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1、论文标题和摘要的翻译论文标题和摘要的翻译 (2012-3-8)一,概述: 从语篇类型看,论文标题与摘要均属信息类语篇(informative text)。 论文标题有简明扼要,突出文章主题等特点。 在文体上有特殊要求:术语准确;表达客观;文字简练;条理分明;逻辑严密。二,汉英论文标题和摘要的差异1. 汉英论文标题和摘要在句法和行文结构等方面有较大差异,如: 汉语常加进表示编写者的主观见解,解释,评论的词汇,常用本文,作者,我们等第一人称做主语,主动语态居多。 英语则相对较多使用名词化结构,被动句,长句,通常用第三人称表达, 文章中较少出现we, I 等。2. 汉英论文标题和摘要在标题表达方式上

2、也有很大差异:传统中国文化视谦虚为美德,受其影响,即便是权威性很强的文章也往往习惯使用“试论”,“初探”,“浅谈”,“略谈”,“刍议”,“浅析”等表达自谦的字眼。3. 在句法上, 汉英标题差异主要体现为汉语常用动词短语结构和字数相等的并列结构。英语则常用名词,动名词,介词,和不定式等短语结构。 汉语摘要常用无主句;英语则必须有主语。4. 在时态上,汉语无时态变化,时间的先后习惯用词汇手段表示,如:“分析了。问题”“对。进行了研究”“报告了。现状”“进行了。调查”英语中,鉴于摘要主要以提供信息和报告研究成果为主,更看重其客观性,因此英文摘要的时态通常为一般现在时。5. 此外,为节省空间,标题和摘

3、要翻译中还常运用缩写词。缩写词用大写字母拼写,可用于替代冗长而复杂的词或词组,既节省版面标题字数又突出内容,简洁醒目。如:CPC (Communist Party of China)IPRs ( Intellectual Property Rights) CRM ( Conflict Resolution Mechanism) 争端解决机制6. 汉语标题的翻译中,。初探试论。浅谈。对。的若干思考对。之我见对。的研究刍议。浅析。英文中以上的意思可用“On”译出。例如:“试论高校学生的思想工作问题”的标题可译为:“On Ideological Work for College Students”试

4、译:1. “社会主义市场经济问题研究”2. 汽车点火系统发展研究3. 试论当前高校党的建设 On Socialist Market Economy (On )Development of Automotive Ignition System On Party Building at Colleges Today7. 使用名词短语,题目太长时可用破折号隔开,如: 普通民众消费的增加应该是消费政策的核心。Growth of General Public Consumption-Core of Consumer Policy试译:1. 法是“理”与“力”的结合2. 网球运动中肘关节损伤之原因及防治对

5、策3. 转换企业经营机制必须改革干部人事制度 Law- combination of ethics with power Elbow Joint Injury in Tennis Sport-Causes & Preventions Reform of Personnel System- A Necessity for Shifting Business Management Mode8. 使用动名词短语,如:加强法制建设,保障“十五”计划实施Enhancing the Building of Legal System to Implement the Tenth Five Year Plan

6、9. 使用不定式短语, 如:迈开科研第一步How to Make the First Step in Scientific Research中国宪政社会基础的构建How to Establish Social Basis for Constitutionalism in China即学即练:1. 两岸学术合作发展研究2. 多媒体课件制作探索3. 与企业合作,寻求双赢之路4. 试论高校办公室工作中若干辩证关系5. 反腐倡廉是正确办学的保证 On Cross-Straits Financial Cooperation and Development On Development of Multim

7、edia Courseware Win-win Cooperation with Businesses A Dialectical Approach to Administration at Colleges Fighting against Corruption - a Guarantee of Running Schools on the Right TrackIT产业发展趋势浅析摘要:根据作者多年从事IT行业技术开发和技术管理的经验,综合分析IT产业的发展趋势,可归纳为:软件产品硬件化,硬件产品软件化,网络服务社会化,社会分工国际化和技术知识资本化,供IT企业管理者和决策层参考。关键词:

8、IT;信息产品;发展趋势On the Development of IT industryAbstract: Based on years of experience in the IT industry, the author analyses the development trends of the IT industry, which ma be summed up as follows: integration of software and hardware products; socialization of network services; globalization of

9、division of labor and capitalization of technical knowledge.Keywords: IT, information products, development trends点评:原文标题中“浅析”无须译出; “发展趋势”也可简化处理为development. 另外,从简洁性考虑,“软件产品硬件化,硬件产品软件化”需做释意处理,缩合为:“硬软件产品一体化”。最后一句“供参考”无实质信息,可删去。解决中国能源短缺问题的重要途径摘要:中国巨大的能源需求不能期望由化石能源来解决,而只能寄希望于可再生能源。期望中国将能由西南地区的水电,东南沿海地区

10、的风电和东北西北地区的风电分别实现各个不同地区发展所需电力。关键词:能源;风力发电;Solution to Chinas Energy ShortageAbstract: China should look to renewable energy resources for its enormous energy demand rather than rely on fossil fuels. It is expected that the increasing needs for electric power in China can be met with hydroelectric po

11、wer in southwest region, wind power in southeastern coastal region as well as northeastern and northwestern regions. Key words: energy, wind energy点评:“解决。的重要途径”用solution(解决方法)表达足矣,无须加上“重要”。第一个句子由 “China”做主语能够突出主体信息,表达也更简洁。练习:谈建筑设计与建筑节能摘要:舒适节能高品质建筑是中国建筑发展的方向。采用高科技节能环保技术是中国建筑设计的发展趋势。增加科技含量,提高建筑舒适度,降低能

12、耗并保护环境,在技术实施和市场运作上系统化的配合与互动,从而在不影响建筑舒适度的前提下实现节能的目的。现阶段国际能源危机加剧,建设生态节能建筑势在必行。关键词:建筑设计;建筑节能;科技含量Architectural Design and Building Energy SavingAbstract:The orientation of Chinas construction is to be comfortable, energy saving and high quality. Introducing the high tech and energy saving technology is

13、 the trend of Chinas architectural design. It achieves the purpose of saving energy by increasing the technology content; improving the building comfort, reducing the energy consumption, protecting the environment, and the systematic coordination and interaction in the technology implementation and

14、the market operation. Now, it is essential to build up energy saving construction as the international energy crisis deepens.Key words: architectural design; building energy conservation; technology content 电视传播的人文精神(humanism/ Human spirit)摘要:人文精神贯穿于电视传播的内容和形式中。纵观今年的电视节目,可以看到人文精神在电视传播中表现出以下特点:它不仅是西方

15、输入的思想,而且在中国民族传统中早已有之;它是开放的,发展的,伴随时代的变化而注入新的内容;它不仅弘扬真善美,而且批判假恶丑;它与技术的相互融通更好地满足了人性的需求。Humanism in TV BroadcastingAbstract: Humanism exists in the form and content of TV broadcasting. It shows the following features in TV shows in the recent years: it not only originated from the west, but also has been rooted in the Chinese tradition; it praises the true, the good and the beautiful, and it criticizes the false, the evil and the ugly, its combination with technology better meets the need of humanism.Key words: TV broadcasting; humanism; nationality; criticalness; technicality

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