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1、大学英语考试真题卷一14测2022年大学英语考试真题卷一(本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。)单位: 姓名: 考号: 题号单选题多项选择判断题综合题总分分值 得分 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.The main idea of this passage is _.ABushs victory in presidential election bore a political taintBThe process Of the American presidential electionCThe Supreme

2、 Court plays a very important part in the presidential electionDGore is distressed2.What was the result of the 5 to 4 decision of the Supreme Court AIt was in fact for the vote recount.BIt had nothing to do with the presidential election.CIt decided the fate of the winner.DIt was in essence against

3、the vote recount.3.What does the sentence as if to leave space for Mr. Gore to contemplate his next step mean ABush hopes Gore to join his administration.BBush hopes Gore to concede defeat and to support him.CBush hopes Gore to congratulate him.DBush hopes Gore go on fighting with him.4.The title be

4、low that best expresses the ides of this passage is _.ACryptic coloration for ProtectionBHow Animals SurviveCThe uses of Mimicry in NatureDResemblances of Animals5.Aggressive resemblance occurs when _.Aa predaceous attitude is assumedBspecial resemblance is utilizedCan animal relies on speedDan anim

5、al blends in with its background6.The black and white stripes of the zebra are most useful form _.AhuntersBnocturnal predatorsClions and tigersDinsectivorous Vertrbrata7.Special resemblance differs from general resemblance in that the animal relies on _.Aits ability to frighten its adversaryBspeedCi

6、ts ability to assume an attitudeDmistaken identify8.It can be inferred from the passage _.Athere exists fierce competition in climbing to the topBpeople are blind in idolizing starsCsuccessful Pop stars give great entertainmentDthe tax they have paid are great9.What is the authors attitude toward to

7、p stars high income AApproval.BDisapproval.CIronical.DCritical.10.What can we learn from the passage ASuccessful man should get high-income repayment.BPop stars made great contribution to a country.CPop stars can enjoy the life of royalty.DSuccessful men represent the tip of the iceber11.At the part

8、y the _ shy Chelsea felt comfortable enough to offer to give the guests a piano solo.AalwaysBordinarilyCneverDcompletely12._ the severe cold, tourism was _ full swing.AThough, onBDespite, onCThough, inDDespite, in13.Working under the new expert who always encourages creativity in young people, we ha

9、ve been _ with better ideas in test design.Acoming downBcoming outCcoming alongDcoming up14.After we made the improvement, there were only _ as before.Aone-tenth defective products as manyBone-tenth as many defective productsCdefective products one-tenth as manyDdefective products as one-tenth many1

10、5._, many people still vote against the use of the death penalty.AHowever some crimes are inexcusableBHowever are some crimes inexcusableCHowever inexcusable some crimes areDSome crimes are however inexcusable16.Its no far to the village if we take the short _ through the jungle,ApassBcornerCturning

11、Dcut17.The sentence Pop stars style of living was once the prerogative only of Royalty means _.Atheir life was as luxurious as that of royaltyBthey enjoy what once only belonged to the royaltyCthey are rather richDtheir way of living was the same as that of the royalty18.If one slat in a Venetian bl

12、ind is _ in the wrong direction, Murray cant have a moments peace until he has fixed it.AtippedBtoppedCtappedDtoyed19.They designed _ than a matchbox.Ano bigger a modelBa no bigger modelCa bigger model noDa model no bigger20.In the authors opinion _.AAmerican young couples have no chance to show the

13、ir individualism in their marriageBAmerican young couples dont like to following long-held traditionsCAmerican young couples are inclined to follow the marriage traditionsDAmerican young couples marry in their own way21.Which of the following can reflect American individualism AHolding their wedding

14、 ceremony in a scenic spot.BChoosing their groomsman and a maid of honor.CChoosing their wedding dress.DInviting their best friends.22.There are many traditions about getting married, which of the following is Not mentioned in this passage AThe engagement.BThe wedding ceremony.CThe bridal party.DThe

15、 marriage application.23.The word business occurs twice in the first paragraph, what does the second business mean ATrade.BAffair.CDuty.DRight.24.According to the passage, the ancestor of the I, Somerville _.Ahad a pure blood sonBwas educatedCwas an ambitious womanDhad never been emancipated25.Among

