掌握现在进行时的一般疑问句及其

2、回答。七、重点难点:初步了解掌握现在进行时的一般疑问句及其回答。 Am I _ing? Yes, you are. / No, you arent.Are you _ing? Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Is he/she _ing? Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isnt. Are they _ing? Yes, they are. / No they arent.第二部分 教学过程第一步:重难点突破T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again.T: Well, first, lets sin

3、g a song to begin our English class, OK? (播放金太阳U6歌曲)T: Good! In the song, what is Helen doing? Listen! Is she watching TV? (PPT出示句子) 引导学生回答:No, she isnt. Shes reading.T: How about Mike? Is he reading? (PPT出示句子)引导学生回答:No, he isnt. Hes sleeping.T: Boys and girls, are you sleeping? (PPT出示句子)引导学生回答:No,

4、we arent. We are having an English class.T: Good! Now boys and girls, please look at these sentences. (带读划线句子) 当你想知道别人在不在做某事时,你可以这样来问:Are you _ing? Is he/she _ing? Do you understand?T: Now, lets play an interesting guessing game. (PPT) Look, whos he? Hes Liu Tao. (PPT点出现头像) What is Liu Tao doing? Yo

5、u can choose one question to ask him. 你可以选出一个问题来问Liu Tao。(PPT出示四句句子)A. Liu Tao, are you dancing?B. Liu Tao, are you jumping?C. Liu Tao, are you running?D. Liu Tao, are you playing football?先跟我把问句读一读。你会选择哪一句来问呢?请你大声地读出来吧。Now, lets look, what is Liu Tao doing?T: Oh, Liu Tao is playing football. 你问对了吗?

6、同法:(PPT) pic2 Yang Ling is playing the piano.T: Boys and girls, 你会询问别人是否正在做什么事了吗?Now lets talk about these pictures. 现在,让我们来谈论一下这些图片。T: 先来看看第一幅图可以怎么说。 你能像这样来说说其它三幅图吗?和你的同桌试试看吧。 Finished? 说完了吗?相信你们一定说得不错。Now, I ask, you answer, OK? 现在我来问,你来答,好吗?Pic2: Is he dancing? Is he cooking? Yes, hes cooking.Pic

7、3: Is she reading a book? Is she sleeping? Yes, shes sleeping.Pic4: Are they playing football? Are they playing basketball? Yes, they are playing basketball. (本步骤设计说明:本节课主要学习现在进行时的一般疑问句,在上一单元学习了现在进行时陈述句的基础上,学生对一般疑问句的掌握应该不是很难。因此,在课伊始,教师就通过复习U6歌曲,引入几个问题,把本节课要学习的新句型抛出。然后,通过游戏,操练新句型。现在进行时的一般疑问句,问比答难得多,因

8、此教师着重进行了问的操练。)第二步:课文学习1. T: 他们现在怎么会在打篮球呢?Because classes are over. 因为现在放学了。(带读单词class, over,教句子 Classes are over. = School is over.)T: Classes are over. So it is now after school. 所以现在是放学以后了。(带读,教,揭题)T: Look, whos coming? Oh, hes Gao Shan. What is he doing?Lets listen! (播放U7 A引言部分)2. T: Now, can you

9、 answer my question: What is Gao Shan doing? T: Hes looking for Wang Bing. (PPT出示,带读look for, 教) Then where is Wang Bing and what is he doing? 那么王兵在哪儿,他在做什么?高山又是怎么知道的呢?Lets watch the cartoon. 让我们一起来看动画吧! (播放金太阳U7A第一部分) T: Gao Shan is looking for Wang Bing. 高山正在寻找王兵,他去向谁询问了呢?Yes, shes asking Miss Li.

10、 Now, lets try to answer. 现在请你根据课文内容,试着回答回答。Q1. Is Wang Bing helping Miss Li in the office?Q2. Where is Wang Bing?Q3. Are they playing basketball?T: Perhaps they are. (稍停顿,点击出示正确答案,Perhaps they are playing basketball的缩略形式)T: So what will Gao Shan do? 高山准备做什么呢? He says Ill go and join them. (稍停顿,点击出示

11、正确答案,带读,教)但是,最终高山有没有加入王兵他们呢?在去寻找王兵的路上,他遇见了谁呢?最后高山去了哪儿? Lets go on watching. 让我们接着看下去。(播放金太阳U7A第二部分 )5. T: Now lets do some true or false questions. (PPT出示问题,稍停顿,出示正确答案)No.1 Gao Shan meets Nancy on the way. (F)No.2 Helen is going to the playground, too (T)No.3 Su Hai and Su Yang are in the library. (

