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1、小黄人大眼萌完整中英文对照剧本小黄人♥大♥眼萌小黄人在世上的时间远比我们久Minions have been on this planet far longer than we have.他们有许多名字They go by many names.戴夫 卡尔 保罗 迈克Dave, Carl, Paul, Mike.那是诺伯特Oh, that one is Norbert.他是个傻瓜Hes an idiot.他们各不相同 却有着共同的目标Theyre all different. But they all share the same goal.找寻最卑鄙的主人为之效力

2、To serve the most despicable master they could find.老大Boss!-老大 -老大- Boss. - Boss.让主人开心Making their master happy是这一种族的存世之道was the tribes very reason for existence.但并不表示他们就没有别的爱好But thats not to say that they didnt have other passions.-看 是香蕉 -让开- Hey, look. Its a banana. - Move over.我知道 是香蕉Hey, I know

3、. Its a banana.好吃 好吃Yum yum.找到主人很容易Finding a Boss was easy.想留住它 却没那么容易But keeping a Boss, therein lies the rub.我是.白♥痴♥I am. oaf.对他们来说确实很不容易Nope, it wasnt easy for these guys.但他们从未放弃But they never gave up.随着石器时代的到来With the emergence of the stone age新的物种出现了came the rise of a new species.

4、人类与恐龙非常不同Man was very different from the dinosaur.更矮小 毛发更多 远更聪明He was shorter, hairier and way, way smarter.小黄人瞬间就喜欢上了人类The minions took an instant并且尽全力帮助他liking to Man and helped him as best they could.不 用这个 送你的Oh, no no. Here. A present.-用这个吗 -是的是的- This? - Yes yes yes.用来打它For hitting.可怜的人类Poor ma

5、n.如此实诚 如此脆弱 如此美味So trusting, so fragile, so-so delicious.小黄人对主人的追寻 让他们出现在Their quest for a boss put the minions front and center某些文明最具历史性时刻的第一线for some of the civilization most historic moments.古埃及大有前途Ancient Egypt held great promise.好了Okay!但并没能持续多久But it didnt last long.这样 这下对了Here. Yup.欧洲历史上从罗马帝国衰

6、亡至公元10世纪的时期黑暗时代其实很有趣The Dark Ages were actually fun times.他们的新主人Their new master had a tendency喜欢彻夜狂欢然后睡一整天to party all night and sleep all day.祝你357岁生日快乐但最终狂欢落幕了But eventually the party was over.啊嚏Achoo.他们换了一个又一个邪恶的主人They bounced from one evil master to another.但似乎从未找到最合适的归属But they never seemed to

7、 find their perfect fit.因为他们的失败 这位雇主深受其害One particular employer took their failure very very badly.小黄人别无选择 只能继续向前The Minions had no other choice but to keep moving.看Oh. Look.就在快要绝望时And then, when all hopes seem lost.他们找到了避难所They found sanctuary.小黄人安全了The Minions were safe.日月飞梭 小黄人铸就了自己的文明Years passe

8、d as the Minions forged their own civilization.他们有了自己的生活They truly made a life for themselves.但就是有什么不对劲But something just wasnt right.他们感到内心空虚They felt empty inside.没有主人 没有目标Without a master, they had no purpose.他们变得漫无目的 沮丧不已They became aimless and depressed.再这样继续下去 小黄人恐将灭亡If this continue any longe

9、r, the Minions would perish.幸运的是 有个小黄人想到了办法But all was not lost, for one Minion had a plan.他叫做凯文His name was Kevin.他很兴奋地与整个部落分享他的想法He was excited to share his idea with the tribe.为此他已经准备了好长时间Hed been preparing for days, weeks, months.此刻他终于准备好了But now he was ready.伙伴们Buddies.凯文将要离开洞穴 回到外面的世界Kevin wou

10、ld leave the cave, go back to the outside world,誓将找到值得部落效命的恶棍之霸and he would not return until he had found his tribe他才会回来the biggest baddest villain deserved.但他需要帮助But he needed help.我 我 我去Me! Me! I will come.-鲍勃非常想去 -凯文- Bob was eager to go. - Kevin?但凯文觉得他还不够强大But Kevin felt he was just not strong e

11、nough难以面对这趟危险的旅程for the dangerous journey ahead.不 还有谁吗Uh no. One other Minion?我 选我Me. Choose me.选我 选我Me! Choose me!选我Me!我跟你去I will come.很幸运有人站出来了Luckily someone stepped up.斯图尔特 过来Stuart! Come here.我吗 我吗 谢谢Huh. Me? Me? Oh, thank you.说实话 斯图尔特并不知道他的任务是什么Truth be told. Stuart had no idea what he was cho

