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1、九unit42教育学科教师辅导讲义 课 题第九册 unit 4(2)what would you do?教学目的1. 掌握重点词汇的相关用法,通过做练习加深理解。2. 熟记必备句型,做到灵活运用。3. 本节的难点是单词“rest”的用法。4. 重点:fair的含义及用法教学内容Presentation九册 unit 4(2)词汇:1. Not in the slightest/ not at all两者都可意为“一点也不”,用法相同I would be delighted and not in the slightest bit envious. 我将非常高兴,不会有一点点的嫉妒。I am n

2、ot at all satisfied with the present situation.我对现状根本不满意。练习:老板对她的工作很不满意。老太太对她现在的生活感到一点也不幸福。2. Let sb. down意为“使沮丧,使失望”The continual wet weather is getting me down. 持续的潮湿天气使我沮丧。 Dont worry. Ill never let you down. 别担心。我决不会让你失望的。练习:他所作的事情不会让你失望的。3. Come up with意为“提出,赶上”He came up with good ideas for th

3、e product promotion. 他想出一个推广产品的好方法。 He could not come up with a proper answer. 他想不出一个合适的回答。We came up with a group of tourists. 我们赶上了一群旅游者。练习:We are sure that scientists will _ a way to solve the difficult problem.It is necessary to _ the dictionary when you dont understand the words.Shall we _ thes

4、e posters?A. Put up B. come up with C. look up D. come up4. rest用法:(难点)作名词“休息;休养;休息时间”,不可数名词Lets take a rest. 我们休息一下吧。 “停止,静止”,不可数名词The power failure brought the refrigerator to a rest. 停电致使冰箱停止工作。“剩余的人,其余”后接可数名词The rest of the eggs have gone bad.剩下的鸡蛋都变质了。作动词不及物动词 vi. 休息;睡;安息,长眠(+from)Mrs. Whitman

5、rests with her husband. 惠特曼太太与先生长眠一处。 被支撑在,搁在;依赖,依据Q(+on/upon)The whole theory rests on a wrong assumption. 整个理论都是建立在错误的假定上。 (常用在否定句)安定下来,放心,安心She will not rest until she gets to the bottom of the matter. 不查明事实真相她不会安心。及物动词 vt. 使休息;使安息;使轻松The doctor tried to rest his patients mind at ease. 医生设法让病人安下心

6、来。 使支撑在,使搁在;使(视线等)停留在He rested his eyes on the new comer for an instant. 他瞧了一下那个新来的人练习:Sunday is my rest day.Let the argument rest there, because we shall never agree.Ensure that our traditional markets are looked after; for the rest, I am not much concerned.This wall will do as a rest for your came

7、ra.5. whole/allwhole和all的用法及区别: 这两个词意思相近。但与限定词和名词连用时,它们的词序各不相同。试比较: “all + 限定词 + 名词” “限定词 + whole + 名词” all与 whole都可以和单数名词连用。Mary spent all the summer at home. 玛丽整个夏天都是在家里度过的。 也可以说成: Mary spent the whole summer at home. all my life我的一生=my whole life whole与all都可以和单数可数名词连用,但whole更为常见。例如: Mary wasted t

8、he whole lesson. (较 all the lesson更常见)玛丽把整整一堂课都浪费掉了。 He ate the whole chicken. (较all the chicken更常见)他把整只鸡都吃掉了。 all通常与不可数物质名词连用,而 whole则不能。例如: 正:Jane has drunk all the milk. 误:Jane has drunk the whole milk. 珍妮喝光了所有的牛奶。 You can easily spend a whole day there. (whole多与可数名词连用) 你可以轻松地在那里呆上一整天。 但有些抽象名词前可用

9、 whole。例如: Can you tell me the whole truth?(=Can you tell me all the truth?) 你能告诉全部事实真相吗? the whole of或all(of)可放在专有名词,代词和限定词之前。例如:The whole of/All of London was under water. 整个伦敦都被水淹没。He has just read the whole of Gone With The Wind.(=all of Gone With The Wind.) 他刚把飘全部看完。 I dont understand the whole

10、 of/all of it. 这件事情我并不完全了解。练习:The _ family the _ world _ the students_ over the world a _ week _ her life6. else/other1. else 是个副词,与不定代词或副词(以-one,-body,-thing,-where结尾的词)连用,表示“另外”、“其它”的意思用于这些词后面。Would you like something else to drink? 你还要喝点别的什么吗?We went to the park and nowhere else. 我们到公园去了,其它什么地方也没

11、去。 2. else 还可用在疑问代词或副词(如:who ,what ,where等)后面表示强调。 Who else will go to the meeting? 还有谁要去参加会议? What else would you do? 你还有什么别的事要做吗? 5. else 还常用于固定结构or else ,意为“否则”、“要不然”。 Run, or else well be late . 快跑,不然我们就迟到了。 Do what I say, or else ! 照我的话去做,否则后果自负。other后既可接可数名词复数形式又可接不可数名词,如:可数,other pencils 其它的铅