12、T)No.4 Su Hai and Su Yang are studying in the library. (F)No.5 Go Shan is going to the library at last(最后). (T)4. T: Good! Now lets listen and repeat. 现在让我们来跟读课文。请同学们把书打开,翻到第52页,Are you ready? Lets begin. (PPT出示课文内容,放录音学生跟读,每句停顿,与拍摄学生示范数句后,要求现场教师带领学生完成。)5. T: Please read the text. 请你自己也来读一读课文吧!注意本课的

13、生词词组和我们新学的句型哦!(本步骤设计说明:本部分教师先引出时间,学习词组classes are over,after school,揭示主题;然后通过引出人物高山,制造悬念:他在做什么?自然进入课文学习。先整体观看录像,弄清高山在做什么,然后分层次学习,把全文分成两部分,帮助学生理清文章思路,理解大意。由于文中多次出现的现在进行时一般疑问句这一难点,已经在第一部分中突破,因此学生理解这篇文章应该是水到渠成。)第三步:巩固操练T: OK, now lets do some exercise. 现在,让我们来做一些练习,考考你对课文的理解如何。Fill in the blanks accord

14、ing to the text.It is three oclock in the afternoon. C_ are o_. Gao Shan i_ l_ f_ Wang Bing. Miss Li says, Wang Bing and Mike are p_ b_ in the playground. Gao Shan will go and j_ them.On the way, Gao Shan meets Helen. Helen is g_ to the l_. Su Hai and Su Yang a_ c_ the library. Gao Shan will go to t

15、he library, too.T: 请你根据课文内容来填空,注意单词的正确形式哦。填好以后,请你先和同桌讨论一下,看看完成的如何。Ready? Go! (小组活动)T: Now, lets check the answers. Are you right? 你做对了吗? Congratulations! 祝贺你!(结束语)T: 同学们,今天我们一起学习了高山和他的同伴放学以后正在做些什么,希望同学们认真复习课文,我们下节课再见。Goodbye, children!第三部分:说 明在本节课的开头教师通过游戏分散了课文的重点难点,帮助学生学习了现在进行时一般疑问句的表达,减轻了后面的课文学习负担

16、。本节课的重点难点就在于文中多次出现的现在进行时一般疑问句。事实上,在上一单元刚刚学完现在进行时陈述句的基础上,安排一般疑问句的学习是非常恰到好处的,学生便于理解掌握。在课文学习的过程中,根据场景的变化,分层学习。巩固环节的根据课文内容填空练习,更好地帮助学生理解课文。5A Unit7 教学方案(第二课时)第一部分 简要提示一、年级:5年级 二、单元:Unit7三、课题:After school 四、课型:新授课五、教学内容:单元PartBCD六、教学目标:1. 掌握单词、词组newspaper, picture book, magazine, chess, card, yo-yo, play

17、 with, 2. 巩固掌握现在进行时的一般疑问句: Am I _ing? Yes, you are. / No, you arent.Are you _ing? Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Is he/she _ing? Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isnt. Are they _ing? Yes, they are. / No they arent.七、重点难点:1. 现在进行时一般疑问句的正确运用。第二部分 教学过程第一步:复习课文T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. 上节课,

18、我们一起学习了课文 After school. Do you remember? 你还记得吗? 下面,就请你回答老师几个问题,考考你对课文的掌握情况。(PPT出示)1. What is Gao Shan doing?2. Where is Wang Bing and what is he doing?3. Where is Helen going?4 Are Su Hai and Su Yang studying in the library?5. Where is Gao Shan going at last(最后)?(PPT逐个点出)T: 同学们,你们回答得怎样?第二步:词汇、句型学习 T

19、: 通过上节课的学习,我们知道了Gao Shan和他的几位同学放学以后正在做什么,今天,让我们再来看看其他同学放学后正在做什么吧。1. T: Look! What is the boy doing? Let me tell you. Hes reading a newspaper. (带读,教)2. T: 拿卡片 Now look at this picture. What is the girl doing? Is she reading a newspaper, too? No, she isnt. Shes reading a magazine. (带读,教)3. T: And then

20、 look at this boy. He is reading, too. 他也在看书。What is he reading? Guess! Is he reading a newspaper? No! Is he reading a magazine? No! Look! Hes reading a picture book.4. T: Now look at these students. They are all playing. What are they playing? Lets go and have a look.What are they playing? Look! Th

21、ey are playing chess.What are they playing? Are they playing chess, too? No. Look! They are playing cards.How about this boy? What is he playing? Is he playing a basketball? Look! Lets have a look! Oh, hes playing with a yo-yo.5. T: How about this picture. They are playing, too. This time, are they

22、playing chess? Look! Theyre playing cards.3. T: 今天我们学习了很多关于放学后活动的词组,你都记住了吗?Now, lets review them. 请跟录音朗读。4. T: Good! Now, lets play a guessing game. 现在,让我们来轻松一下,做一个游戏。请你根据提示猜猜画面中的人物正在做什么。Look, who is she? Shes Nancy. What is she doing? Can you guess? Is she reading a newspaper? Is she reading a stor