12、se for.为什么Huh! Why?但是因为大家都为他欢呼而喜不自胜But was thrilled that made people cheered for him.斯图尔特 斯图尔特Uh. Stuart, Stuart.再来一个One more?我 我很强壮Me! I am strong.你看See here.看到了吗See!好吧 再来一个Uh. okay. One more.凯文 选我吧Kevin. Choose me.拜托 选我吧 凯文Please. Choose me, Kevin.来吧Come here.最终 鲍勃的精力与热忱Eventually, Bobs energy and

13、 enthusiasm,但主要还是没有别的志愿者but mostly lack of other volunteers,改变了凯文的心意changed Kevins mind.老大 老大Big boss! Big boss!整个部落为他们送别The tribe said their farewells.凯文给他们带来了消失已久的东西Kevin had given them something they havent had in a long time.-那就是希望 -凯文- Hope. - Kevin!鲍勃Bob!托尼 祝你好运Hey, Tony. Good luck to you.汤姆 保

14、重Tom. Take care.克里斯 回见And Chris. See you later.-鲍勃 过来吧 -好的- Hey Bob, you coming? - Yes, yes.老大 老大Big boss! Big boss!拜拜Bye bye.凯文感到骄傲Kevin felt pride.他将成为部落的救星He was going to be the one to save his tribe.斯图尔特 主要还是感到饿Stuart felt, hungry mostly.他将吃掉这个香蕉He was going to be the one to eat this banana.而鲍勃呢

15、And Bob,鲍勃对前路感到害怕Bob was frightened of the journey ahead.好啦 去找老大Okay. Okay. Look for the big boss.很好 鲍勃 走吧Ah. There you go, Bob. Come on.于是他们出发了And they were off.出发 去寻找他们的新老大Off, to find their new boss.来 鲍勃Come on, Bob.凯文Huh? Kevin?-饿了吗 -有吃的吗- Hungry? - Food?没有吃的There is no food.香蕉Huh. Banana.斯图尔特 怎

16、么了Uh. Stuart, What it it?香蕉Banana.香蕉Banana!-斯图尔特 -吃的- Stuart. - Food.停下Stop!鲍勃 快停下Bob! Stop!陆地Huh. Oh. Land!鲍勃Bob.纽约 1968年尼克松 最后你可以信任的人看那个Oh, look at that one.看那个Whoa. Look at that one.-和平 -爱和平 反战争- Peace! - Make love, not war!世界和平Peace to the world.好耶 好耶Boo ya. Boo ya.好耶 好耶 好耶Boo Ya! Boo ya, boo ya

17、.香蕉Banana.阿罗哈之歌♥1968最热曲香蕉Banana.斯图尔特 嘿Stuart. Hey, oh. Bee-do.鲍勃呢Where is Bob?-凯文 -鲍勃- Kevin. - Huh. Bob!香蕉Oh. Banana.鲍勃Bob!鲍勃Huh. Ah, Bob.鲍勃 鲍勃在那 走Huh, Bob. Theres Bob. Come on.抱歉 来了来了Excuse me. Coming through.好吧 你去右边找Ah. Okay. You go right.我去这边And I go this way.鲍勃Bob!本店即将结束营业The store is no

18、w closing.-你干什么呢 -抱歉 抱歉- Hey, what are you doing? - Excuse me. Excuse me.-鲍勃 你在哪 -给我- Bob, where you? - Give me that.凯文Oh, Kevin.我在这里 凯.I am over here, Ke.哈哈 全是我的伙伴们Hey. My buddies?你们在这里 你们都在这 伙伴们You are here. You are here, my buddies.是我 鲍勃Hey. Its me, Bob.伙伴们Hey. My buddies.鲍勃 鲍勃Bob! Bob!你在这啊Oh. Th

19、ere you are.-怎么了 -没事- What happened? - Nothing.给你 这是蒂姆Oh. There, heres Tim.哈哈 我的蒂姆 谢谢你Oh, ha ha. My Tim. Thank you.不 他们关门了Oh no. They are closed.看这个 嘣嘣嘣Hey. Look at this. Boing, boing,上来吧Come on in.我们享受一下 斯图尔特Lets have it, Stuart.好 稍等一下Yes, yes. Just a second.这个怎么样Ah. Hows this shows?侠探西蒙-不要 换个台 -好吧

20、 换台- Uh, nah. Try another channel. - Okay, okay, changing.非诚勿扰好吧 就看这个Okay, Lets watch this.欢迎回到非诚勿扰And welcome back to the Dating Game.詹尼弗 你决定好了Well Jennifer. Have you decided要跟这三位绅士中的哪一位约会了吗which of these 3 gentlemen, youll go on a date with?-是鲍勃呢 -选鲍勃- Is it Bob? - Yeah! Go Bob.-还是凯文 -是我 凯文- Kevin