12、笔,other students 其他的学生。不可数other tea 别的/其它的茶,other information 别的/其它消息。 the other 定指其它的,其后可接可数名词和单数, the other book 另外的一本书, the other map 另一张地图, 其后也可跟可数名词的复数形式,如: the other flowers 其他的花朵,the other teachers 其它的老师们,还可以接不可数名词, the other water 剩下的水,the other beer 别的啤酒 others 其用法相当于复数名词,此词不能用作定语,表示的意思是“不具

13、体的某些东西”, This chemical is poisonous. Others are poisonous, too. ( others = other chemicals ) 但是如果others前用了the ,则表示具体的别的东西。 I dont want these books. Please give me the others .( the others = the other books)练习:Is there anything _ to that?Her _ children are all in the army.Im going to take you somewhe

14、re _.Some boys are reading; _ are listening to the radio.7. fair形容词公正的;公平的;诚实的Thats a fair comment. 那是公正的评价。 尚可的,一般的;相当的His knowledge of English is fair. 他的英语水平尚可。反义词,在词首加否定前缀“un”,unfair不公平的What the government did was unfair to the people.政府这种对民众的做法是不公平的。副词公平地You must act fairly.你必须行事公平。很,非常She is a

15、 fairly good dancer.她是个很好的舞者。练习:用fair的恰当形式填空1. It is _ for him to do such work.2. What he did was _ meaningful for everyone.3. We think it _ to give him that comment.8. company名词 n. 公司,商号Tom works for a computer company. 汤姆在一家电脑公司上班。 伴侣(们);同伴(们),朋友(们) People are judged by the company they keep. 根据某人

16、结交的朋友便能判断其人了。 客人Do you expect company for the weekend? 这个周末你家有客人吗?练习:由于朋友们的帮助,他成功来到这家公司工作。9. By accident/by chance两者都有“偶然地,意外地”意思,I forgot the cards by accident. 我意外的忘了那些卡片。 Sometimes we succeed by accident. 有时我们会意外取得成功。 They met him by accident. 他们偶然遇见了他。 I met Tom by chance yesterday. 昨天我偶然遇见汤姆。10

17、. Find动词 找到,寻得;发现;碰上Newton found that all masses attract each other. 牛顿发现所有的物质都相互吸引。 Ive found the book I was hunting for. 我已找到了我曾搜寻的那本书。 发现.处于某种状态,强调结果You will find it a difficult book. 你会觉得这是本难以读懂的书。 I found the job boring. 我发现这工作令人厌烦。 He found the door closed. 他发现门关着。 We found him waiting for us

18、at the station. 我们看到他在车站等我们。 The day I got back, I found a note on my desk. 我回家的那天发现书桌上有张字条。供应,供给The father has to find food and clothing for his children. 父亲得供给孩子衣食。 An uncle found the money for his education. 一位叔叔出钱供他读书。名词 发现That was a great archaeological find. 那是一次了不起的考古发现。Find out 意为“找出,发现”,强调过

19、程Please find out when the train starts. 请查一下火车什么时候开。11. Injure, hurt, woundedhurt 使受伤No one was seriously hurt in the traffic accident. 在这次交通事故中没有人受重伤。 伤.的感情;使(感情)受到伤害He inadvertently hurt her feelings. 他无意中伤了她的感情。 损害,危害The scandal hurt the governments image badly. 这丑闻严重损害了政府的形象。 injured是强调主体不再完整,收了

20、损伤或者其他伤害。 His back was injured. 他背部受伤了。wounded仅用来指枪伤、刀伤或者武器及铁制品造成的伤害,尤其特指战争后留下的伤痕。使受伤;伤害The shot wounded her left arm. 子弹打伤了她的左臂。课堂练习:Many doctors went to the front to provide medical care for the _ soldiers. A. hurt B. damaged C. injured D. wounded重点短语:give it to charity 把它捐给慈善机构 medical research 医

21、学研究 get nervous 紧张take a big exam 参加大考 help with 有助于in public 在公共场合 hardly ever 几乎不the whole school 全校 without permission 为经许可be(make) friends with 与交朋友 ask ones permission 请求的允许introduceto 把介绍给 inviteto do 邀请干social situations 社会环境 not in the slightest 根本不,一点也不 right away 立刻,马上 all day 全天be friendl

22、y to 对友好 at lunch time 在午饭时间a bit shy 有点害羞 English speech contest 英语演讲比赛represent the class 代表班级 come top 名列第一(前茅)let down 使失望 come up with 提出、想出be sure of + n./pron. the rest of the students 其余的学生have a lot of experience (in) doing sth deal with 对付,处理 come out 出版give advice on 在方面提出意见、建议 by acciden

23、t 偶然地,无意之中hurry to do sth 匆匆忙忙干 an internet friend 网友必备句型:1. Im too tired to do well.我太累了,没考好。2. Dogs can be a lot of trouble.狗会带来很多麻烦。3. What are you like? 你是什么样的人?4. Id invite him/her to have dinner at my house.我会邀请他(她)到我家吃饭。5. You enjoy the company of other people.你喜欢别人的陪伴。6. I feel nervous talking in front of many people.我在众人面前讲话时感到紧张。7. She always comes top in the school exams.她在学校的考试中总是名列前茅。8. She doesnt want to let her friends down.她不愿让朋友失望。

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