23、ybook? T: 揭示正确答案 Nancy is reading a magazine.T: Now look at Jim. What is he doing? Can you guess? T: 揭示正确答案 Jim is making a model plane.(同法)Mike and David are playing with a yo-yo.(本步骤设计说明:本部分不仅需要教会学生几个与放学后活动有关的词组,更需要教师引导学生在适当的语境中熟练运用这些词组。因此,教师创设了各种游戏活动,让学生来输出这些词组,并做到词不离句,同时也为下面CD部分的句型操练打下了基础,使现在进行时

24、一般疑问句的学习更加得心应手。)第三步:句型操练 1. T: Now, boys and girls. Look at this picture. (PPT11) Ben and Jim are talking. What are they saying? Do you know? Lets read together. (PPT出示句型,齐读) Is he sitting on a football? No, hes not. Hes sitting on a basketball.2. Now can you talk about the other pictures like this?

25、 请你仿照例子和同桌一起表演一下其它几幅图吧。You can start! 操练时间:2分钟(练习后向学生一幅一幅反馈正确答案,PPT12-16)picture2: Are they playing cards? No, they arent. They are playing chess.picture3: Are they playing with yo-yos? No, they arent. They are jogging.picture4: Is she buying a storybook? No, she isnt. Shes buying a picture book.pic

26、ture5: Is he making a model plane? No, he isnt. Hes making a kite.picture6: Is she reading a newspaper? No, she isnt. Shes reading a magazine.T: Good! 我想你一定也是这么说的,对吗?3. T: 完成了口头操练,下面让我们再来进行一下书面训练吧。请同学们打开书,翻到第56页,完成D部分的练习。让我们来比一比,谁做得又快又准确。赶快开始吧! T: Finished? Good! Now lets check the answers. (PPT17-2

27、0出示图片和答案) T: Good job! (本步骤设计说明:本部分主要是句型操练,教师应启发学生看懂图意,在正确的语境中使用语言。对于D部分教学,教师没有一上来就让学生完成句子,而是先做了一个示范,对图中人物是谁?他在哪儿?他在做什么?进行问答,然后由这三个问题的答案自然而然地生成一句较长的句子,且应提示学生注意语序。让学生在充分讨论的基础上再来完成句子,体现了听说领先,读写跟上的原则。)第四步:综合练习 T: 本节课中,我们一起学习了许多after school的活动,让我们再来复习一下。请你认真看好屏幕,快速回答我的问题。准备好了吗?Lets begin! 图片闪动,师问生答。 怎么样

28、?你都答对了吗?此外,我们还进一步学习了现在进行时的一般疑问句。(PPT呈现句型,并练习几句情景写话。) (结束语)T: 同学们,今天学习的知识你都掌握了吗?希望你在课后认真复习,并和你的好朋友一起积极操练。我们下节课再见。Bye!第三部分:说 明本节课以教授和操练BCD部分的单词、词组和句型为中心,首先教师帮助学生回顾已在课文中学过的旧知,然后以“放学后你们都可以做些什么?”呈现B部分表示活动的词组。在巩固单词词组的过程中就贯穿“现在进行时一般疑问句”的表达,引导学生积极操练。在CD部分,教师也根据书中已有的场景,带领学生在具体场景中进行对话。在D部分之后,教师还安排了一个拓展操练:让学生根

29、据场景,发挥想象,自编对话。这样可以避免学生盲目地生搬硬套,引导学生把语言活学活用。Unit7 教学方案(第三课时)第一部分 简要提示一、年级:5年级 二、单元:Unit7三、课题:After school 四、课型:新授课五、教学内容:单元PartEFGH六、教学目标:1. 掌握单词词组food, cry, laugh, game, run after 2. 能熟练掌握现在进行时的一般疑问句,并会正确运用。3. 能看懂E部分小故事,并会用英语讲述这个故事。4. 了解字母i在单词中的读音。5. 会读小诗In the evening。七、重点难点:熟练掌握现在进行时的一般疑问句,并会正确运用。第

30、二部分 教学过程第一步:复习(单元重点内容) T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again.T: First, lets play an interesting guessing game. 首先,让我们来做一个有趣的猜谜游戏,请你根据人物所在的地点,猜猜他们正在做什么。the 1st one: Jim is in the classroom. What is he doing? Guess!Is he cleaning the windows? Is he reading a magazine? Oh, hes playing with a

31、yo-yo. 你猜对了吗?T: 公布答案。the 2nd one: Su Hai is in the study. What is she doing? Guess! Is she doing her homework? Is she reading a newspaper? Look! Shes sweeping the floor.the 3rd one: We are in the garden. What are we doing? Guess! Are you playing on the swing? Are you playing cards? Oh, look, theyre playing cards. 你猜对了吗?the 4th one: Ben and his friend are in the sitting-room. What are they doing? Gu

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