21、. - Its me, Kevin.-又或者是斯图尔特 -斯图尔特- Or will it be Stuart? - Oh. Yo, Stuart.天哪 真是太难了 他们都太可爱了Gosh. This is so hard. They all sounded so cute.我想我会选.I think Im going to go with.大家别慌 好了Nobody panic, alright.淡定 斯图尔特Now, now. Calm down, Stuart.VNCV. N. C.你正在收看绝密的恶棍网络频道Youre watching the top secret Villain N

22、etwork Channel.你要是告诉任何人 我们会找到你的If you tell anyone, well find you.别动Huh. Dont move.由恶棍集中营赞助Sponsored by Villain-Con.已经举办了八十九年For 89 years straight.全球罪犯的最大盛宴The biggest gathering of criminals anywhere.在那里我们可以找到老大That-Thats where we would find the big boss.倾听德高望重的恶棍嘉宾讲座Attend guest lectures from esteem

23、 villains.与地下社区密切交流Make contacts in the underworld community.还有 首次登场的And, for the first time anywhere,斯嘉丽杀人狂Scarlet Overkill!邪恶 如此邪恶Evil. So evil.犯罪天才Criminal genius.女人当自强Hey. Girls got to make a living.-靠边站吧 男人们 -别挡路- Move aside, men. - Make way.-城里来了新的坏人 -抱歉- Theres a new bad man in town. - Excuse

24、 me.而她是个女人And that man is a woman.-犯罪还未准备好 -凶猛来袭- Crime isnt ready. - Its red hot.这周末来参加恶棍集中营吧Get to Villain-Con this weekend.就在佛罗里达州 奥兰多Only at 545 Orange Grove Avenue,橘林大道545号♥in Orlando, Florida.犯罪乐无穷So much fun, its a crime.恶棍集中营 奥兰多Oh. Villain-Con, Orlando.你好 奥兰多怎么走Hello. Orlando?屁&heart

25、s;股♥Ah, buttocks.你好 奥兰多怎么走Hey, greetings. Orlando?你好 帕帕基娜 漂亮的帕帕基娜Ooh. Hello, Papagena. You beautiful papaya.-你知道奥兰多吗 -我想是那边- Do you know, Orlando? - Oh. I think.那边走That way.-谢谢你 宝宝 -拜拜- Ah, okay. Thank you, baby. - Bye bye.往那边走That way.去奥兰多To Orlando!帕帕基娜Ah! Papagena!纽约斯图尔特 干巴爹Hey, Stuart. Do

26、 you best.好极了Oh yeah, far out.约翰维恩加西 邪恶的连环杀人小丑维恩欢迎你 伙计Welcome to Wayne, brother.不不不 凯文No. No no no. Kevin.让我来 让我来 你看着Ill do it. Ill do it. You watch.不不不 让我来 让我来 你看着No no, no no. Ill do it. Ill do it. You watch.这下好了Yah, right.你等着 给你瞧瞧Just you wait. Ill show you.停车 停车Hey. Stop! Stop!停车Stop!这边 停车 停车Ove

27、r here. Stop! Stop!停车 停车Stop. Stop.停车Stop.给你 你来There. You do it.斯图尔特 小样儿Stuart, thats him.奥兰多Orlando.沃尔特你看Oh, Walter look.这些可爱的小怪物也要去奥兰多These adorable little freaks are heading to Orlando too.我看到了 小沃尔特Yeah, I see that. Hey, Walter Junior.-怎么了 蒂娜 -你们好- Whats happening? - Tina. - Hi.小粉 载他们一程如何Pinkie.

28、What do you say we give these fellows a ride?-新朋友 -新朋友- Yeah! New friends. - Yeah! New friends.快到纳尔逊快车上来All aboard the Nelson Express.你 一只眼 你跟我坐You, one eye, Youre sitting next to me.好吧 我走了Okay. Im going.斯图尔特 上车Stuart. Just get on.还好先遇上我们Glad we came along不然待会被什么怪人掳走了before some weirdos picked you u

29、p.谁要吃苹果Who wants apple slices?苹果Ahh. Apple.你也来一块Oh, you too.要多吃点才能快高长大身体棒喔Growing of a. boy like. creatures need their strength.你要吗Okay. You want it?谢谢 哥们Thanks, man.好啦 谁要下车活动活动Alrighty. Who needs to stretch their legs?我我我我我Yes. Me me me!你们几个在这等着 我们马上回来You guys wait right here. Well be right back.好了 纳尔逊家族 咱们上Okay, Nelsons. Lets do this.要做防护措施吗Uh. Protection?银行快 快 快Go go go!好了好了 再次出发Okey dokey, on the road again.爸 有人在追我们 都怪我触动了警报Dad, we got company. Its because I trippe

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