16、 the following conclusion drawn from the passage, which of them is NOT true AThe narrator, T is with mixed blood.BMy great-grandfather was worshiped as a self-made man.CMy family suffered a lot in the time of Ku Klux Klan.DJohn Wesley attributed his success to his great mother.26.It can be inferred

17、from the text that_.Adiscoveries of new planets set scientists thinkingBextrasolar planets exist in the universeCsolar system should be re-examined by mankindDnew discovery depends on new theory27.Which of the following is NOT TRUE ANone of the extra-solar planets has been seen without telescopes an

18、d they are detected directly by the effects of gravity on the motions of their mother star.BCalculations of the changes in motion of these stars allow astronomers to draw conclusions on the orbit of the planets, their mass and their distance from the central stars,CEach discovery raises new question

19、s about the formation and behavior of planets among scientists.DA major problem affecting observation using current telescope technology is that light shining from the stars tends drown all weaker sources of light in the vicinity.28.An international team of astronomers has discovered 11 new planets

20、outside the solar system, raising fresh _ about the possibility of life in outer space.AexploringBdebateCwonderingDpondering29.Who was the first skater to successfully complete a double axel and a triple jump in competition AAmerican athlete Jackson Haines.BNorways Sonja Henie.CAmerican skater Dick

21、Button.DDutch skater Jaap Eden.30.From the passage we can infer that _.Amany people have dedicated to the skatingBmodem speed skating will become more and more quick.Cfigure skating will be further innovated and improved.Dmore and more people like skating now.31.What does the article mainly want to

22、tell us AHistory of skating.BDevelopment of skating.CSkating tendencies.DSkating.32.From the last paragraph we can deduce that _.Adifferences mainly come from cultureBdifferences can be neglectedCwe will gain nothing if giving up differencesDwe will lose anything if keeping differences33.Which of th

23、e following is NOT mentioned ARacial difference.BCivilization difference.CCultural difference.DBiological difference.34.Which of the following is a feature of the old French way of life Aleisure, elegance, and efficiencyBelegance, efficiency, and tasteCleisure, elegance, and tasteDelegance, efficien

24、cy, and taste35.The passage suggests that _.Ain pursuing material gains the French are suffering losses elsewhereBits now unlikely to see a Frenchman enjoying a stroll by the fiverCthe French are fed up with the smell of freshly picked applesDgreat changes have occurred in the life style of all Fren

25、chmen36.Which of the following is NOT true about Frenchmen AMany of them prefer the modern life style.BThey actually enjoy working at the assembly line.CThey are more concerned with money than before.DThey are more competitive than the old generation.37.Which of the following best states the main id

26、ea of the passage AChanges in the French Way of LifeBCriticism of the New Life StyleCThe Americanization of FranceDFeatures of the New Way of Life38.Idioms adjectival in nature function as _.AadjectivesBattributesCmodifiersDwords39.Grammatical context refers to_in which a word is used.AvocabularyBgr

27、ammarCsemantic patternDsyntactic structure40.Walt Whitman helped to promote the development of _.AsonnetBcoupletCblank verseDfree verse41.In Britain the real power was in _.Athe MonarchBthe Home of LordsCthe House of CommonsDthe Queen42.Henry James was regarded as one of the pioneers of_, and had gr

28、eat influence on the age that followed.Ablack humourBexistential novelCpsychoanalytical novelDpsychological novel43.In the United States, it is the_that formulates foreign policy and prepares laws for the home front.APresidentBCongressCSupreme CourtDDemocratic Party44.The head of the British Governm

29、ent is the _.AQueenBPrime MinisterCGovernor in GeneralDQueen Regent45.The best known Australian animal is _.AbearBkangarooChareDelephant46.Which of the following is true about the critics ACritics are greater in number than people enjoying the new way of life.BStudent critics are greater in number t

30、han critics in other fields.CStudent critics have, on occasion, resorted to violent means against the trend.DCritics are concerned solely with the present and not the future.47.The Federal Government s the central government Of the United States. It is divided into three branches: the Executive, the Legislative, and the _

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